University of Chicago Law School Chicago Unbound University of Chicago Law School Announcements Law School Publications 8-31-1960 Law School Announcements 1960-1961 Law School Announcements Editors [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/ lawschoolannouncements Recommended Citation Editors, Law School Announcements, "Law School Announcements 1960-1961" (1960). University of Chicago Law School Announcements. Book 84. http://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/lawschoolannouncements/84 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School Publications at Chicago Unbound. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Chicago Law School Announcements by an authorized administrator of Chicago Unbound. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Announcements The Law School FOR SESSIONS OF 1960 • 1961 TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION • I. LocATION, HISTORY, AND ORGANIZATION 3 II. GENERAL STATEMENT 4 III. ADMISSION OF STUDENTS • • • • • • • • • • 4 Admission of Students to the Undergraduate (J.D.) Program . 4 Admission of Students to the Graduate (LL.M.) (J.S.D.) Program 5 Admission of Students to the Certificate Program. 5 Admission of Students to the Graduate Comparative Law and Foreign Law Programs . 5 IV. REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES 5 The Undergraduate Program 5 The Graduate Program 6 The Certificate Program . 6 The Graduate Comparative Law Program 6 The Foreign Law Program 7 V. EXAMINATIONS, GRADING, AND RULES 7 VI. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION • 8 First-Year Courses. 8 Second- and Third-Year Courses . 8 Seminars. 11 Courses for the Summer Session, 1960 13 Courses for the Summer Session, 1961 13 VII. SCHEDULE OF COURSES BY QUARTERS, 1960-61 14 VIII. PROFESSORSHIPS AND TEACHING FELLOWSHIPS 15 IX. GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS AND REsEARCH AND SPECIAL FuNDS 15 X. PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN LAW AND THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES • 16 XI. THE CoMPARATIVE LAW RESEARCH CENTER. 16 XII. THE LAW REVISION PROGRAM • 16 XIII. THE LAW-EcONOMICS PROGRAM • 16 XIV. THE SUPREME COURT REVIEw. 17 XV. STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS AND LoANS 17 XVI. CONFERENCES, MEETINGS, AND LECTURES 19 XVII. STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND HONORS 21 XVIII. PLACEMENT • • 23 XIX. BUILDINGS AND LIBRARY • 23 XX. THE LAW SCHOOL RESIDENCE • • 25 XXI. INfERNATIONAL HOUSE • 25 XXII. THE CHAPEL • 26 XXIII. PHYSICAL EDUCATION • • 26 XXIV. THE STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE • 27 XXV. SUGGESTIONS FOR PRE-LEGAL STUDY • · 27 XXVI. FEES AND OTHER INFORMATION • 28 XXVII. STUDENTS IN REsIDENCE, 1959-60 . • 29 XXVIll. THE VISITING COMMI'ITEE OF THE UNJVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL. • 37 XXIX. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, THE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • • 38 XXX. COUNCIL OF PAST PRESIDENTS, THE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • • 38 XXXI. PUBUCATIONS OF THE FACULTY, 1959-60 39 The University oj Chicago Law School Buildings. in which law students are Burton-Judson Courts, housed, are linked to the on west;the the American Bar Center Buildings is immediately adjoining on the east. Interior of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel during the Special Convocation in celebration of the new Law Buildings. The was taken in the Kirkland Courtroom of the new Law Buildings. photograph The Supreme Court of Illinois on the bench Weymouth scheduled cases. the-Kirkland Courtroom to hear argument in regularly before the Court went into session in A portion oj the John P. Wilson Law Library Reading Room. The ring oj study tables surrounding the stacks, on both the main floor and mezzanine, brings the total seating capacity oj the reading-room area to nearly 300. Professor Walter Blum is shown with his class on Insurance Law in the Hillman Seminar Room. On the Bench in the Weymouth Kirkland Courtroom. Left to right: Lawrence A. Kimpton, Chancellor oj the University; Mr. Weymouth Kirkland; and the Honorable Sir Patrick Devlin, Lord Justice oj the Court oj Appeal, who spoke at the School's Conjerence on Criminal Justice. The Teaching Fellowsjor 1959-60 gathered in the Charles Evans Hughes Seminar 'Room. Left to right: Ronald Corydon Finch, J.D., University oj Chicago Law School; George J. Alexander, LL.B., University oj Pennsylvania Law School; Charles M. Jacobs, J.D., Uni­ versity oj Chicago Law School; Bernard W. M. Downey, LL.B., University oj London; Edward J, C. Album, B.A., Oxjord University; Peter B. Powles, LL.B., Cambridge University,· Richard K. Bain, B.C.L., Oxjord University; and Walter M. Van Geroen, Dr. Iur., University oj Louvain. All except Mr. Van Geroen, who was a Teaching Fellow in the Foreign Law Program, were Bigelow Teaching Fellows and Instructors. Left to right: Dallin Oaks, J.D. '57,jormerly law clerk to Chief Justice Warren; the Honorable Earl Warren, Chiej Justice oj the United States; Projessor Fred Kort, oj the University of Connecticut, a Law and Behavioral Science Senior Fellow in 1958-59; and Louis Gottschalk, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Projessor oj History at the University