! "t· ' v l NEWS PAP KODAK COMPANY .r Vol. 5. No. 8 Copyright by Eastman Kodak Company. Roch ester, N.Y. February 27, 1947 cw~ H-E Earn State Safety Awards Hollywood Lab Begins / 2 Plants Hear 5 Park Units Qualify 1 Good News on Printing J(odachromes Safety Efforts For Honorable Mention; Newly installe d facilities h ave,------- ----­ b een put into ope ration at the Hollywood P r ocessing Labora­ 100 Per Cent for 1(0 tory to process Kodachrome prints. T wo Kodak p la nts will receive special aw'ards for outstanding This provides better service to EK dealers in fat: western states. safety records in New York State on Mar. 12. Cam era Works earned the award w ith the h ighest number of Reports from the Ia b at 10 17 North Las P almas Ave., Hollywood, accident-free man-hours-1,505,392 - in the 22nd Annua l Statewirle Office w ill receive a 100 per cent 39, Cali!., state that fi rst shipments certificate and trophy in its class. of finished work have been made. Acci<ient P revention Campaign of the Associated Industries. Five Kodak P ark units are to Meantime, progress is continuing receive honors a long with Distilla­ on fitting the section of the lab so Hawk-Eye Works r eceives a sim­ ilar special trophy for 1,303,454 tion Products Inc. F inished Film that the prints can be turned out and Sundries, P aper Packing Di­ in increasing quantities. accident-free man-hours during the 13-week period in 1946. vision , Film Emulsion Manufactur­ This project is part of the Com­ ing Depts., Cine Processing Divi­ pany's over-all p lan for expand­ H · E's Grand Award sion and the Service Division, a!l ing its Color Print Service. A sim­ A year ago Haw k-Eye won the of Kodak Pa rk, receive honor able ilar service was set up a t the Chi­ grand award, a gold trophy pre­ mention certificates in the ir respec­ cago La b in the fall of 1945. sented by the Associated Indus­ tive classes. DPI gets a 100 per The new H ollywood department tries, after rolling up a record of cent certificate in its class. operates under the d irect charge 1,940,129 ma n -hours worked with­ EK Success Praised of Walter Bent of the Compa ny out a single lost-time accident dur­ Sa les Dept., who was sent to the ing the campaign conducted for 13 P raise of the Company for its coast from Rochester to handle weeks in 1945. · "splendid showing" in the cam­ sales and service of the prints. The There will be no presentation of paign came in a letter toT. J. Ha r­ actual making of the prints is car­ the grand award this year. No in­ grave, Kodak president, from Wil­ ried on by the laboratory staff -- dustry, with more tha n a m illion liam H. Roberts, chairman of the under direction of B. J . Burns, lab­ Lead in State_ Bill Dermody, left. head of the H-E Safety Dept.. ma n-hours worked, finished with­ State Board of Standards and Ap­ oratory m anager. and Joe Nighan. assistant safety supervisor of out a lost-time accident. peals. Chairman Roberts, w hose Camera Works. read the announcement that their respective plants board is charged with prepara tion Service for Dealers have qualified for two special awards for outstanding safety records in Other Kodak units w ill receive of codes to insure safety of work­ New York State. Forty-three awards will be presente d Mar. 12. recognition for their accomplish­ ers, wrote, in part: Establishment of this new divi­ ments du ring the campaign. Kodak " It is an inspiration to m embers sion of the Color Print Service '(j~ 'k/lute <1owu'------------------, of this board to find so m any large makes it possible for Kodak deal2rs indust1·ies are making a determined to send their Kodachrome print effort to reduce what has been a n orders either to H ollywood or Chi­ fML Mcl(inley Expedition Schedules Tests appalling accident toll d uring the cago, depending upon which offers the dealer better parcel post serv­ past years." ice. Orders for Kodachrome prints I Of l(odak Color Film on 20~300-Foot Peak Col. Howard G. H offman , former in a ll sizes, including process-and­ governor of New Jersey, will be the print K odachrome orders, are now Special tests of Ektachrome and Kodacolor Aero Film w ill he principa l speaker at the dinner being accepted there. made h igh on Mount McKinley this spr in g. Bradford W ashburn, explorer in Alaska in 