Genes and Immunity (1999) 1, 1–2 1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 1466-4879/99 $15.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk EDITORIAL Welcome to ‘Genes and Immunity’ The degree to which antigens induce an immune of genes can be examined using DNA microchip tech- response varies considerably between individuals. Much nology. Undoubtedly, future developments, including of this variation is determined by the combination of anti- the completion of the human genome project as well as gen presentation by the individual’s MHC and the range development of technical and analytical tools to examine of T cell receptor structures present. Together, these genetic diversity and genetic and environmental inter- determine whether and how well that individual’s action in complex disease, will accelerate the process. immune system will see any particular antigen. These This is an exciting prospect, because the ensuing datas- aspects of the immune system have formed the backbone torm will force those of us working in this area to focus of the science of immunogenetics. However, more recent not only on which alleles are associated with given dis- studies have shown repeatedly that other aspects of the eases in any particular ethnic population, or the descrip- immune system also vary markedly between individuals tion of particular gene expression patterns, but also on and the science has moved forward into a period that the somewhat more difficult question of what these might be described as ‘post-HLA’ immunogenetics. It is mean. now clear that almost every aspect of the immune system At present, publications in this new area are scattered contains genetically defined variation, whether it be in throughout the cellular immunology and disease special- the rate or degree of cytokine secretion, the affinity of a ity literature, demonstrating how it underlies many particular Fc receptor, or other regulatory mechanisms aspects of human health and disease. Genes and Immunity that determine the strength of an immunological has been conceived to provide a unified forum for this response or inflammation. It is equally clear that this vari- important, developing aspect of immunological science. ation is likely to impact on all theatres of immunological The full title, Genes and Immunity—genetics, genomics and activity, from the daily response to minor environmental function describes the basic premise: the study of immu- pathogens, through infectious and autoimmune diseases nology can no longer be prosecuted without a consider- to malignancy and extreme man-made immunological ation and understanding of the consequences of genetic insults such as organ transplantation. variation in all aspects of the immune system, irrespec- Immunology, and particularly immunogenetics, is an tive of the field. The title also lays plain the ambition of expanding field. First, as sequence differences are disco- the Journal—Genes and Immunity intends to be pivotal in vered in promoters and coding regions of immunolog- emphasising this point. With success in this venture, ically relevant genes (such as cytokines and their recep- basic and clinical scientists from a diverse range of tors, adhesion molecules and components of the various immunological disciplines will find in the Journal intracellular signalling pathways) the breadth of material which they can apply to their own research. immunogenetic variation between individuals has Genes and Immunity will give preference to studies that become apparent. Second, as genome scans of auto- demonstrate genetic and/or functional variation in the immune, malignant and infectious diseases define loci of immune system and assist our understanding of how the pathogenic importance, specific genomic regions auto- basic control of the immune system varies from one indi- matically become of interest in immunogenetics, even vidual to another. Topics covered will fall across a broad though they may not contain any obviously immunolog- spectrum including (but not limited to): novel genes and ical candidate genes. Third, although normal variation in loci associated with the immune system, new allelic vari- the immune system is important in disease development ants and other demonstrations of natural variation in in the presence of contributing factors, certain rare genes associated with the immune system and immune- mutations can themselves be fundamental in causing dis- mediated disease, functional studies which illustrate such ease. Such variations might be associated with suscepti- variation and demonstrate the role of gene products in bility to certain diseases or contribute to severity and pro- immune-mediated disease, the relationship between gression. In addition, the same disease may have alleles, gene function and the contribution of genetic vari- different contributing immunogenetic factors in one eth- ation to disease susceptibility, severity and progression, nic group compared with another. the recognition of and response to pathogens and the The launch of Genes and Immunity therefore comes at organisation of genes and gene clusters relevant to the a critical point in the evolution of the understanding of immune response in health and disease. The Journal will immunology and immunogenetics. Recent technological accept the best full original papers and brief communi- developments in genotyping have brought the ability to cations but also, importantly, concise descriptions of conduct candidate gene studies within the scope of novel allelic variations in immune system genes because almost every laboratory; that would have been inconceiv- these are the fundamental tools of our trade. High-quality able 5 years ago. The same is becoming true for analysis review articles will also be represented, as well as of gene expression in which hundreds (if not thousands) occasional invited editorials. Welcome to ‘Genes and Immunity’ G Gallagher and M Seldin 2 We, the Editors and the Editorial Board members, all demands for efficient, expert peer-review and short pub- believe that the Journal Genes and Immunity will bring a lication times. It goes without saying that we want inves- new focus to the genetic aspect of immunology. For our tigators to contribute their best work to Genes and Immun- readers, Genes and Immunity will be accurate, timely and ity and to send it here first. relevant, and the on-line edition will be at the forefront of accessibility and integration with other web tools. For Grant Gallagher Michael Seldin our authors, Genes and Immunity will meet today’s Glasgow, UK California, USA.
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