I . R . C. To Discuss Happy Birthday The Big Three Dean Marriner VTTTTl,TT>T7»-D O Students Formul ate 52'Women/6 Men New Const itution Attain Dean 's List Men 's Student Council Men s Division Class of 1947 Powder And Wig Abandon War Documeat Initial - Discussion An open meeting of Powder Former Rhodes Scholar William Kershaw, Waterville, Maine and Wig is planned for Tuesday Bradley C. Maxim, Orono, Maine evening, October 16, at 7:15 in Studies Symbolist Poet By R. Rosen Of 1R. C Features Class of 1948 the Alumnae Building. All The Men's Student Council pro members of the club are invited Carl E. Chellquist, Boston, Mass. g Author Of. Literar y Criticism tempore met in the quiet seclusion of Panel On Bi Three to attend. Donald F. Klein, New York City Lounge last Wednesday night Smith Burton A. Krumholss, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teaches English And Histor y -jwrite the outmoded war constitu- • . Edward C. Schliek, Arlington, N. J. " 'The Big Three' : Concord or Dis- tion. cord" will be the topic of a panel dis- y Orchestra To Hold Colb Dr F. 0. Matthiessen opens the The highlights of the " constitution cussion at the opening meeting of the International Relations Club. This Pro gram on Januar y 27 1045-1946 season of Averill Lectures consists of liberal prerequisites for Women's Division with a talk on Edgar Allan Poe next tlie utilizing of initiative, referen- first meeting will be held on Tuesday Spring Term, 1944-45 evening, October 23 Friday evening. The lecture will be dum, and recall ; representation is to , at 7:45 in the Women's Union. Future meetings first Concert of Year To Give held in the Dunn Lounge at 8:00. be by classes, of which there will be Class of 1945 Dr. Matthiessen is a well-known will be held on the second Tuesday of two members from the three upper Mary Brewer, Waterville, Maine Works Of familiar Compo sers educator and literary critic. His tnc the month with Dr. Anthon taking- ...,.:ses, four representatives from Marilyn Bryant, Lakeport, N. II. speech should be particularly inter- anomalously large freshman group, over Professor Wilkinson's position Frances Dow, Fort Kent, Maine i.s adviser. The forthcoming year promises to esting to students of contemporary ana one representative from the non- Mary Louise Fraser, Westbrook, Me, be a thoroughly enjoyable one for literature as well as to those inter- Aftne u rsu , meeting, there will- be uormitory students. Expression ot Joan Gay, Manhassct, New York' the members of the Colby College ested in Poe himself , for Edgar Allan three speakers, covering the topics further student approval is provided Edith Hinckley, Blue Hill, Maine , Community Orchestra , as well as hoe is recognized as the father of the "Analysis of the London Peace Con- l Oi' iii a general assembly to be called Anne Hoaglund , Worcester, Mass. members of the student body and Symbolist Movement. Such writers ference," "The Eastern European before the consideration of major Roberta Holt, Clinton , Maine friends of the college. Dr. Compa- as Beaudelaire and Valery acknowl- Situation," and "The Far East," as policies, and a short period of. time Janet Jacobs, Absecon , New Jersey re tti has announced that the pro- edge the tremendous influence of Poe in respect to Russian-Anglo-American .luist elapse after the passing of any Mario Kraeler, New York, New York grams which have been, planned for upon their writings, and from those relations. In addition to the discus- legislation in order that the process Rita McCabe, Middletown , Conn. the year will be made up of the works French writers has come much of our sion , the election of new officers ui. referendum may be facilitated an- Thelmn Morsillo, China , Maine of favorite composers including fa- modern literature. Such noted au- shall take place, and the dues of fifty te facto. This new constitution con- Joan St. James, Milh'noeket, Maine miliar and lesser known selections. thors of today as T. S, Eliot and W. cents for the year shall be collected. tains many qualifications of powers Evelyn Stcrry, Skowhega n , Maine The first concert of the year will- II. Auden have their literary roots ' .. .iu rcpresetation because the propor- Helen Strauss, New York, New York Among the tentative plans for the be held on or about January 27th , in the Symbolist Movement. There- tionment of tho men's student body Laura Tapia, Tegucigalpa , Republic coming year are the presentation of 19-1I) , and will feature: fo re, it is evident how valuable will ... not normal; therefore, these quan- of Honduras movies on current topics, the discus- The Ggmont Overture—Beethoven. be the elucidation of the ideas and tisations will help to adjust the consti- Jacquelyn Taylor, Washington, D. C. sion of such issues as, "the Future Romaiu-es in F and G Major—Bee- thoughts behind the works of Poe. college gravitates toward American Foreign Poli.y," "The Near tution as the Florence Thompson, Princeton, Mass. * thoven. A thumbnail sketch of Dr. Mathies- East," and "The FEPC" ; ' normalcy. Mildred Upton , Waterville, Maine the moving Valse from "The Sleeping Beauty" scn himself will show the competence of tho International Relations Club A special constitutional meeting —Tsehaikowsky. of this man. He graduated from Yale Class of 1946 book shell' to the lower campus libra- shortly to ratify and Fugotta in CI Minor—-Bach. i n 11)2.'