California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 2-21-1996 February 21st 1996 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "February 21st 1996" (1996). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 388. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/388 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Update on FEB 2 3 1996 Kick the Campus The Coyote library Habit-- Affi rmati vel Kick it Action, Now! see see Page 3 CHRONICLE Page 5 By Audra D. Alexander Coyote Chronicle Staff Writer Global Info Talk As the impressivel996 Home­ To Be Given coming festivities aj^jroacb, stu­ From News Services dents on campus are reminded of a time when there were no such ac­ Dr. Paul Gray will be speakihg tivities offered. But this year on campus on Febmary 21 on the looks to be the best celebration Global Information Infirastnicture CSUSB has seen in years. Did (Gil), in J. Brown Hall, Room 102 somecHie say FREE FOOD? at7:30p.m. One of the founders of Among other activities, The the Information Science program Den, fOTmerly known as the old at Claremont Graduate School gymnasium, is mystically being (CGS), Dr. (jray was the president transformed into a dance floor and of the Institute of Management coffeehouse, right after our hope­ Sciences in 1992-93 and currently ful victory over UC Riverside. is a professor specializing in Deci­ Midterms over and finals just sion Support Systems at CGS. arouiKl the comer, it's the student's Gray's talk will focus on how turn to party all night long. the GII will affect business as well Long before the dancing begins, as the issues that need to be ad- the Pep Fest '96 will be held in the dressedtoaeatetheGII. Topicsto ing to his heart's content) ner. Napkins are included, but extension 5008. courtyard "on February 29. Prac­ be discussed include improving the Reservations required, but well vegetarians may want to wait out­ The theme this year is "Ho<^ It tice your yelping, foUi, you could technology, regulation and stan­ worth the $4 for students, the pre- side the door. Reservations must Up," so take the hint. Coyotes, win a parking pass for Spring dards, incryption, security, verifi­ game Barbecue offers an all-you- be made by February 23, and more support the team and show some quarter, a CSUSB sweatshirt, or a cation, money transferand privacy, can-eat chicken, rib, and beer din­ information is available by calling serious school spirit. Coyote BookstcMe Certificate. The as well as the demands involved Coyote Howling Contest is open with being an international, inter- to students, staff, and faculty. (The cultural organization. Hewillcon- Coyote Clbronicle just can't wait to See the Homecoming '96 Schedule on Page 13 clude with a talk of the downside see President Anthony Evans bowl­ risks and promise the Global In­ formation Infrastructure brings. Professor Wins Big on the "Big Wheel" By Heather D. Deogracia notifying her of her acceptance. The second puzzle, "Flamingo" Coyote Chronicle Staff Writer Two weeks later, Gotch was elated stumped Gotch. "I could have to find out she had been selected as looked at it for eight hours and still Donna Gotch, Communications a final contestant wouldn't have gotten it." professor at CSUSB, recently won Three years and much anticipa­ Among the lithograph and over $60,000 in cash and prizes on tion later, Gotch was called for a $16,000 in cash, (jotch won a trip America's favorite show, "The taping on February-1. to Sedona, Arizona, including the Wheel of Fortune." To prepare for the show, Gotch airfare, resort, and $500 spending The journey began three years watched the TV show religiously, cash. She plans to take the trip this ago, when Gotch auditioned and and, "...sat at home and practiced," summer, and will most likely dis­ was chosen as a finalist from 100 shestated. Shepurchas^ the video play the lithogr^h in a museum. competitors in Burbank. "The au­ game and the board game, and Gotch said, "I'm not going to keep dition was much harder than I waited for the moment when she it in my home, it won't go with my thought it would ever be," stated would be the one behind "The other works." Gotch. "The competition... was Wheel." On Pat Sajak and Vanna White, set in a classroom-like situation, "...These puzzles are easy, it's Gotch commented, "They were and began as we had to solve 15 one thing when you're sitting (at) both very friendly. Vanna is unbe­ puzzles in five minutes. Forty out home, it is nothing like when you're lievably thin in person." of 100 people passed the test— there," stated Gotch. Gotch brought along her mother, that's not even half." The