CASE STUDIES IN TOXICOLOGY Series Editor: Lewis S. Nelson, MD Case erate, effects. Dextrometho- A 14-year-old boy suffered a Mail Order rphan is found in cough and seizure shortly after he and cold preparations and is com- a friend smoked a substance monly abused by teenagers they ordered from an herbal Madness due to its accessibility as a products Web site. His friend nonprescription medication. called EMS before fleeing Nicholas Connors, MD, and Lewis S. Nelson, MD Herbal products like jimson- from the scene. Upon pre- weed (Datura stramonium), sentation to the ED, vital A 14-year-old boy has a seizure after yohimbine (Pausinystalia yo­ signs were: blood pressure, himbe), and Salvia divinorum 137/86 mm Hg; heart rate, smoking a substance he and a friend are readily available over the 143 beats/min; respiratory purchased through the Internet. Internet but do not generally rate, 20 breaths/min; temper- cause the combination of hy- ature, 100.0°F. Oxygen saturation was 99% on room air. peradrenergic vital-sign abnormalities and CNS effects On physical examination, he was awake, though laughing seen in this case. and making nonsensical word associations. He did not Synthetic cannabinoids such as “Spice” (also known as appear to be hallucinating, but did not respond appropri- “K2” or “potpourri”) and synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”) ately to questions. Abrasions were noted on his forehead, are also available through the Internet because of their un- and the pupils were dilated and reactive. His skin was certain legal status as products labeled, “not for human con- not flushed, diaphoretic, or dry. With the exception of sumption.” In addition to these agents, which have garnered tachycardia, cardiac, pulmonary, and abdominal exami- significant media and regulatory attention over the last sev- nations were normal. He had no focal motor or sensory eral years, substituted phenylethylamine derivatives also deficits or tremor, and motor tone was normal. Initial have potent psychoactive sympathomimetic effects. laboratory values were: finger-stick glucose, 210 mg/dL; sodium, 140 mEq/L; anion gap, 20 mEq/L. An electro- Case continuation cardiogram showed sinus tachycardia at 135 beats/min, When the patient’s parents arrived at the ED, they brought with a QRS duration of 80 ms and QTc interval of 453 ms. a small sheet of blotter paper, thought to be the source of the drug. Few drugs are sufficiently potent enough to be What could these boys have taken? distributed on blotter paper, which requires doses in the Abused substances that cause agitation, confusion, and microgram range. Examples include LSD, certain trypt- central nervous system (CNS) and cardiovascular ex- amines, and substituted phenylethylamines (4-bromo- citability are numerous and varied. Users of cocaine, 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine; DOB). In this case, the label amphetamines, and methylxanthines present with symp- on the blotter paper suggested the nature of the agent. toms and signs characteristic of the sympathomimetic toxidrome, such as agitation, tachycardia, and hyperten- What are substituted phenylethylamines? sion. Additional sequelae of their use include hyperther- Phenylethylamines, also generally known as amphet- mia, seizure, dysrhythmia, and ischemia. amines, are organic compounds that function as CNS Although this patient was somewhat agitated, postic- neuromodulators. They have a clinical role as stimu- tal, and tachycardic, his mental status was suggestive of lants, psychedelics, antidepressants, decongestants, bron- a dissociative agent such as phencyclidine (PCP), ket- chodilators, and anorectics. The addition of functional amine, or dextromethorphan. PCP use may result in ex- groups to the backbone of the phenylethylamine mol- treme agitation and, at times, violent behavior; ketamine ecule may alter the clinical effects (both psychoactive and dextromethorphan produce similar, but more mod- and sympathomimetic) and pharmacokinetics of these 16 EMERGENCY MEDICINE | JULY 2013 www.emedmag.com drugs. (See the Figure on page effect. NBOMe is generally in- 18 for the chemical structure sufflated or applied to blotter of commonly abused sub- paper for buccal absorption. stituted phenylethylamines.) In one cohort, 57% pur- Substitutions along the ethyl- chased the substance through amine chain tend to enhance the Internet, and 83% used it the sympathomimetic effects in conjunction with other il- by stimulating the release of licit drugs.1 The most com- catecholamines such as do- mon subjective effects were pamine and norepinephrine changes in tactile, visual, and from presynaptic neurons. auditory perception. Trem- These substitutions make the bling, sweating, and blurry vi- © Shutterstock/ Stokkete Shutterstock/ © agent more “speedy.” In addi- sion were the most common tion, substitutions on the ring structure improve the ef- adverse