Flying Pig Marathon 2017 - Paycor Half-Marathon - Results Onlineraceresults.Com

Flying Pig Marathon 2017 - Paycor Half-Marathon - Results Onlineraceresults.Com

Flying Pig Marathon 2017 - Paycor Half-Marathon - results PLACE NAME DIV DIV PL 6.8MI PACE TIME ----- ---------------------- ------- --------- ----------- ------- ----------- 1 Tommy Kauffmann M 25-29 1/482 36:37 5:14 1:08:30 2 Jake Kasperski M 25-29 2/482 37:31 5:29 1:11:39 3 Matthew Behrensmeyer M 30-34 1/593 37:54 5:35 1:13:04 4 John Butler M 18-24 1/312 38:10 5:36 1:13:22 5 Brett Pierce M 18-24 2/312 38:17 5:40 1:14:12 6 Kevin Herd M 45-49 1/491 40:06 5:47 1:15:43 7 David Nelson M 30-34 2/593 40:36 5:51 1:16:28 8 Thomas Datwyler M 30-34 3/593 41:05 5:53 1:16:54 9 Kevin Bonfield M 25-29 3/482 41:14 5:57 1:17:48 10 Dustin Mitchell M 18-24 3/312 40:05 5:57 1:17:52 11 Bryan Jacobs M 35-39 1/547 40:59 5:58 1:18:03 12 Jerry Bricking M 45-49 2/491 41:40 6:00 1:18:27 13 Andrew Bryan M 18-24 4/312 40:49 6:01 1:18:37 14 Michael Hoblet M 40-44 1/499 42:03 6:03 1:19:08 15 Aaron Myers M 25-29 4/482 40:50 6:03 1:19:09 16 Yasuhiro Tsukamoto M 40-44 2/499 41:54 6:04 1:19:26 17 Matthew Niemiec M 25-29 5/482 42:16 6:05 1:19:40 18 Lara Crofford F 25-29 1/961 42:20 6:08 1:20:21 19 Chris Lenhof M 35-39 2/547 41:55 6:09 1:20:30 20 Matthew Gray M 18-24 5/312 42:19 6:11 1:20:52 21 Kraig Reiber M 25-29 6/482 43:36 6:15 1:21:45 22 Travis Wilson M 25-29 7/482 42:46 6:15 1:21:53 23 Allen O'Connor M 30-34 4/593 43:36 6:19 1:22:35 24 Donovan Ingle M 18-24 6/312 43:08 6:19 1:22:38 25 Shane Curtsinger M 25-29 8/482 43:31 6:20 1:22:46 26 Katie Lenahan F 25-29 2/961 43:40 6:20 1:22:58 27 Benjamin Stallsworth M 30-34 5/593 42:43 6:21 1:23:11 28 Bryan Wagner M 30-34 6/593 43:55 6:23 1:23:25 29 Joshua Clark M 40-44 3/499 44:22 6:23 1:23:30 30 Matt Welage M 18-24 7/312 43:51 6:23 1:23:36 31 Scott Moore M 30-34 7/593 44:27 6:25 1:23:54 32 Benjamin Donovan M 25-29 9/482 43:48 6:25 1:23:55 33 Chris W Jungkans M 55-59 1/327 45:07 6:27 1:24:19 34 Ben Schlosser M 25-29 10/482 45:17 6:27 1:24:23 35 Christopher Panczyk M 45-49 3/491 44:37 6:27 1:24:28 36 Robert Leslie M 30-34 8/593 43:11 6:28 1:24:32 37 Tim Tharpe M 40-44 4/499 44:43 6:28 1:24:38 38 John Fronduti M 40-44 5/499 44:44 6:29 1:24:47 39 Chris Grant M 35-39 3/547 44:05 6:29 1:24:53 40 Kristen Leslie F 30-34 1/1019 45:25 6:30 1:24:58 41 Ryan Wroblewski M 25-29 11/482 44:37 6:30 1:25:00 42 Nicholas Bebee M 25-29 12/482 44:35 