210mm210mm 背幅:2.5m背幅:2.5mmm 210mm210mm Kaneka Integrated Report 2017 Kaneka Integrated Report 2017 KanekaKaneka Integrated Integrated Report Report 2017 2017 1-12-32,1-12-32, Akasaka, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tokyo 107-6028, 107-6028, Japan Japan Tel:Tel: +81-3-5574-8000 +81-3-5574-8000 Fax: Fax: +81-3-5574-8121 +81-3-5574-8121 ThisThis printed printed matter matter is using is using FSC® FSC® certied certied paper paper includes includes KANEKA CORPORATION KANEKA CORPORATION sourcessources from from responsibly responsibly managed managed forests. forests. DisclaimerDisclaimer TheThe environment-friendly environment-friendly vegetable vegetable oil inkoil inkis used is used for forprinting. printing. ThisThis report report is intended is intended to provideto provide information information concerning concerning Kaneka Kaneka Group, Group, including including our our subsidiaries, subsidiaries, but but should should notnot be understoodbe understood as anas offer,an offer, or aor solicitation a solicitation of an of offer,an offer, to buyto buy or sellor sell securities. securities. The The business business performance performance forecastsforecasts and and certain certain other other statements statements that that are aremade made on thison this report report are areforward-looking forward-looking statements, statements, which which havehave been been rationally rationally formulated formulated based based on theon theinformation information currently currently available available to theto thecompany. company. Consequently, Consequently, thesethese statements statements do donot not constitute constitute a guarantee a guarantee that that the thecompany company will willachieve achieve these these forecasts forecasts or otheror other forward-lookingforward-looking statements. statements. For For a variety a variety of reasons, of reasons, the thecompany’ company’ s actual s actual performance performance may may differ differ substantiallysubstantially from from these these forecasts. forecasts. Please Please note note that that Kaneka Kaneka Group Group does does not not accept accept any any liability liability for forany any damage damage resultingresulting from from this this report. report. To Our Stakeholders CONTENTS For Publication of the Integrated Report 1. To Our Stakeholders 3. Infrastructure to Support This year, for the first time, Kaneka Group will issue the Kaneka Report, which combines the conventional Annual Report, the CSR For Publication of the Integrated Report Value Creation Report, and the Intellectual Property Report. • Organizations to be Reported, Languages, Intellectual Capital Reporting Period, Our Treasured Values The Kaneka Report delivers information on how we will continue Overview of Business Results 2016 • Research and Development of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy to create value, integrate ESG into our business, and contribute to • Financial and Nonfinancial Highlights • Establishment a Development Site for Life achieving a sustainable society through business efforts. Science and Information-Communication Technology (ICT) This report and its detailed information can also be found on our 2. For Kaneka’s Value Creation Human Capital website. (Innovation and Growth) We hope that our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders CSR Promotion System Top Message understand the significance of the Kaneka Report. • Transforming our management system Environment and Safety Medium-Term Management Plan (Fiscal 2017–2019) Communication with Society Growth Drivers Corporate Governance • R&D Organizations Covered in This Report • Globalization 4. Corporate Profile and This report covers Kaneka Corporation and its consolidated • Active Investment Global Network subsidiaries both in Japan and other countries. Transformation of Business Portfolio In this report, “Kaneka” refers specifically to Kaneka Corporation. Performance Targets “Kaneka Group” encompasses Kaneka Corporation and Group Strategies of Each Solutions Unit companies (its consolidated subsidiaries). References to “Group • Material Solutions Unit company/companies” do not include Kaneka Corporation. • Quality of Life Solutions Unit Examples of Our Efforts Providing Solutions for a Zero-Energy Society • Nutrition Solutions Unit • Health Care Solutions Unit Languages Examples of Our Efforts Contribute to Developing a Healthy Society This report is available in Japanese and English. with Our Biopharmaceuticals Period Covered Fiscal 2016 (April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017). In some cases, reporting covers activities before or after fiscal 2016. Detailed financial data are contained in the separate Financial Section 2017. 01 02 To Our Stakeholders Our Treasured Values Support for the United Based on the belief of committing to challenging the environmental issues of Nations Global Compact our planet and contributing to upgrading quality of life, we pursue creation of In March 2015, the Kaneka Group became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact. The UN new value with people and technology growing together in creative fusion. Global Compact is a voluntary code of conduct through which the top management of signatory companies commit themselves Management Philosophy Structure to take action aimed at achieving “Declaration of Kaneka United” Kaneka Group’s ten principles in the four areas of Human Rights, Labour, Expresses our raison d’être and our social mission Stakeholders Environment, and Anti-Corruption. With people and technology growing together into creative fusion, Starting in fiscal 2015, the Group we will break fresh ground for the future and tie in to explore New Values. Employees has participated in the working We are also committed to challenge the environmental issues of our planet Our employees include the groups of the Global Compact, people who work for the Kaneka and contribute to upgrading the quality of life. which enables us to gather a Group, as well as their families. We offer employees appropriate wealth of information about CSR treatment, remuneration, for our new initiatives through Customers self-fulllment, and safe working Society enhanced communication with other environments. companies. 1 Our customers are Including citizens and As a group with a global network, the people who consumers. Describes our key values Corporate Philosophy purchase Kaneka We can increase we actively share information Group products. enterprise value by about our commitment to global Toward an Even More Impressive We provide them with Employees fullling our social sustainable growth as a responsible and Productive Future quality products and responsibilities. corporate citizen with our Hold in your hands the future services, ensure We consider such stakeholders and the international you have always dreamed of. Kaneka Group’s 2 product safety, and factors as plant community. We are a highly perceptive and CSR Activities disclose information. Customers Society operational safety from the perspectives of collaborative value-creating Corporate Ideals Group CSR activities group or, as we like to say, a aim to increase social contributions, United Nations “Dreamology Company. stakeholder Kaneka welfare, and community (see note)” satisfaction through engagement. business activities, Group Global Compact’s ※Note: "Dreamology" is thereby boosting an expression coined from enterprise value. Shareholders Network Japan Ten Principles 'dream' and 'logy' (science). 3 Shareholders The The WE SUPPORT Our "Dreamology Company" and Environment is a "highly perceptive and Investors Environment Area Principle and collaborative Basic CSR Policy value-creating group." 1 Businesses should support Investors By this we mean the and respect the protection of They recognize the Vendors global environment. Human internationally proclaimed human Rights rights; and Provides an action agenda for each employee for value of our corporate We fulll our social 2 make sure that they are not materialization of our Corporate Philosophy brand and own our responsibilities by complicit in human rights abuses. shares. considering the 3 Businesses should uphold the The Kaneka Group will fulll our corporate social responsibility through the environment in our freedom of association and the We offer appropriate effective recognition of the right to materialization of our corporate philosophy with the earnest and returns and disclose business activities, collective bargaining; forward-looking efforts of each employee. timely information so Vendors including raw materials 4 the elimination of all forms of Labour forced and compulsory labour; 1. We will strive to fully understand the cultural backgrounds, manners and customs of we can increase Raw materials suppliers and procurement, 5 the effective abolition of child the countries and regions where we do business as a means of actively contributing overall trust in the contractors. manufacturing, and labour; and 6 the elimination of discrimination to local societies and communities. Group. We build mutually benecial transportation. in respect of employment and 2. We will abide by all relevant laws and regulations and, in undertaking our business relationships with vendors, occupation. activities, conduct ourselves in a fair manner based on free competition. ensuring that transactions 7 Businesses should support 3. We will place high priority on communicating with all our stockholders and are fair and that we offer a precautionary approach to stakeholders, and will disclose all pertinent information. environmental
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