Edward Hasted the History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, Second Edition, Volume 3 Canterbury 1797

Edward Hasted the History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, Second Edition, Volume 3 Canterbury 1797

Edward Hasted The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent, second edition, volume 3 Canterbury 1797 <i> THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. CONTAINING THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF IT, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL; COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, VIEWS, ANTIQUITIES, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED, CORRECTED, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME. By EDWARD HASTED, Esq. F. R. S. and S. A. LATE OF CANTERBURY. Ex his omnibus, longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis, Nec imbellem feroces progenerant. VOLUME III. CANTERBURY: PRINTED BY W. BRISTOW, ON THE PARADE. M.DCC.XCVII. <ii> <blank> <iii> TO Sir John Henniker, Bart. OF NEWTON HALL AND STRATFORD HOUSE, IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. SIR, I SHOULD be shamefully deficient in the due respect I owe you, as well as gratitude, a sentiment which I hope will ever be a stranger to my heart, did I not embrace this opportunity of publicly acknowledging both. – The encouragement you have so liberally given to my History of a County, where the family of Henniker have so long resided, and over which your property so iv widely extends, from the earliest period of its publica= tion, and the continual favours you have conferred on me during the course of it, cannot but be deeply imprinted on my mind. Condescend, Sir, to confer on me the additional favor of accepting the Dedication of this Volume now offered to your patronage as a mark of that most perfect esteem and respect with which I remain, Sir, Your most obliged, And most obedient Humble servant, EDWARD HASTED. LONDON, AUGUST 15, 1797. <v> INDEX. A. ABBOT’s lands, in North= fleet, page 313. Abergavenny, Nevills, lords, 371, 373, 446. Abingdon, in Berks. 500. Ackland, baronets, account of, 506. Adye’s, 309, 353, 355. ÆSLINGHAM manor, in Frinds= bury, 531, 394, 528. Agincourt battle, account of, 289. Albermarle, earls of, 33, 52, 62. Alcock, Stephen, 432, 442. Aldersey, Farnham, 489. Alhallows, manor house of, 504. Allen John Ward, perpetual cu= rate of Stroud, 500. Alnutt Richard, possesses South park, Ford place, Ensfield, &c. in Penshurst and Lyghe, 246, 250, 261. Alnutt, Mr. 228. Alphew’s, 53, 113, 210, 223. Amherst Jeffry, lord, possesses part of Sergeant’s Otford ma= nor, 27; Montreal S. in Ri= verhead, 95. Amhersts of Riverhead, account of, 93; admiral 92; Jeffry, 101. Amherst, Stephen, 57; colonel Jeffry, 527. Apulderfields, 128; chapel of, 28. Argyle, Campbells, earls and dukes of, account of, 141. Arnold Arnold, possesses Halsted place, 17. Armstrong, Edward 350. Arsic, barony of, 352. Arundel, Fitzalans, earls of, 204 Ashe’s, 15, 18, 83, 140. Ashcroft, Thomas, clerk, 523. Ashdown’s, 505. ASHGROVE S. in Sevenoke, 61. Ashore park, in Lyghe, 245, 247, 259, 266. Ashurst, in Lyghe, 272. Ashway’s, 169. Asparagus, beds of, at Graves= end, 324. Asteley, Thomas, 213, 328, 340. Athelstane, king, 357. Atwood, Saul, clerk, 364. Audley, Hugh de, 148. Austen Francis, Motley, possesses