actual taping of "The Wheel three friends, and her "significant The remaining contestants had Of FoitCme" is done in one day, so other" ,who she plans to take on die to play the game for a short amount by the end that Thursday, Gotch trip to Sedona. of time, so that evaluatcffs could actually played the game to For anxiety before the show, judge their familiarity with the completion three times. Gotch practiced the skills she game and its proceedings. The first and second games were teaches daily at CSUSB. Public "They narrowed it down to 20 against men, and Gotch won eas­ Speaking, one of Gotch's classes, people, and I had to use my public ily. "Itwasn'tuntilthethird(game) learns, "I visualized myself doing spe^ng skills to introduce and where I played against two fe­ well and wiiming money. I took talk about myself. I was the last males," tlmi Gotch met her match. deep breaths, that relaxed me." person to volunteer, and I was ex­ Another contestant beat her in the CJotch's debut will air on March tremely nervous," (jotch said. Speed-Up Round, by a few hun­ 4, 5, and 6 on KABC. After four hours and intensive dred dollars. On the show, Gotch staies,"One competition, the remaining group The first game, Gotch solved thing I'd tell somemie who wants was narrowed to eight. Gotch was the final puzzle, "Park Bench" and to try out-it's not easy to get on, told she would have to wait for won an original Renoir lithograph, and once you're on, it's not easy to something to come in the mail. valued ai$41,0(X). win." PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 7.1. 1996 THE COYOTE CHRONICLE f % NTCDE Sexual Harrassment: Has it Affected You? University Hail, room 037 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 By Heather D. Deogracia University, San Bernardino Policy students, must discern in which (909) 880-5000, ext. 3940 (newsroom) and Audra D. Alexander For Definition, Education, Pre­ situations we do and do not feel (909) 880-5931 (business office) Covote ChroniniR .Qfaff vention, and Resolution, sexual comfortable. We must learn to harassment is deUned as "...such FAX (909) 880-7009 respect each other's "lines of pro­ Sexual harassment has become behavicx as sexual advances, re­ priety" and not cross them, while quest for sexual favors, and other Contributing Writers and Staff', Jason a very imptxiant topic, yet the ac­ ultimately maintaining the c^n tual implications of it are quite verbal or physical conduct of a and friendly atmosphere we enjoy Armstrong, Carmen Fye, Lorraine undefined in most students' minds. sexual nature directed towards an atCSUSB. Aguilera, Melissa Pinion, Ricardo Most people do not understand employee, student, or applicant." As false sexual harassment Sanchez, Jr., Mario Rivera where the lines of pn^riety are But what exactly does this state­ claims aipear throughout the coun­ clearly drawn, yet it does not seem ment mean? Human beings are try, some people are growing tired EDITORIAL BOARD to have affected the overall truly sexual in nature and the judge­ of the issue, but for those who population's ai^oach to relation­ ment used by cme may not be in­ experience it themselves or see a Graphic Arts HEATHER DEOGRACIA ships on campus ex the wfxkplace. dicative of the judgement used by loved one or colleague go through Sports CHRISTOPHER MALONE Cal State, San Bernardino re­ all to defme the gray areas of this such turmoil, it is a very difficult cently amended their booklet and statement. and awakening topic. Advertising AUDRA D, ALEXANDER position on sexual harassment. As Somehow, every person must The following students felt very Faculty Advisor ROBIN LARSEN stated in the booklet Sexual Ha­ define for themselves what sexual differently about the subject of rassment Policy: ACaliforniaState harassment really is, and we, as sexual harassment.... Business Manager CATHY MILLER The Coyote Chronicle Chronicle) is published on alternate Wednesdays during the academic session by the Department of Communication Studies, California State University, San Bernar- dino. The opinions expressed in The Chronicle are those of the student writers and editors, and do not reflect the views of the university, its administration or faculty, or any other person or institution unless expressly noted. The Chrofiic/e welcomes your letters to the editors. All letters for publication must provide the legal name, mailing address, and phone number (for identification purposes only). The Chronicle reserves the right to edit, excerpt, or reject letters for spelling, length, or suitability for publication.
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