INDEX Aberchirder (Aberkerder), Archibald de Altyre : see Blairs, Loch of. (1343), . 89/., 90 Amphoree : — —— —— Sybil de, ...... 90 at Linlithgow, ... 353 —— —— Symon, Than , e...of . 00 Brochfrow mBo , Midlothian. , 289, 351 —— —— Thane , .....sof 0 9 . „ Constantine's Cave, Fife. , . 288, 383 —— (Aberkerdour), Joh o, f n . Essyde 89/ .. , e Ghegath „ n Rock, Seacliff, E. Aberdeen ofp SteatitCu , e. from.10 . , 2 Lothian, ..... 288,354 —— Horn Snuff-mull from, ...3 10 . ,, "West Grange of Conan, Angus, . 287 Aberdeenshire, Axe-hammer from, . 102 Small Model, from Baldock, . .109 See also Aberchirder; Auchindoir; Auch- Anchor (?), Stone, from Yarlshof, . 121, 127 lin, Aberdour ; Auldyooh ; Balhinny ; Ancrum, Roxburghshire, Coin of Geta from, 350 Birse; Brackenbraes, Turriff; Cairn- Anderson , presenteG. , . RevS . dR . Com- hill, Monquhitter; Craig Castl eDess; , munion Tokens, ..... 17 Aboyne ; Bruminnor; Essie ; Fing- Andrew, Saint, Translation of, Feast of, . 427 lenny; Glencoe; Knockwhern, Echt; Angus : see Airlie ; Auchterhouse ; Conan, Lesmoir Castle ; Maiden Hillock ; West Grange of; Fithie ; Kingol- Milduan; Scurdargue; Tarve sTemp; - drum ; Knockenny, Glamis ; Mon- land, Essi e; Towi e Barclay Castle; tros e; Pitcu r ; Tealing, Dundee. Turriff; WaulkmUl, Tarland. Ani Imanni [o], Potter, Stamp of, . 355 Adiectus, Potter, Stamp of, . 284, 288, 352 Animal Life in Caledonia, .... 348 Adrian, Saint, ...... 427 —— Remains from Barn's Heugh, near Adze, Stone :— Coldingham, .... .18 . .2 from Break of Mews, Shetland, . 76 —— — — from Rudh Dunainn a ' 0 20 , Skye . , „ Setter, Shetland, ...6 7 . Annandale, Handle of Bronze Skillet from, ,, Taipwell, Shetland,,. 76 301, 3439 ,36 Africa, East, Knives and Scrapers of Anniversary Meeting, 1931, .... 1 Obsidian from Gilgil8 1 ,. Kenya . , Anstruther-Gray, Colone , electeW. l o t d —— West, Stone Implements, etc., from Council, ....... 2 Ashanti, ......4 10 . Anthinenus (Antoninus)8 42 . , Saint . , Aidan, Saint, ......7 42 . Anthony, Saint, ...... 428 Ainsworth8 , 39 Eichard . , elected . , Antlers from Bac Mhic Connain, . 47, 49, 64 Airhouse, Channelkirk, Berwickshire, Flint —— from Garry lochdrach, North Uist, . 41 Implements from, ..... 422 Antonia Augusta, Coin of, from Norrie's Airlie, Angus, Buria , at l ...6 38 . Law, Largo, ...... 384 —— —— Cup, Roman Glass, from, 291, 3507 ,38 Anvil-stones7 fro12 m . Yarlshof . , . Aitnock Fort, Ayrshire, Terra Sigillat8 42 a . Appolonia . , Saint . , from, ....... 7 285,37 Arbory Hill Fort, Crawford, Lanarkshire, Albuci, Potter, .Stamp of, . .355 Scraper of Green Chert from, . 18 Ale, Not2 Brewin n . e31 o .. , gof . Arbuckle, William F., elected, ... 2 —— Cog from Harray, Orkney, (purchase) . 25 Archer, Gilbert, elected, ..... 2 Alignment of Stones in Jura, . 149 Archerfleld, Ea;st Lpthian, Roman Pottery Alien, John Scott, Death of,.... 3. fro288m . , .Cave 35 3. s at. , . 451 —————452—————_—-—__._._•.__.—— INDEX.-.——-.-— — - ._..——_..