'" THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS ,,. Ninety-Third Year No. 14 Thursday April 3, 1952 3 Sections, 22 Pages Mason Juniors ·Rehearse "Strictly Formal" Organist Amnflers. 1 Truckers Balk Governor Wins lJfrs.: !Jell's Plea ·· At Heavy Fines l>arty Support Money Is In Sight Under New Law For President Il;;;][:;j:l,:'1::£f.~~J:~f~] Walling for the Sum·ise," ·For 7-Room School Mrs. l3c>ll u~ecl nn Ingham · True!' O\'m·wd1~h ts Dl'llw Withdrawal of Truman ICn11nty News want ncl last week B I Gives New Courage 1n hm· :;carl'h for n rccot·d player h d 1 w• l•'im• of ~2,3!)) at Mason t t ' To lnl•iuuu Dmnom·ats llllld tlw one reeorcl. She got hoth. Anll $Bfi0 Down r1t I.esli•l ' [ 'l'hen for good measure she re· I ou on ' ssue Freight truek opcratm·s Govel'nor G. Mennen Wil-l ccl1•ecJ the orgnnlst's reeorrlin,::, II. I I madr. nt Lazy Valley Inn high In who have dist;f!garded load t'e­ lams is the man ng H\111 tilC Rocl<ies. School Board Favors Pay-as·You-Go Plan sl.t·ictions are not disregarding Dcmocl'ats want ns a pres!- --- · o I ' 1 the acts of two Ingham jus­ dentiul candidate. They said 1 , h d'd For Constructing Building on West Side tice.~ of the peace, They intend so in one loud voice at their 1 i: •n t (an I ates Mason has on hand to start construclion of- to make a test case of a new fl:p':l ma $1!)0,000 n convention in Mason Monday I Q' t West Side clementm·y school. Thet·e's anothct· $60,000 in state law which brought down B· II M d night. I 0 sight to guarantee that the building Will be finished lllld a fine of $2,391 at Mason and If they can't have Governol' n a, ff'on ay $860 at Leslie. 1 Williams .tll~y'll go for Gover- for c~ty 0 Ices l'cady for occupancy by Scptcmb~r. 1953. Justice Roy W. Adnms nsscssed ·nor Adlm Stevenson or Sen- No bond issue will be nccclecl to finance the construction, tile $2,3[)1 fine against the Brarla ator· Paul Douglas of Illinois, I Eir;hl men arc c:anclldates at All that is t•cquit·ed is the vote of the people to raise an extra Cartage Co. of Dctroli Tuesday . or Senator Eustis Kefauver of Mnnday'H city elr.ellon. It's the 5 mills in taxes beyond the '15-mill limit. According to school .rust icc William Gt·uegcl of Leslie Tennessee or· any other Demo- first under I he dty's new charter officials, such a levy will raise $20,000 in 1953, anothet· Ill{{; ordered I he In tcrsta tc Motor crat, confident that their man adopted last June. Jo'rcl~ht System to plly $AGO. can beat anyone the Republi-/ 'l1w c•lght <trc candidates for the sum can be bot·t·owed on the HJ51 levy, and there can be Neither fine has yet been paid. cans put up, they said. four nosts of eouncilm<lll. They $20,000 available through ·- -- -" --------- Interstate demanded a trial. J uclge Grucgcl has set Tuesday 1'he Democrats even too]{ time; arc Frartk Dakin, Frank K tmnsfcr of 1952-1953 surplus off from tlicir own party affairs IEvans, Clairmont Everitt, C. H. school funds. Board Puts 0 K" · nfternoon as the lime. It will be to pick Republican candidates. Hall, A. Mor!·Json, Ralph G. conducted in his offices over the S. Peoples hank in Leslie. Some nominated Stasoen, others Strope, Roland 'I roxell unci Earl . The proposed building will 0 B"d PI ,. · At Mason Judge Adams has Tail, Eisenhower, Governor War· Urquhart. contain six grades and a kin- n fl ge an. ordered the :Grada Cartar:e Co. Actors are ·putting the· tinal punch in their lines for ren of California or ·.General Evans and Hall arc lncumi,Jents. dct·garten room. ·truck and trailer impounded as "Strictly Formal," which will ·be pt·esen~cd in the ~ason MacArthur, to be the candidate Morrison has served ns m11yor Decision on the bulldin); plan most lil\ely to be trimmed in No· and Dal\in as alderman·supervi· was reached at a meeting of the At K"lnneVI"IIe· .. ·security. school auditorium Thurs~ay ~nd Friday mghts. The trJO up .. '.l'cllljlhone I.lncs nusy Radio Now Links vember, sor. hoard of cclumtion Wednesday front arc John Laxton (left), Aaron Hyde and JoAnn Walker. In addition to emlorsing Gov. Everitt is on the office staff at night, Last. Friday night the 'J'ruck operators and their law· Watching the action-piiCked scene are' (from left to right) : 'ycrs and the International Team· ernor Williams as a presidential the county road commission. board consulted with a citizens Jim Clark, Tom Christensen, Judy Heathman, Kcitha Mills, H~ghway