Pit' I owan erving The State Ulliver Uy of Iowa CamPfI and Iowa City Established In 1868-Five Cents a Copy • fember 01 Anoeial~ Pr ire and Wirephoto St-rvice 10 a City. JOWl, Tbursd ,December n. lt5S Itey West Welcomes Parking Big 7 finds Facilities 'Generally T.rrible' L~gless Vet To Have KANS S CITY I Pr.esident on Vo€otioR den ot Ble s~ \. n Conf ~ roUee efl cu ed their clm­ p parkin" prahl ms Wtd­ -More than nllllday and found them Electric Corp. ~~!itical Note eTIIly terrible. their way Harry Potter or [owa Slate line to go to Coll::e lei th.. number of Open Loyalty ·Probe were kept Seen by Some slU dent-o\\n~ \'chicle til ~ for several Increa$ln at ttl r t of 500 KEY WEST, FLa. (IP) -Presi­ or their shift a year. nd at pre5Cnl hll! th dent Eisenhower flew to this said it s(\ldenlJ brin CII to school of vio- balmy resort area Wednesday Wants To lor about 12 days of Test which Th The Weather Dixie (ourt couid be an Importllnt lactor in Bhr • whether he seeks reelection. The President stepped from Cloudy Gel Back his plane silll keeping mum Refuses Bond about hls poU ieal plans, but the - '- big crowd on hand to welcome & SUMNER, Mi fA> - Elm r him caught a glimpsc of Eisen­ I Klmbell Wedne 'day Io:;t h~ bid VA Benefits lor Ir dom on bond whlle hower mannerisms reminiscent IIW hin .llrand jUry cli n on I of the 1962 campaign. WASH[NGTON (A") -Ve crans Cold.r char c or murderln!: a Nelro Administration oW~lat.. ai" ed Ali he did in those days. the man. Wednead y 10 allow new men to chief executive stood and waved Thn jusllee c.f th peart! h 111 cOVer I Friday hearln, It which In an open car, both arms out­ Iront which pu hed a pr IImlnary h arln, Cor the the loy Ity of J ames Kutcher, • st.retched above his head. It was lowiy cro . Ih t t cotton ,in o~r tor nd refu. d le,l ex- 1'Vict'man, will be the first time newsmen hl\d seen bond. Otricers returned KImbell arru~. him do that since his Sept. 24 companied by brief how rI chanKing to light In ow a the to j 11 10 aWlit Ictlon of the It IppellJ'Cd unlikely, howpver, heart a Hack. ,r nd Jury which mt'Cia next that Kutch"y ould be granted 4·Hour Filcht cold aIr mo\ ed In . farch. II ~ond request pu.sh~ by his The presidential plane Colum­ Foreca Ie ~allcd for rain Th hearing wa held in the II wren - to t co hla ICCU n. bine II[ arrived at Boca Ch lca or now in til We t todlY. little courtho wh re the n­ Attorney. for the unemployed Airpon alter a fUght or nearly chllnalnl to .now .... Ith strona satlon 1 mrneH Till trial w.s James Kutcher former V A tile rlerk Crom Ncw­ held nk, N.J., no threatened with four hours Irom Washington. Levees Hold north winds tonl,ht. Th cen- Can', Fu('/' ("CII. cr . Bond u~uall'y is r fu cd In IQ of tlls .329 monlhly compen- He was accon:panled by his h'ai and t w re to n vo ca. wh rap .... on is ceused personal physician, Maj . Gen. .allon check. had halsted tbe ,catl r d IIho\\c tod, y, ot a crime .... hlch carrie a hearin he 0 n to the pre . Howard M. Snyder; his youngest In California .Ible death cnt nce upon con­ A BARE-UEADED Pre Ident £1 enhower rrtved •• Ke, W t, changing to r' 111 or now by The Ilso ur,~ In a wire lo brother, Or. Milton S. Eisenhow­ viction. · Fla., Wednesday tor a vaca.tlon aud re,t. at the Key We I N.v.l (.4'1 nl,hUall. pe1'WOI\IJ er, president of Pennsylvania SAN FRANCISCO -COIl­ Kimbell i char d with mur­ Urge Drast,c Ihe VA lh. whose State University; and a small B•• e. The Presldenl wave to crowds Il hI! rtde from Ihe .lrDOrt structlon crew Th mild .... ealner will con­ chariI'.! brouJht about the kly- to the naval station, der In the shot#un 1 yIn of • altoY Inve. tlg.lIoll be lummoned White' House staff. northern California' t lnu In th oulhea t today, Clinton Melton, Ne ro rvlce , President ELienhower traveled Ilreas Wednclday nlahl but II will be colder in the ,laUon attendant lit nearby Glen­ to con~:nt:;~:h~rft!l dora, and !llber of children. Salety Action to Florida 6n advice or hlB doc­ wad d into the' task of hodn, northwe t. Lo\v early today tour The accus d mlln testilled he The exact chn:ea have not tors who recommended earlier up weakened lev ,r bulldlna will run frvln 8 northwesl to CHICAGO (.4') - The Nation. this month that he get some fired In elf-defense nCt r 80m - been mlde public, but Kutcher Probe Ames Deaths; trld,ea and repalrln.