PERSOO . l A Published by the Rijksherbarium, Lcidcn Volume 3, Part 3, pp. 325-330 ( r!)(is) THE MYCOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS OF K. B. BOEDIJN M.A. D ONK Rijksherborium, Uidm (With Plate 4) After a distinguished career as a collaborator of Prof. Hugo de Vries, the famous geneticist, Karel Bernard Boedijn (born June 29, 1893, a t Amsterdam) became a mycologist, and il is in this latter capacity that he will be primarily remembered. lie had already started to pay attention to the fungi during his Amsterdam period when C. van Overeem, M iss D. M. C. de Haas (who later married van Overeem), and Bocdijn banded together and called themselves the "Yiycologisch Museum te Wecsp". They started building up a collection which, however, never became very big. After some years van Ovcrccm accepted a position in the Her­ barium of the Botanic Gardens at Buitcnzorg (now Bogor) in J ava, where he died after a short but active period ( 192 1- 1927). The collections on liquid of tht· "Myco­ logisch Museum" arc now at the "Hugo de Vrics-Laboratorium", Amsterdam, while the dried material, taken to Java by van Overccm, will be found in thceollee­ tions of llerbarium Bogoricnsc. Bocdijn, too, wanted to become better acquainted with the tropics. To further this goal he accepted a position as a botanist in the "Aigemecn Procfstation A.V.R.O.. " (General l ~xpcrimental Station A.V. R.O.. ) at Mcdan (Sumatra East Coast) in 1926. Thus a long period of active collecting and studying fungi started, interrupted only by World War I I and its aftermath, and not ending until he finally returned to The etherlands in 1958. After a short stay at Mc:dan and after having returned to The 1etherlands, Bocdijn succeeded van Ovcrccm as a mycologist in the Buitcnzorg Herbarium (1928-1941 ). In 1933 he was appointed Extraordinary Professor of Botany at the Faculty of Medicine at Batavia (now Djakarta) in addition to his other duties. Shonly after tl1c beginning of the war with J apan he gave up his position at the Herbarium and became a full-time Professor of Botany in the Faculty of Medicine and at the same time in the Faculty of Agriculture at Buitcnzorg ( 1941 ). After the war this task was divided a nd his professorship became restricted to Buitenzorg (Bogor). In 1958 he retired and returned to The ·ether lands, The !Iague, contin­ uing his mycological studies a t home in close connection with the Yt:ycological Department of tl1e Rijksherbarium at Lei den. During this last period he contributed several papers to the newly founded mycological periodical " Pcrsoonia". On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his birthday in 1963 his many friends paid homage to him as a distinguished mycologist of world-wide fame. The" cdcrlandsc Persoonia, Vol. 3, Part. 2 was issud 30 July r¢4 32 5 P E R S 0 0 N I A - Vol. 3, Pari 3, 1965 Mycologische VcrCJ1iging" made him a Honorary Member on that occasion. He died suddenly on Augustus 26th, 1964, at The Hague. With Bocdijn's death a very remarkable mycological career came to an end . His prominence was the result of a composite set of factors. He was one of the very few mycologists who lived in the tropics for a long span of time and maintained a keen interest in his fieldwork. During most of his activity in the tropics he was able to refer to the libraries at Buitenzorg (Bogor) which contain a good collection of mycological publications. Moreover, he never really specialized in one group in particular for a very long period. As soon as he had mastered one subjrct and had commiued his knowledge of it to a manuscript, he started work on another, often quite unrelated, group. He always maintained a high standard both in his micro­ scopical and cytological observations as well as in his cultural work. All this resulted in a long series of excellent notes and usually rather short monographs on the most diverse groups of Indonesian fungi. The following bibliography shows how astonish­ ingly wide his fi eld of interests was. A mycolog1st with such wide a knowledge was c.xcellently suited to work up local collections: he actually undertook this kind of work twice, in naming the fungi collected by Dr. 0. Jaag in the Lesser unda Islands and by various collectors (including himself) of the islands of the Krakatau group. ~! any of his published papers arc short and often deal only with small groups. Nevertheless they form together with the more extensive papers an unequalled fund of information on the mycology of Indonesia. It is perhaps safe to say that in this regard Bocdijn has surpassed the mycological efforts of all other botanists. When interest in the fungi is revived in Indonesia it may be advisable to consider the production of a photoprint edition of his collected work on I ndonesian fungi, because it will form the basis of much future work in that area. ll.fost of his I ndonesian collections were deposited in Herbarium Bogoriensc but he also built up a personal herbarium which was sold to the Botanical 1\luseum and Herbarium a t Utrecht. BIBUOCRAPHY 1 (1918).