CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 RELEASE TITLES DATE COMPANY CINECON YEAR SUMMARY / NOTES $20 A Week 1924 Distinctive-Selznick 50 2014 $64,000 Challenge - Sonny Fox Kinecon At Cinecon 55 2019 A Salute To Game Shows 100 To 1 Shot, The 1906 Vitagraph 31 1995 15 Maiden Lane 1936 20th Century-Fox 48 2012 21st Academy Awards 1949 30 1994 3-D Hollywood 38 2002 NOTE: slide show 36 Hours To Kill 1936 20th Century Fox 43 2007 365 Nights In Hollywood 1934 Fox 28 1992 49th Parallel, The 1941 Ortus General 25 1989 50 Miles From Broadway 1929 Pathé 47 2011 Short Subject 7 Faces Of Dr. Lao, The 1964 M-G-M 11 1975 70,000 Witnesses 1932 Paramount 16 1980 Abie Kabibble Outwitted His Rival 1917 International 44 2008 Academy Awards, 22nd Annual 1949 31 1995 Accusing Finger, The 1936 Paramount Pictures 53 2017 Ache In Every Stake, An 1941 Columbia Pictures 51 2015 Acquitted 1929 Columbia 44 2008 Act Of Violence 1949 M-G-M 31 1995 Active Life of Dolly Of The Dailies, The Short Subject Chapter 5: The Chinese Fan 1914 Edison 47 2011 Actress, The 1953 M-G-M 39 2003 Adam's Apple 1928 38 2002 Adam's Rib 1923 Paramount 34 1998 Advance Base 1945 41 2005 Adventure In Sahara 1938 Columbia 45 2009 Adventurer, The 1917 Lone Star-Mutual 50 2014 Short Subject Adventures Of Captain Marvel 1940 Republic 26 1990 Adventures Of Trazan, The - Great Western-Numa Pictures-Weiss Short Subject Chapter 11: The Hidden Foe 1921 Brothers Artclass 51 2015 Adventures With D.W. Griffith 30 1994 Affairs Of Anatol, The 1921 Paramount 7 1971 Affairs Of Anatol, The 1921 Paramount 17 1981 CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 Afraid To Talk 1932 Universal 45 2009 After Midnight 1927 M-G-M 40 2004 Ain't Misbehavin' 1955 Universal 43 2007 Air Hawks 1935 Columbia 43 2007 Air Hostess 1933 Columbia 37 2001 Alias Jimmy Valentine 1915 World 28 1992 Alibi 1929 United Artists 32 1996 Alice Gets Stung 1925 Disney 34 1998 Alice’s Wonderland 1923 Disney 34 1998 All American Sweetheart 1937 Columbia 53 2017 All Star Revue Martha Raye Show Kinecon At Cinecon (FRAGMENT) 1952 NBC 53 2017 From The Archive Of Stan Taffel All The King's Horses 1934 Paramount 9 1973 Aloma Of The South Seas 1941 Paramount 55 2019 Always A Bridesmaid 1943 Universal 47 2011 Always A Bridesmaid 1943 Universal 48 2012 Amarilly Of Clothes Line Alley 1918 Artcraft 33 1997 America 1924 Griffith UA 19 1983 American Venus 1926 Paramount 31 1995 NOTE: Trailer An Arabian Knight 1920 Haworth/Robertson-Cole 47 2011 An Old Spanish Custom 1935 British & Continental 20 1984 NOTE: UK title: The Invader And One Was Beautiful 1920 17 1981 And The Angels Sing 1944 Paramount 51 2015 Angel 1937 Paramount 15 1979 Angels Over Broadway 1940 Columbia 13 1977 Animal Crackers 1930 Paramount 52 2016 British Film Institute Animal Kingdom, The 1932 Radio Pictures 26 1990 Anna Christie 1923 Ince 21 1985 Annie Get Your Gun 1950 M-G-M 35 1999 Annie Laurie 1927 M-G-M 25 1989 Another Language 1933 M-G-M 37 2001 Anything Goes 1937 Paramount 53 2017 Apache Kid, The 1931 Mintz Columbia 44 2008 CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 Ape, The 1940 Monogram 54 2018 April Love 1957 20th Century-Fox 49 2013 Are We Civilized? 