oj Chicago, at the receptionjor the Chiej Justice held during the Dedication Ceremonies. John A. Spanogle, Jr., B.S.E., Princeton University (nearest camera) and Paul Schreiber, A.B., Lawrence College, preparejar thefinal argument at the Hinton Moot Court Competition in the Kirkland Courtroom. The Honorable John Hastings, U.S. Court oj Appeals, Seventh Circuit, and the Honorable Roger Traynor, Justice oj the California Supreme Court, in the Judges' Conjerence Room adjoining the Kirkland Courtroom. With Judge Charles Clark, they had heard the final argu­ ment in the Hinton Competition. Lloyd K. Garrison, oj the New York Bar, addressing the entering class oj the School on "The Practice of Law." Wilber G. Kate, James Parker Hall Professor oj Law (left), with a group ojfirst-year law students at the dinner given by the Faculty each Autumnjor the entering class. The Right Honorable Viscount Kilmuir oj Creich, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, speaking in the Auditorium oj the new Law Buildings during the Dedicatory Ceremonies. Seated on the stage with the Lord Chancellor is Glen A. Lloyd, J.D. '23, Chairman oj the Board oj Trustees of the University, who presided. In the Faculty Conjerence Room. Left to right: Maria A. Zakrzewska, LL.B., Univer­ sity oj London; John K. Connor, LL.B., University oj Melbourne; and Lionel I. Swift, LL.B., Oxjord Uniuersity, British Commonwealth Fellowsjor 1959-60. During the Dedicatory Ceremonies, Professors Brainerd Currie, Philip B. Kurland, and Roger C. Cramton discussed recent decisions oj the United States Supreme Court. Lord Denning oj Whitchurch, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, meeting informally with stu­ dents in the Lounge oj the Law School Residence Halls. The Vice-President oj the United States delivering the Dedicatory Address in the Main Lounge. A portion oj the audience that heard Vice-President Nixon's Dedicatory Address Professor William W. Crosskey meets his class in Constitutional Law in the D'Ancona­ Pflaum Lecture Hall. In the Faculty Conference Room. Left to right: Eric E. Bergsten, J.D., University of Michigan; James C. Connor, LL.B., Cornell University; and Julius Kaplan, J.D., Uni­ versity of Chicago, students in the Foreign Law Program. The Felix Frankjurter Seminar Room The Honorable Charles Breitel, Judge oj the Supreme Court oj New York, chats with students and others in attendance jollowing his speech at the School's Conjerence on Criminal Justice. International House Hutchinson Court Albert Merritt Billings Hospital Four major landmarks among the one hundred buildings on the Quadrangles oj the University oj Chicago. II THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO II FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Announcements The Law School SESSIONS OF 1960-1961 VOLUME LX AUGUST 31, 1960 NUMBER 9 The statements contained in these Announcements are subject to change without notice. Published by the University of Chicago at the University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois, in nine issues annually. The Announcements are issued twice each in October and February, three times in March. and once in May and August. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of August 24, 1912. THE LAW SCHOOL OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION* LAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Chancellor of the University. JOHN I. KIRKPATRICK, Vice-Chancellor of the University. R. WENDELL HARRISON, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculties. WILLIAM B. HARRELL, Vice-President in Charge of Business Affairs. WARREN C. JOHNSON, Vice-President in Charge of Special Scientific Programs. HENRY T. SULCER, Vice-President in Charge of Development. LoWELL T. CoGGESHALL, Vice-President in Charge of Biological and Medical Affairs. JAMES M. SHELDON, JR., Assistant to the Chancellor. STANLEY B. LANGRAND, Assistant Vice-President in Charge of Space Planning. WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, Secretary of the University. EMERY T. FILBEY, Vice-President Emeritus. EDWARD H. LEVI, Dean of the Law School, The Law Quadrangle. ROGER C. CRAMTON, Assistant Dean and Chairman of the Graduate Committee, The Law Quadrangle. Jo DESHA LUCAS, Assistant Dean and Dean of Students, The Law Quadrangle . JAMES M. RATCLIFFE, Assistant Dean and Director of Placement, The Law Quadrangle. CLARA P. SMITH, Assistant to the Dean, The Law Quadrangle. ALBERT F. CoTTON, Bursar. HERMAN H. FUSSLER, Director of the Library, Harper Memorial Library, Room MlO. JOHN P. NETHERTON, Dean of Students. CHARLES D. O'CONNELL, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Admissions. WILLIAM J. VAN CLEVE, Registrar. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION FRANCIS A. ALLEN, A.B., LL.B., J.S.D. (hon.), Professor of Law. WALTER J. BLUM, A.B., J.D., Professor of Law. ROGER C. CRAMTON, A.B., J.D., Assistant Professor of Law. WILLIAM W. CROSSKEY, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. BRAINERD CURRIE, A.B., LL.B., LL.M., JUR.Sc.D., Professor of Law. KENNETH W. DAM, S.B., J.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Law. AARON DIRECTOR, PH.B., Professor of Economics. ALLISON DUNHAM, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law.
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