1 Congreso Geosintec Iberia 2013 Conferencias Recent Examples of Innovation in Projects using Geosynthetics J.G. Zornberg Professor, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA President, International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Zornberg, J.G. (2013). “Recent Examples of Innovation in Projects using Geosynthetics.” Keynote Lecture, Proceedings of the 1st Iberic Conference on Geosynthetics, Geosintec Iberia 1, 05-06 November, Sevilla, Spain, pp. 37-50. ABSTRACT: Even though geosynthetics are now a well-established discipline within geotechnical engineer- ing, ingenuity continues to be significant in projects involving their use. This is probably because of the abil- ity to tailor the mechanical and hydraulic properties of geosynthetics in a controlled manner to address design needs in all areas of geotechnical engineering. This paper focuses on specific advances involving the use of geosynthetics in a wide range of geotechnical projects. Specifically, this paper addresses the creative use of geosynthetics in the design of earth dams, resistive barriers, unsaturated barriers, veneer slopes, coastal pro- tection systems, foundations, bridge abutments, retaining walls, embankments, and pavements. 1 INTRODUCTION of the downstream toe. Instead, in a zoned dam the Geosynthetics play an important role in geotechnical filter is placed between the core and the downstream applications because of their versatility, cost- shell zone. A longitudinal chimney drain collects the effectiveness, ease of installation, and good charac- intercepted seepage flow and, via one or more trans- terization of their mechanical and hydraulic proper- verse drains, conveys the water to the toe drains out- ties. Probably because of these many attributes, the side the embankment. Satisfying the filter require- use of geosynthetics has often promoted ingenuity in ments in the downstream drains may be particularly multiple areas of geotechnical engineering. This pa- difficult in projects where the appropriate aggregate per discusses 10 (ten) cases of recent applications sizes cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities. (or recent evaluations of pioneering applications) of geosynthetics in geotechnical projects. It updates the information provided by Zornberg (2012). For each 2.2 A Creative Approach using Geosynthetics: type of geotechnical project, the following aspects Geotextile Filters are discussed: (i) some difficulties in their design, (ii) a creative approach to address the difficulties us- Geotextiles can be used as filters in critical projects ing geosynthetics, and (iii) a recent project illustrat- such as earth dams. They constitute a particularly at- ing the creative use of geosynthetics. tractive solution in projects where granular material is not readily available. While there has been signif- icant resistance among dam designers towards the 2 CASE 1: RECENT INNOVATIONS IN EARTH use of new filter materials such as geotextiles, the DAM DESIGN design base and experience in their use has contin- ued to grow. For example, a recent re-evaluation of Some difficulties in the design of earth dams 2.1 filter criteria was conducted, which confirmed the Filters are both expensive and critical components of suitability of using geotextiles as filters in large large earth dams. The objective of drains and their earth dams (Giroud 2010). associated filters is to lower the phreatic surface The recent re-evaluation led to four criteria for within the dam to prevent water from emerging from geotextile filters: permeability, retention, porosity, the downstream slope, where flow could trigger ero- and thickness criteria. Filtration is governed by the sion that may endanger the integrity of the structure. distribution of openings in the filter material. The The configuration of the filter zones depends on the characteristics of filter openings are their size, type of embankment. In a homogenous dam, the fil- shape, density (number per unit area) and distribu- ter is generally placed as a blanket of sand and fine tion. The four criteria address three of these four gravel on the downstream foundation area, extend- characteristics: the size, density and distribution. ing from the cutoff/core trench boundary to the edge The shape of filter openings is not addressed in the www.geosinteciberia.com Pag. 37 1 Congreso Geosintec Iberia 2013 Conferencias four criteria, but is likely to be a minor consideration ligible (only 0.2% of the pore volume of the geotex- (Giroud 2010). On the other hand, the shape of tile). The good performance of the geotextile filter openings may be a relevant issue in the case of some can be explained by a recent reassessment reported woven geotextiles and some other types of man- by Giroud (2010). It should be noted that the Val- made filters. Ultimately, the four proposed criteria cros Dam filter was not designed using criteria de- for geotextile filters form a coherent set that allows rived directly from the classical Terzaghi’s filter cri- safe design of geotextile filters. teria. Instead, the geotextile filter was selected on the basis of limited experimental data available at