1934 Raspin Productions 39 2003 Around The World In 80 Minutes 1932 Fairbanks/UA 23 1987 Arrowsmith 1932 Goldwyn/UA 21 1985 Arsene Lupin 1932 MGM/WB 14 1978 Art Directors Panel 38 2002 Artistry In Rhythm 1944 Universal 48 2012 Short Subject Artists And Models Abroad 1938 Paramount 25 1989 As Good As Married 1937 Universal 9 1973 Asegure A Su Mujer (Insure Your Wife) 1935 Fox 54 2018 Ask A Policeman 1938 Gainsborough 42 2006 Ask Father 1919 Hal RoachPathé 41 2005 At All Costs 1916 Metro-Drew 47 2011 Short Subject At The Mike 1934 Universal Pictures 54 2018 Mentone & Universal Shorts Atlantic Adventure 1935 Columbia 35 1999 Atlantic City 1944 Republic 31 1995 Atlantis 1913 33 1997 Attorney For The Defense 1932 Columbia 36 2000 Autobuyography 1934 RKO 53 2017 Autograph Hunter, The 1934 Columbia 36 2000 Avenger, The 1931 Columbia 54 2018 Awful Goof, The 1939 Columbia 44 2008 Baby Brother 1927 Hal Roach/Pathé 53 2017 Baby Face 1933 Warner Bros. 41 2005 Baby Rose Marie The Child Wonder 1929 Warner Brothers 55 2019 Ron Hutchinson Tribute & Program Back To God's Country 1919 Canadian Photoplays 9 1973 Back To God's Country 1919 Canadian Photoplays 18 1982 Backstage On Broadway 1930 Fox Movietone 48 2012 Short Subject Bad Girl 1931 Fox 34 1998 Badlands Of Dakota 1941 Universal 38 2002 Band Wagon, The 1953 M-G-M 41 2005 Bard And Pearl 1923 Phonofilm 31 1995 CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 Bardleys The Magnificent 1926 M-G-M 45 2009 NOTE: [restored feature] Bardleys The Magnificent 1926 M-G-M 31 1995 NOTE: [clip reel] Bare Knees 1928 Gotham Productions 55 2019 Famous Players Orchestra Performance Bargain, The 1915 Ince 11 1975 Barker, The 1928 First National 42 2006 Baroness And The Butler 1938 20th Century-Fox 50 2014 Bat Whispers, The 1930 United Artists 15 1979 NOTE: [short reissue version] Bat Whispers, The 1930 United Artists 19 1983 NOTE: [complete version] Bat Whispers, The 1930 United Artists 27 1991 NOTE: [wide screen version] Bat, The 1926 United Artists 26 1990 Battle Of Bull Run,The 1913 Universal 41 2005 Battle Of The Century, The 1927 Hal Roach/M-G-M 52 2016 Short Subject: The lost second Reel Battling Bunyon 1925 Crown - Associated Exhibitors 5 1969 Battling Orioles, The 1924 Hal Roach - Pathé 14 1978 Battling Orioles, The 1924 Hal Roach - Pathé 25 1989 Beau Brummel 1924 Warner Bros. 21 1985 Beau Brummel 1924 Warner Bros. 5 1969 Beau Geste 1926 Paramount 25 1989 Beau Geste 1926 Paramount 36 2000 Beau Sabreur 1928 Paramount 31 1995 NOTE: trailer Beauty and theBump 1927 Skylark - Bray 3 1967 Beauty's Worth 1922 Cosmopolitan-Paramount 47 2011 Bedroom Window, The 1924 Paramount 48 2012 Bedside 1934 First National 28 1992 Beer Parade 1933 Columbia 41 2005 Beggar's Holiday 1934 Tower - Capital 21 1985 Beggars Of Life 1928 Paramount 17 1981 Beggars Of Life 1928 Paramount 43 2007 NOTE: [restored 35mm print] Behind The Door 1919 Ince - Paramount 30 1994 Behind The Front 1926 Paramount 25 1989 Behind The Front 1926 Paramount 11 1975 Behind The Scenes 1914 Famous Players Film Co./Paramount 50 2014 Behind The Scenes Robin Hood 1938 26 1990 NOTE: [home movies] CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 Bellboy 13 1923 Ince - First National 53 