Bryant University Bryant Digital Repository Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Booster (1925-1929) Collections 10-1927 Volume 5, Number 1, October 1927 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster Recommended Citation "Volume 5, Number 1, October 1927" (1927). Booster (1925-1929). Paper 1. https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster/1 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Collections at Bryant Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Booster (1925-1929) by an authorized administrator of Bryant Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. October 1927 THE BOOSTER Published the Twenty-fifth of Each Month by the Students of BRYANT-STRATTON COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Providence, R. I. Subscription Price $1.00 per year Single Copies 15c BOARD OF EDITORS 1927-1928 EDITOR-iN-CHiEF JOHN A. VICTORIA ASSISTANT EDITOR EV£LY~ M.RmVSE ASSOCIATE EDiTORS A. lu1l1ni Editor-LURTIE 'N. HUFFMAN Business Topics-LEO l\"USSENFELD News Editor--ANTONIO DA PONTE Athletic Editor-GEORGE THORNLEY Exchange Editor-ANNA KNOWLTON Art Editor-R. A. DUHA'YIEL CLASS REPRESENT A T1VES R ICHARD L ROLAND MARY MULLANEY DUDLEY J BLOCK CECELIA EINSTEIN JOHN BEAGAN KATHLYN Cl:IERRINGTON YVONNE AUGER BUSINESS MANAGER LLOYD N. INA Y ADVERTISING MANAGER E BYRON SMITH BUSINESS STAFF MANUEL T. PERH.Y GEORGE D. WILKINSON HELEN 'vVILBUR IRA WHlTE EVENING SCHOOL REPRESENT A T1VES DORIS HAMEL WILLIA~tI RUTLEDGE FACULTY ADViSORS JEANNETTE CARROLL NELSON GU LSKT, B.B.A. CH ARLES H . PEASLEY, A.B., A.M. HENRY G FARLEY, A.B. THE BOOSTER Vol. 5 OCTOBER 1927 No.1 EDITORIAL THE YOUNG MAN'S WAY TO BRYANT-STRATTON COLLEGE In be ha l f o f the Board o f Edito rs it SUCCESS SIXTY-FIFTH YEAR g i ves lile g reat pleasu re tu present to you J llst as the boy of today is the lllan of The s ix ty -fi £t h yea r uf Bryant-S tratton th i." initi,ll issue o f Volume Five of "The tomorrow, so is the young man of today Coll ege o f Bus iness Administration o (J ened Booster." It re presents our work, your the Illanager and partner of tOlllorrow. with a rccord-breaking attendance Sep­ work, the e ffort of the entire coll ege. \Ve A lthough a young lllan Illay not have yet tember s ixth. Students co rning not only s ho uld be proud of ''The Booster " as it is riscn to a l-esponsible position, he Illay frolll all parts of Ne,v England a nd Can­ a specilll('n o f o ur li te rary abili ties as well make a real contribution to his organiza­ ada, but from New York, Pennsylva nia, as a v iv id portrayal of our college activi­ (ion. He, in his place, is just as important Michigan, V irg inia, Florida, 1\1innesota, ti es. L et us unitc and lllakc "The as any of the older men. California, Hawaii, the Philippines, even Booster" fo r the ensuing year a huge By' patient and hard study of the prin­ from St. Louis College, Tiellt sin, China, Sllccess. ci pI es of the business, the reasons for the made it a highwater mark enrollment in Thc lllainstay of a publication is con­ slI ccess of his organization, and of the numbers as wrll as in the variety o f states tribution, and contribution Illay be divided lllen who have built tbe enterprise; by and countries represented. into three parts- contribution by way o f practicing industry and eCOllom)" by deter­ 'Ibis first day's registration ins ured the I itcr a ry material, contribution by way of m ining to co-operate with his feJlow­ g rou[l quotas for the business administra­ subscrirtion, and contribution by way of workers, he will unconsciously prepare tioll, Illgher accounting, secretari a l and advertiscmellts. himsel f for the larger duties and respon­ normal, general business departments. A Perhaps you've had a thrilling expcn­ sibilities that will be afforded him by rea­ waitIng lIst has been establish ed for the ence, or have been 011 an inter esting trip, SOil of the development that is bound to collegiate departments for January enroll­ or have interview ed a p r Ol1l inent man. If come. Initiative will thus be quickened ment. so write us about it. Can you write a and poise in judgment developed. He must A noticeable f eature of the personnel of good narratil'e on some business phase of reali ze always that he does not fill his the student body shows that 85 per cent of Ii fe, or a good poem. or an