© 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe Studien des Georg-Eckert-Instituts zur internationalen Bildungsmedienforschung Band 141 Herausgegeben von Eckhardt Fuchs Redaktion Susanne Grindel, Roderich Henrÿ und Ralf Kasper Die Reihe ist referiert. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Konrad Jarausch (Chapel Hill/Berlin) Heidemarie Kemnitz (Braunschweig) Frank-Olaf Radtke (Frankfurt) Manfred Rolfes (Potsdam) Peter Vorderer (Mannheim) © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 Denise Bentrovato /Karina V. Korostelina / Martina Schulze (eds.) History Can Bite History Education in Divided and Postwar Societies With 4figures V&Runipress © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 The Georg Arnhold Program on Education for Sustainable Peace Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. ISSN 2198-6320 978-3-8470-0608-4 Weitere Ausgaben und Online-Angebote sind erhältlich unter: www.v-r.de © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Breite 6, D-37079 Göttingen / www.v-r.de Dieses Werk ist als Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der Creative-Commons-Lizenz BY International 4.0 (¹Namensnennungª) unter dem DOI 10.14220/9783737006088 abzurufen. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Jede Verwertung in anderen als den durch diese Lizenz zugelassenen Fällen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Verlages. Titelbild: © Sandra Spitzer © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 To Henry H. Arnhold and his grandfather, passionate bridge builders © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 Contents Simone Lässig Foreword .................................... 11 Introduction Denise Bentrovato and Martina Schulze Teachingabout aViolent Past: Revisiting the Role of History Education in Conflict and Peace ............................. 15 I. Textbooks and CurriculaasTools for Nation-Building: Between Inclusion and Exclusion Julia Lerch Embracing Diversity?Textbook Narratives in Countries with aLegacy of Internal Armed Conflict, 1950 to 2011 .................... 31 Kim Foulds The Somali Question: Protracted Conflict, NationalNarratives, and Curricular PoliticsinKenya.......................... 45 Clement Sefa-Nyarko Competing Narratives of Post-independence Violence in Ghanaian Social Studies Textbooks, 1987 to 2010 ....................... 61 Dea Maric´ The Homeland War in Croatian History Education:Between “Real Truth” and Innovative History Teaching ....................... 85 © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 8 Contents Petar Todorov TeachingHistory in Macedonia after 2001:Representations of Armed Conflict between Ethnic Macedonians and Ethnic Albanians .......111 Dhananjay Tripathi Sustainable Peace Between India and Pakistan: ACase for Restructuring the School Education System .........................125 II. Cultures of Silence: Forgoing Invaluable Lessons from aViolent Past Mneesha Gellman Only Looking Forward:The Absence of War History in Sierra Leone ...141 Michelle Savard Using Education as aPolitical Tool to Advance Marginalization in Northern Uganda ...............................157 Michelle J. Bellino Learning through Silence in “Postwar” Guatemala .............177 Kirsten Dyck Confronting Genocide Denial in US History Textbooks ..........191 Julieta Ktshanyan Problems around Teaching the History of the Armenian Genocide in Armenian Schools ...............................207 III. Integratingthe TopicsofWar andPeace into theClassroom: Teacher and Student Voices and Experiences Denise Bentrovato Whose Past, What Future?Teaching Contested Histories in Contemporary Rwanda and Burundi .....................221 MeenakshiChhabra ASocial-Psychological Perspective on Teaching aHistorical Event of Collective Violence:The Case of the 1947 British India Partition .....243 © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 Contents 9 Clare Magill Approaches to Teaching the Civil War and Franco Dictatorship in Contemporary Spain ..............................257 Conclusion Karina V. Korostelina History Education in the Midst of Post-conflict Recovery: Lessons Learned .....................................289 About the Authors...............................311 © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 Simone Lässig Foreword This first volume from the Georg Arnhold Program on Education for Sustainable Peace presents research by the early-career and distinguished scholars from all around the globe who took part in our inaugural Georg Arnhold International SummerSchool in July of 2014. The summer school focused on “Teaching and Learning the Past in the Aftermath of (Civil) Warand Mass Violence: The Challenges and Promises of History Education in Divided and Post-conflict Societies.” The participants, ranging from early-career scholars to senior re- searchers and practitioners in the field of education and peace, explored history education and its reform in the aftermath of civil warand mass violence. They also examined representations of warand peace in curricula, textbooks, and other educational materials, as well as in the classroom. The summerschool, organized by the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig, Germany,provided an interdisciplinary and international forum that allowed participants to debate and criticallyreflect upon key research questions, methods, findings, and their implications. All in all, the one-week summer schoolcovered an incredibly broad variety of case studies organized into five regional panels, from more than 20 countries including Armenia,Burundi, Cambodia,Croatia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Macedonia, Pakistan, Portugal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, and the United States. The following noted academics and prac- titioners shared their expertise: Meenakshi Chhabra, associateprofessor in in- terdisciplinary studies at Lesley University in Boston; Elizabeth Cole, senior program officer at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP); Khamboly Dy, a doctoral candidate in the DivisionofGlobal Affairs at Rutgers University in New Jersey and coordinator of the Genocide Education Project at the Documentation Center of Cambodia; Alan McCully, senior lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland; Karen Murphy, director of inter- national programsatthe NGO Facing History and Ourselves in the United States; M. Ayaz Naseem, associateprofessor in the Department of Education at Con- cordia University in Montreal; Elizabeth Oglesby, associate professor in the © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 12 Simone Lässig Department of Latin American Studies at the University of Arizona;Elie Podeh, professor in the Department of Islamand Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and Gail Weldon, an independent education consultant from South Africa. The summerschoolispart of the Georg Arnhold Program, which aims to promote research on education for sustainable peace and to form an interna- tional network in the field of peacebuilding. At the Georg Eckert Institute we believethat education is the cornerstone of the future of the societies we livein. We are dedicated to ensuring that future generations are brought up with open minds, able to reflect on theirattitudesand beliefs and embrace responsibility and democracy. Acting on this vision, the American banker, patron of the arts, and strong supporter of the sciences, Henry H. Arnhold, institutedthe guest professorship, summerschool, and symposium that make up the program at our institute to honor the legacy of his grandfatherGeorg Arnhold, acommitted pacifist. Henry H. Arnhold’sintention in instituting the Georg Arnhold Program has been to promoteinternational dialogue and an exchange of ideas and to strengthen links between academia and civil society, thus contributing to strong and peaceable societies. The program’sfocus lies particularly on educational media and curriculainpost-conflict or transitional societies.Western democ- racies, of course, are also called upon to develop new concepts to maintain and stabilize peace within society. As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed on the occasion of the International Day of Peace in 2013: “It is not enough to teach children how to read, write and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the world in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusiveand peaceful societies.”1 1Ban Ki-moon, “Secretary-General’s100-day CountdownMessage,” New York, June 13, 2013. http://www.un.org/en/events/peaceday/2013/sgmessage_countdown.shtml. © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book: 9783847006084 Introduction © 2016, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847106081 – ISBN E-Book:
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