We are proud t o present our next i nstall ment of Leadi ng Change: Per specti ves from Outside of Medicine “ Conversati on Series 2021” The goal is to help us think about ways to i mprove “the pati ent experi ence” at Hopki ns by l earning from experts i n other fi elds and discipli nes. Please j oin us, i n welcoming Lynda Carter, Actor, Singer/Song writer and Producer on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 5: 00pm via Zoom. (Zoom li nk below) Lynda will present a l ecture entitl ed “A Conversati on with Lynda Carter Actor, Si nger/Song writer and Producer”. The Q & A sessi on will foll ow the l ecture. Lynda Carter is best known for winning our hearts the 1973 Miss Worl d- USA and then as Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter is an accompli shed si nger who has perfor med to rave reviews bef ore sell-out crowds around the worl d. I n additi on to her l ong acti ng career, Lynda has the disti ncti on of produci ng and starri ng i n fi ve highly rated network televisi on speci als for CBS, several of which were Emmy Awar d nominated. She has appeared onstage with many of the worl d’s most famous popular si ngers i ncl uding Ray Charl es, Tom Jones, Kenny Rogers, George Benson and Ben Vereen. Though Lynda conti nued to act i n fil ms and televisi on, when she had chil dren she l eft the road to raise a young famil y. She returned to li ve perf or ming i n 2006, appeari ng on the London stage with an accl ai med star turn i n Chicago. I n 2007 Lynda started touri ng agai n i n venues across the country with her band of Nashvill e all stars. Lynda has brought her concerts to maj or venues across the country i ncl uding the Kennedy Center i n Washington, D.C. and Jazz at Lincoln Center i n New York City. Her first CD, “At Last” was released i n 2010 and dropped at No. 6 on the Bill board charts. Her second CD, “Crazy Littl e Things” was released i n 2011. Lynda released her most recent album, “Red, Rock N’ Blues” i n 2018. Her musi c is avail able on i Tunes, Spotify and Amazon. For her i ncredible career, Lynda was presented with her ‘Star’ on the Holl ywood Wal k of Fa me i n 2018. Lynda and her husband, Robert Alt man resi de i n Washington, D.C. and have t wo chil dren, James Al t man, an attorney and Jessica Carter Alt man, also an attorney but now concentrati ng on her own si ngi ng career, maki ng guest appearances with her mot her along with j ust releasi ng her solo debut EP, “No Rule. Lynda has contri buted many chariti es and has been an outstanding spokesperson for Woman's ri ghts and equality. She will be shari ng with us her knowledge about life i n the publi c eye as well as how to rediscover and re-i nvent yourself i n your career and life. We are excited to have Lynda spend ti me wi th us to share her amazi ng j ourney. I nfor mati onal Links: https:// www.l yndacarter.com/about/ OR https://en. wikipedia.org/ wiki/Lynda_Carter Registrati on Doodle Poll: https://doodle.com/poll/xt32y6pfsgv3awd4?ut m_source=poll &ut m_medi um=li nk The l ectures are open to all members of the Hopki ns co mmunity and we l ook forwar d to seeing you there. In order to all ow for an open exchange bet ween the speaker and the audience we will not record or broadcast the l ecture. Elli ot K. Fishman M.D. Elli ot K. Fishman Professorship i n Radiology Professor of Radiology, Surgery, Urology and Oncology Johns Hopki ns Hospital 410- 955- 5173 (office) 410-340- 6649 (cell) Please click the li nk below to j oin the Zoom webi nar: https://j hjhm.zoom.us/j/97306390295?pwd=d WtmdjZUVDM2OVl uTj B4el Q5aFVZZz09 Passcode: 842516 .
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