to — M ANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Nov, 8, 1988 HELP WANTED Real Estate APARTMENTS MI8CELLANEDU8 FOR RENT FOR GALE Q i J HOMES A Specioli#D<ftf! MANCHESTER. Deluxe 2 EIGHT month old water- 1 bedroom Townhouse bed, $325. Courthouse SIDERS Wanted for work FOR SALE In tw o fa m ily , cen tral One Gold membership, In East Hartford, Man- location, I'/z baths, ap­ 12'/z months left for cheter Area. Call 634- All real estate advertised In CLEANIN ICARPENTRY/ I^PAINTINO/ pliances, sunken living $450. Compared to reg- . 1660. the Manchester Herald Is 8 JMI8CELUNE0U8 room, patio, basement u lo r p rice of $700 plus. sublect to the Fair Houstne SERVICES REMODELINO | 5 B | rPAPERING ISEGVICES garage. Adults pre­ E r ic 649-3426.P________ HeReiKetpwe Act of 1968, which mokes It ferred. $760 plus utlll- Ulanrli^HtFr Hrralft llleoal to odvertlse any pref­ CLEANING Service. POOL Toble-Sears. Good Full time poiltlon. erence, limitation or discrim ­ HOLIDAY House. Retlre-| tles. 649-0311 o ffe r 6pm. condition. $300. C o ll a f­ P le u e apply at: Home or office. Day, FARRAND REMODEUNG WALL DOCTORS ination based on race, color, night, weekend. Room additions, dscks, roofing, Wallpaper hanging ment living, ambula­ ROCKVILLE. 1 bedroom te r 3; 30pm o r leave Cemfert lea religion, sex or notional sldli^ , windows and gutters. specialist. Expert work tory, hom e-llkel Includes appliances, m essooe. 568-1903. origin, or an Intention to Weekly specials. Reg­ 425 Hartford Tpke ina R a n le rl, 645-0682. Backhoe and bulldozer eervlce at reasonable rates. Free atmoshpere. Coll 649- heat and hot water, ALLIS Chalmers Trac­ moke any such preference, 2358. parking, modern kit­ VenwB, CT limitation or discrimination. available. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. estimates. Residential tor, left and right plow, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm The Herald will not know­ and commercial. chen and bath. I'/i 871-2432 eoe/AA Bus. 647-8509 snowplow and a bucket 30 C e n ts ingly accept any advertise­ SOUTH BOLTON Steve Koski, 647-8201 month security. $380- loader. Arlens Roto Res. 645-6849 BUI Olson, 528-8364 lUWNESTREESDivia $495 per month. No ASSISTANT Store Man­ ment which Is In violation of CLEANING SERVICE, Bucket, truck a chipper. Stump Tiller, rear tine, swing the low. pets. 872-8095. 9-5, agers 8> Manager trai­ INC. removal. Frse sstlmatss. handle. May be seen at nee positions available So u t h e r n New Eng- 888 HOME w eekdoys.____________ K ra u s e F lo r is t , 621 lond classifleld ads Commercial / Residential Spsdsl considsratlon tor for unique rapidly IMPROVEMENTS eldsrly and handicapped. S T O R R S . 2 b e d ro o m , H a rtfo rd R o ad , 643- growing Jr. 8i Missy re a ch n e a rly 600,000 Fully Insured a Bonded. I ELECTRICAL yard, appliances & car­ 9559. sportswear chain. hom es In C onnecticut 047-1545 8 REPAIRS 647-7553 peted. $450. C a ll 643- WA S H U A D O U B L E tient Growth opportunities and Rhode Island. The “No Job Too Small" 8516. wood stove, 8 Inch flue, Raglatarad and Fully Insurad basks in victory. for motivated Individu­ price for a basic 25 DUMAS ELECTRiC glass window, blower, w o rd ad Is o n ly $55 and FREE ESTIMATES MANCHESTER. 2nd als. Competitive salary NO TIME TO CLEAN B«ctiicRl rapAlrt, floor. 2 bedroom, heat holds 24 Inch logs, ex­ w ill appear In 43 news­ added wiring. HANDYMAN end Si benefits. Cal 1647-8341 647-0593 and appliances. No ce lle n t shape. $225.646- ask for Nicole. papers. F o r m ore In- YOUR HOME? Todey, did you pey someone 9723 otter 5. formotlon call Classi­ HAULING pets. $600 plus security. Let for doing nothing? C o ll 646-3979._________ fied , 643-2711 and ask Cell me. Joeeph Dumes et Any Job — Anytime fo r detalls.o DUST BUSTERS RENOVATHMS/PLUS ROCKVILLE. Park St. 2 Com plete Inter, and 64»-52S3ar 6464612 (rw) unlts-5 bedroom s,2 N WAITRESSES do It for youl Call Gary 875-3483 ENDROLLS Exter. Home boths & 3 bedrooms. but S years experience with Maintenance Custom Both oppllanced. 649- 27'A width - 2Se BOLTON Lake. Four excellent references. Painting and Papering GELSOMINO 3398. 13V4 width - 2 for 25$ DAYTIME AND MUST bf picked up at tha room Ranch, masonry Free Estimates. Call; Repair or Renew Ceil­ ELECTRIC MANCHESTER. 4 bed­ required if the margin of victory EVENINGS on 7'/i lots, 2 storage ings, Walls, etc. Rec. room In tw o fa m ily Harald Office Monday thru Raaldsntlal wiring apeclalitt. Thureday before 11 a.m.only. Republicans is more than 2,000 votes. buildings, private 6 4 9 -7 4 9 2 Rooms, Decks and Light Free Estimates. RELIABLE MOVING house. Appliances, beach, appliances, gas after 6 pm Carpent^ Rooting, garage. $700. Referen- In Manchester. Lieberman Contact: heat. Reduced to Gutter Ffepalr and 568-7748 Low, Low Rates. ces/securlty reaulred. beat Weicker by 213 votes as Cleaning. LioenM 8128249 Short notice moves. fail to take Mrs. Barbara Smith $144,000. 