The Snow College AALUMNILUMNI AAVALANCHEVALANCHE Spring 2011 • Offi ce of Advancement • Snow College • 150 College Ave. • Ephraim UT 84627 • 435.283.7062 In this issue: Snow College School Year in Review Snow College Year in Review/Commencement .............. 1 Tucker Smith, Student Body President Alumni News .............................................................. 2 The students of Snow College watch uneasily as the date of graduation rapidly approaches. For many of us, April 30 Campus News .......................................................... 3-4 will mark the last day of an important chapter in our lives. Advancement Offi ce News ...........................................5 Sanpete has become a sanctuary for us. The memories and Athletics News and Events ...........................................6 relationships that we have formed here will follow us for In Memoriam .............................................................. 7 the rest of our lives. Advancement Update ..................................................8 As Student Body Offi cers, we entered the 2010-2011 school year with our vision high and unalterable. We imag- ined a student body full of passion and dedication for their Commencement Activities Scheduled school. We anticipated overwhelming amounts of school The weekend of April 29-30 will wrap up a great year at spirit. We were dedicated to the ideal of empowering the Snow College, with commencement events scheduled for students of Snow. both the Ephraim and Richfi eld campuses. The fi rst week of school was the rocket that propelled us On Friday, April 29, graduation exercises for the Richfi eld to realizing our vision. Students fl ocked to the numerous campus will take place at 1 p.m. in the Sevier Valley Center activities available. At our fi rst home football game, the Theater. Line-up for the graduation march will begin at bleachers were packed with wildly enthusiastic fans cov- 12:30 p.m. in the east hallway of the Administration Build- ered in blue and white war paint. It was inspiring to see the ing. Utah State Senator Ralph Okerlund will be the guest new plaza fi lled with food, music, and people soaking up speaker. Following graduation, a fi nger food buff et catered the new atmosphere at Snow. The standard was set for the by the Culinary Arts Department will take place on the arena rest of the year. School spirit reached record heights. concourse. That “Spirit of Snow” has continued with us throughout The graduation ceremony for the Ephraim campus is sched- the year as we have participated in countless events that uled for Saturday, April 30, at 10 a.m. in the Snow College we will never forget. Homecoming week included a bonfi re Activity Center. Doors to the Activity Center will open at and pep rally of epic proportions, a crushing victory over 8:30 a.m., and the students’ march will begin at 9:30 a.m. our opposing team, and record attendance at the formal All spectators should be seated by 9:30 a.m. Utah business- dance. Dedicated fans totaled 24 hours on a bus that took man and philanthropist Spencer F. Eccles will speak and them to and from an important football game in Yuma, AZ. will also receive an honorary degree. Other speakers include Dances, stomps, True Badger nights, service projects, Nerf Jaquel Christensen, Valedictorian; and Timothy Patterson, gun wars, and Sanpete adventures have come and gone in Salutatorian. Students Lopei Lauti and Tucker Smith will a blur, each contributing to our ever treasured “Snow Col- be honored as Outstanding Citizenship Recipients, and lege Chapter.” That’s not even mentioning our participa- tion in clubs, teams, and organizations, or the many plays, musical numbers will be provided by Snow College’s Wind, concerts, performances, and pageants that we had the A’cappella, and Dance ensembles. pleasure of being a part of. Of course, we also found some Immediately following the ceremony, all graduates and their time to do a little homework and study for our exams. families will gather for a reception on the lawn east of the We have watched our campus transform into something Greenwood Student Center. even more beautiful than it was before. Our new library and plaza have been utilized to their fullest extent by Snow College in the News students and faculty. On sunny days, students can be seen Snowdrift studying on the grass adjacent to Heritage Wall. The new http://www.snow.edu/snowdrift testing center is so spacious and so convenient that it Snow College News Room makes taking a test an almost bearable experience. http://www.snow.edu/publicr/index.shtml 2010-2011 will never be forgotten. Thank you Snow Col- lege for becoming our home! 2 Alumni News Stoddard Appointed to State Board of Regents for higher education, make him a good fi t for the State Board of Regents.” said Governor Herbert. “Mark’s work on behalf of Snow College has made him a well-respected