The Newsletter of Sociologists for Women in Society Summer in Philly Our 34th Year of Advocacy, Activism and Service to Women to understand the need and significance of Many asked if Joan Acker's 2004 By: Marlese Durr recognizing and rewarding women's work. Feminist Lecturer talk entitled "Inequality Our program also helped us to understand at Work: Gender, Race, and Class in the SWS President and value mentoring and promoting the Workplace" will appear in Gender & ur Summer meeting in Philly was fan- development of junior and senior scholars, Society. I will talk with the Publications O tastic! Each session in our program while Transgender 102 continues to pro- Committee chairs about this along with the helped to provide insight into areas of self- mote an understanding of the fluidity of editor and send you an e-mail in the com- development. Indeed our program served gender. ing week. Our Sister-to-Sister Reception as a Women's Assistance handbook. The was very well attended and we gained 15 "Life-Trajectory of an Academic Career" Women of Color as new members by and "Disrupting the Culture of Silence" offering memberships in SWS for one year provided assistance and focus on the issues through our Sister-to-Sister Program. of tenure and promotion, while emphasiz- Barbara and I have sent letters of Welcome ing the importance of balancing our per- to these new members and included infor- sonal and professional lives; it helped us mation on our "Professional Needs Mentoring" and "Hands Program," along contents... with the listserv and website information. The "Collaborative Opportunities Roundtables" Women’s World. pg 5 organized by Julia McQuillian was quite suc- People and Places . pg 9 cessful. Many people have sent e-mails indi- cating that this was a great project and one Award Deadlines . pg 9 they hope we continue. "Emerging Scholarship In Sociology: ABS-SWS Student Summer Meetings. pg 10 Roundtables" was also well attended had a Winter Meeting . pg 22 combination of SWS, ABS, and ASA associ- Our first year of jointly-sponsored ses- ation members who helped to make this proj- Feminist Lecturer Award . pg 23 sions with ASA/ABS/SSSP/ were success- ect successful. ful. Sessions were well attended and I What can I say about our banquet Members’ Bookshelf . pg 29 believe did indeed broaden our relation- other than you all enjoyed it and so Fact Sheet . pg 30 ships across the various associations and did I! Rose Weitz is a great dance sections within the discipline. We look for- instructor, her dance lesson was over Job Opportunities . pg 32 ward to next year, with Cynthia Fuchs the top great! From the e-mail I Epstein's leadership. The special session on received the direct contact with Mr. "Women in Science" went well and I thank Alan Mc Clare, Senior Acquisitions next issue... you all for your support on this session Editor of Rowman & Littlefield Submissions Due. November 15 along with Barbara Risman, Mary Frank Publishers and Leanne Andersons of Publication Date. December 15 Fox, Cecilia Ridgeway, Gail Simmons, Lynne Rienner was helpful to many of Bonnie Thornton Dill, Marta L. Wayne and our members. I thank them both for Editor. .Leslie Hossfeld Jerry Jacobs. Within the coming weeks I working with us. Phone. .(910) 962-7849 hope to place their comments in Network Our meeting was exciting and busy. I News and the webpage for all who could am now looking forward to Puerto Email. [email protected] not make the session. Rico in January. See you there! FALL 2005 VOLUME XXII NO. 3 Katrina & Rita Reflections on the Sisters' Impact Published and distributed by Sociologists for Women in Society, an international and their children were left behind angered me, organization of more than 1,000 social scientists, faculty, undergraduate and graduate By: Marlese Durr but spurred me on to send and give all I could students, sociology practitioners and independent SWS President find, beg, borrow and steal within my New scholars who share a dedication to social equality. York City and Dayton, Ohio communities. Editor . Leslie Hossfeld fter our return from a successful When the news media became more organ- Graphics Editor . Allison Alvarez A meeting, we were greeted by the ized, I saw that there were poor women of all news of Katrina and began to worry about our colors left to suffer through this tragedy and Sociologists for Women in Society President. Marlese Durr many members in the Gulf area. We braced became even more upset that human life was President -Elect . Christine Bose ourselves as we listened to hear what catego- not valued. Then, my phone in NYC rang and Past President . Nancy Naples ry and where Katrina would eventually land. my Irish Catholic sister-in-law was crying as Vice-President . Cathy Zimmer My first thought was "I hope