- d mal d 40 .0utheOls~, while hllh. later on Ihot It him thr c tlme. al SaCety Council Wcdn dlY has been I" difficulty wilh the warm sun and outdoor exercise VA sInce i 941 fOl' aUeled a soc1- in pTeparation 101' resumption of bus Inc s d lstrlct •. In the day will I each the 20.. In Klmb 11 & Id he didn't know who UI" d the 48 .tat IOvernon to aHona and lltatements' lbout the. ALO a ' :tuIJ work load at the White Lower t mper81ur hlld ch ck­ the northw t nd:lO In th Ilr d until h r~urn d the tiro tdke dra.tlc, emergency me... • and kill d M Iton. U.S. form of IrOvetnment. rralo bones, House next month. cd the d 'Vast Un, runoff of xtl mc oulhca. t. ur I to hold down th trlf!le heavy rIllnl th I drumm~ on Lee '[rGYrrh, M Iton'" em· VA oUlc1al3 met I te W dne­ in Japan, ., .. ... Te .Relum J ..... Abbott's Mother Dies Friday'" outlook l! Cor cold at Hanalzu­ the low-Iyln, areas for a we k, player, Ie Ulled th l Klmbeil New Yelf week· (IIY to consIder the demlDelI by James C. Hagerty, presidentia l AMES (A') _ MI·s. J!'rlne Abbott, 45, died Wednesday nleht In and windy with diminlshina fir d without provocation. nd lawy~r . A u, Japan's The dcath toll stood W dne - Kutcher's .poke man press seeretliry. said on IlrTlval 'Mary Grceley Hospital where she had b Cn D p tlent [or mor than 1ellon WaJ unarm d. scientists day nlahl at 34 In Callrornia snow. The council predicted 420 announced aften\'ard Kutcher that1 Mr. Eisenhower probably a month, while authorities were Inves.tlgatina the d atb of her aon from wllh between 18 and 35 perliOIlJl The ('older aIr meDnS th Americans wm be lUlled on.hu ~ notLlied personilly h18 will return to Wa~hjngton Jan. 8 and an Ames greenhollse keeper. oWl) "wbhl!S III be honored" as 'tiLl mlslln,. Twelve wer dead will - Ilyf.' day!! '\rter Conarc.ss re- Authorlties emph Iz d that none of the tie th wer related. Iowa City hleh he round strects and roads Frld.y blJht. f.r u .dmlttl~ reportor. Is In Ore&:on. 25. ' , • Humphrey Brands convenes, Airman 3.C. Ronald Abbott, 25. who 0 ticlals said had obtained S turday, Sund.y and Konda),- cot'lcelll8d. Army engineers announc d that .. reeord for New Year hoUdays. 'Hagerty repeated there was no leave to visit his sick mother, Iowa City' low Tue day Flexilli. Dairy He did lIy that on the basls need fOr the! Pre.ldent to be on was found dead In the green­ the floods covered on million The council', CoreclUlt lor the J)cres of northern California at nl ht Wh 29 and the hlllh was of precede'lt, the aceuaers prob­ hahd Wlhen: the session staTts house Christmas night. Prices A Failure Christmas holidlY was ~80 traf­ one time. 42. ably would not be c.Ued In for next Tuesday. His State of the Lester Erickson, 51, the green­ riC deaths. a tace-to-r.ce thrt'shln; oUl of Plans Ready Levees held firm in the d Ita Roads In the northern and WASHINGTON (JPI - S n. Th flnll count In an A o· Union message wlll go to Con- house operator and friend 0[ Ab­ Hubert If. Humphr y (D-Mlnn.) the charlet. area of the San Joaquin nd elions of Ihe .tatc cia ted Pr I lurvey was 809, I gress two dayS later, Thursday, bott, was found dead Tuesday. Wedne duy branded as "com­ , tar Ca.. .....• Jan. 5. ClerkS wlU read It to the The deaths of the two men in Sllcramento Rivers. despite an th cold record ror Iny holiday. unusually hlih tide. pi t failure" lh rlexlble Ind VlrioU earlly oCCkl .I.s bave The area was listed as "sUll _____________ senate and House. a period of 40 hours were still For Schools lower price support proVlm ap­ contend~ that barln, their The Eisenhower physiCians being Investlgated Wednesday critical," however, and 2,000 resi­ plied to do iry products. Moyer* Pleads* * for ou~ of information w?llld ha.ve said they won't be able to . Architects will present the Humphrey aid in a slatement hlmper the eHort to raul sub­ tell whether his heart would night by Shenff Ivan Shalley.
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