2017 Bellboy, The 1918 Comique 51 2015 Short Subject Belle of Broadway, The 1926 Columbia 35 1999 Beloved Rogue, The 1927 United Artists 5 1969 Beloved Rogue, The 1927 United Artists 24 1988 Below The Surface 1920 Ince - Paramount 34 1998 Ben Pollack and His Park Central Orchestra 1929 Warner Brothers 55 2019 Ron Hutchinson Tribute & Program Benson Murder Case, The 1930 Paramount 25 1989 Bert Wheeler Home Movies 48 2012 Short Subject Best Things In Life Are Free, The 1956 20th Century-Fox 49 2013 Better 'Ole, The 1927 Warner Bros. 32 1996 Betty Takes A Hand 1918 Triangle 42 2006 Bewitched Bunny 1955 Warner Bros. 36 2000 Beyond The Rocks 1922 Paramount 42 2006 Big Benefit, The 1933 Universal Pictures 55 2019 Ron Hutchinson Tribute & Program Big Boy 1930 Warner Bros. 16 1980 Big Boy Short Educational 4 1968 NOTE: [title not known] Big Dan 1923 Fox 38 2002 Big Diamond Robbery, The 1929 FBO 26 1990 Big Killing, The 1928 Paramount 23 1987 Big Killing, The 1928 Paramount 39 2003 Big Squirt, The 1936 Columbia 43 2007 Big Steal, The 1949 RKO Radio 30 1994 Big Time 1929 Fox 31 1995 Big Timer, The 1932 Columbia 36 2000 Big Trail, The 1930 Fox 8 1972 Big Trail, The 1930 Fox 28 1992 NOTE: [wide screen version] Billy And His Pal 1910 G. Méliès 48 2012 Short Subject Billy McGrath On Broadway 1913 Essanay 43 2007 Bitter Tea of General Yen,The 1933 Columbia 13 1977 Black Bird, The 1926 M-G-M 24 1988 Black List Panel 33 1997 Black Oxen 1923 First National 25 1989 CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 Black Oxfords 1924 Sennett - Pathe 36 2000 Black Room, The 1935 Columbia 53 2017 Black Room, The 1935 Columbia 21 1985 Blackbeard 1911 Selig Polyscope 36 2000 Blazing Days 1927 Universal 47 2011 Blazing The Trail - The O’Kalems In Ireland 2011 Cold Eye Films 55 2019 Blessed Event 1932 Warner Bros. 20 1984 Blind Alley 1939 Columbia 39 2003 Blind Husbands 1918 Universal 5 1969 Blind Husbands 1919 Universal 51 2015 Blind Wives 1920 Fox 51 2015 Blonde Or Brunette 1927 Paramount 48 2012 Blonde Trouble 1937 Universal Pictures 54 2018 Blonde's Revenge A 1926 Mack Sennett-Pathé 49 2013 Short Subject Blonde's Revenge, A 1926 Mack Sennett-Pathé 55 2019 Scott Lasky Accompaniment Blood Ship, The 1927 Columbia 44 2008 Blot, The 1921 29 1993 Blue Angel, The 1930 Ufa - Paramount 17 1981 Blue Eagle, The 1926 Fox 25 1989 Blue Lagoon, The 1948 Individual - GFD - Universal 17 1981 Blue Light, The 1932 Riefenstahl 25 1989 Bluff, The 1915 American-Mutual 48 2012 Kinecon At Cinecon Bob and Ray Show, The 1953 NBC 53 2017 From The Archive Of Stan Taffel Bombshell 1933 M-G-M 46 2010 Bond Of Blood 33 1997 NOTE: [Al Jennings short] Boob, The 1926 M-G-M 24 1988 Boobs And Babes 1918 Vitagraph 43 2007 Border Incident 1949 M-G-M 31 1995 Bottoms Up 1934 Fox 49 2013 Bottoms Up 1934 Fox 15 1979 Bowery To Broadway 1944 Universal 53 2017 Boy Friend, The 1928 Hal Roach/M-GM 46 2010 CINECON FILM LIST: ALPHABETICAL Updated September 6, 2019 Boys Will Be Boys 1932 Universal 53 2017 Branding Broadway 1918 Artcraft 43 2007 Brasher Doubloon, The 1947 20th Century-Fox 47 2011 Brat, The 1931 Fox 53 2017 Brats 1930 Hal Roach Studios 54 2018 Braveheart
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