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The HO2K 2207 /00 ; FO3H 99 /00 action of magnetic fields generated in the solenoids on See application file for complete search history . segmented currents in conductive discharge elements during capacitor discharge produces unidirectional forces, while ( 56 ) References Cited reaction momentum is carried away by Poynting Vector electromagnetic fields in conformity with the currently U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS understood principles of electrodynamics . 2 ,949 ,550 A 8 / 1960 Brown 2 , 958 , 790 A 11/ 1960 Bahnson 7 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets 154 ingen Wor ESITTEITISTIK wwwwwwwwwwwwwSKILLS MAW ALA WA NA VIVA takt wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww asurement s * * * N otoku 2000 VANITY YAServerererererererererererererererererer e wwwwwww ANNNNNNNNNNNNNAATTINEN . w 1 PN SE 36 VUR annunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 1 YAN 1 M RA 31 * * * * * : LLLLLLLS have LLLLLLLLL N YHAVNVM . Awwwww what AAAAAAAA NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MMMMMWVVVV yeye AVO OOOOO . 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ARARAANAA of. WHO . w wwvvv 30 VVMM Do ??????? www * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** * * ** ** ** ** ** * * t ertuturor . Autente Steffettuate t he follow mm . 1 WWW w wwwwwwwwwww OOOOO OOOOOO . Viini OOOOO . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . 90 * 400 atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 10 ,135 , 323 B2 Wh 000000036w V 13131 7 32 8 16 XoXoXXXVXWAYNAVAVAVAWAVAMWAVEWA 0000000 www FIG .4A VILL 0000000 18 VO* *** 00000* 15 . ' . ' * # * $ $* # $ # W ,L . KILA 16 : : FIG . 4B atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 10 ,135 ,323 B2 OOOO 33 37 . EXISTA . vn THAT .- 4 1000 3 we mith Verwendenwetu FIG . 5 US 10 , 135 , 323 B2 CAPACITIVE -DISCHARGE site force from matter on the field . Stebens presents an ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPULSION excellent proof which can be derived from Maxwell ' s equa SYSTEM tions and the Lorentz force law . The proof relates the reaction momentum change of the electromagnetic field to FIELD OF THE INVENTION 5 the time rate of change of the Poynting Vector, the diver gence of the Maxwell Stress Tensor, and Einstein 's relativ The present invention discloses an apparatus and method istic mass - energy relation ( Forces and Fields, op . cit. ). for electromagnetic spacecraft propulsion . In particular, Straightforward application of the Biot - Savart Law from thrust is generated without the expulsion of reaction mass . classical physics shows that the magnetic field from a This unique system and method is comprised of capacitor 10 rectangular conducting coil acting on an isolated current assemblies with discharge elements and electromagnetic segment generates a unidirectional force on the coil - segment coils . A unidirectional Lorentz Force is generated by the system . By recognizing that electromagnetic fields can magnetic fields from the coils acting on the segmented transport both energy and momentum , apparent “ violations” current in the discharge element during capacitor discharge . of the Third Law are mathematically resolved by including modern field transport physics in the analysis of the reaction BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION process. One of the most significant metrics for space propulsion Field propulsion , which employs electromagnetic field systems is specific impulse , which is the ratio of thrust effects for generating propulsion forces, expels no reaction produced to the rate of propellant consumed . Specific 20 mass , and therefore effectively has an infinite specific impulse has units of seconds, and is essentially the number impulse . As is well known to anyone skilled in the art , a of seconds that a pound of propellant will produce a pound moving charged particle generates a magnetic field . It is also of thrust . The higher the specific impulse the less propellant well known that a magnetic field generates a force on a mass and associated tankage required for a given space moving charged particle , namely the magnetic component of mission . The Stafford Synthesis Group ( Stafford , America at 25 the full Lorentz Force , which component is proportional to the Threshold ) concluded that future space exploration will the vector cross - product of the particle velocity vector and require advanced propulsion technologies . Subsequently , the magnetic field vector at the particle location . A common NASA conducted the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Pro example is the well -known mutual equal- and -opposite gram (NASA / TM - 1998 - 208400 ) , one of the three main goals of which was to “ discover new propulsion methods 30 forces on parallel conductors , which may be calculated by that eliminate or dramatically reduce the need for propellant. anyone skilled in the art through the use of the Biot- Savart This implies discovering fundamentally new ways to create Law . Prior to modern electrodynamics , the required com motion , presumably by manipulating inertia , gravity , or by pliance with Newton ' s Third Law (NTL ) , it has previously any other interactions between matter, fields, and space been accepted that the aforementioned magnetic interactions time. ” Therefore , an electromagnetic spacecraft propulsion 35 could not be used to produce a propellantless propulsion system such as the present invention , that does not require system . As discussed above , modern electrodynamics has expendable propellant and thus has an effectively infinite shown that this is no longer a valid assumption . specific impulse
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