.. -', ~. ·, ;. ' .I.,:-: ... ·-,;..,:~·,,.·;,;,.''". -.: ' • \·t ' 1 -:; ; .. Victory·: At.W&M , ' '~ -~- -~~~· ¥irst: Win ' "-: I '' :· ~ Marks For Debate Team lso Page Five es. .page Two lr- he * ras NUMBER 17 ·VOLUME XL111 * a\ lbe :ra. lgh. ral n's of l8lf art k> U"d md the :ip- lla- ; to -..... ' \ Cornell Grads. In~te ]tlmper · DR. FAYEZ A. SAYEGH Dr. Roy .Twnper of the College · · political science department, a' ' ' · Arab Diplornat recognized authority on South ·... · Viet-Nam, will speak to graduate students at Cornell University ' ' To Talk. Here Monday. The graduates are students in \ the School of Far Eastern Studies, Friday Night Jumper's topi-c will be "Govern­ Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh, principal ment, Polities and Administration spokesman for the Arab states in in Post Geneva South Viet-Nam.". · this country, will speak on the From the fall Qf 1954 to the campus Friday at 8 p. m. spring of 1956 the professor lec­ The lecture will be given in the tured in the National School o! East Lounge of Reynolda Hall and Administrntion of Viet-Nam. the public has been invited.. Dr. Ire has >nitten four or fi•.•e arti­ Sayegh will speak on "The Middle cles on he Viet-Nam subject, and East Crisis." His 'appearance is he is now writing a chapter for sponsored by the International a · book to be published by the Relations. Club. Michigan State University Press. Dr.. Sayegh is acting director· of Title of the book is "Experiment the Arab States Delegations office in Viet-Nam." • in New York. He also is chief-of research' and public liai!lon, iuld. counselor of the Yemen delegation Movie ·Series :. to the United Nations. Nemeth Needs He has lectured on the cani­ puse~ of 120. univel"Sities and col-· More Money To Open Soon leges in 30 states. He is the author of six books in Arabic and several Stephen Nemeth, the Hungarial'l. W~k-end . camvus movies are booklets and articles in Arabic refugee who was brought to schedulea to begin at Wake Forest and English~ Winston-Salem last year by Wake March 7, accordiog to a committee .In May, 1957, he inaugurated a Forest students, will delivel'" a working on .the project~ Society weekly colunm in the Caravan, an short talk in chapel Thursday The pictures: sponsored by stu­ English-language newspaper de- morning. · dent government, will be shown voted to Arab affairs published in Oscar T. .Tones, chairman of in room· 14 of th Science Building Weston Brooklyn. "Conununisrn in the the newly formed Student Refu­ Friday and Saturday nights at 8 Joe Weston was elected presi­ Middle East" was the subject of gee Committee, will make an .p:· m. and posgibly on Saturday his column of that date, in which appeal to the students for funds at,ternoons. Admission ·has be.en denj; •. o:r Sea bbard and 'Blade honorary military society ~r the he denied that communist infil- which are to be used primarily ~t at 25c per person. · l-et•ming year at a regular meet­ tration had been effe.ctive in any to pay for Nemeth's college ed.u- ''Acrording to the film committee; Ara:b state. · cation. oomposed of Larry Ingle, ing Wednesday. ·.roe Other ·new officers are Dick His book ''National Rebirth" "Let us not forget that we have Grub)Js, and Bill Stevens, ·aided 'Avery. vice-president; Sam Roy­ was published in Beirut, Lebanon, a moral obligation to Steve," Jones by Bob YarbrQugh, the films will in 1945. In the same year, he said. :•we must all work together 'be fairly recent and 'highly-rated . ster, treasurer, and Murray Grea­ secretary. These officers will · made a nationwide lecture cam- ·and see that he is al)le to go to productions.· son, take office immediately. paign against communism in Syria sch-ool. I personally encourage Fibns · currentlY, scheduled are · Plans 'fOr the annual Military and Lebanon and on May 11, everyone to give whatever he can "Bad Day at Black Rock," "East 1945, he escaped assassination at to help Steve pay his tuition." of Eden," "Carbine Willi!uns," and to be held Mareh 15 at the n.u•JL,Y .Reserve Armory were also the hands o:r the communist party Dr. Kenneth Keeton, German "The Tender T:rap." 1 discussed. ~ Bob Williams, chair­ in Lebanon. professor and Nemeth's faculty The committee has 'said that man of the Military Ball Club, Dr. Sayegh worked with the adviser, said that although Ne­ students will be ·given the oppor­ said-: that an intelisive campaign Lebanon Legation in Washington, meth has been earning enough tunity to suggest· future 'Pictures -being .. -conduCted to get every D. C., and with the United Na- for his living expenses, he is and continued showing of : ,' J that. -)>~: EM . w_. "H.AMR.iCK . person enrolled in military science . RALPH MARTERm tions before joining 'the Arab unable to pay his college fees. the mo-Ines wilFdepend ·on- stu- ::... ./ . .to .join-:the-dub. · · • • , here tor week eud • • • States Delegations office in 1955. (Continued on page 5) • . dent-faculty response:· · · · · ·. • .