beneficiaries were created. Chavez pointedly say that they have largely been confined to sharpened what he calls his “experience of informs us, for example, that the term His- an elite funded by outside sources and politi- Jewish rebirth,” itself a reaction to the panic did not exist before affirmative action cians enjoying seats safe from challenge. Holocaust, the rise of Israel, and the and does not exist outside America: how else Political scientist Peter Skerry, author of a “malaise” his parents imbued him with at would you lump an Argentine doctor, a forthcoming book on Hispanic politics, an early age in the face of all things Jewish. Mexican housewife, and a Cakchiquel hdi- notes that the use of illegal aliens to inflate The book he has written is therefore pretty ail into the same culture? And the leadership population figures used for redistricting is special. It isn’t first-class history and ignores the more compelling lessons to be creating “rotten boroughs” where politicians doesn’t unpack all the rooms and closets in learned from the distinctly different paths are elected by very few voters. The upshot, the mansion with a convincing or brilliant taken by, say, Cubans and Puerto Ricans, as Chavez notes, is a class of leaders “more thesis. Too much of it is in the where-1: lessons that primarily confirm the primacy of intent on vying with blacks for permanent was-when-I-heard-about-Pearl Harbor rriarriage and family and warn against look- victim status’’ than on helping Hispanics be- mode. But it does fairly honestly tell the ing to government for solutions. come the latest chapter of the American Morgenthau family’s story, a tale of glory This is not to deny that there have been dream. The David Dukes are already reaping and melancholy not without parallels in the beneficiaries of affirmative action, only to the harvest. IJ general experience of American Jews. he author may be aware that social and economic success in the New MOSTLY MORGENTHAUS: TWorld has been the undoing of his fellow Jews. But he never comes to grips A FAMILY HISTORY with this paradox, either in the large or within the compass of his story. “A social- archaeological dig,” he calls it. And indeed, Henry Morgenthau III besides tapping his memories and those of his relatives, he has traveled to Bavaria to Ticknor & Fields/501 pages/$27.50 rummage in the Mannheim archives and rub moss off gravestones, interviewed peo- ple who worked for his father at the Trea- reviewed by EDWARD NORDEN sury Department, had Eleanor Roosevelt’s letters to his mother deciphered, read the FBI dossiers on Harry Dexter White, and etting rich and founding a dynasty This was late for someone who aimed to sifted through his grandfather’s papers in in America is no problem. The hard join Our Crowd, that interlocking in-group the Library of Congress and his father’s bpart is keeping the dynasty going. of families like the Seligmanns and 900-volume dia& at the FDR Library. He It’s especially hard to preserve a great Jew- Lehmans, Loebs and Wertheims, Goldmans acknowledges the help of his cousin, the ish family, because in the U.S. the Jews and Sachses, whose founders had crossed late Barbara Tuchman, and one suspects chronically melt away. the ocean and made their first piles before that this gifted historian, along with his edi- Three generations, a century at most, af- the guns went off at Fort Sumter. A tors, saved the author from drowning in his ter a Jew arrives on these shores, most of climber, a bit of a scoundrel with an indif- material. his descendants have been assimilated. Of ferent business sense and a violent streak, If he lacks a thesis, he does have an ap- the Sephardi Jews who upset Peter Stuy- Lazarus failed in his bid to conjure a New proach, and not a bad one-he is forgiving, vesant by settling in New Amsterdam, World fortune and win the seal of approval even fond, yet not blind. He mentions there’s hardly a living trace. The German for his clan. However, one of his German- things no authorized work could include, Je:ws who came over between 1840 and born sons, Henry Senior, burnished the thanks to which his subjects, every so of- 1870-“Our Crowd-have kept their fam- Morgenthau name with a chain of real es- ten, jump off the page. Lazarus was “man- illy names but not the ancestral faith. Today tate killings-he sold Times Square to ic”: his brood hired Pinkerton’s to shadow the vanishing is being done by the great- Adolph Ochs-so that by the time his na- him and briefly had him committed. As for gmndchildren of the huddled eastern Euro- tive-born children married, one could be Henry Sr., though