Descriptions -Hum an Medicine of Courses 635. Core Competencies I 814. Nutritional Epidemiology 825. Epidemiologic Modeling Fall. 2 credits. A student may earn a maxi­ Fall of odd-numbered years. 3(3-0) Spring ofodd-numbered years. 3(3-0} Interde­ mum of 6 credits in all enrollments for this course. P: HM 810 or concurrently. R: Open only to master's partmental with Physics. Interdepartmental with Medicine, Family Practice, and students in the Epidemiology major or approval of P: HM 810, STT 422. R: Approval of college. Pediatrics and Humtm Development. college. Mathematical modeling of epidemic;;. Stochastic and P: FMP 602. R: Open only to graduate-professional Methodologies used in epidemiologic studies of diet and chaotic systems approaches. Applications through per­ students in College of Human Medicine. health in the context of U.S. and international dietary sonal computer software. A weekly seminar addressing core knowledge and patterns. Relationship between diet and specific dis­ skills from an interdisciplinary perspective. eases. 826. Research Methods in Epidemiology Fall. 3(3-0) 636. Core Competencies II 815. Epidemiology of Cardiovascular P: STT 422 R: Open only to master's students in Spring. 2 credits. A student may earn a maxi· Disease Epidemiology. Approval of college. mum of 6 credits in all enrollments for this course. Summer of even-numbered years. 3(3-0} Analyses of epidemiologic and clinical data applying Interdepartmental with Medicine and Family Practice. P: HM 810. R: Open only to master's students in the statistical methods, based on logistic and survival mod­ P: FMP 602. R: Open only to graduate-professional Epidemiology major or approval of college. els, using standard software. students in College of Human Medicine. Survey of methodologies used in epidemiologic studies A weekly seminar addressing core knowledge and of cardiovascular diseases. Review of evidence of ge· 829. Design and Conduct ofEpidemiological skills from an interdisciplinary perspective. netic, environmental, and behavioral causes of cardio­ Studies and Clinical Trials vascular disease. Spring. 3(2-2) Interdepartmental with Large 637. Core Competencies III Animal Clinical &iences. Administered by Large Ani­ Spring, Summer. 2 credits. A student may 816. Reproductive and Perinatal mal Clinical Sciences. earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enrollments for this Epidemiology P: VM 533 or approval of department. R: Open only to course. Interdepartmental with Medicine, Pediatrics Summer of odd-numbered years. 3(3-0) graduate students in the colleges of Human Medicine, and Human Development, Family Practice, Surgery, P: HM 810 or concurrently. R: Open only to master's Osteopathic Medicine, or Veterinary Medicine. and Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. students in the Epidemiology major or approval of Applied analytical methods in experimental design. P: FMP 602. R: Open only to graduate-professional college. Assessment ofhealth and disease status of animal and students in College of Human Medicine. Epidemiology of adverse health states in pregnancy human populations. Risk assessment and interpreta­ A weekly seminar addressing core knowledge and and the puerperium. Impact of these health states on tion of clinical trials. skills from an interdisciplinary perspective. subsequent child development. 890. Independent Study in Epidemiology 817. Epidemiology of Communicable Fall, Spring, Summer. I to 3 credits. A student 640. Advanced Comprehensive Care Diseases may earn a maximum of 12 credits in all enrollments Fall, Spring, Summer. 6 credits. A student Fall of even-numbered years. 3(3-0} for this course. may earn a maximum of 18 credits in all enrollments P: HM 810. R: Open only to master's students in P: HM 810. R: Open only to master's students in for this course. Interdepartmental with Pediatrics and Epidemiology or approval of college. Epidemiology or approval of college. Human Development, Medicine, Family Practice, and Application of principles of epidemiology to research in Independent study in areas relevant W epidemiology Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. communicable diseases relevant to public health in the such as population genetic;;. P: FMP 608, PHD 600, MED 608. R: Open only to U.S. and other countries. graduate-professional students in College of Human 899. Master's Thetds Research Medicine. 818. The Epidemiology ofZoonotic Diseases Fall, Spring, Summ£r. I to 3 credits. A student Clinical experience in community-oriented primary Spring ofodd-numbered years. 3(3-0) Interde­ may earn a maximum of 12 credits in all enrollments care. Emphasis on urban and rural underseTVed popu­ partmental with Veterinary Medicine. for this course. lations. P: HM 810. R: Open only to master's students in R: Open only to master's students in Epidemiology. Epidemiology or approval of college. 