1938. He ex­ Mar. 12 in the Chamber of Com­ noted explorer and mountain climber, will supervise the tests of merce when the awards a re to be · To m a ke room for the new ma­ plained that Washburn made pr e­ made. This a nnual Industrial Man­ chines, offices a nd staff required for Kodak Film w hen he leads h is ex­ vious tests for Kodak when the the highest pea k in North America. agement Council dinner and rally the department addition, a new pedition to the summit of Alaska's Company developed black - and - will be attended by ma ny EK peo­ third floor was built on top of the 20,300-foot mountain. Washburn will conduct the ex­ w hite aero fi lm before the war. periments for the K odak Research ple. Martin F . Hilfinger, Syracuse, Hollywood La boratory last fall. "Opera tion White Tower,'' as the "A lot of practical knowledge of president of the Associated Indus­ expedition is named, w ill test Army Laboratories on sheet Ektachrom e James Barry of the Cine P roc­ what our black - and - white a~ro tries, will present 43 awards to the essing Dept. a nd A. Van Wie of equipment and bring back valuable and Kodacolor Ae ro. Purpose of the Rochester area firms. Color Control went to Hollywood, scientific information on weather, tests is to determ ine beha vior of fi lm could do came from Washburn. as did AI Krieger of the Color glacier motion and cosmic rays. the fi lm under unusual field condi­ Now he'll try out our newest color tions of the Arctic. film on McKinley,'' Dr. Clark said. P rint Service, to assist in setting A complete photographic record Students in EK Families u p the new department. All three of the expedition's progress will be Dr. Walter Clark of the labora­ Two Motion Pictures Planned a r e from Kodak P a rk. made in the t wo-month assault on tories spent three months with the In a recent letter to the Kodak Eligible for Contest scientist, Washburn explained that Entry blanks in the National • two motion pictures of the ascent High School P h o t o g r a p h i c are planned-one in 16-mm. K oda­ Awards are being snapped up This Winter Pvt the 'Br' In Britain chrome, one in 35-mm. black a nd by pupils. reports from many Brrrrr. With one long shiver, Edward Peck (Te d ) Curtis, Kodak time, so a t present the amount of white. Two professional camera­ parts of the country indicate. Kodak sponsors the competition. vice-presid ent, d escribed his stay in Eng land. sensitized goods reaching the ma r­ men will ha ndle these assignments. T ed, who returned last week aboard the Queen Elizabeth from ket has not been cut, but it will " The majority of t he pictures Students in th e ninth to 12th be soon if the coal remains scarce. w ill be ta ken below 15,000 feet, but grades and w ho are members of a month of business in England and Electr icity throughout E ngla nd we hope to be able to top off both Kodak families are eligible for France, declared: has been shut off from 9 a.m. until pictures on the summit if the the A wards, along with others of " I don't advise England in J anu­ 4 p.m. daily for domestic use :wd weather favors us in May,'' Wash­ the country. They may obtain ary as a p leasure t r ip. Of course, stores. Except for t he running of burn wrote. entry blanks at their schools, as far as I was concerned, it was most essential machinery, no elec­ He added that "by far the most from photogra phic dealers or just a tem porary inconvenience. tric power is available at any time drama tic part of the mounta in lies from headquarters of the Na­ for factories. Elevators were shut between 7500 and 13,000 feet, a tional High S chool Photographic The BJ'itish are really having to off entirely. Awards at 343 State St. Entries live with this coal shortage and region that has been scarcely pho­ London did not receive much tographed at a ll." must be sent to the same address extreme cold. For fo ur days," h~ snow, but parts of England were on or before May 15. 1947. pointed out, " my hotel room was buried under, he declared. The One Woman in P arty Cash awards will total $3500 never above 45 degrees, and every­ English usually don't have milch with a grand prize of $500. snow and aren't equipped to fi ght it. Mrs. Washburn will accompany one wore coats and hats indoors.
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