fi gure in the higher education community, and now I look forward to his contribution to all of our state’s institutions of higher education.” Regent Chair David Jordan also noted, “For years, Mark has given his time and expertise to Snow College and I am confi dent that his input to the Board of Regents will prove invaluable.” Stoddard is currently the President and CEO of Central Val- ley Medical Center in Nephi, Utah and is Chairman of the Ru- ral Health Group, Chairman of the Rural Health Foundation Mark Stoddard was recently confi rmed as the newest member of the State Board of and President of Rural Health Management Corporation. Regents. He took his oath of offi ce on March 25. Governor Gary R. Herbert has named former Snow College Stoddard graduated from Snow College in 1978 with an Alumni President and Trustee Mark Stoddard as the newest Associate of Science degree in Business Management, fol- member of the State Board of Regents to fi ll the remainder lowed by a Bachelor of Science from Utah State University of the term left vacant by former Regent Rosanita Cespedes. and a Master of Business Administration from Brigham The state Senate confi rmed Stoddard on February 22, and Young University. Since then, Stoddard has had a desire to he took his oath of offi ce on March 25 at the State Board of give back to the institution that gave him so much. In 1988, Regents meeting at Dixie College. Stoddard became the Snow College Alumni President, a post he held until 1992. He served on the Snow College “Mark’s extensive background in business, administration, Board of Trustees from 1989-2001 and has also served as the and management, paired with his knowledge and passion Snow College Foundation Chairman. Snow College Alumnus Earns Principal of the Year Honor Scott Bushnell, principal of Murray High School in Mur- for all students have concentrated on collaborative ray, Utah, was selected as the High School Principal of leadership, instruction, assessment and personalization. the Year by the Utah Association of Secondary School Under his leadership, Murray High has formed a school Principals. leadership team, a school success model, a fi ve-year Scott earned his Associate’s degree from technology plan, business partnerships, and Snow College, his Bachelor’s degree from a school community council. The motto he Mesa State College, and his Master’s has for Murray High School is “Every Student, degree from Utah State University, and Every Day, Every Opportunity.” he completed his Administrative Certifi - Scott’s experiences at Snow College helped cation at the University of Utah. shape his future. During his fi rst year at He began his education career at Mur- Snow, he took an introductory education ray High School as a biological science class. A major component of the class was teacher and coached volleyball, girls’ to participate in a job-shadowing experience basketball, and baseball. He served for at a public school. Scott worked with Wilbur four years an assistant principal at Murray Braithwaite, who was a long-time educator High School prior to working one year in and coach at Manti High School. “That expe- the Murray School District Offi ce as the rience was very instrumental in my decision CTE director. Scott was named principal of Murray High to pursue education as a career. Coach Braithwaite was a School in July 2004. remarkable mentor,” he said. Scott also met his wife, Joy Johnson, at Snow College. Scott has implemented many programs at Murray High and says, “Everything we do is centered on improved Scott will represent Utah in the National Association of student learning.” Eff orts to provide quality education Secondary School Principals and the MetLife Principal of the Year competitions in 2012. Th e Snow College Alumni Avalanche visit us at www.snow.edu/alumni Campus News 3 Forensic Team Excels The Snow College Forensic Team has participated in their second full year of competitions and has re- ceived much success this year from tournaments attended across the nation. The team received sweep- stake awards for overall excellence at all but one tournament attended. One of the most prestigious awards received was earned at a desig- nated northwest tournament in Forensic team (from left to right): David Boyle, Parker Mortensen, Malynda Bjerregaard (Forensics Director), Oregon where over 30 colleges Roe Walker, Grant Miller, Emily Rowe, Shari Christopherson, Jamie Wettstein , Sarah Dyreng, and Alyssa from around the nation competed Wood. in speech and debate events. Snow across Snow’s campus and attribute alumni dinner was also hosted in College received the silver award their success to the hard work and the spring as an eff ort to get in for overall excellence in junior support they received from many touch with Snow Forensic Alumni colleges and a third-place overall helping hands.
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