that time (1970) involving the use of this geotextile 2.3 The Recent Re-evaluation of a Pioneering under an experimental embankment constructed on Project: Valcros Dam, France saturated soft soil. The recent reevaluation of the use of a geotextile filter at Valcros Dam indicates that The pioneering project described herein, and reeval- the geotextile indeed meets the current criteria for uated in light of a recently re-assessment of filter de- permeability, porosity, thickness and retention. sign criteria, is Valcros Dam. This is the first earth dam designed with geotextile filters. It was con- structed in France in 1970 using a geotextile filter 3 CASE 2: INGENUITY IN THE DESIGN OF under the rip-rap used to protect the upstream slope RESISTIVE BARRIERS of the dam. Very importantly, a geotextile filter was 3.1 Some Difficulties in the Design of Resistive also used in the downstream drain of the dam. Barriers Valcros Dam is a 17 m-high homogeneous dam constructed with a silty sand having 30% by mass of Conventional cover systems for waste containment particles smaller than 0.075 mm. Adequate sand fil- involve resistive barriers, which may be particularly ter could not be obtained for the downstream drain, expensive when appropriate soils are not locally leading to the use of a nonwoven geotextile as the available. This includes the availability of topsoil, filter. The construction of the downstream drain of cover soil, drainage materials, and vegetation com- the dam with a geotextile filter is shown in Fig. 1. ponents. Additional costs include their annual opera- The geotextile used in the downstream drain was a tion and maintenance requirements, loss of revenue needle-punched nonwoven geotextile made of con- due to decreased landfill volume, and detrimental ef- tinuous polyester filaments, with a mass per unit ar- fects of post-construction settlements. In the case of ea of 300 g/m2. The performance of the drain has steep landfill slopes, additional concerns involving been satisfactory since its construction. This can be the use of cover soils are erosion and stability along concluded from: (i) a constant trickle of clean water, interfaces with comparatively low interface shear (ii) a flow rate at the drain outlet that has been con- strength. sistent with the hydraulic conductivity of the em- bankment soil, and (iii) no seepage of water ever ob- served through the downstream slope (Giroud 2010). 3.2 A Creative Solution by using Geosynthetics: Exposed Geomembranes Many of the cost- and performance-related concerns associated with the construction of conventional cover systems can be minimized or eliminated by constructing exposed geomembrane covers. These covers are particularly suitable for sites where the design life of the cover is relatively short, future re- moval of the cover system may be required, the landfill sideslopes are steep, cover soil materials are prohibitively expensive, or where the landfill is ex- pected to be expanded vertically in the future. In ad- dition, the current trend towards the use of “leachate recirculation” or “bioreactor landfills” makes the use Fig. 1. Construction of the downstream drain of Valcros of exposed geomembrane covers a good choice dur- Dam (Giroud 1992) ing the period of accelerated settlement of the waste. Key aspects in the design of exposed geomem- The good condition of the geotextile filter was brane covers are the assessment of the geomembrane confirmed using samples of geotextile removed from stresses induced by wind uplift and the anchorage the actual filter after 6 and 22 years of completion of requirements against wind action. Wind uplift of the construction. In fact, clogging was found to be neg- geomembrane is a function of the mechanical prop- erties of the geomembrane, the landfill slope geome- www.geosinteciberia.com Pag. 38 1 Congreso Geosintec Iberia 2013 Conferencias try, and the design wind velocity. Wind uplift design The flexible solar panels are less than ¼-inch considerations involve assessment of the maximum thick and with a surface of about 23 ft2. A total of 30 wind velocity that an exposed geomembrane can solar panels are arranged in rectangular sub-arrays. withstand, of the required thickness of a protective A total of 35 sub-arrays, with 30 solar panels each, layer that would prevent the geomembrane from be- fill about 0.6 acres, leaving room to expand the solar ing uplifted, of the tension and strain induced in the generation capacity over time. The 1,050 panels geomembrane by wind loads, and of the geometry of were adhered to the exposed geomembrane over a the uplifted geomembrane. Procedures for the analy- 5.6-acre project area, with flat areas (benches) sepa- sis of geomembrane wind uplift have been devel- rating the tiers. The panels are positioned parallel to oped by Giroud et al. (1995) and Zornberg and final-grade contours with sideslopes angled about Giroud (1997). A number of exposed geomembrane 15. These panels were adhered to the geomembrane covers have been designed and constructed using with an ethylene propylene copolymer designed for these procedures (Gleason et al.
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