6:30 1:25:03 43 Sean Magee M 18-24 8/312 45:02 6:31 1:25:14 44 Brandon Christman M 18-24 9/312 45:42 6:31 1:25:18 45 Robert Martin M 35-39 4/547 44:04 6:32 1:25:30 46 Ethan Davis M 01-17 1/85 45:15 6:32 1:25:32 47 John-Michael Riegger M 25-29 13/482 45:13 6:33 1:25:41 48 Matthew Lieser M 35-39 5/547 46:06 6:33 1:25:44 49 Greg Stein M 30-34 9/593 46:34 6:34 1:25:54 50 Aaron Morris M 30-34 10/593 45:19 6:34 1:25:59 51 Carlos Aguilar M 40-44 6/499 45:38 6:35 1:26:03 52 Rachel Krasich F 30-34 2/1019 45:40 6:35 1:26:09 53 Brian McNeal M 45-49 4/491 45:20 6:35 1:26:10 54 Stephen Pair M 18-24 10/312 45:11 6:36 1:26:18 55 Doug Feichtner M 35-39 6/547 45:19 6:36 1:26:23 56 Kurt Meyer M 18-24 11/312 45:50 6:37 1:26:30 57 Ariel Young F 18-24 1/765 46:07 6:37 1:26:30 58 Stephen Kelly M 25-29 14/482 45:27 6:37 1:26:34 59 Scott Schoenharl M 50-54 1/378 45:28 6:38 1:26:45 60 Lainie Smith F 18-24 2/765 45:23 6:39 1:27:03 61 Thomas Siva M 18-24 12/312 46:51 6:40 1:27:09 62 Matthew Uyeda M 18-24 13/312 46:26 6:40 1:27:13 63 Wes Palmer M 30-34 11/593 46:23 6:40 1:27:15 64 Kara Burns F 18-24 3/765 46:13 6:40 1:27:16 65 Justin Solomon M 35-39 7/547 45:53 6:41 1:27:31 66 Laura Bess F 18-24 4/765 46:17 6:42 1:27:36 67 Jamie Harloff M 40-44 7/499 46:11 6:42 1:27:39 68 Harry Applegate M 30-34 12/593 45:50 6:42 1:27:42 69 Sean Molony M 40-44 8/499 46:13 6:42 1:27:45 70 Mark Rebholz M 25-29 15/482 45:47 6:44 1:28:06 71 Cory Krabbe M 25-29 16/482 45:31 6:44 1:28:10 72 Katie Klapproth F 25-29 3/961 47:15 6:44 1:28:11 73 Steven Boronyak M 25-29 17/482 46:57 6:45 1:28:13 74 Brooke Brown F 18-24 5/765 46:59 6:45 1:28:24 75 Bridget Stichnot F 25-29 4/961 46:18 6:46 1:28:27 76 Drew Bornhorst M 25-29 18/482 48:18 6:46 1:28:36 77 Sofia Lopez Mimendi F 25-29 5/961 46:55 6:47 1:28:43 78 Daniel Landis M 40-44 9/499 46:39 6:47 1:28:45 79 Marc Nie M 18-24 14/312 45:37 6:47 1:28:52 80 Russell Becker M 45-49 5/491 47:48 6:48 1:28:56 81 Benjamin Gorman M 18-24 15/312 48:06 6:48 1:28:59 82 Logan Singleton M 25-29 19/482 47:14 6:48 1:29:04 83 William Rover M 25-29 20/482 47:15 6:48 1:29:04 84 Brian Nelson M 35-39 8/547 48:12 6:48 1:29:04 85 Mark Feighery M 55-59 2/327 46:37 6:48 1:29:05 86 Nick Taylor M 30-34 13/593 46:44 6:49 1:29:07 87 Madeline Aufmann F 25-29 6/961 47:56 6:49 1:29:12 88 Lance Bollinger M 30-34 14/593 48:19 6:49 1:29:16 89 Tim Cardinal M 50-54 2/378 46:23 6:49 1:29:16 90 Kevin Kappers M 30-34 15/593 47:40 6:49 1:29:17 91 Jeremy