City Report KARACHI CITY Population and Housing Census 1998 Government of Pakistan Statistics Division Population Census Organization www.census.gov .pk PREFACE The process of urbanization and continuous expansion of the cities m term of population size have resulted in ever increasing civic problems. This, naturally, necessitates the availability of data pertaining to urban centres for planned development of the area and to solve other relevant issues. Although. the regular census publications of 1998 Census i.e., District/ Provincial and National Reports carry· data by rural/ urban areas in all the tables while two tables pertain to urban localities in the district/ province but that does not replace the demand for exclusive tabulation of data for urban centres, especially the big cities. Therefore, it seemed appropriate to publish separate City Reports, initially for big cities, having population of 3 lac and above. The City Report consists of five parts vtz (I) Write up which carries general description of the city, (II) Broad analysis of population data, (Ill) Broad analysis of housing data, Part-IV comprises statistical tables while part-V provides additional information in the form of annexures. I hope this report will be a valuable addition to the stock of census publications and will serve its purpose. NAJAM HASAN Islamabad, April, 2004 Chief Census Commissioner v LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS 1 Basic Material for different Officers/staff of the Provincial Census section of Part-I Office, Karachi 2. Analysis, preparation of Part-II Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq and Part-Ill Assistant Census Commissioner 3. Supervision Muhammad Saleem Deputy Census Commissioner 4. Checking Rana lnsaf Ali Khan Census Commissioner 5. Final typing work Muhammad Saleem Qureshi Stenotypist 6. Proof Reading ( 1) Muhammad Riaz Statistical Assistant (2) Liaquat Ali Chattha Statistical Assistant 7. Printing ·Chief Technical Officer and his staff Printing Press, Population Census Organization, Islamabad NAJAM HASAN 8. Approval Chief Census Commissioner vii CONTENTS PART-1 Page No. 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY 1.1 GEOGRAPHY I 1. l. I Name, Location and Area 2 1.1.2 Climate 3 1.2 HISTORY 3 1.3 ADMINISTRATIVE SETUP 3 1.3. I Local Government System 4 1.3.2 Police 4 1.4 JUDICIARY 4 1.5 EDUCATIONAL SETUP 5 1.6 HEALTH 7 I. 7 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND TRADE 7 I. 7. I Manufacturing Industry 8 I. 7 .2 Domestic and International Trade 9 1.8 THE MEDIA 9 1.9 RECREATION 10 1.10 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 10 I. I 0.1 Transport 10 1.10.2 Railway 10 I.10.3 Aviation 11 I. I 0.4 Sea Port 11 1.11 TELECOMMUNICATION AND POST AL SERVICES I I 1.12 BANKS viii PART-II 2. BROAD ANALYSIS OF POPULATION DATA I 5 2. I POPULATION SIZE, GROWTH AND DISTRIBUTION I 5 2.1.1 PopulationSizeandGro\\th I 5 2 I .2 Household Size 15 2. 1.3 Religion 15 2.1.-1 Mother Tongue IX 2.2 SEX, ACE AND MARITAL STATUS 2 II 2.2.1 Sex Ratio 2 II 2.2.1 Age Structure 2 II 2.2.3 Marital Status 21 2 2--1 Female of Reproducti' e Ages b' Marital Status 2.2.5 Disabled Persons 2.3 LITERACY AND 1-:DUCATION 2-1 2.3 I Literac,· 2-1 2.3 2 Educational Attainment 2 3.3 Enrollment Ratio 2.3.4 Level of Education 2..t MIGRATION 27 2 -1. I Migration :_7 2.-1.2 Life Time Migrants 27 2.-1. 3 Rt.::asons of i'vligration fro1n Pre\ ious Residence 2.-1.-1 Duration of Continuous Residence 2.5 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 2.5.1 Economicalh Acti\e Population 31 2.5.2 Un-Emplovment 31 2.5.3 Employed Population bv Occupation 31 2.5.4 Employed Population b,· Industry 3-1. 2.5.5 Employed Population b' Employment Status 36 2.6 IMMUNIZATION 38 2.7 NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD 38 ix PART-III 3 BROAD ANALYSIS OF HOUSING DATA 41 3.1 HOUSING STOCK 41 3. I. I Level of Congestion, Person and Rooms 41 3.1.2 Nature of Tenure 41 3. 1.3 Period of Construction 42 3. 1.4 Construction Material of Outer Walls 42 3. 