Socialists drop suit against Lockheed • • • • • 7 TH£ CLUW lOth anniversary convention 10 Denial of rights in Boudin case 13 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 48/NO. 14 APRIL 20, 1984 -7SCENTS - . New revelations on U.S. moves to escalate· Central.America war Socialists Sandinistas: urge untons• ·'biggest U.S. to oppose war offensive yet' NEW YORK - Labor opposition to . BY MICHAEL BAUMANN Washington's Central America war drive is MANAGUA, Nicaragua - "At this being urged by the Socialist Workers Party . very moment, we are confronting the presidential ticket. biggest military offensive the United States In a statement issued by their national government has launched" since the vic­ campaign office here April tO, presidential tory of the revolution, Commander Daniel nominee Mel Mason and vice-presidential Ortega told a nationwide TV and radio au­ candidate Andrea Gonzalez call for the dience here April 6. union movement to take the lead in de­ "The United States has sent in thousands manding an immediate halt to the aggres­ of counterrevolutionaries from Hon­ sion against Nicaragua and an end to sup­ duras .... Also involved are counterrevo­ port for "a murderously repressive regime" lutionary forces in the south, based in in El Salvador. Costa Rica, where the United States has es­ The socialists pointed to the recent ad­ tablished camps and bases." mission by the Pentagon of contingency As part of the offensive, Ortega con­ plans to introduce U.S. troops into Central tinued, they are "mining our ports" and America as an ominous confirmation that "approved $21 million to continue financ­ Washington is dragging working people Funeral in Nicaragua for one of many victims of U.S.-backed war ing crime and terror against the Nicaraguan into a new Vietnam in Central America. people." The socialists demanded an end to the il­ Ortega, coordinator of the revolutionary legal mining of Nicaraguan waters, the dis­ government, estimated that more than banding of U.S. -organized and directed Vietnam condemns attacks 8,000 counterrevolutionaries are involved Nicaraguan counterrevolutionary invaders, in one or another aspect of the offensive, and U.S. reparations for dantage:,; already although not all are part of the invading inflicted. by Chinese, Thai troops force. "Equally important," they stressed, "is a "They are being supplied by helicopter," complete termination of Washington's he reported. He confirmed unofficial re­ reactionary intervention in the Salvadoran BY SANDI SHERMAN armed forces, with the assistance of Viet­ ports that there has been fighting in recent civil war. The people there are fighting a UNITED NATIONS -In a news brief­ namese army volunteers, punished the sab­ weeks in three of the. five northern prov- . ing here April6, Vietnam's Ambassador to just war to get a tryrannical government off oteurs, China, in chorus with Thailand, inces and in the province of Rio San Juan in their backs and to build a decent life. U.S. the United Nations Hoang Bich Son de­ concocted so-called 'Vietnamese viola­ the south. working people have much ·in common nounced the recent intense shelling of Viet­ tions of Thai sovereignty' and conducted In his televised remarks, Ortega called with them, and nothing in common with nam' s northern border area by Chinese fierce artillery shelling of Vietnam's bor­ particular attention to the U.S. mining of their oppressors." forces and Thai army artillery attacks der areas." the country's three major ports. "They are against Kampuch~an territory. He denied In late March, Kampuchean armed trying to blockade Nicaragua," he said. He . Mason and Gonzalez ·also called for the forces launched a major military operation pointed out that a number of ship owners dismantling of the military base that has against a base that the Pol Pot forces had were now refusing to allow their ships to been developed by the Pentagon in Hon­ Our correspondents Steve Clark and established inside Kampuchea, wiping out sail into the country's waters. .duras to wage war against the Nicaraguan Diane Wang visited the Chinese-Viet­ many enemy troops and seizing large quan­ "The mines have damaged seven foreign namese border in late February. Their and Salvadoran ~ople: tities of weapons and equipment. ships bringing goods to Nicaragua," story is on page 15. · The socialist candidates also urged total The Thai government-which backs the Ortega said. "This has led to other ships re­ nonconfidence in either Democrats or Re­ Pol Pot guerrillas who stage raids against fusing to enter Nicaragua, unloading their publicans to avert the U.S. war that now charges that Vietnamese troops had entered Kampuchea from bases along the Thai­ cargo instead at Puerto Caldera in Coast looms in Central America. Chinese and Thai territory. Kampucht;a border - has stepped up its Rica." "As the elections approach," they ob­ At the same time the ambassador was military aid to Pol Pot's forces. Bypassing Nicaragua's harbors greatly served, "a