VOLUME 6. NUMBER II OCTOBER 25. 1*7* SAGAMORE 2 J .1*7* Debate is on de hook To the editor Next, did you notice the camera After a brief two-week vacation, shots during the debates? Each time him saying, “I read your comic atrip Bring this ad toany 1 I decided to turn the TV on. And Ford waa speaking and the camera every day. That Charlie Brown ia a GRAHAM ELECTRONICS/ gueoo what was on. The Preadential ■bowed both candidates, Carter funny character " And I don't debates! would pick up a pen and write some­ believe f have to tall you what Ford INDY Store and get an additional Watching this all networks spe­ thing down. Or when Carter was ia * o rt for, but I will anyway . $300 off on a high trackability cial, aeoond in a aeries of three, I speaking, Ford was seen looking on Fix or repair daily. thought that it was important to with that burning eye look. Another charge bought up in the SHURE CARTRIDGE bring out several points. Amid the heat of the debates debates is that nothing gets done First of all, the debate title is Carter has portrayed Ford u working unless ft la in an election year. Maybe if we held an election each year . B M u n i misleading. It ia not a debate for lobbyiMa, but Ford has yet to between Presidents, it ia a debate portray Carter at working for And remember when yon go to M91ED between the Preadent and an ex­ peanuts. pull that lever this November, no Dehue Wgh trarfcaMfty governor. A more appropriate title matter who you vote for, HE IS And if that isn't enough for our would be “Chaigea and Counter- WRONG! r > Charges" or perhaps 'The Employ­ already confused minds, imagine hav­ Sincerely, ing Carter introduced to a group of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED AT *5995 ment Game ’ (the k>*r must claim The Worm GRAHAM'S EVERYDAY unemployment benefits). foreign leaden and one coming up to LOW CATALOG PRICE ________ 19.50 WITH THIS AD L et 'em h an g? (ONE TO A CUSTOMER Dear Sagamore, r I've got a theory on this dis­ tree institution where he can design PLEASE) SAVE AN $ 11 6 5 0 Just how do you stand on the is­ patching matter. It ia baaed on three new license plates to replace old, ADDITIONAL SBOO_ sue of capital punishment? Corpore­ sanguinary tenets; i t . there are three worn-out ones. This soon teaches OFFER GOOD UNTIL OCT 31.197* ally ^waking, some people think that types of murderers the crazy type, him the difference between right and this (need I say) punitive measure is the dumb type, and the intelligent, wrong. Then 1st him out. [TRAHAN! cruel and inhumane punishment. Ha, educated type. It’a the intelligent, educated U ELECTRONICS show me one hanged murderer with a The crazy type ia easy to deal type that you have to make quietus beef and 111 tell you where Hitler’s 4 INDIANAPOLIS LOCATIONS D with. Just put him in a mental insti­ with. So. Ju* kill him. Then let him ■ MAIN 0H < | SUMO OH AMI INOUSTNUI NAMHOUSI 111 SO MNN real dental records are. tution where he can deagn new ink­ out. ■ in tni glinoali mall siimo cm mmo ani eitsiom avimm 1 IN INI GIONGIIONN PLWA Mil N UTN SI |MlN I GfOMMOWM NOAO) Actually, I think hanging ia ben­ blots to replace old, worn-out ones. Say, 1 should run for the legis­ | IN INI MASNINGION SOUAM MAU NAShiNCION ST 4 MUTNOUMM NOAO eficial. We can all see how, with This soon shows him that he ia okay. lative body. I could be a wtfte-on hanging, the criminal baa a new door Then let him out. candidate for the, wait a minute, I’ve opened to him with, well, only two The dumb type ia also easy to got it right here. Ah yea, the traffic opportunities in Christian countries. deal with. Just put him in a correc- ticket. Let me tell you, Nobody Noee-ltall V 4 a.m. The IUPU1 tuition fee study Board of Trustees members Plans are continuing for a spe­ group received a short extension on who met last Friday at 1UPU1 were cial lUPUI-Racer's hockey night! In its October 2S deadline for the not too informed about lUPUI’s preparation we hear that a group of submisaon of a report to Vice Pre­ application for NCAA Division II medical and dental students are sident Irwin. It, however, seems to acceptance, but said that a master doing a little more than freezing many, a rather fruitlen effort since plan for all the "regional" campus ice-cubes. Details will be forthcom­ I.U. Presdent Ryan has frequently athletic programs was being pre­ ing soon. been quoted on