BrecksvilleBrecksville --BroadviewBroadview HeightsHeights HighHigh SchoolSchool BAND BOOSTERS October 2012 Director’sDirector’s All parents of band students are invited to attend WelcomeWelcome Jason Wyse 440-740-4792 Band Boosters Meetings [email protected] the first Tuesday of every month. Dear Band Parents and Students, Hope to see you on Time has flown… with an early Homecom- ing and Senior Night this season, it seems Tuesday, as though we are ending just as quickly we have begun! I must Oct. 2nd, 7pm say that the 2012 edion of the Marching Bees has been truly in the special… from their powerful sound, to their posive atudes, to their enthusiasm, I have greatly enjoyed working with these High School Band Room fine students all season, and look forward to our connued collaboraon in music this year. Also, I hope that everyone realizes what an incredible staff that we have! Mrs. Astey, Ms. RJ7RJ7 M`71M`71 AA Sirey, Mr. Hall, Ms. Augusne, and Mr. Hanna have been TREMENDOUS in their reless YY S37`S37` efforts to do whatever is necessary to promote the success of our students. A--`!A--`! !! As you know, a marching band does not simply “happen.” It re- How about buying and selling fresh oranges and quires the combined efforts of many, many individuals. Please grapefruit to help pay for your student band ex- allow me to express my sincere GRATITUDE to all those who penses—and sup- have contributed – however much or lile – to this massive un- port the band too! dertaking. To any parent who has chaperoned a bus, carried a And this fruit makes piece of equipment, hemmed a uniform, chaired a commiee, or a great holiday gi ! simply supported your child in the art of music… please know For each box a stu- how much your efforts are valued, and greatly appreciated. dent sells, a poron Here are some highlights of what is yet to come: of the profit (not sales) is applied to MIDPARK BAND FESTIVAL – Thursday, 10/11 @ 7pm (CT – 4:30) the student’s ac- Note: A er 41 years, this will be the last “Midpark” Band Fes- count. Students val! Next year, the Berea and Midpark schools will be combining. earn $5 for every Connued on page 3 Connued on page 2 DDIRECTORIRECTOR ’’SS LLETTERETTER FROMFROM THETHE Jason Wyse Gina Koziol, President 440-740-4792, 440-838-4885 ELCOME WWELCOME [email protected] PPRESIDENTRESIDENT [email protected] Connued from page 1 I always knew that we had something special in our band but my The fesval will be held at Finnie Stadium in thoughts were confirmed recently by someone all the way from Berea. Info and direcons can be found another country. I want to share with you some of the comments from here: hp://www.bw.edu/quickfacts/ my foreign exchange "daughter" from Italy who is spending the school direcons/stadium/ . Tickets are $7.00 for year with us and is a proud adults, $5.00 for students. Hope to see member of band. She spent her first week not only many of you there… thanks for your support! ____________________________ adjusng to a new country, but also spent the first week CHAIR PLACEMENT RECORDINGS – Due by in a very busy band camp. Friday, 10/19 @ 5:45 pm Nicole said at the end Chair Placement music will be released on FRI- of that week she was so DAY, 10/5. Once again moved by all that she had this year, all auditions experienced that when the must be recorded digi- band played all the songs Gina Koziol with son Sam and foreign tally, and emailed exchange student “daughter” Nicole Vesenni they had learned that week, from a parent’s email she became very emoonal. All the craziness, hard work, fun and address (if this is a struggles now culminated in making this “beauful” music and she hardship for anyone, became so choked up she could barely play. It meant so much to her recordings may be to feel a part of a new band family. Nicole says the band not only is so completed at school much fun but “they are so good too!” She had never experienced this via Flip camera). close bond with a group like this before. At home, they do not have The advantages of "school" sports or acvies where an digital submission include: entire community comes together to October 2012 Ease of Submission – The file is sent instant- support you. She says we are so lucky 2012-2013 School Year ly, and we will confirm once received. to have a school and community that Issue 2 Also, there is no risk of a “tape” being come together every week to show lost or tampered with. our spirit and pride and even to play Brecksville - Broadview Hts. Efficiency of Evaluaon – Rather than juggl- and sing an alma mater! Thank you High School Band Boosters ing various media, we are able to band for making her and so many 6380 Mill Road streamline the listening process and others feel welcome and a part of Broadview Hts., Ohio 44147 spend more me on delivering valuable this great band family. 