edit orial? I f position for the salary alone; but that the the members are hig h school g raduates so write one. It is good practicc, and at more efficient he becomes, the larger the entering for two years for the coll egiate the same t ime you a r e helping "The business of his organization ancl the great­ courses leading to S tate A uthorized De­ Booste r." But, by all m eans, write er the earnings. He is, each day of his OTees, Bachelor o f Business A dministra ­ something! H it isn't pnblished in one life, building for the future. The height tion, Bachelor o f Accounts. Bachelor o f issue it may be publ ish ed in a nother, so o f his structure wi ll depend on the foun­ Secretarial Science, a nd Bachelor of Com­ do not get discouraged. Continue to w rite clation which he lays early in life. merc ial Science. just the sall1 e ! Thus each day a man builds not only T he E vening Sch ool opened September The second factor o f contribution like himself but a business that pays a profit. eight for the Junior Coll egia te Courses thc fir st is expccted from all the students \'V hat should be impressed on the mind of and September nineteen a nd twenty for -subscription. Help mainta in your book every young man is this: Do not think the Collegiate Courses in Bus iness A d­ financ ially by subscribing. of the salary you are drawing, but fit ministration, Hig her Accounting, Execu­ The ad vertiser ill all frankness is the yoursel f for the futnre. Let the founda­ tive Secretarial Training. T he sessio ns financia l backbone o f the publi cation. S ub­ tion you a re laying today be stro ng and held M onday, Tuesday, Tbursday a nd Fri­ scription plays but a sma ll part comparcd sol id ; it w ill then be enduring. You may day are well attended by hundreds of to the advertiser. Hc is o ur fr iend a nd t hen build jus t as high as your ability young' men and young wome n drawn f ro m we can show our appreciation for his help and capacity will permit. leading industries, offices a nd banking in­ by patronizing him. E\'cl-Y a d vertiser who There is nothing mysterio us about suc­ stitutions, Monday and Thursday evenings a ppears in "The Booster" is worthy of cess. The trouble w ith the average in­ for the Junior Collegiate Courses in Sten­ o ur pa tronage, so patronize hi m a nd when di v idual is that he is not [lrepared when ography, Bookkeeping and allied subjects. doing so mention "The Booster." the opportunity comes. The thing to do Tuesday and Friday evenings ar e ,levoled A ll I ask of you is co-operation ! That is to "dig in" and then strike out with a to Collegiate Courses in Secretaria l Train­ is the most essentia l thing. Do w hat you determination to be something, to be S0111e­ lng, Hjgher Accounting, Management, think is best toward the success of "The body. Credits and Collections. Booster." D o not let a few students do a ll the work. Do your share. Always WITH GINN PUBLISHING COMPANY AMONG THE BANKERS remember that it is your book, that it r e­ OF BOSTON Raymond Hawksley, William Scl1midt fl ects back on your college, and individu­ Secretarial graduates of 1927 wiJl be a11(i Fred Stephenson are putting their a ll v on yourself. Adopt the slogan "Boost g- Iad to know that Miss Mary Holland, banking knowledge into practice at the The Boostcr a nd The Booster Will Boost \'Vellesley 1919, is now with the Ginn Providence Institution f or Savings, the You." Thank ),Oll. Publ isbillg' COl1lpany 0 [ Boston, in a sec­ Old Stone Bank, South M a in S treet, Editor -in-Chief. retarial position. where the), are now employed. Page Two THE BOOSTER OUR NEW CLUB ROOM T H E IMP O RTANCE OF READING STUDENT ACTIVITIES CLOSELY It will be of interest to the studcnts to A Vital Factor in Preparing for Any ORGANIZED Im o\V that the new club room, on the six th Vocation New Student-Life Council Chosen fl oor, w ill be ready in about two weeks. "Of the making o f many books tlI ere is O ffic ers and members of the new ly or­ It w il l be a n attractive and com fo rtable uo eud." gani zed S tudent Life Council were rc­ center for meeti ngs of tile B usi ness Ad­ The ali ve, a lert student w ill fi ll d in good cent l)' chosen at a mcetin g held ill Septel11 ­ mini strati on F raternity, the Booster Board, reading- a direct way to obta in infonna­ her.
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