various public pared by Bloomington's Athletic Helen Zapp in the Union media saying a tuition increase is to Director. Wc wonder if someone Bldg.’s Student Activity Office still be expected. The Higher Education should explain to the Trustees that has some Holiday On Ice discount Commission has also tossed projec­ IUPUI has not been a "regional" tickets for IUPUI students and tions of student tuition increases campus for several years, but is faculty. They’re a real bargain . before the public. Few students supposed to be sharing the l.U. sys­ save $2.75 per ticket and plan a. showed up at the two public hear­ tem 's academic and cultural mis­ great evening (Nov. 12, 8 pm) or ings held last week by the tuition sions equally with the Bloomington afternoon (Nov. 13,12.00). task force. It would appear that few campus? The Sagamore has put together care if they have to pay more for a special Halloween huh for our the chance to get a degree. readers and friends. You can get into the action . meet the jolly Sag staff . enjoy the company of a wild group of your companions in INSIDE-OUT study . show up in costume and Billboard................................... Page 3 get a chance at our $50 prize. Editorials................................... Page 4 October 31 at the Godfather 11. OO EE-POO-EE NEWS. Page 5 A 6 The festivities start at 8 pm. C om ics.............. .................... Didn't get that Anatomy daaa? Go to Zodiacal Zingers..................... Page 7 the Biology Club’s Introductory Elections 7 6 .................Page 8 A 9 Party Saturday,-October 30 at 7:30 Entertainment .... .Page 10 A II pm. For tickets and information, Day Care......................Page 12 A 13 contact the Biology Department, Claaaifieds............................Page 14 38th Street. October 29, 197* I \ HALLOWEEN HOLOCAUST A s • i v r v i M r — S n i J T IT! t e * A m s i i i p m PUBLIC SERVICE INTERNSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE M onday OCTOBER 25 A group of pubhc m n im mter* ««d» and Conference Center, Alps are available m Indianapohs Bloomington 47401 A spring dead Health Profemsoas Day, 9 N u . , Nurang Bldg, Ill floor through the School of Pubhc and En- k m of Oct. 29 is ml Offica of Placement A C m er (ounmhng Meeting, 11 30 a .a ., U Pulmonary Medicine Journal Club. 12:19 p a , "rc"ra*"*J CLASS SCHEDULES DUE Sophomore DIR Haas. 3:00 p a . Union Students who have an interest m ■ i r r t l i i c u t e r k providing • community mm ee while L A T E T H I S W E E K Botzum i TA Group Meeting 5 00 p a , Uatoa in school may be accepted si one of Pubhcation of the gmng *hed The Way Ministry 7 00 p a ., Union them programs They provide, be o f dames is scheduled later this Council for Exceptional Children. 7 30 p a ., Union sides profesmonal experience, up to ** available in 11400 salary and acadeimc credit w m e tt offices, deans of Tuesday OCTOBER 2* _ ^ . fleet, the registrar t offices, and other To qualify. «u4enlt mu« be • 0. tk , campuMi lunor. in (004 acadenuc (en d u * pem to Ad School of Buunea Breakfast, 7:45 a a . Union *nd • “ * vince Reparation which hepne Nov Introduction to DEC System 10. 10 00 a a , Union Inquinei Would be made to SREA. , ,0 tuM -u 4 tn l, to ^ Cheer Guild, 10 00 a a .. Union tall Readence. or the Cental toe thtu Khedute. aa4 co.^H «<h Libraries Meeting. 11 a a ., Union Public Affairs Service. Poplars Re counmiors Radiologic Technology Programs, 11 30 a m , Union University Commencement Committee Luncheon, 11 30 a m . Union Council of Wortd Affairs, Lecture, Ms Lux Bacorra, U S and Developing RECRUITMENT CALENDAR Nations, 12 noon, Union A tentative schedule of companies that wfll be vissting the crnnpne recruiting Indianapolis Society of Cabnk Engineers, 6 30 p a ., Union students for career opportunities, w il appear each week m the PiBbunrd The Water Safety Intfructors Course, 7 00 p a , Union Placement Center, located m the Union Buddmg Room G02SM (Ground New Life Temple. 7 30 p a . Union Floor) has agnup Aeets availabte four weeks prior to the scheduled recruit men! date Students Aould make an effort to apt-up in person however W ednesday OCTOBER 27 •gn ups may he made by calling the Placement Center at 244-2554 YOU MUST HAVE A FILE ESTABLISHED WITH THE PLACEMENT CENTER BEFORE YOU CAN INTERVIEW Local N o.1477 Elections, 7 00 a m.
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