440-740-4700 feedback. Part of this great band's success www.bbhcsdband.org Redundancy – Both the parent and the direc- comes from all the wonderful parents tor will have a time-stamped copy of the who volunteer and help in so many President: Gina Koziol submission, in case there are questions/ ways. Thank you! I welcome you to 1st VP: Gina Messina problems regarding the file. join us at our monthly booster 2nd VP: Kathy Richards Accountability – Files are emailed from a meetings the first Tuesday of each Secretary: Carin Kubera parent’s email address , to verify that the month at 7pm in the band room. We Treasurer: Linda Engelhart child indeed recorded their own playing. have many opportunities available NOTE: Arcles are due by 11pm Each ensemble (Symphonic Band, Concert that could use your help. Hope to see on the 19th of each month to be Winds, Wind Ensemble) will have its own set you there! Come see what published in the next month’s of audition materials. Students should be opportunies are available and newsleer. Email to: maybe win a door prize too! [email protected] Connued on page 5 BBHHS Marching Bees - Band Notes 2 October 2012 RJ7RJ7 M`71M`71 AA Tricia Astey Pep Band Director YY S37`S37` A--`!A--`! !! PPEPEP BBANDAND 440-740-4872 [email protected] HYJ31HYJ31 CJCJ SY7SY7 Following marching season, Connued from page 1 students will have the opportuni- small case and $7.00 for large cases of fruit they sell, ty to parcipate in the BBHHS and that money is held for them in their student ac- Pep Band. Pep Band is a volun- count to apply toward their band expenses, such as tary group that performs from next year’s Disney trip. the bleachers at about ten ath- This fresh, Florida citrus fruit comes in boxes and lec events throughout the are great holiday gi s, hostess gi s, and are perfect for months of December, January any family who wants fresh-squeezed orange or grape- and February. We play for varsi- fruit juice for the holiday. Florida Indian River Groves ty boys basketball, girls varsity will again supply this delicious fruit. Since our citrus comes basketball and this year, the straight from the groves, it lasts for weeks! BBHHS hockey team! We play Both the navel oranges and red grapefruit are avail- much of the music that we perform during football season, able in the following sizes: with the addion of several other fan favorites. Members of Small 20 lb. box of Oranges: $23.00 the band may have Large 40 lb. box of Oranges: $35.00 only one mandatory Small 20 lb. box of Grapefruit: $23.00 rehearsal outside of Large 40 lb. box of Grapefruit: $35.00 the ten scheduled 20 lb. box of Mixed Oranges & Grapefruit $25 events. I am looking Instrucons and order forms will be available a er Oc- forward to heading up tober 3 rd at BBHHSBand.com, then click Boosters. the band this year and hope that there are many students out Order Dates: there willing to come Placed by Student pick-up and offer their musical Thursday, October 25 th Friday, November 16 th th th support to our basket- Thursday, November 15 Friday, December 14 ball and hockey teams! Students deliver fruit directly to each of their customers. SSOUNDSOUNDS OFOF THETHE SSTADIUMTADIUM Thursday, October 25, 7pm (CT – 6:15) BBHHS Gymnasium This indoor concert provides a warm, dry venue for family, friends, and fans to hear all of the excing music from this season. The concert will be professionally recorded by Soundwaves , and orders can be placed at the event. This year, they will be offering both CDs and HD 4-camera DVDs of the performance! BBHHS Marching Bees - Band Notes 3 October 2012 RREFLECTIONSEFLECTIONS OFOF AA SSENIORENIOR NNIGHTIGHT Friday, October 12 th GGRADUATINGRADUATING BBANDAND MMOMOM Our annual Senior Night reception for Senior Band Members and their parents will This is the year of “lasts” for my family. My youngest is a senior and be held Friday, October 12 th at 5:30pm. Empty-Nestism is right around the corner (whee!). She’s already completed Any non- her college apps, a year from now she’ll be gone and I hopefully will have Senior band found all my clothes and stuff that mysteriously disappeared over the years. parents who But as I look forward I also look back.
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