Kippington, S. 88; and Bri= tain’s, in Sevenoke, 91. Austen, James, 132; Francis, 61. Ayerst, Robert Gunsley, present rec= tor of Speldhurst, 300. Ayerst, R. G. possesses a house in Shorne, 443. AYLESFORD, lath of, 301. Aylesford, earls of, 309. Ayres, Thomas, 538. Axtane, hundred of, 203. vi B. Bacon, Thomas, 70. Bagshaw, Robert, 17. Baieux, Odo, bishop of, 128, 326, 336, 352, 368, 378, 391, 395, 425, 427, 458, 463, 472, 483, 507, 517, 529. Baker, William, possesses Lang= ridge manor in Halling, 383. Bale, Spencer Sackville, present rector of Chidingstone, 227. Ballard’s, estate in Cliff, 508, 509. Banner, tenure by, account of, 445. Barber’s, 383. Barham, Nath. possesses Wick= hust, in Sevenoke, 91. Barham, Nicholas, 360. Barnewell’s, 393. Baron’s, 314 Barrell’s of Rochester, account of, 537, 552. Barrett, Edward, patron of Lud= desdon rectory, 373. Barrett, Thomas, lessee of Den= ton manor, 474. Barrow, John, 349. Basset, Michael, possesses Stan= grave F. in Eatonbridge, 183. Bassett’s, 205, 225. Bath, Poulteney, earl of, 232. Bath, Bourchier, earl of, 233. Bathurst, earl, 299, 309. Bavent’s, 382. Bavent, alias Langridge. See Langridge. Baynard’s of Cliffe, 512. Beacons erected in Kent and Es= sex, 320, 502. Beccles. See Bekele. Becket, archbishop, 24. Bear’s Oak, in Penshurst park, 248. Beauclerk, lord Vere, 16. Beaumont, Sir John de, 353 Bedell’s, 89. Bedell, Michael, heirs of, possess Milton manor, 339. Bedford, John, duke of, 234. Beecher’s, 186. Beeching court, 455. Beechet green in Seal, 51. BEKELE manor in Chalk, 462. Belemeyn’s, Sir John, 230, 271. Bennet, Henry, 449; John, 398. Beresford’s, of Westerham, ac= count of, 166, 169. Bermondsey, priory and con= vent of, 46, 431, 433, 452, 458. BERESSE, alias BERESH manor, in Cookstone, 396. BERRY COURT manor in Cliffe, 504. Besborough, William, earl of, 307. Best, George, possesses Cowling- castle, 521; patron of Cow= ling rectory, 524; Thomas possesses Æslingham manor, 534. Best’s, 489. Betenson’s of Bradborne, 28; account of, 85. Bexley manor, 67. Betburg house, in Lyghe, 273. Bethene court, 441. Bevan, Mrs. lessee of Denton parsonage, 476. Bickerstaff’s, account of, 58. Bing’s, 283. Birdsnest fort on the Medway, 526. Birling, church of, 432. Birtrick, of Meopham, 358, 472. Blackford’s, 505. BLACKHALL in Sevenoke, 85. Blague’s, 8, 550. Bligh’s, 330, 462; account of, 420. Bluegate’s. See Mortimer’s. Board, Richard, present rector of Westerham, 179. Boare’s, 152. Bocland, what it was, 371. Bockland’s, 372. Bodicoat’s, 178. vii Boddington, John, 186. Boghurst, Philip, lessee of Frinds= bury manor, 531; John, lessee of Rede court, ibid. Bologne, Eustace, earl of, 161. BOTANY, 305, 325, 389, 405. BONCAKES, alias Newark ma= nor, in Stroud, 551. Bond’s, 223. Bonnel’s, 223. Boothby’s, 520, 521, 523. BORE-PLACE, S. in Chiding= stone, 221, 211. Bore’s of Chidingstone, ibid. Boresell. See Bowsell. Borough’s, account of, 213, 222, 8, 26, 86, 184, 206. Borrett, Thomas, possesses New= house, Preston, Shoreham cas= tle, Filston in Shoreham, 6, 8. Borrett’s, account of, 5, 10, 11. Bostock, Rev. Stillman, possesses Otford New Park manor, 28. Bosville’s of Bradborne, account of, 83, 28, 84, 86, 94, 98, 99, 100. Boswell, Sir William, 84; lady Margaret, 99, 102. Boteler, William, 193. Boughton Aluph manor, 133. Bourchier’s, 14. Bourges, abbey of