— __ PAGE TAGB Ardifuar, Argyll, Roman Pottery from, 285, 385 Auchoish, Argyll, Long-Horne5 d44 Cair . , nat Argyll e alsose : Ardifuar; Auchnaha, —— —— Flint Knife found . near.44 . , 7 Kilflna n; Auchnangoul ; Auchoish; Auchterhouse, Angus, Bronz frome . eAx 19/, . Barr lola, Kilflnan; Carn Ban, Kil- Auldearn, Nairnshire, Perforated Pebble flna n; Carrag 4 hGhlinne ; Cill from, .......2 10 . Earnadill, Jura ; Corran House, Jura ; Auldyoch, Aberdeenshire, Cinerary Urn Craighouse, Jura ; Dunadd ; Dunan, from, ........ 407 Jur a; Gallanac h; Glengarrisdale . N , Aviation Meeting, Lanark n 1910i , , Gold Jura ; Jura; Kilcalmonell; Kilcho- Medal, ....... 421 man, Islay; Kilfinan: Oronsay; Otter Awl, Bronze, Remain Toxn i fro, -n sof m Ur Ferry; Poltalloch; Sannaig, Jura; side Sandpit, Midlothian, (donation2 40 , 14 ) Slaterach, Kerrera; Strachur; Strone, Awls or Bodkins, Cetacean Bone, from Bac Jura; Tarbert, Jura. Mhic Connain, North Uist, ..0 5 . Armlets, Gold Penannular, from Kirk Hill, Axes:— • 6 2 S. t Abbs . • .., . • . Bronze, jflanged, from Auchterhouse, —— Shale, from Traprain Law, (donation6 21 ) (donation). 19 —— Steatite, Segment of, from Yarlshof, . 116 —— —— from Goudierannet, Kinross, Arnott, Sir Robert, Bart., Commission to, (donation). ...... 103 1 3 . as Major,-176 . 0 —— flat, from Gienboltichai, near —— William, Commissio s Captaina , to n , 8 39 . Comrie . , •. 1690, 1760, ....... 31 —— —— from Wolfhill, near Perth, Arrow-heads :— (purchase) ...... 25 Flint :— —— socketed, from Kalemouth, (dona- from Airhouse, Channelkirk, (dona- tion) .....'..2 42 . tion) ' . 422 Hand-, Small Acheulean, Flint, from -,, Lassodie Mill, Dunfermline, Swanscombe, Kent, (donation) . 137 (donation) ..... 18 Stone :— ,, Lauderdale, (donation) . 138 from Bekwai, Ashanti, (donation4 10 . ) ,. Oronsay, (donation) ..0 2 . ,, Bookan, Orkney, (purchase) . 25 Stoned an , from Sandsting, Shetland, 79/. ,, Halkerston, Gorebridge, (pur- Stone, from Tierra del Fuego, (donation) 138 chase) ...... 25 Ashanti, Stone Implements, etc.4 , 10 from . ., Mailland, Shetland, ... 76 Asta, Little, Shetland, A Two-storeyed ',', Yarlshof, . 120, 122/., 127 Grave at, ....... 69 Axe-hammer, Stone, from Aberdeenshire, —— Loch of, Shetland, Mound at, . 69 (donation) .....2 10 . —— Tingwall, Shetland, Steatite Urns from —— —— from Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Cist near, (donation) .... 17 (donation). ...... 102 Not n do.eo , ..... liff. —— —— from Turriff, (donation) . .102 —— —— —— Stone Polisher found near, . 14 Ayrshire, Trumpet-shaped Broochesf o e ,on Auchenskeoch,. Durisdeer, Dumfriesshire, Silver, from, . 332, 377 Patera from, .....0 37 . —— Lead Rain-water Head with White- Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire, Further Notes foor2 2 d Cres . t fro hous. d m , ol ein on:— See also Aitnock Fort; Buston Crannog ; Earthwork, Cnoc Cailliche, ... 99 Castlehill Fort; Colmonell; Cum- Church of, Old, ...... 99 nock; Fail, Tarbolton; Lochlee 0 Crai10 g . Castle,.. Crannog ; Lochspouts Crannog ; De Graigf no , .....1 10 . Ochiltree. Towie Barcla . .10 . y Castle1 . , Auchlin, Aberdour, Aberdeenshire, Short Bac Mhic Connain, North Uist, Inverness- Cist at, ....... 75 shire, Earth-hous , ...eat 2 4 . Auchlyne, Perthshire, Chapel Site at, . 129 —— —— —— Furnace at, . 48, 64 Auchnaha, Kilfinan, Argyll, Chambered —— —— —— Roman Pottery from, . 285, 395 Cairn at, ....... 416Backworth, Northumberland, Silver Skillet Auchnangoul, Argyll, Long Cairn at, . 