• • to. &pend a\UDJll.ea: traveling. • .-· • ,.-· .·\ PAGE TWO Monday, Feb. 17, 1958 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Dr. Shields . Israeli UN ' JoinsWF Spokesman " ' - - Enj~y, I ' '·, 1 In-Physics .l perfect_ fit :and up~to·d~te J Talks Here By RAY ROLLINS. .....· _I The mountainous county of ·styur/g_ iri :RENTE-D By ANN JULIAN formais!. Cherokee in western North CarO­ era- fro• ~rt~e' .t9c~. -newly styled• .,.· .j Ariel Eilan, First Secretary of lina has produced Wake Forest's excellant concltiOA!' ftethlt ' deoned ancf latest ·addition to the de-· I the Permanent Mission of Israel physi~ . 6tted to perfediOti, yOu'lfJ.,Ok ,J partment. -fmort. co'mfortalale- and PD'/ little, for to the United Nations, discussed He · is Dr. Howard William . ow ....~ f.t'IIICIW Alt.~~- All ~ Israel's historical background and Shields, a natiye of Tomotla, a m<>dern problems c.n campus Tues­ small- town near where this state TOP CLOTHING CO. ,_ - ' . '.' ._' . day. joins Georgia and Tennessee. · The young instructor. comes to 419 N. MAIN'· ST•. History and political science stu~ dents attended lhiii two lecture­ Wake Forest from Duke Universi- ty, where he did graduate work. -----~----------------..;.----..J· -· - ·-- -· -· -' ·- ....... forum-s. He is now entering .his fiist year The Russian-born, Thlglish-edu~ ,-----~------------....;...;...---------. eated diplomat visited Wake Forest of s~~~~ng.attended the public k.t. -~t"' t~ ~~- ' under the sponsorship of Hadas­ ®a.·_. r'e. "tit'n· r'. schools of Murphy and Mars Hill ._ . .· .-a ! ~ ~ . • ~ Bah, a na.tional organization for .Colle~. · Jewish women, and the College UNc Graduate 1PO's of W. F. Stud.entS Are Our history department. He is a 'graduate of the Uni- Satisfied Customers Eilan defined.Israel as "a bridge versity of North Carolina, where •. ; 1 between East and West" and "an he :r:-eceived the R S. degree. At We F,eature Quality Flowers at ~asonable Prices iala.nd of democracy in the East.'' Pennsylvania State University he The diplomat pointed out that his received the master's degree and JUST ·OFF ri "ST POLO. ·RD country was "the sole representa­ at Duke University he received -- · · · -CI:L-1. • tive in the East of a certain way t!'le doctor's degree. · · 314 Priendship Circie . ~ .: PA :J:-'1119 of life that is typical in the West." CARROLL, BURLESON, HUGHES, ALFORD ·All his degrees are in the field -cALL US DAY. OR NIGHT- Disagreed With Historian of physics. · · _.. · · ··• ·: .\ • . • debaters get first vict~ry He disagreed with the historian Toynbee's theory that Israel is "an ForestBefore work ,beginning this ·semester, his · Wake Dr. ~===~======::=========;:=E:~~-~-i ' ~~·~--,=~ ancient fossil preserved in modern Marshall Wythe Tourney Shields eserved · six months active -. times." "The survival of Israel for !'faval Reserve duty in a Washing. Telephone .PA 4-6032 Or · P A . 4-9887 the past 2,000 years is a historical ton, D. C.,· laboratory. More re­ phenomenon," said the U. N. re­ centlY he has been engaged in presentative. "T{)ynbee forgot that Debaters Win At · Williamsburg post-doctoral work at Duke. During the past year he has .,E_[ Cqrp f!,ey- Israel is a historical exception, be- Wake Forest debaters will re- • best record was made by the Uni­ superior and Alford and Burle- been associated with Prof. Walter cause with no ter_ritorial uni~n as 'main tournament-less throughout Iversity of Pittsburgh, which won son were rated excelle!lt. Gordy ·in' the field of microwave . RESTAURANT, - a common denommator, by Tig!hts the rest of February, having end- nine debates and lost three. Hughes and Burleson will a:o ~pe'ctroscol>Y, which is· the study / we should have stopped existing as ! ed the month's activities with Wake Forest's affirmative team on the ~ext debating trip. They of molecular structure. This in­ THE REYNOLDS BUILDING nation." . a clean sweep of the Marshall was coml?osed of Alle,n Carroll of a I v,ill compete in a "switch tour- valves ~lectro-magnetic netic 4th _& "Main Sts., Winston-Salem,. · N. C. · Eilan said Israel's rehg:wn and. Wythe Debate Tournament at the Thomasville and John Alford of nament" at Notre Dame durin~ waves such as those used in radar. '.'Your Place For: language were the far.tors that I college of William and Mary in Fayetteville. David Hughes of the first week in March. A switch PubUshed Articles - bound it together during the coun-1 Williamsbw-g, Va. · New:nan, Ga., and Dick Burleson PARTIES·- DI~NERS .:.;_ ~ANCES :.._ BANQUWfS tournament is debate in· which Dr. Shields" 'and .t:>rof Gordy .. _ ... .. ·- " . try's 2,000 years of territorial ni-1 The.
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