No. No. H.88088/Poltn./50 (XIX)/18-MPCB/ : Dated Aizawl, the 27th February 2020. To, The Secretary, Ministry of Jal Shakti, 2nd Floor, Block-III, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 Subj.: Submission of monthly progress report of Mizoram for the month of January 2020 in compliance of Hon’ble NGT order on OA No. 673/2018 Ref.: Your email dated 05.02.2020 Sir, With reference to the above cited subject, may I submit herewith monthly progress report of Mizoram for the month of January 2020 on OA. 673/2018 as per your prescribed format for favour of your kind information and further necessary action. Yours faithfully, Enclo: Progress Report, Jan.,2020 (C.LALDUHAWMA) Member Secretary, River Rejuvenation Committee, Govt. of Mizoram & Mizoram Pollution Control Board Memo No. H.88088/Poltn./50 (XIX)/18-MPCB/ : Dated Aizawl, the 27th February 2020. Copy to: The Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board for kind information. (C.LALDUHAWMA) Member Secretary, River Rejuvenation Committee, Govt. of Mizoram Mizoram State Pollution Control Board, New Secretariat Complex, Thlanmual Road, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram-796001 Ph.No.2336173/2336590 Fax:2336591 Email:[email protected] Website:http://www.mpcb.mizoram.gov.in Monthly Progress Report by Mizoram (January, 2020) (In the matter of Hon’ble NGT matter of O.A No 673/2018 dated 12.06.2019) Sl. Activity to be Timeline Submission of progress by Mizoram – Compliance No. monitored Status 1. Ensure 100% treatment 31.03.2020 Mizoram is industrially backward and there are no of sewage at least in-situ significant water polluting industries in the catchment remediation areas of the identified polluted rivers. Sewage carried commencement of of 31.03.2020 by the connecting drains or tributaries into the rivers setting up of STPs and are mostly of domestic effluents. Major portion of the connecting all the drains courses of the rivers pass through rural settlements and and other sources of as such the Action Plan focuses mainly on the generation of sewage to management of Greywater which constitutes more the STPs must be than 90% of the total waste water generated in the ensured area. 2 Timeline for completing 31.03.2021 It is, therefore, proposed to set up Onsite Liquid all steps of action plans Waste Treatment for generated greywater at household including completion of level in rural villages such that zero or minimum setting up STPs and community waste water is generated which is their commissioning considered economically viable and most appropriate for the areas under discussion. Greywater management systems are considered most economically viable, practical and appropriate for the conservation of rivers in the state considering the prevailing conditions of the area. Necessary actions have been initiated for the proposed activity and assessment being carried out for the same 3 Chief Secretary may set 22.01.2020 up appropriate Meeting of Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram with mechanism at State secretaries of all concerned departments on NGT level cases, held on 25.02.2020, discussed setting of Specifying appropriate mechanism for monitoring compliance of accountability of 22.01.2020 OA.673/2018 at State level. nodal authorities not Minutes of the meeting is awaited for information. below the Secretary level Chief Secretaries may have an accountable person attached in their office for this purpose Monitoring at State Fortnightly As above. level must take place Commencing 21.12.2019 4 Progress report may be Monthly furnished by the This report is for the month of January, 2020 States/UTs to (preferably before Secretary, Ministry of 20th of every Jal Shakti month) Member Secretary, CPCB 4.1 Progress Report may be compiled of details along with completion i) Contributing tributaries/drains connected to all the timelines on: rivers are identified and depicted in the River Maps, presented in the Action Plan and attached herewith as (i) Identification of Annexure 1 (1(a) to 1 (ix)). polluting sources including drains contributing to river pollution and action as per NGT order in situ treatment (ii) Status of STPs, ii) Majority of the settlements in the catchment areas of I&D and sewage the rivers comprise of rural villages. All the networks settlements are without sewage treatment systems. Details of existing However, Considering the limited quantity of sewage infrastructure, Gap generations in the catchment and the complications analysis, proposed and high costs involved in STP, more economical and along with viable systems such as onsite liquid treatment system completion of for greywaters at household levels is proposed for timeline sewage management in the catchments. Actions have been initiated for the proposed activity and assessment being carried out