NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 501 E. Brown Street • Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5405 – Phone • (972) 295-6440 – Fax TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: THOMAS W. KULA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2017 SUBJECT: REGULAR MEETING – THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2017 I. FEBRUARY COMMITTEE MEETINGS The following Committee meetings will be held in February 2017: Wastewater Committee – Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 3:00 p.m. Policy Committee – Thursday, February 23, 2017, 1:00 p.m. Finance/Audit Committee – Thursday, February 23, 2017, 2:30 p.m. II. FINANCIAL REPORTS The following report is enclosed with the January 2017 Board packet for your reference: NTMWD Financial Statements for the Month Ended January 31, 2017 III. STRATEGIC PLAN HIGHLIGHT: Goal 1 – Provide Superior Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Services Today One of the greatest responsibilities of the North Texas Municipal Water District is to produce and maintain safe drinking water for the more than 1.6 million North Texans we serve. In the 2017 Strategic Plan, the first objective under Goal 1 – Provide Superior Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Services Today is to “Improve water quality by implementing new technologies and processes.” The District has always made it a goal to meet all federal and state regulatory standards. Given the complexity, size of our system and resources available, maintaining these standards has required constant vigilance. We continuously monitor and test an average of 685 samples every day to ensure drinking water meets or exceeds regulatory, health and aesthetic standards set by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Regulatory requirements continue to be a significant driving force behind a number of projects undertaken at the Wylie Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The potential benefit of these projects is not only limited to meeting those regulatory requirements. In recent MEMORANDUM TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS FEBRUARY 16, 2017 PAGE 2 years, we have embarked on operational efforts to improve water quality and exceed the standards legally mandated. By leveraging the improvements made at the Wylie WTP, we are reaching the highest level of water quality recognized in the State of Texas without the need for additional new infrastructure. Through our efforts, the District has sought recognition by TCEQ under their Texas Optimization Program for Surface Water Treatment Plants (TOP). TOP is a voluntary, non-regulatory program that helps dramatically improve the performance of the existing surface water treatment plant without major capital improvements. The underlying mission of the TOP is to protect public health. Optimization is an ongoing process that involves: Setting performance targets for each major treatment unit in the surface water treatment plant, Monitoring the performance of each of the major treatment units, Analyzing the data to determine if each unit is achieving the desired performance level, and Taking corrective action if the performance objectives are not being met. Only twelve plants in the State of Texas have received recognition under this program. While the standard is high, the benefit of producing superior water for North Texans is immeasurable. NTMWD has enrolled in the program and is seeking recognition for Plant 4 at the Wylie Plant. Over the next few months, we will be monitoring and analyzing our processes to meet the following requirements: a settled water turbidity of 2.0 NTU or less on a continuous basis (no minimum regulatory requirement); a turbidity goal of 0.10 NTU or less at the discharge of each filter with TOPS criteria including no reading above 0.5 NTU, 99% of an individual filter’s readings of 0.30 NTU or less, 90% of an individual filter’s readings of 0.10 NTU or less, 95% of the total readings from all the filters at or below 0.10 NTU. (minimum regulatory compliance requires 1.0 NTU or less at the discharge of each individual filter with 95% of the combined filter discharge readings at an average of .30 NTU or less); a maximum turbidity spike of 0.3 NTU following the filter backwash (minimum regulatory compliance requires 1.0 NTU or less not to exceed 1.0 NTU for two consecutive 15 minute readings); and re-establishing a filtered water turbidity of 0.10 NTU within 30 minutes after returning the clean filter to service (minimum regulatory compliance requires 0.5 NTU or below within 4 hours of return to service). Shifting our sights from simply providing the standard level of water quality to a superior quality will require additional efforts over the coming years. Some future steps include implementing TOP standards at the other water plants and completing the automation of our flow-paced chemical addition processes. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 501 E. Brown Street • Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5405 – Phone • (972) 295-6440 – Fax BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2017 4:00 P.M. Notice is hereby given pursuant to V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551, that the Board of Directors of North Texas Municipal Water District will hold a regular meeting, open to the public, on Thursday, February 23, 2017, at 4:00 p.m., at the NTMWD Administrative Offices, 501 E. Brown Street, Wylie, Texas. The Board of Directors is authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act to convene in closed or executive session for certain purposes. These purposes include receiving legal advice from its attorney (Section 551.071); discussing real property matters (Section 551.072); discussing gifts and donations (Section 551.073); discussing personnel matters (Section 551.074); or discussing security personnel or devices (Section 551.076). If the Board of Directors determines to go into executive session on any item on this agenda, the Presiding Officer will announce that an executive session will be held and will identify the item to be discussed and provision of the Open Meetings Act that authorizes the closed or executive session. AGENDA1 I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION – DIRECTOR CHARLES McKISSICK III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE TEXAS FLAG V. ANNOUNCEMENT OF QUORUM VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS The Board of Directors allows individuals to speak to the Board. Prior to the meeting, speakers must complete and submit a “Public Comment Registration Form.” The time limit is five (5) minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of thirty (30) minutes for all speakers. The Board may not discuss these items, but may respond with factual or policy information. ________________ 1Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the NTMWD Board of Directors meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact John Montgomery in the NTMWD Administrative Offices at (972) 442-5405 as soon as possible. All reasonable efforts will be taken to make the appropriate arrangements. AGENDA – FEBRUARY 23, 2017 PAGE 2 VII. OPENING REMARKS A. Presentations of awards, recognitions, achievements, etc., of the District, Board members, and staff B. President’s Remarks concerning current events, conduct of meeting, posted agenda items, committee assignments, and related matters C. Executive Director’s Status Report concerning legislation and regulatory matters, budgets, current projects and ongoing programs of the District including the Regional Water System, Regional Wastewater System, Regional Solid Waste System, Watershed Protection, and Water Conservation VIII. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS The Consent Agenda allows the Board of Directors to approve all routine, noncontroversial items with a single motion, without the need for discussion by the entire Board. Any item may be removed from consent and considered individually upon request of a Board member or NTMWD staff member. A. Consider Approval of Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2017 (Please refer to Consent Agenda Item No. 17-02-01) B. Consider Approval of Board of Directors Work Session Meeting Minutes – January 20, 2017 (Please refer to Consent Agenda Item No. 17-02-02) C. Consider Approval of Monthly Construction Report – January 2017 (Please refer to Consent Agenda Item No. 17-02-03) D. Consider Authorizing Additional Engineering Services and Ratification of Actions by Executive Director on Project No. 501-0295-12, Upper Rowlett Creek and Upper Cottonwood Creek Lift Station Improvements (Please refer to Consent Agenda Item No. 17-02-04) E. Consider Authorizing Additional Engineering Services on Project No. 301-0400- 15, South Mesquite Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 2015 SCADA Improvements (Please refer to Consent Agenda Item No. 17-02-05) F. Consider Authorizing Execution of Revised Agreement with Fannin County Electric Cooperative on Project No. 101-0362-14, Lower Bois d’Arc Creek Reservoir Preconstruction Electric Utility Work with Fannin Electric Cooperative (Please refer to Consent Agenda Item No. 17-02-06) AGENDA – FEBRUARY 23, 2017 PAGE 3 IX. AGENDA ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION A. Consider Authorizing Appointment of Auditors for 2016-2017 (Please refer to Administrative Memorandum No. 4811) B. Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 17-07 Authorizing Pursuit of Legal Remedies in Response to Petition Appealing Wholesale Water Rates Filed by Cities of Garland, Mesquite, Plano, and Richardson before the Public Utility Commission of Texas and Authorizing Funding Related to Response (Please refer to Administrative Memorandum No. 4812) C. Consider Authorizing Execution of Confidentiality Agreement and Framework for Continued Member City Discussions (Please refer to Administrative Memorandum No. 4813) D. Consider Authorizing Additional Funding to Retain Consultants to Assist with Possible Amendment to the Regional Water Supply Facilities Amendatory Contract to Address the Contract’s Rate Methodology (Please refer to Administrative Memorandum No. 4814) E. Consider Authorizing Execution of Professional Services Agreement on Project No. 101-0387-15, Wylie Water Treatment Plant IV, 70 MGD Expansion to 210 MGD (Please refer to Administrative Memorandum No. 4815) F. Consider Authorizing Change Order No.
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