448 from, ... .304 INDEX. 453 PAGE Baitanus, Saint, .....8 42 . Bean, Saint, ....... 427 Baldock, Hertfordshire, Excavatiof o n Bear found in Caledonia, . ... 349 Romano-Britis6 10 h . Cemeter . , yat Seattle, David J., elected, ..... 13 Baldred, Saint, ....... 427 Bed, Oak, 1597, at Crathes Castle,... 97 Balgreggan, Wigtownshire, Roman Coins Belfast Municipal Museum presented found at, ...... 282, 350 Bronze Knife from Dunragit, . 19 Balhinny, Aberdeenshire, Earth-houses at, 86 Bell, Goat, of Wood, from India, (dona- Ball, Coprolite, from Traprain Law, tion) .......3 10 . (donation) ...... 399 Berie Sands, Lewis, Ross-shire, Earth-house —— Stone, Indented, from Garry lochdrach, and Roma . 2855 n . Potter39 , . , yat 38. 1 4 , . Nort . h Uist . , Bernard, Saint, .....8 42 . Ballista Balls, at Croy Hill Fort, . 248, 251, 267 Berrybush, Yarrow, Selkirkshire, Bronze Balls, Glass, found in Scotland, . 296 Dagger found on Turnercleuch Law,. 104 Banffshire Boynee se : . Berwickshir Airhousee se e: , Channelkirk; Bank Farm, Dolphinton, Lanarkshire, Blackburn Mill, Cockburnspath; Brooch from, ..... 332, 380 Earn's Heugh, Coldingham ; Edin's —— —— —— Bronze Figure of Bull from, . 380 Hall; Holywell, Harelaw Moor; Barbara, Saint, ....... 428 Horndean ; Howden, Over ; Lamber- Barclay, Margaret Ogilvie or, ... 96 ton Moor; Lauderdale; St Abb's; —— Walter6 9 Towif . o , Gartlyd e. an , Whitehill. Barean Loch, Kirkcudbright, Crannog in,. 372 Beveridge, The late Erskine, LL.D., on —— —— Bronze Pots from do., 307, 343, 372 Earth-houses at Garry lochdrach and Barochan, Renfrewshire, Patera from, 298/., 383 Bac Mhic Connai Nortn ni 2 3 h Uist . , Barr lola, Kilfinan, Argyll, Fort on, . 419 —— Mrs Erskine, presented Mass of Iron Bartanus, Saint, ...... 427/. from Foshigarry, ..... 17 Baschurch, Shropshire, Bronze Cauldron Binning, Lady, presented Stone Imple- from, ....... 310 ments from 2 Aberdeenshire10 . , Basin r Panso s , Bronze Shallow, from Bird, Bones, Cut, froc MhimBa c Connain, Dowalto . 308,343,37 . n Loch . , 5 North Uist, ...... 61 Bathanus, Saint, ...... 428 Birley, Eric, elected, ..... 137 Bathgate D.,. T , elected, ...1 42 . Birse, Aberdeenshire, Melon-shaped Bead —— presented Objects from Caithness4 21 . , from,. •. .296 Baths, Roman, at Croy Hill, . 244/., 261 Bishop, A. Henderson, presented a Yarn- Baton of Edinburgh High Constables, winder and a Distaff, .... 15 (purchase) ...... 24 Bishop's Palace (Castle), Orkney, Brooch —— of Inverness Special Constables, from, ...... 332, 336, 394 (donation) .....9 39 . Blackburn Mill, Berwickshire, Bronze Baya, Saint, ....... 427 Cauldrons from, . 310, 313/., 362 Bayne, Thomas, Death of, ...3 . —— —— Fragmen f Gridiroo t d Bronznan e Beads:— . 300Vessel , . 308s, . 313/from . , Glass, from Baldock, ..... 108 Blackwood, Robert, elected, ...3 21 . —— from Fort on East Lomond, Fife, Blair, Colone . J.P ,l elected, ...8 39 . (donation) ...... 13 Blairs, Loch of, Altyre, Morayshire, Food- —— from Traprain Law, (donation) . 399 vessel found near, (presented) . 137 —— Melon-shaped, found in Scotland, . 296 —— —— —— Short Cist at, .... 405 r Ligniteo t Je , from Garry lochdrach,
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