effects.1 Case reports of intoxication with a 2C fects mediated by the serotonin receptors, making the agent describe recurrent seizures and serotonin toxicity,2 substance more psychoactive or “trippy.” With the substi- and fatal toxic leukoencephalopathy3 noted on magnetic tution of halogens along the ring structure, the agent typ- resonance imaging. Effects last about 4 to 8 hours.4 ically becomes more potent, and only microgram doses are needed to achieve the same “speedy” or “trippy” ef- What is the legal status of phenylethylamines? fects, or a combination of these. Phenylethylamines can The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 established the be taken orally, intravenously (IV), or through insuffla- Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) five “schedules” of tion or inhalation. substances based on abuse potential, indications for med- The 2C series agents fall into the phenylethymamine ical use, and safety profile. Schedule I substances have a class and generally have the core structure of 3,4-meth- high potential for abuse and are deemed unsafe even un- ylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine (MDMA, “Ecstasy”) der medical supervision.5 Drugs such as heroin, lyser- with a substituted halogen on the six-carbon ring and gic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, and marijuana methoxy side chains at the 2 and 5 positions on the ring are on the list of Schedule I substances. Additions to this structure. As noted, a halogen typically increases the sub- list include MDMA in 1985, gamma-hydroxybutyrate stance’s potency, and the methoxy groups on the ring (GHB) in 2000, and specific synthetic cannabinoids and enhance serotonergic activity, resulting in greater psy- synthetic cathinones in 2012. choactive affects. Of late, there has been a proliferation On January 4, 2013, certain substances within the class of synthetic products that vary slightly in their chemical of 2C drugs were designated Schedule I by the DEA.6 structure, with resulting unique clinical effects. However, a major difficulty with synthetic agents is the The 2,5-dimethoxy-N-(2-methoxybenzyl)phenyle- efforts of “street chemists’” to be “one step ahead” of le- thylamine (NBOMe) series of substances are structurally gal authorities. As each specific substance is banned, a similar to the 2C series but were not widely used before derivative or analog is synthesized, avoiding legal pros- 2010. The mechanism of action involves partial agonism ecution. Furthermore, it is difficult to ban an entire at the 5HT2A receptor, resulting in its enhanced “trippy” class of agents, and research into potential benefits of Dr Connors is a fellow of medical toxicology in the department of emergency medicine at the New York University School of Medicine and the New York City Poison Control Center. Dr Nelson, editor of “Case Studies in Toxicology,” is a professor in the department of emergency medicine and director of the medical toxicology fellowship program at the New York University School of Medicine and the New York City Poison Control Center. He is also a member of the EMERGENCY MEDICINE editorial board. www.emedmag.com JULY 2013 | EMERGENCY MEDICINE 17 Case Studies in Toxicology ring-substituted amphetamines) and other causes of sei- Amphetamine Methamphetamine H NH zure. Measuring creatine kinase to assess for rhabdomy- 2 N olysis should be considered if there a history of prolonged immobilization or severe hyperthermia. Noncontrast MDMA 2C-I computed tomography (CT) of the head can be performed (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine) (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine) in cases of altered mental status, particularly if there was H O O N head trauma or concerns for subarachnoid bleeding. Pa- NH2 O tients should be observed until symptoms abate and then I discharged home, as appropriate, after evaluation for sui- O cidality along with counseling on the dangers of drug use 25C-NBOMe (2-[4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl]-N-[2-methoxybenzyl]ethanamine) and possible referral for drug treatment. O H N Case conclusion O Cl The patient received multiple doses of IV diazepam for O sedation. Upon waking the next day, he stated that he used 25C-NBOMe (2-[4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl]- FIGURE Molecular structure of substituted N-[2-methoxybenzyl]ethanamine; also called “Pandora,” phenylethylamines. “Dime,” “Vortex,” “Cimbi-82”) on blotter paper for the first time on the day of presentation. He added that he substances can be stifled without significant justification. and his friend had ordered the drug from a synthetic- The Federal Analog Act of 1986 is an addition to the product Web site that advertised the substance as “le- Controlled Substances Act and addresses issues related gal LSD.” to “designer drugs.”7
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