System . candidate, Ingham Democrats Evans is county highway cngi· advisory committee appointed Bids Will Be Taken 'stcrs union and their lawyers Roberta Evans, Jon Davis, Mai·y Mathias and Elizabeth Fox. ·have been keeping the wires busy bacl~ed. County Chairman 0. I<. nccr. Dal(in is a retired mall car· last summer to study the school On Span Over G runtl, "' with pleas to and telephone con· Others in the cast arc Louise VanHorn, Mary Anderson, Von­ In Ingham County Gretteribergpr or' Olwmos for rier. Hn11 is a machinist for AI situatioh. Members of the ml· Cot~nty Pays One-IInlf fcrences with the Leslie and Ma· cia Karn, Ralph Ellison and.Betsy Ha~na. high state office and Prof. Don· Rice. Morrl~on Is engineer at Wy· visory committee, Hcvcral of · son .lust ices. Orders ;)fe now being dis· aid Hayworth of Michigan Stale cth Incorporated. Strope Is a !or- wliom at first voiced opposition to At their meeting in Mason 1 patehcd to road commission su· college for sixth district con. mer deputy sheri!T and Is active the new plan, gave their ap. The heavy fincs were imposed pervisory employees by radio. grcssman. The resolution enclors· in veterans atrairs. Troxell heads proval, Wednesday Ingham road com­ under a new law which sets up a ...::.;::.:::.:.:..!'-.:..:;::~;:,.;;;..;.;...;;_;.....; _ __;__ ~ Foremen also usc their two-way ing Grettcnbergct• didn't specify the shipping department at Wy- The advisory group origiiially missioners stamped their OK • radio to confer with the head of· any one office. Grcttcnbcrger cth Incorporalecl. Urquhart Is recommended providing 12 clc- ·mandatoryOn overloads schedule beyond 5,000of charges. lhs the I L' d Kt"wanl·ans Matched on plans for a ne\v bridt:c at fine is l Oc a lb. 'l'he law doesn't IOns an fice and with each other. made no announcement of any manager of Schmidl,s department mentnry class roomM and con- Kinneville. · E · F 1 I{ preference.. store. , structlng a building to house t·ead "may." It says the court County 'ngmcer 'ran' · Besides endorsements of the Dlds w111 be taken soon, proi). shnll impose a fine of 1 Oc a lb. , Mason Lions and Klwanians bi!( game are Earl Urquhart, John E~vans exprcssctI en ll lUStasm· over "Overnor, Grcttcnber..,er and IIU"· Until this year Mason· voters farm shop, agriculture and band t ably within GO days, for the new. Until a different interpretation will fight it out In donkey basket· Shepard, Howard S?lbcrl, Howard the radio sys em. worth," the resolutions" ·adoptedJ chose city clerl\, city treasurer classes, That program would span across Grand river. 'l'he new ls put on the law the two justices ball Wednesday night. The game McCowan, Richard Demlow, Hay "I believe radio will reduce lauded Senator Blair Moody and and assessor. Under the new char· have culled for a bond issue. hridge will roplace the present intend lo stand pat. Marshalled will be played In the Mason school Perl\ins, Raymond H. McLean, AI tr·avcl by thousands of miles a the activity of Democratic worn· ter those officers, when present · Re1~'ffins Are Cited structure erected 60 ycocs ngo. ' against them is an array of high· gymnasium. Rice and Ben Weavet·. year," the engineer said. "I !mow en in precinct Jlolltics. terms expire, will be appointed hy Reasons for a switch to the the council. There are seven men pay-as.you-r;o plan were the pres. The estimate on the cost runs priced legal talent. Warner, Nor· Preliminary games bet\Veen The student council is sponsor· that it will expedite the Wot"l\, Vote for• TccJI·A"'eJ•~.· 1 11 I ] t ] hi 1 · hetwccn $60,000 and $70,000, the cross & Judd of Grand Rapids faculty and students and a warm· ing donkey basketball in Mason. We can reach any section in the Ingham Democrats" .. 1'11 tl1eir on t 1c counc , our c ec et t ds entliffi 11gh1 cost· ofb construction,· 1 the ycm: for two·ycar terms, an c . cu ty In o tam ng steel, re· commissioners said. Foster ED· wlll appear at Leslie for Inter· up between teams of business Profits will be used to hire talent county. In only one area south of resolutions asked to have the three elected next year for two· luctance to !llunge the school dis· glneering Co. of Lansing de: state. Detroit and Lansing- law· men arc scheduled to start at for school assembly program~. Dansville have we experienced voting age lowered to 18, for a year terms.
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