Atmospheric Environment xxx (2016) 1e9 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Atmospheric Environment journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/atmosenv Recovery of young brown trout (Salmo trutta) in acidified streams: What are the critical values for acid-neutralizing capacity? * T. Hesthagen , P. Fiske, R. Saksgård Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, P.O. Box 5685 Sluppen, NO-7485 Trondheim, Norway article info abstract Article history: The recovery of young allopatric brown trout (Salmo trutta) grouped into YoY (age 0þ) and older parr Received 12 February 2016 (age 1þ) fish, was studied in acid-sensitive streams in a Norwegian watershed during a 24-year-period Received in revised form (1987e2010). Their abundance was assessed by electrofishing. Most sites typically had 5.0e5.5 in pH, 0.4 30 June 2016 À1 À1 e0.7 mg L Ca, 10e20 mgL inorganic toxic aluminum (Ali) and acid-neutralizing capacity adjusted for Accepted 4 July 2016 À organic acids (ANC )of-15toþ25 meq L 1. Densities of both YoY and older parr increased significantly Available online xxx OAA during the study period. Water quality also improved in recent years with respect to pH (5.8e6.0), Ali (5 À1 À1 e15 mgL ) and ANCOAA (10e20 meq L ). However, some negative trends in both fish density and water Keywords: fi e e Acidification chemistry were found during both the rst (1987 1993) and last years (2004 2008) of the study. e À2 e e Streams Initially, YoY densities remained at about 16 20 specimens 100 m (1987 1990), declined to 10 15 À2 À2 Brown trout specimens 100 m in the early/mid 1990s, and rosed to 30e50 specimens 100 m in recent years (1997 Recovery e2010). Their densities correlated significantly with ANCOAA, and at least three stages in the recovery À À process were recognised: (i) Low density with 10e20 specimens 100 m 2 at À18 to À5 meq L 1, (ii) À À medium and unstable density with 20e30 specimens 100 m 2 at À5to10meq L 1, and (iii) increasing À À density to 40e50 specimens 100 m 2 at 10e25 meq L 1. The decline in brown trout density in the early- mid 1990s coincided with high sea salt depositions, which caused increased acidification. Component 1 in a PCA explained 51% of the variation in fish densities, including conductivity, Mg, Ca, Na, alkalinity and TOC. Component 2 explained an additional 31% of the variation, including pH, Ali and ANCOAA. Multiple regression analysis coefficients showed that the two components explained 41% of the variance in total fish density. Young brown trout suffered a high mortality during the initial phase of the study in spite of relative low levels of Ali. This is probabaly because the study streams have very diluted water. The densities of young brown trout have levelled off in recent years, indicating a development towards reaching carrying capacity and hence full recovery. However, still some annual fluctuations in density are recorded, which may be related to an unstable water chemistry. © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 1. Introduction lake-dwelling populations were extirpated during the 20th cen- tury, primarily brown trout (Salmo trutta). Anthropogenic emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides have A large number of studies have examined the relationship be- increased the acidity of surface waters in large areas of the world, tween survival of brown trout and various water chemistry pa- especially in eastern North America and several European countries rameters such as pH, inorganic toxic aluminium (Ali), alkalinity and (Rodhe et al., 1995). This process has been a major threat to calcium (McCartney et al., 2003; Alstad et al., 2005; Kroglund et al., biodiversity in both continents, and has also led to severe fish 2008; Malcolm et al., 2014). However, acid-neutralizing capacity damage (Tammi et al., 2003; Keller et al., 2007). In Norway, water (ANC) is usually used as a predictive variable in models evaluating quality deterioration through acidification has severely impov- the biological effects of acidification (cf. Driscoll et al., 1991; erished fish communities (Hesthagen et al., 1999a). Nearly 10,000 Malcolm et al., 2014). The lower ANC threshold needed to avoid damaged brown trout populations in acidified Norwegian lakes À with 95% probability was initially 20 meq L 1, based on fish status * Corresponding author. obtained through interviews in 1986 (Bulger et al., 1993; Lien et al., E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Hesthagen). 