St. Sulpice in, 485. Bowbeach house in Hever, 190; in Chidingstone, 211. BOWZELL manor, in Chevening, 222. BRADBORNE manor in Sevenoke, 82, 149. Brandon’s of Shinglewell, ac= count of, 347. Brasier’s, 371. BRASTED PARISH and VILLE, 146. Braybrooke, Sir Reginald, 410, 430, 518. Brent’s, 338, 353, 464; Fulk de, 62. Brett, John, present vicar of Hig= ham, 481. BRITAINS in Sevenoke, 90, 67. Broad oak in Penhurst park, 228. Brocas’s of Hever, 192, 349. Brograve, William, 219. BROMLEGH, in Frindsbury, 534, 528. Brook, George, 184, 222, 317, 519, 520; William, 519, 520; Sir John, 459; Feyth, 522. Brook’s, lords Cobham, account of, 411; of Malling, 539. Brooks, William, possesses Hal= sted manor, 16. BROOK-PLACE manor in Cheven= ing, 132; in Sundridge, 127, 129. Brook-place. See Montreal. Brookes, estates in Higham, 492. Brooker, 131. Brown, 505. Brown, Sarah, possesses Rayn= hurst manor, in Chalk, 465. Browns’ of Eatonbridge, 185; of Northfleet, 315. BROWN’S manor in Eatonbridge, 185. Broughton’s, in Otford, 29 BROXHAM manor, in Westerham, 169. Bryenne, Sir William de, 36, 52, 58. Buckland’s, 4, 372. Buchannan Gilbert, present rector of Northfleet, 318. Buckingham, Staffords, dukes of, 148, 182, 229, 236. Budirevere, in Seale, 47. Bufkin, Leven, 132. Bulleyn, Sir Thomas, 139, 254; Sir Geoffry, 192; lady Anne, 193. Bulleyn’s, 38, 52. Bulteel, 349. Bulwark, at Higham, 483. Bunce, James, possesses Crow= viii dleham, S. 45, and the appro= priation of Kemsing, 49; a part of Seale parsonage, 59. Bunce’s of Kemsing, account of, 3, 43. Burges, Robert, 86, 252, 263, 292, 299. Burges’s of Lyghe, 205. Burgh, Fysh Coppinger, 223; Hubert de, 426, 458. Burgh, Boroughs, lords, account of, 214, 184, 206, 222. Burghersh’s, account of, 217, 134. Burley, Sir Simon de, 328. Burneville, Robert de, 423. Burrell, Peter, 488, 497. Burton, lady Frances, 349. Burston, William, 336. Burwash court. See Chiding= stone Burgherst. BURY-COURT, in Cliffe, 502, 503. Bury’s, 14, 18. Butler, Thomas, 541; Adam, 522, 523. C. Cacott’s, 91, 132. Cæsars of Stroud, 557. Calcraft, John, possesses North= fleet manor 307. Caldicot’s, 284. Calverley’s, in Whitley, 125. Cambridge, St. John’s college in, possesses Higham and Lille= church manor, 486; Higham parsonage and advowson of vicarage, 495. Campbell, lord Frederick, pos= sesses Combebank seat in Sun= dridge, 142, 154. Campbell’s of Combebank, ac= count of, 140. Camden John, J. Pratt, earl of, possesses Wilderness seat, in Seale, 57. Camer house, in Meopham, 357. Camfield’s, 284, 292. Camvill’s, 162. Canewe, Sir John, 264, 271. Canterbury, see of, 1, 3, 11, 22, 30, 62, 65, 68, 90, 102, 106, 125, 128, 144, 147, 156, 226, 229, 255, 306, 314, 315, 316, 317, 502, 506. Canterbury, Arundel, archbi= shop of, 511, 518; Athelard, 501; Boniface, 147; Bour= chier, 14, 64; Courtenay, 365; Cranmer, 66, 103, 106, 125, 306, 317, 229; Deane, 25, 66; Islip, 25; Lanfranc, 128; Meopham, 365; Mor= ton, 65; Parker, 255; Pole, 69; Reynolds, 25; Richard, 379; Theodore, 500; War= ham, 25, 66; Wlfred, 501; Winchelsea, Robert, 24. Canterbury, archbishop of, pa= tron of Halsted rectory, 18; Sundridge rectory, 144; Bra= sted rectory, 156; Chiding= stone rectory, 226; Meopham vicarage, 365; Cliff rectory, 512. Canterbury, priory of, 175, 177, 188, 357, 365, 502, 505, 521.

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