for the same. (iii) Status of CETPs iii) Mizoram is industrially backward and there are no Details of existing significant water polluting industries in the catchment CETP and ETP areas. Most of the industries are of cottage types and infrastructure, Gap they are regulated by MPCB to comply with effluent analysis, Proposed standards with functional ETP. There is no single along with CETP in the state. However, as per advice of CPCB, completion of inventory of industries including automobile works in timeline, No. of the catchment areas was conducted and completed for industries and Tiau River. Details at Annexure-2 complying status There is inadequate solid waste management system in (iv) Status of Solid Mizoram. There is only one Soil Waste Resource Centre Waste with Sanitary landfilling in the state, recently Management & commissioned at Tuirial, Aizawl. Whatever, solid wastes Details of generated in the catchment are disposed in the dumping Processing site with no proper scientific methods. Hence, it is Facilities proposed to develop proper waste management Details of existing system for settlements in the catchment areas as infrastructure, Gap per provisions of the Solid Waste Management analysis, proposed Rule, 2016;by introducing waste segregation at along with source into biodegradable, non-biodegradable completion of waste, plastic wastes, E-waste and Domestic timeline Hazardous Waste; Door to door waste collection system and for the final disposal, composting for biodegradable wastes and for inerts solid wastes, landfilling is proposed. Details of waste generation and gap analysis and proposed actions for Tiau river is given at Annexure-3 (v) Latest water Latest water quality of polluted rivers and drains is quality of polluted given at Annexure-4 (a) river, its tributaries, drains with flow Ground water quality of the catchment of polluted details and ground rivers is done wherever sampling locations/facilities water quality in the for sampling is available. Data available at Annexure- catchment of 4 (b) polluted river (vi) Preventing The biggest waste dumping site at Tuirial, Aizawl dumping of waste which has been receiving maximum wastes from and scientific waste Aizawl city for a number of years is being closed management down now and is soon to be replaced by Waste including bio- Management Resource Centre and Sanitary Landfill, medical wastes, newly constructed and commissioned by the State plastic wastes and Govt. decentralizing Inventory of various kinds of wastes generated in the waste processing catchment of the polluted rivers has been carried out including waste to find out waste generation and treatment gaps. For generated from Tiau river, the exercise is completed, details of hotels, ashrams etc findings is at Annexure- 5 (vii) Ground water In Mizoram, surface water serves as the main sources regulation of water for drinking, domestic and industrial purposes. Ground water extraction is insignificant. (viii) Adopting good Initiatives taken by concerned department Irrigation & irrigation practices Water Resources department. (ix)Protection and There is no Flood Plain Zones in Mizoram as it is a hilly management of Flood region. Plain Zones (FPZ) (x) Rain water Rain water harvesting program has been initiated in the Harvesting catchment areas: Completed: i) Bungtlang, Denlung Villages (Mat river) ii) S.Kanghmun (Tlawng river) iii) E.Lungdar village (Tuipui River) On-going: i) Serte village (Tlawng river) (xi) Maintaining It is proposed to increase the volume and maintain minimum flow of river flow of the rivers by rain water harvesting and by protection of existing tree coverage/natural vegetation (xii)Plantation on both within the Riverine Reserved Forests and plantation sides of the river drives. For river catchment/basin management several action (xiii)Setting up of plans have been formulated such as, Plantation, biodiversity parks on Siltation and Soil Erosion Control by various schemes flood plains by such as, Runoff retardation, Gully Control, River bank removing encroachment erosion control, Silt Retention and Landslide Control and ground water charging through rainwater harvesting. Plantation and Rainwater harvesting have been started. DPR for Siltation and Soil Erosion Control under preparation. Some of the rivers already have Riverine Reserved Forests of about 800 metres on either side of the river banks which are well protected. However, for enhancing tree and vegetation coverage, afforestation activities in suitable catchment areas have been proposed and plantation drives initiated. Annexure 1(i) Tiau River: Map showing tributaries/drains Annexure 1(ii) TlawngRiver: Map showing tributaries/drains Annexure 1(iii) Tuipui River: Map showing tributaries/drains Annexure- 1(iv) Tuivawl
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