1996). ANC was at that time calculated as the difference between http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.07.010 1352-2310/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Please cite this article in press as: Hesthagen, T., et al., Recovery of young brown trout (Salmo trutta) in acidified streams: What are the critical values for acid-neutralizing capacity?, Atmospheric Environment (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.07.010 2 T. Hesthagen et al. / Atmospheric Environment xxx (2016) 1e9 base cations and strong acid anions (cf. Reuss and Johnson, 1986). throughout the study. However, the area sampled in some of the Later, Lydersen et al. (2004) suggested to modify ANC by assuming largest inlets or outlets could vary to some extent from year to year, that the permanent anionic charge of organic acids forms part of depending on the wetted area. The entire width of each station was the strong acid anions, denoted ANCOAA. Using the 1986-dataset generally electrofished, except in the largest inlets and outlets. referred showed that no damaged brown trout populations was Sampling station depths generally ranged from 5 to 25 cm, and À1 2 obtained at ANCOAA of 8 meq L (Lydersen et al., 2004). It should be their mean area ± SD was 71 ± 45 m . Between 20 and 24 streams noted that critical values obtained from traditional ANC and were sampled each year. ANCOAA can not be directly compared. Based on a regional survey in The lengths of all captured fish were measured to the nearest 1995, the same protection for brown trout in clear-water lakes was mm. Most fish were released after sampling, except for some in- À1 achieved at ANCOAA of 33 meq L (Hesthagen et al., 2008). In this dividuals that were removed for age determination. The fish were work, probabilities for no damaged brown trout populations were classified as either YoY (age 0þ) or older parr (age 1þ) on the also given for different TOC levels, showing that higher ANCOAA basis of their length-frequency distribution in each stream. Fish in values are needed to protect brown trout in more humic lakes. A the two age classes usually ranged from 35 to 65 and 70 to 150 mm higher ANCOAA limit to avoid fish damage in 1995 compared with in length, respectively (Fig. 2). A total of 12 199 brown trout were that in 1986 may be related to increased TOC content during that caught, of which 80% were YoY (n ¼ 9726). Older parr were mainly period (cf. Skjelkvåle et al., 2001). It has been shown that strong one-year-olds. As the sampling was carried out at the latest in early organic anions can contribute to the mobilization of Ali in combi- September, only very few mature fish were caught. These speci- 2À À nation with SO4 and NO3 , which is an unambiguous indication of mens were not included in the data-set. Each stream was sampled effects of acid deposition (Lawrence et al., 2007). in a single run during the first six years of the study (1987e1992), Here, we analyse water chemistry and abundance of young and in three successive runs in later years (1993e2010). From the brown trout in acidified streams in a Norwegian watershed three catches in this last period, we estimated probabilities of throughout a 24-year period, from 1987 to 2010. Since 1980, the capture (p) for both YoY and older parr (cf. Zippin, 1958; Bohlin content of sulphate in precipitation at a number of sites in Norway et al., 1989). The mean p-values for these two age groups were fell by 75e91%, and by 54e81% since 1990 (Tørseth et al., 2012). 0.54 ± 0.06 SD and 0.68 ± 0.06 SD, respectively, and these values This has led to that surface waters are in recovery, especially since were used to estimate densities from 1987 to 1992. the mid-1990s (Skjelkvåle et al., 2005; Garmo et al., 2014). How- We tested whether annual variations in environmental factors ever, several episodes of sea-salt depositions have occurred during influenced the number of fish caught. To do so, we performed the past 20e25 years, mobilizing more toxic Al (Hindar et al., 1994, multiple regressions with these independent variables each year: 2003). Nevertheless, we expected to find a significant recovery of (i) mean water flow during the sampling period, (ii) changes in young brown trout relative to ANCOAA during the study period. water flow on days 1, 3 and 5 prior to sampling, compared to that during the sampling period, and (iii) water temperature, based on a 2. Materials and methods mean value for all stations each year (cf. Jensen and Johnsen, 1988). À The numbers of YoY and older parr caught 100 m 2 stream area 2.1. Study area were treated as dependent variables. Water flow measurements from the main river, River Vikedal, were used as a proxy for our The study was performed in the Vikedal watershed in south- study streams, using data provided by the Norwegian Water and western Norway, located about 20 km from the coast (Fig. 1). The Energy Administration. As our study streams were located in upper watershed covers an area of 119 km2, which consists mainly of reaches of the watershed, data on water flow from the main river slowly weathering rocks such as granite and gneisses.
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