-K. B. BoEDIJ N & C. VAN OvEREEM. Mykologischc Miu cilungcn. Se.-ie I. Ascomycetcn. Erstes StUck. Ueber das Vorkommen von Carotinkristallcn in zwci ncuen Pczizaartcn. In llcdwigia 59: 307-312 pl. 2 . 2 (•9•8).-.Mestzwammcn. In Mcdcd. :\ederl. mycol. Vcr. g: 11 0 11 8 4 Jr. 3 ( 192 1) .- Nieuwc 1edcrlandsche Saprolegniacceen. In .:\1cdcd. l'\cdcrl. mycol. Ver. 11: 11 6-121 Uxtpl. 3 · 4 ( 1922). Over de systematiek dcr Basidiomyceten. In Mcded. Ncdcrl. mycol. Ver. 12: 39- 53 14 ft. 5 (1923).-. ieuwc J ederlandschc Saproleg11iineac II. In Mcded. Xcdcrl. mycol. Vcr. 13: 84-90 (4) ft. DosK: The m;·wlogical publica/ions of K. B. Boedijn 6 ( 1923).- 0n the development of Stigmalom;us. In Mcdcd. 1cderl. mycol. Ver. 13: 91 - 97 textpl. 2. 7 (1925).- Dc J'\cdcrlandschc lnocybe-soortcn. {Voorloopigc mcdcdccling.) In Mcded. 1edcrl. mycol. Ver. 14: 89 1'2'2 (45 ) ft. 8 (1926).- Ecn nicuwc Septobasisiwn op de thee. l 11 Mcdcd. Alg. Procfst.A.V.R.O.S., Mcdan (Aigcm. Scr.) o. 26: 6-11 '2ft.- Also issued in English: A new Sep­ tobasidium on tea. 111 Comm. gen. exp. Sta. A.V.R.O.S., :\1cdan (Gen. Scr.) 1\o. 26: 6-10 2 fs. 9 ( 1926). De spinncwcbschimmcls van 1/er:ea brasilimsis. Three kinds of thread blight of Hevea brasilimsis. In Arch. Rubbcrcult., Buitcnz. 10:369-376 (1)j, (1) pl. (Rubbcrscric o. so). 10 ( 1927). 'icuwc en zcldzamc • cdcrlandschc fupgi. In Xcdcrl. kruidk. Arch. 36: 66 70. " •9'26". 11 ( 1927). Mycetozoa von Sumatra (1]. In Misc. zoo!. sumatrana • o. 17: 3 pp. If 12 (1927). 1'vlycctozoa von Sumatra (II). In :\1isc. zoo!. sumatrana . o. 24: 4 pp. (1) f 13 (1927).- Ucbcr Rllopalom;·us tlegans Corda. In Ann. mycol., Bcrl. 25: 161-166 ·I fs. 14 (1928).- 1\otcs on some Aspergilli from Sumatra. In Ann. mycol., Bcrl. 26: 6g 8~ 10ft. 15 (1928). Vcrzcichnis dcr von ·umatra bckanntcn Mycetozoa. Jn Ann. m)•col., Bcrl. 26: 450 453· 16 (1928). Das Myzel von Parodiellospega,ainiiThcis-;.enetSydow. ln Z. PRKrankh. 38: 129-132 4ft. 17 (1929). Beitrag 7.ur Kcnntnis dcr Pilzflora von umatra. In Rcc. Trav. bot. nccrl. 26: 396-439 17 fs. 18 (1929).- Ecn zccr mcrkwaardigc groeiplaats voor een paddestoel. In Trop. ·atuur, Weltevr. 18: 154 155 r f 19 (1930).- Die Catting Gl~iella Berkeley. In Bull. jard. bot. Buitcnz. III n : 57 66 7ft. 20 (1930).- K. B. BoEOIJN & A. STEINMANN. Over de op thee en andere cultuur­ plantcn in ed.-Jndic optredende Helicobasidium- en Stptobasidium-soorten. On the species of lltlicobasidium and Septobasidium occuring on tea and other culti­ vated plants in the Dutch East Indies. In Arch. Theecult. Ned.-lndiC 4: 5-59 pis. I 29. 21 ( •930).- 0ver cenige . ederlandscb-Indische Stinkzwammcn. In Trop. ·atuur, Weltevr. 19: 201-209 7 fs., r pl. 22 (•93• ).-K. n. BoEDIJN & A. STEII\'MANN. Les es p ~ccs des genres Helicobosidium et Septobasidium des Indes ncerlandaises. In Bull. J ard. boL Buitenz. III u : 165-21!) Jl ft., pis. 14- 18. 23 (•931 ).- Notcs on some sooty moulds. In Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz. Ill u : 22<>-'231 I j PI! R sooN 1A- Vol. 3, Part 3, 1965 24 (1931 ).-K. B. BoEDIJN & A. STEINMANN. Over de roctdauwsehimmels van de thee. On the so-called sooty moulds of tea. In Arch. Theecult. ed.-lndic s: 25-27 (1) J, 9 lextpls. 25 ( 1931 ).-Over Simblum periphragrrwides en een parasiet van Dittyophora. in Trop. Natuur, vVeltevr. 20: t t-13 2ft. 26 (1931 ).-0ver ilhyphallus auranlia&US. In Trop. Natuur, Wehevr. 20: 97-99 jfs. 27 ( 1932).-The Phallineae of the etherlands East Indies. In Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz. I II 12: 71-103 12 fs. 28 ( 1932).- The genus Sarcosoma in Netherlands India. In Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz. III 12: 273-279 ( 1) f 29 (1932).- Einige Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung von S. C. Teng. .,Fungi of anking 1". In Ann. mycol., Berl . 30: 478-479. 30 ( 1932).- D. R. Koot.HAAS & K. B. BoEDIJN. De .,Thceschimmcl" in ?\cder­ landsch Indic. (Voorloopige mededeeling.) in Bcrgcultures 6 (I): 299-303 2ft. 31 ( 1932 ).-Aseroe rubra. i n Trop. :-.latuur, Weltevr. 21 : 212 1 f 32 (1933).- The genera Phillipsia and Cookeina in Netherlands India. In Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz. III 13: 57- 76 7ft. 33 ( 1933).- Ucbcr cinige phragmosporcn Dcmatiazecn.
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