649-1794. A g e n cy, 646-4655. WANTED TO 25,303 townspeople, or 83 percent MANCHESTER. 3 units. 2 CLEANING UWM.OIID’S SPECIAL Insured. Dependable MANCHESTER. First BUY/TRADE of the electorate, went to the 0 fam ily plus one single Cleaning — On call Mln- 24 Veers experience In SRTvIcIno tilt M on chttfR r ft WII- [HEATING/ floor, 2 bedroom apart­ local offices polls. Weicker, however, scored 643-0511 family. Enloy the pri­ llmontic or«o. Honttt ond rtito- tanance Quick Refur­ moving ment In renovated 2 bishing or Remodeling PLUMBING wins in Bolton, Coventry and v a c y of a single fa m ily b it coupit to citon your homt« fam ily house. New ap­ Andover. with the added feature offict or windows. 9 v t o r t ok- INSURED - Sr. Diicsunt 646-0669 Anytlm9 pliances. $700/month Old furniture, clocks, By Andrew Yurkovsky SHADY o1 Investment prop­ Ptrltnct ond rtftrtncts. Coll plus utilities. Coll 649- In the 1st Congressional Dis­ L o u rit fo r o f r t t M flm o tt. Frti Eitliaitis PJ’e Plumbing. Heeling 8 oriental rugs, lamps, Manchester Herald erty. Close to down­ 646-2253 . 2871. paintings, coins, je­ trict race, Manchester chipped in GLEN town and shopping, 742-0267 Air Conditioning 17,677 votes for Democratic Rep. Boilers, pumps, hot water MANCHESTER. Two welry, glass & china. Manchester voters, by slim highway and buslines. G A Y & S O N bedroom townhouse. Barbara Kennelly, who trounced A sk in g $179,500. P re s­ tanks, new and margins, favored losing presi­ 360 West M iddle Tpke. replacements. MASONRY Nice location, all ap­ Will pay cash. Please Republican challenger Mario Ro­ Mancheater Parkade tige Properties, Better PAINTING/ Brick, block and stone, pliances. Heat, hot wa­ call. 646-8496. dential candidate Michael Duka­ Homes and Gardens, F R E E ESTIUA TES ceramic tile, marble and bles Jr. Manchester gave 6,065 V [papering kis and helped hand Attorney I BOOKKEEPING/ concrete. ter, carpeting, olr con- votes to Robles. 859-0775, eyenings, 537- 643-9649/228 9616 d ltlon ln g . C o ll 647-1595. General Joseph Lieberman an RESTAURANT Help. The 0143. Broker/Owner. ___ I INCOME TAX No lob Is too small I In a similar beating, Glaston­ NAME your own reoso- upset victory over U.S. Sen. Gallery Restaurant Is noble price. Fofher & MANCHESTER. One bed­ bury Democrat Meotti warded off BOLTON. Beautiful one 282-7341 o r 627-8973 room apartment, new now hiring Banauet & COMPLETE Bookkeep- Son Pointing and Pap­ MISCELLANEOUS Lowell Weicker in Tue.sday's owner home located In building. Second floor, Automotive Carl A. Zinsser’s effort to take Food service Bartend­ Ing ond accounting ser­ ering. Removal. 291- presidential election. priyate country set­ SERVICES on busline, one year back the 4th Senatorial District ers & Bar backs. Cock- vices available to 8567. Town voters also elected two ting. Features 3 bed­ small business owners. Gllbarti Lawn Service leose, $550/month. seat that he lost to Meotti in 1986 tall waitresses & wait­ room s, 2.5 baths, fin ­ incumbent Democrats in state ers, Door persons. Pick up and delivery GSL Building Molnte- Commercial Industrial Utllltlesaddltlonol. Pe CARS after serving three terms. The ished fam ily room with service also. Call 289- Snowplowing. Snow terman Real Estote, legislative races and helped elect A p p ly In person, the custom bar, sliders to nonce Co. Commercl- FOR SALE vote in Manchester was 12,847 to 6961. Removal 6 Sanding. 649-9404. an incumbent Democratic con­ Gallery Restaurant, deck with wonderful BRUSHWORKS. Interior ol/ResIdentlal building 10,560. In the entire five-town repairs and home Im­ gressman, disappointing Repub­ 141 New London Turn­ views. All on a profes- ******A*e*w***e pointing. Free esti­ Fully Insured — MANCHESTER 1971 PLYMOUTH Sotel district, the vote was 26,163 to pike, Glastonbury. slonolly landscaped 1 mates. 12 years expe­ provements. Interior life. Big Block 383. Coil licans who had hoped Vice ond exterior painting, Free Eitlmetes Recently rehabilitated 1 19,649. acre lot. Call now! PAYROLL SERVICE rience. Finished cobl- bedroom apartment. 646-6649, otter 6pm. President George Bush would light carpentry. Com­ ____ 647-7156_____ Thompson defeated Republi­ $205,000 F la n o Real Est- Let me do the work for net/celllngs.
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