!, and from there went as a will be convened ry, so that the books will be moro forinulntcd by the Rosello Johnson , Mkldleboro, Mass. Walt/.es (arranged for strings) — ithodes Scholar to' Now Collpne. Ox- repair the dra ft ri-noil y.- ri' ^r.i-vl.vo;; nnd the- ustnblinh- -ductri - becomes '"ef- •Hannah' Km. i-t;,-H«varhiHi- -Mriau.- ur'niiniK. ford. Next, he went to Harvard for council. The fie ment of smaller discussion groups on Barbara IVtteo, Salem, Mass.. The orchestra , whose number in- doctorate work where he has been fective upon ratification. topics of interest. Jean Rhodenizer, Livermore Falls, Me cludes members of the college fami- Associate Professor of History and The ratification meeting will b'c Carol Robin , Providence, R. I. ly and of the neighboring community, hiu-raturc until the past year. Since Saturday at 1 o'clock in the hold this Betty Soulp, Brooklyn , New York bus recently been augmented by the that time, he has been on leave work- Colby College Chapel. Norma Tnraldsen , Scarsdalo , N. Y. following students: ing on the complex subject of Poe Priscilla Tibbetts, Kangelcy, Maine IVI issicafe Tradi tion Barbara Rackmun , Ann liovcridge , nnd his works. Beverly Burnett Dwight Erlich ,- Lois Mary Young, Harrison , Maine , Professor Makthiesson 's best-known Carlton Bixler Offers $25 Pri ze y Norwood , Alice Covoli, work is the "American Kenaissance— Class of 1947 Resumed b Bixler and .SiiiH'hficlil, Beverly llnywnrd , Art and Expression in the Age of Em- J, To Aut hor of Colb y Song Jonnno Bouton , Elizabeth , N. Urban Nannie'. erson and Whitman. " A critic in the , Maine Arline Burhank, Waterville Continuing the tradition started at Nation says of it, "Not since Living- Nancy Burhank, Berlin , N. Ti. Colby three years ago, President and slnn Lowes wrote "Tlio liond to Xan- At the first general assembly oi the N'. II. Marilyn Hubert, Plymouth , Mrs. Bixler opened their home Sunday iifl u " has any American made as bril- new college year, President Bixler Joan Hunt Bnyside, New York Stu G-Votes Presenl , ovoning to Colby students for the liant a contribution to criticism." 'announced his offer of a twenty-five •Virginia Jacob NeWburyport, Mass. , first nuisienlo of the year. A varied The hook centers tho evaluation of dollar prize to the author of the'best Eileen LanouettU , Wntcrbury, Conn. program of piano, cello and song was for Social Center tlio great age of our literature around words for a new Colby song. Any Marjorie Mnynard, East Hartford , given with the highlight iu Mozart's the chief works of Emerson , Thoreau , member of tho student body is eligible Conn, Concerto for Two Pianos, playod by Hawthorne , Melville , and Whitman. to enter tho contest, The words must Ann Norwood , Warren , Mnino Dr. Compiirctti and Lowell Haynes. Board Greets New fViembers Among the other critical studies he be written so that thoy may bo sung Jane Wallnco , Little Falls, N. ,1, The first selection , tho first move- has done are "The Aehievenienk of T. to the tune of "March-of the Men of Youngs Hnrrison , Maine Newly Elected House heads Roberta . ment of Beethoven 's Moonlight Son- S. Eliot," thu "Sarah Orno Jewett Harlech. " It is .suggested, although ata, was playod by John Washington 'I ranslntoin ," and "An required that throo stuinuis bo Class of 1948 The Executive Hoard of the Wo- Elizabethan not , of the class of MO; this was followed Art," written. Tho committee of judges Dorothy Almquist, Wotliorsfiold . C'onn, men 's Student (iovernmont held the by an encore, a Haydn sonata. Next, Dr. will bo headed by Professor John W. Gonoviove Bunnett, Lexington , M ass. first meeting of the your, last Satur- Matthiessen is one of the fore- came another representative of the most, critics of Thomas, Director of Music, who will Mario Boyd , South Kent, Conn , day in its regular meeting place iw our time, » man who freshman class, Beverly Burnett who knows his choose two members of the English Kuthorino Brine , Swampscptt, Mass. the 'Women 's Union. :uih,jt-cts thoroughly and played Bneh's "Arioso" and Squire's can present them Department and two members of tho Priscilla Bryant, Ellnworth , Maine The president, Nnncy Jueobsen , in a vital, inter- "Prayer" on the cello.
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