majority of the Senate votes a speaking, new fighting broke out along the Vietnam's foreign ministry has affects delivery time, employment in the 'nonbinding' resolution disapproving the Vietnam-China border. In what Vietnam explained that the Thai government's ports, and the overall cost of imports. Continued on Page 16 described as a "very serious act of war" claims that Vietnamese troops entered its Cargo unloaded at Caldera must be trucked Peking sent several battalions of infantry­ territory were made to divert world atten­ 250 miles overland to Managua. men to invade a Vietnamese province on tion from its own repeated violations of "The majority of ships scheduled to · April6. Local armed forces repelled the at­ Kampuchean territory. enter Nicaraguan ports have done so," Sales campaign tack. According to the Kampuchean News Ortega said, "but some ships were scared On April 2, Chinese armed forces fired Continued on Page 15 Continued on Page 9 launched some 4,000 artillery shells on eight places in the Vietnamese border provinces of Sales .of this issue of the Militant will Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang, Ha launch the special effort to sell 35,000 to Tuyen, and Lai Chau. Mason hits cop violence in Dallas 40,000 copies ·of the Militant and its Ambassador Bich Son charged that the Spanish-language sister publication, Per­ purpose of this attack was to undermine the BY LEE OLESON Last year Dallas police shot 29 people, spectiva Mundial, while campaigning for trend towards dialogue between the In­ DALLAS - Police violence against the killing 15. The big majority were Blacks the Socialist Workers Party ticket: Mel dochinese countries with other Southeast Black and Latino compmnities is on the up­ and Latinos. Mason and Andrea Gonzalez for president Asian countries that belong to ASEAN. swing here, and both the courts and city But the only charges brought in the wake and vice-president of the United States. The attacks are also meant to boost the government have given notice that they are of these killings were grand jury indict­ Initial reports from Militant and PM morale of the Pol Pot forces, upon whom going to do nothing to stop it. ments of three Black witnesses to ·one of readers around the country indicate that the Kampuchean army has inflicted mili­ In his four-day visit to Dallas, Socialist the killings. this sales drive is "just what is needed" to tary defeats recently. Workers Party presidential candidate Mel Brenda Lee Frost, the sister of one of the focus socialist campaigning during the Mason spoke with campaign supporters, victims; Lonnie Leyuas; and Victor A statement from Vietnam's foreign Black community leaders, and before a coming weeks. Aggressive plans are un­ ministry released ·at the news briefing Franklin, all 17 years old, were indicted derway to use the drive to reach out and in­ church meeting to explain that the increas­ noted that "whenever the Pol Pot remnants February 28 by a Dallas County grand jury troduce people to the Mason-Gonzalez ing racism and police brutality are part of a for "aggravated perjury." campaign alternative. Future articles will launched attacks from their sanctuaries in national pattern. report on the results of these campaigning Thailand into Kampuchean territories, "The people who run Dallas are seeing The three were among 14 witnesses to a Nov . 7, 1983, killing by Dallas cop Mel­ efforts and on the questions being dis­ China simul.taneously conducted artillery how far they can go with police violence," cussed out by people the socialist cam­ shellings to cause tension along the Sino- · Mason told a March 24 meeting of 35 cam­ vin Cozby. Cozby gunned down Michael paigners meet. Vietnamese border." paign supporters at the Martin Luther Frost, 20, after Frost. was stopped for driv­ We urge all readers to get involved in The statement goes on to explain that King, Jr., Center in South Dallas. ing the wrong way on a one-way street in this effort. If you would like to participate, "since the beginning of this year, the Mason spoke of the need for the Black South Dallas. contact the socialist campaign headquarters Chinese and Thai authorities have been try­ community to mobilize against the racist The killing by · Cozby caused an uproar nearest you, or call the Militant circulation ing to encourage the Pol Pot clique's sabo­ attacks, both to stop them in Dallas and to in Dallas' Black community. In his 13 office in New York City. tage activities, but when the Kampuchean help stop them nationally. Continued on Page 14 BY DON DAVIS socialists in 26 cities in the U.S. of the year, despite the cold, sell­ able to organize sales there every was selling for the fi_rst time at the Tens of thousands of steelwork­ and Canada ordered more than ing 7 to 13 papers each week, ac­ week, Salm Kolis reports that each Homestead works was momentar­ ers are laid off, and those still 1 ,000 copies of the pamphlet.
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