Final Report: Biogas production from agricultural waste in the Aral Sea Basin Development of pilot plants Authors: Hans-Christian Angele, EBP Schweiz AG/AngeleConsult Werner Edelmann, arbi GmbH Bahtyior Eshanov, Economics Department, Westminster International University in Tashkent Olimjon Saidmamatov, Economics Department, Urgench State University C:\Users\hc.angele\OneDrive\Ablage HC\Uzbekistan\90_ENDPRODUKTE\20190920_REPIC_Biogas Aral Sea FinalReport.docx Date of the Report: 20 of September 2019 Contract Number: 2016.11 Institution: EBP Schweiz AG/arbi GmbH Country: Uzbekistan Prepared by: EBP Schweiz AG Zollikerstrasse 65 CH-8702 Zollikon T +41 44 395 11 11, F +41 44 395 12 34, [email protected], www.ebp.ch arbi GmbH Heimelistrasse 35, CH-6314 Unterägeri T +41 763 2121, [email protected], www.arbi.ch With the Support of: REPIC Platform c/o NET Nowak Energy & Technology AG Waldweg 8, CH-1717 St. Ursen Tel: +41(0)26 494 00 30, Fax: +41(0)26 494 00 34, [email protected] / www.repic.ch The REPIC Platform is a mandate issued by the: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE The author(s) are solely responsible for the content and conclusions of this report. 2/40 C:\Users\hc.angele\OneDrive\Ablage HC\Uzbekistan\90_ENDPRODUKTE\20190920_REPIC_Biogas Aral Sea FinalReport.docx Contents 1. Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Abstract in local language ............................................................................................................. 4 3. Starting Point ................................................................................................................................. 5 4. Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 5 5. Project Review .............................................................................................................................. 6 5.1 Project Implementation ...................................................................................................... 6 5.2 Achievements of Objectives and Results ............................................................................ 7 5.3 Multiplication / Replication Preparation .......................................................................... 17 5.4 Impact / Sustainability ...................................................................................................... 17 6. Outlook / Further Actions............................................................................................................. 17 6.1 Multiplication / Replication .............................................................................................. 17 6.2 Impact / Sustainability ...................................................................................................... 18 7. Lessons Learned / Conclusions .................................................................................................. 18 8. References .................................................................................................................................. 20 9. Annex .......................................................................................................................................... 21 Annex 1: Definition of best adapted technology ................................................................................ 22 Annex 2: Program of and schedule of Workshop “Sustainable agriculture for human security” ....... 31 Annex 3: Biogas - learning center at NGO KRASS in Urgench ......................................................... 33 Annex 4: Schedule of intensive formation ......................................................................................... 35 Annex 5: List of participants ............................................................................................................... 36 Annex 6: Pictures of intensive formation ........................................................................................... 37 Annex 7: Presentations of intensive formation .................................................................................. 