he gained the fortune pean masses immortalized by Emma paired with a Lehman, another with a that eluded Lazarus, was embraced by Our Lims, herself of Sephardi extraction. The Wertheim. The Morgenthaus therefore be- Crowd, and became ambassador to the Ot- fast mck to assimilation, to disappearance, long securely in the red-hot heart of the all- toman Empire, only his own son’s fame has always been intennarriage, and current but-extinct American-Jewish-German no- eased the disappointment and bitterness of fi,gures tell us that American Jews are bility. his old age. It is important to note-Henry choosing to many out more frequently than A scion of this family, the author is 74 I11 doesn’t-that this fortune was a mid- in and raising their kids mainly as Chris- years old and has made some exceptional dling one. It wasn’t in the Rockefeller or tians or as nothing. Exceptions like the au- choices. Not only is he married to a Jewish Kennedy or Guggenheim league; it was, thor of this book furnish the nicest proof of woman, but one who comes from Poland, a and is, just enough to enable its creator and the rule. match as rare in the good old days of Our his seed to do something more useful than Henry Morgenthau the Third’s great- Crowd as a solar eclipse. His marriage to work for a living. That something, that “re- grandfather Lazarus stepped off the boat Ruth Schachter, he says truly and with ligion,” was to be “service to democracy,” with his wife and dozen offspring in 1866. pride, was “a drastic departure.” Further- writes the author. As soon as Henry Sr. got more, he has seen to it that their children the money, he went into behind-the-scenes Edward Norden, a regular contributor, is got the basic education in Judaism that he do-gooder politics. An early check-writer writing a book on thefuture of the Jews. didn’t. These choices followed on and for presidential candidate Wilson, he de- - 60 The American Spectator February 1992 LICENSED TO UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED sired a cabinet post, but had to make do with proper treatment could be overcome, rode, let Elinor feel it. “Neither of them,” with Constantinople. There he publicized if not in this generation then probably in the author says of his parents vis-&vis the what the Turks were doing to the Armeni- the next.” First Family, “ever felt secure,” the deb ans and facilitated the transport of several The “treatment” was and is complete as- party notwithstanding. Perhaps the Mor- crates of bullion to Palestine’s starving similation through conversion andor inter- genthaus were overly touchy, perhaps the Jews. But his diplomatic career was a fail- marriage. Why has it been only in the last Roosevelts were political in all their deal- ure, for which he blamed the ingrate, cun- thirty or forty years that Our Crowd, and af- ings-the author broaches both possibili- ning, pushy Zionists. ter it the great-grandchildren of the Lower ties. Yet Henry Jr. had a lock on the Trea- Like the rest of Our Crowd, Henry Sr. East Siders, have gone in for these cures, sury job. Not only was he loyal-he got deplored Jewish nationalism, apprehending especially intermarriage, in such a big way? done what his boss wanted done, rewrote it, in his grandson’s words, as a “renuncia- Is it because America until the last genera- the tax laws to soak their fellow rich, and tion of newly won rights and acceptance” tion wasn’t all that accepting? Or is it be- ran Lend-Lease devotedly when the British in America. This did not stop him from be- cause the older members of Our Crowd, were fighting the Germans alone. After ing favorably impressed by the muscular, now buried in Reform cemeteries, uneasy as Pearl Harbor he, more than anyone else, tanned Jews he met in Zion, and aiding they were about their Jewishness, harbored was responsible for gearing the economy them with that gold shipment. Non-Zionist too much snobbery, decorousness, pride, or up to make total war. pillars of Our Crowd like Jacob Schiff and social anxiety to try to break all the way On balance, Henry Jr. served his country Felix Warburg would find ways to help out out? The author doesn’t pose, much less try beautifully. He also went out of his way to without signing on. Maybe Henry Sr. could to answer, these questions. He does make it try to help his fellow Jews. It was as if he have been with them if his attempt on Wil- plain with some charming insider stories were heeding Wilson’s advice to his father son’s behalf to sound out the Turks on a and memories that his childhood was spent before Henry Sr.
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