691. Research Clerkship Human susceptibility to diseases of animals. Modes of Fall, Spring, Summer. 2 to 6 credits. A student transmission, surveillance, and strategies for preven­ HUMAN NUTRITION AND may earn a maximum of6 credits in all enrollments for tion of specific zoonotic diseases. FOODS HNF this course. P: HM 690 or approval of community research director. 819. Spatial Epidemiology and Medical Department of Food Science and R: Open only to graduate-professional students in Col­ Geography lege ofHuman Medicine. Spring ofeven-numbered years. 3(3-0)Interde· Human Nutrition Biological, behavioral, or clinical research pr£:tiect. partmental with Geography. College of Agriculture and P: HM 810. R: Open only to master's students in Natural Resources Epidemiology or approval of college. College of Human Ecology 810. Introduction to Descriptive and Concepts, techniques, and utilization of spatia­ Analytical Epidemiology epidemiologic analyses for human health. 150. Introduction to Nutrition and Food Fall. 3(3-0) Science R: Open only to master's students in Epidemiology or 821. Epidemiology of the Health and Fall, Spring, Summ£r. 3(3-0)lnterdepartmen­ approval of college. Cognitive Status of the Elderly tal with Food Science. Study of disease from a population perspective as the Fall of odd-numbered years. 3(3-0} Nutrition needs in life stages from a human ecological interaction of host, agent, and environment. Funda­ P: HM 810 or concurrently. perspective. Domestic and international factors affect­ mental concepts include crLSe definition, measuring Interpretation of research on the health and cognitive ing the availability of a safe, nutritious food supply. frequency ofdisease, mortality and morbidity data, and status of elderly. Interpretation of statistical tests of Relationships of food choices to health and disease. major study designs. hypotheses. Conclusions based on data. SA:FMP821 300. Experimental Approaches to Foods 812. Causal Inference in Epidemiology Spring. 4(2-4) Fall. 3(3-0) P: GEM 143. R: Open only to juniors or seniors or P: HM 810, LCS 829. R: Open only to master's students 823. Cancer Epidemiology graduate students in the Department ofof Food Science in the Epidemiology major or approval of college. Fall of even-numbered years. 3(3-0) and Human Nutrition. Completion of Tier I writing Causal models, criteria, and causality related to study P: S'IT 421, HM 810. R: Open only to master's studenU requirement. design and analysis in epidemiology. Application of in the Epidemiology major or approval of college. Effects of preparation methods and ingredient substi­ theoretical concepts to the design, analysis, and assess­ Basic principles of carcinogenesis. Major etiologic fac­ tutions on chemical and physical properties of food ment of epidemiologic research. tors, types of malignancies, and biomarkers for suscep­ constituents. Effects of changes in chemical and physi­ tibility and exposure. Prevention and early detection of cal properties on functional and sensory attributes of cancer. foods. 813. Investigation of Disease Outbreaks 311. Principles ofHuman Nutrition Fall, Spring, Summer. 3 credits. 824. Injury Epidemiology Spring. 3(3-0} P: HM 810 or concurrently. R: Open only to master's Fall of odd-numbered years. 3(3-0) P:BCH200. students in Epidemiology or approval of college. P: HM 810. R: Open only to master's students in A human ecological approach to identification, function Principles of and practice in investigating disease out­ Epidemiology or approval of college. and food sources of nutrients required by humans. breaks. Field trips required. Injury epidemiology, control, and prevention. Normal metabolism. Effects of deficiencies or excesses of specific nutrients on metabolism. A-102 Human Nutrition and Foods -Descriptions of Courses 320. Basic Skills in Dietetic Practtce 440. Foodservice Opera/tons 473. Interpretation ofClinical Laboratory Spring. 2(1·2) Fall. 4(4-0) Testa in Dietetics P: CPS 101 or CPS I31;HNF 150orHNF 311 R: Open P: HNF 150 or HNF 311 R: Open only to juniors or Fall. 3(3-0) only to sophomores or juniors or seniors in the Dietetics seniors in the Dietetics major or to graduate students in P: HNF 460 or concurrently. major. the Human Nutrition majors. Principles, procedures and interpretation of clinical Eva1uation and communication of scientific and con­ Principles, processes and control strategies in foodserv­ laboratory tests. Interrelationships of nutrition and sumer information. Sources of reliable food and nutri­ ice operations: menu planning, procurement, and on· the biological sciences. Relationships of test results to tion information. Statistical interpretations. premise storage
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