1.5 Construction Material of Roofs 45 3.2 HOUSING FACILITIES 45 3.2.1 Source of Drinking Water 45 3 .2 .2 Source of Lighting 48 3.2.3 Cooking Fuel Used 48 3 .2.4 Availability of Separate Kitchen. Bathroom and Toilet Facilities 51 3.2.5 Source of Information 51 PART- IV STATISTICAL TABLES Table- I Population by sex, sex ratio, household size and annual growth rate 57 Table-2 (Not Included) Table-3 (Not Included) Table-4 Population by single year age and sex 58 Table-5 Population by selected age group and sex 67 Table-6 Population ( 15 years and above) by sex, age group and marital status 68 Table-7 Population by relationship to the head of household by age group, 71 and sex Table-8 Population by religion and sex 76 Table-9 Population (5 years and above) by religion and ability to read the Holy Quran or respective Holy Book 77 Table-IO Population by mother tongue and sex 78 Table-I I Population (I 0 years and above) by literacy, sex and age group 79 Table-12 Literate population (I 0 years and above) by level of educational attainment, sex and age group 82 Table-I 3 Literate population (I 0 years and above) by field of education, sex and age group 85 Table-14 Population (5 years and above) by educational institution attendance, sex ·and age group 88 x Table-15 Student population (5 \Cars and abo\c) by educational attainment, sex and age group 91 Tablc-16 Student population (5 years and above) b\ field of education. sex and age group 9-l Table-17 Population by place of enumeration. place of birth and sex 97 Table-18 Population by duration of continuous resid~ncc_ sex and ~lg-: group 98 Tablc-19 Migrant population by place of prc\ious residence and duration of continuous residence 104 Table-20 Migrant population (I 0 years and abO\ c) b\ :dace of pre\ ious residence. litt:racy and educational attainn1cnt l IJ 7 Table-21 ~1igrant population by place of previous f('Sidcncc. reason for n1igration and sex 1111 Tablc-22 Population (I 0 \ears and a bow) by aeti' it\_ sex and age group II:; Table-23 Employed population ( 10 \Cars and abo,e) by occupation. employment status. sex and broad age group 116 Table-24 Employed population (I 0 wars and abo' c) b,· industn _ cmployn1ent status. si.::x and broad age group l22 Table-25 Emplovcd population (10 \Cars and abo\e) b\ industry. occupation. sex and broad age group 128 Table-26 Employed population (I 0 years and above) b' occupation. educational attainment and sex I:; 7 Table-2 7 Un-employed population (I 0 years and abo' e) b' educational attainment. sex and age group l 41J Tablc-28 Un-employed population (I 0 ,-cars and abo\ d by reason of un­ emplo,·ment sex and age group l -l3 Table-29 Ever married women ( 15 - 49 \ears) b,· age group and number of children born ali\e I -l6 Table-30 Ever married women ( 15 - -l9 Hars) b,· age group and number of children still living 147 Table-31 Ever married \Yorking \Vomen ( 15 - ~9 years) by age group and number of children born ali'c 1-l8 Table-32 Ever married \YOmen (15 - -l9 vears) by age group. literacy. educational attainment and number ofehildren born ali,·c 1-llJ Table-33 EYer married women (15 - 49 years) b,· age group. number of children born alive during last 12 months and still living 155 Table-34 Disabled population by nature of disability. sex and age group 156 Table-35 Disabled population (I 0 \ears and abo,e) by nature ofdisabilitv. sex, educational attainment and activity 162 Table-36 Population (less than I 0 vcars) by immunization and sex 165 Table-37 Population ( 18 years and above) holding National Idcntitv Card b' age group and sex 166 Table-38 Homeless population by age group, sex, marital status. religion and literacy 167 Table-39 (Not included) xi Tablc-40 Selected population and housing statistics of the city 170 Tablc-4 I Household bv size 244 Table-42 Housing units by household size and number of rooms 245 Tablc--13 Housing units by number of rooms and tenure 243 Tabk-44 O\\ned housing units by period of construction and number of roo1ns 247 Tabk-45 Housing units bv tenure. material used in outer \\alls and roofs 248 Tabk--16 O\\ncd housing units by period of construction. material used in outer walls and roofs 249 Table--17 Housing units bv tenure. source of drinking water. lighting and cooking fuel used 250 Table-48 0\\ ncd housing units by period of construction. source of drinking \\ater. lighting and cooking fuel used 253 Table-49 Housing units bv tenure. kitchen. bath room nnd latrine facilities 256 Table-50 Om1cd housing units by period of construction. kitchen. bath room and latrine facilities 257 Table-51 O\\·ncd housing units by period of construction, material used in outer walls and material used in roofs 258 Tablc-52 Number of households by source of information 261 PART-V ANNEXURES Anncxure-A Pakistan Standard Classification of Occupations for the 1998 Population Census 265 Anne"ure-B Pakistan Standard Classification of Industries for the 1998 Population Census 267 Anne:rnrc-C Description of Census Circles 269 Anne.'<ure-D Cit\ Map 299 PART-I GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY 1.
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