40 C:\Users\hc.angele\OneDrive\Ablage HC\Uzbekistan\90_ENDPRODUKTE\20190920_REPIC_Biogas Aral Sea FinalReport.docx 1. Summary The Urgench region of Uzbekistan has a well-developed agricultural production with high livestock numbers and intensive crop production based on irrigation and high nutrient input. The manure of the farms is not used efficiently and the energy supply of the farms depends primarily on centrally pro- duced gas and electricity. Some areas are not yet connected to the gas grid. The agriculture causes huge environmental damages in its current form. The benefit of biogas production would therefore be fivefold: (1) local energy source, (2) mitigation of environmental impacts, (3) reducing CH4-emissions, (4) producing organic fertilizer as a side product and (5) additional earnings for farmers. The project in discussion had the objective of training the local people and the realization of one to two pilot plants with the ultimate goal of sensitizing the farmers and consultants and showing them the benefits of the biogas technology. However, first meetings in Usbekistan with the relevant stakeholders made clear that the prerequisites for the realization of pilot plants did not exist. For the following reasons: a) Unsuccessful first installation of biogas plants in the region (built from 2013 to 2015). None of these plants is still working due to missing technical understanding and insufficient adaption of the plant design to local conditions. These facilities cannot be used for further development and on top first regional experiences with this new technology were negative. b) At all process stages, the people involved (scientist, consultants, farmers) lack the necessary knowledge for the construction and operation of biogas plants. c) The prices for energy and fertilizer are so low that it is a big challenge to operate biogas plants economically. The process concept was therefore adapted and geared more towards capacity building. In a four-day seminar, interested scientists, consultants and farmers received intensive training. A visit of existing facilities at the end of the seminar allowed to test the gained knowledge and to discuss how the problems could have been avoided. The seminar was supplemented by specific courses for farm- ers. Moreover, a specific biogas competence center has been set up in the rooms of the NGO KRASS in Urgench. At the same time, the project team analyzed existing concepts for the production of biogas and defined the best-suited technologies for on-site implementation. Unfortunately, no farmer has yet been convinced to make the corresponding investment. To sum up, the project has improved the basic conditions for future biogas projects in the region. The best-suited technologies have been defined, more than 20 people have dealt intensively with biogas production and many of them showed interest to deepen this knowledge in the coming years and make it available to others. The infrastructure on site is available. For the realization of a modern bio- gas plant that fulfils the needs of the regional environment and actors, additional funding is crucial. To guarantee the requisite financing will be one of the biggest challenges for the local actors, who have already started to develop a new biogas project.. 2. Abstract in local language Orol bo`yi hududidagi ekologik holat mintaqaga biogaz texnologiyalarini tadbiq qilish uchun chu-qur ilmiy tadqiqot ishlarini talab qiladi. Chunki, suvning tuzlilik darajasi, mahalliy chorvachilik tajribalari, ob- havonong keskinligi biogaz uskunalarining ish faoliyatiga to`g`ridan-to`g`ri salbiy ta`sir ko`rsatadi. Qoraqalpog`iston Respublikasi va Xorazm viloyatida bir necha biogaz qurilmalari chorvador fermerlar tomonidan o`rnatilingan bo`lib, ularning ko`pchiligi iqlim sharoiti tufayli texnik nosoz holatga kelgan. Mazkur loyihaning asosiy maqsadi Orol bo`yi mintaqasida qishloq xo`jaligi chiqindilarini qayta ishlash, biogaz ishlab chiqarish va uning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy samarasini ilmiy va amaliy jihatdan o`rganishdan ibo- rat. Loyiha davomida mahalliy chorva fermerlar bilan yaqindan hamkorlikda mavjud biogaz texnologiya- larining yaroqsiz holatga kelib qolish sabablari o`rganildi. Ushbu kamchiliklarni inobatga olib, Shveydsariya tajribasiga asoslangan holda mahalliy sharoitlarga mos keladigan biogaz modellarini ish- lab chiqish ustida izlanish olib borilmoqda. Ushbu modellar yaqin kelajakda mintaqaning organik chiqindilarini qayta ishlab, qishloq hududla-riga juda dolzarb bo`lgan bio-energiya va bio-o`g`it yetkazib berishi kutilyapti. Loyiha natijalarini om- malashtirish uchun, 2016 va 2018-yilning sentabr oylarida mahalliy fermerlar va universitet professor- o`qituvchilari, talabalar uchun bir necha seminarlar tashkil qilinib, biogaz sohasini rivojlantirish uchun zarur bo`lgan bilim va tavsiyalar berildi. 4/40 C:\Users\hc.angele\OneDrive\Ablage HC\Uzbekistan\90_ENDPRODUKTE\20190920_REPIC_Biogas Aral Sea FinalReport.docx 3. Starting Point Agriculture (i.e., farming, horticulture and livestock breeding) is the major economic activity in the Aral Sea basin. The associated use of water is considerable. The land productivity is decreasing
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