Culver M 35-39 9/547 47:54 6:50 1:29:20 92 Steven Horenziak M 40-44 10/499 47:30 6:50 1:29:25 93 Bryce McGuire M 18-24 16/312 44:50 6:50 1:29:27 94 Connor Haley M 25-29 21/482 48:34 6:50 1:29:31 95 Ryan Pubentz M 35-39 10/547 47:27 6:51 1:29:38 96 David Teran M 25-29 22/482 46:52 6:52 1:29:53 97 Christopher Hunter M 40-44 11/499 47:38 6:52 1:29:54 98 Steven Testa M 25-29 23/482 47:28 6:53 1:30:07 99 Robin Mullins M 35-39 11/547 47:37 6:54 1:30:12 100 Darnell Roberts M 25-29 24/482 47:24 6:54 1:30:19 Generated October 1, 2021 at 7:09 AM 1/107 Flying Pig Marathon 2017 - Paycor Half-Marathon - results PLACE NAME DIV DIV PL 6.8MI PACE TIME ----- ---------------------- ------- --------- ----------- ------- ----------- 101 Drew Konrady M 25-29 25/482 47:54 6:55 1:30:28 102 Ryan Bosma M 25-29 26/482 49:06 6:55 1:30:31 103 Geoff Peterson M 35-39 12/547 48:04 6:56 1:30:37 104 Peter Wilson M 25-29 27/482 48:19 6:56 1:30:39 105 Ashley Case F 25-29 7/961 47:04 6:56 1:30:41 106 Thomas Berger M 40-44 12/499 48:19 6:56 1:30:50 107 Nicholas Wilson M 25-29 28/482 46:57 6:57 1:30:52 108 Megan Wright F 25-29 8/961 47:12 6:57 1:30:53 109 Joseph Zinkan M 30-34 16/593 48:09 6:57 1:30:54 110 Cristina McKnight F 18-24 6/765 47:53 6:57 1:30:55 111 Brian Rapien M 30-34 17/593 46:33 6:57 1:30:59 112 Kevin Foster M 45-49 6/491 48:20 6:57 1:31:03 113 Griffin Kelley M 01-17 2/85 48:14 6:58 1:31:16 114 Fred Schulkers M 30-34 18/593 48:22 6:59 1:31:18 115 Brandon Ashworth M 25-29 29/482 47:49 6:59 1:31:21 116 Doug Schneider M 50-54 3/378 47:23 6:59 1:31:22 117 Steve Rustom M 35-39 13/547 48:28 6:59 1:31:27 118 Amy Doolittle-Crider F 35-39 1/983 47:12 6:59 1:31:29 119 Brian Hixon M 30-34 19/593 48:54 7:00 1:31:33 120 Jerry Stasulis M 30-34 20/593 48:43 7:00 1:31:34 121 Jacob Lucero M 25-29 30/482 50:05 7:00 1:31:39 122 Charles Sherman M 45-49 7/491 48:31 7:00 1:31:41 123 Robert Pettifer M 40-44 13/499 49:00 7:01 1:31:50 124 Melissa Picard F 35-39 2/983 48:00 7:01 1:31:50 125 Michelle Lemaster F 18-24 7/765 47:34 7:01 1:31:50 126 Phil Azar M 25-29 31/482 49:17 7:01 1:31:52 127 David Terkula M 18-24 17/312 45:57 7:01 1:31:53 128 Neil Martin M 60-64 1/183 48:33 7:02 1:32:02 129 Chad Buecker M 40-44 14/499 47:57 7:04 1:32:22 130 Adam Hoefler M 30-34 21/593 49:54 7:04 1:32:25 131 Erica Geers F 18-24 8/765 47:10 7:04 1:32:31 132 Rob Marucci M 45-49 8/491 49:41 7:05 1:32:38 133 Nicholas J.

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