the sister slows she thought about her sister who had just Secretary. Mary Bernstien her roll." But, she was angry and we heard moved to New Orleans. Thus, my assistance Tresurer. Cynthia Anderson just how angry she was. to my sister-in-law began Deputy Treasurer. Kathleen Slobin While listening to 98.7 within the Irish Catholic, Executive Officer. Nancy Miller KISS, I pledged a small African American, and Standing Committee Chairs: amount for each SWS Latino communities to assist Awards . Joan Spade member who was safe and the victims of the Gulf. Career Development . Denise Copleton did the same for members As soon as we begin to Discrimination Support . Susan Chase of my sorority (Delta Sigma recover from Katrina a bit, International. Manisha Desai Theta Sorority, Inc.) then Rita, her sister arrived. The Membership. Cathy Zimmer Publications . Lisa Brush packed clothes and canned- President's response was Publications . Susan Hinze goods and volunteered at much swifter and many state Social Action . Virginia Rutter my church to help receive and local government offi- Nominations . Nancy Naples and package donations. cials began to make arrange- Gender & Society Editor . Christine Williams But, I was still saying "why ments to assist people who Book Review Editor . Barbara Ryan so angry sister, look what did not have the funds to Student Representative . Marcia Hernandez you have done" and called leave Corpus Christi and Material for publication (including advertise- one of our members I had not seen in some Galveston. But, I began to think about how ments) should be submitted to Networknews time just to hear her voice as I had done with many without means would suffer and soon Editor: Leslie Hossfeld, Department of many of may sorority sisters (cell phones to would face finding a new place of safety. In Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of the rescue). This was my way of comforting thinking about this, I thought about the vari- North Carolina at Wilmington myself. ous public policy issues we become engaged 601 South College Road, Wilmington, NC As I began to read your e-mails I thought in as well as the political stances taken by our 28403. Phone: (910) 962-7849. about the one which highlighted Shirley government. Then, I thought to myself the Email: [email protected] Laska's important discussion about the "next fury of these two women brought back into Deadlines for submission: time" if we were not prepared for such a nat- focus the need to value human life and our Summer - May 15; Fall - September 15; ural disaster, as well as others who discussed need to assist one another in times of crises. Winter - November 15; Spring - March 15 the need to prepare for this type of event. I We have done this in a "living large" fashion Attention: For those submitting time sensitive was even more alarmed that the State and and have moved on to focus on how we can materials, target dates for publication and Federal government did not heed these words. make preparations to value human life. mailing are: Summer-June 15, Fall-October 15, Needless to say, I began to speak in a dis- I have had the privilege of saying to you Winter-December 15, Spring-April 15. paraging way about the current federal what I felt and my response. I am sure your Fee schedule for advertisements: Full page- administration, while hoping that all would responses were similar. I thank all of you for $200.00; Half-page-$100.00; Quarter-page or soon be well. working to insure all our members are safe less-$50.00; Job announcements-$25.00. Then, I saw the pictures and felt "well, it's us and letting us all know this. I am sure you all Invoices will be sent after announcements left behind again, poor black people with little continue to give through your professional appear. or no resources:" the numbers of African associations, community involvements and Please send membership and change of address American women and children who could not civic groups. Although angry, these sisters information to: SWS Executive Office, afford transportation to evacuate to Texas, forced our administration to think and pre- Department of Sociology, University of Akron, California and other places was tremendous. pare, we are now ready to face this chal- Akron, OH 44325-1905 I had heard that many of our members had lenge and call for a renewed look at Phone: (330) 972-7918; Fax: (330) 972-5377 gone to family. Realizing that scores of poor valuing human life, especially for Email: [email protected]. women, especially African American women women and children. 2 The Life-Trajectory of an Academic Career to carve out the time for writing and com- new balance between teaching, service, By: Heather Laube pleting such a huge project.
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