iV r TOURSDAT. AUQUBTH. l( Average DRlIy Ctrenlatfon ^va For the Motrth af Jaly, 1940 Thd WdBthtr Feeneant 0$ D. B. Wmtifkm 1 The family of David Addy is M a n ch e ste r To Hear Five 6,367 Tha high achool office . Spending the week at Old Orchard, Police Budget A PRACTICAL FLOOR PLAR Oendy; MIgMIy eaolor 1•mgh« Tsatii buUdlnf wlU be open If of the Aodlt and dnhtrdng. mt Town neat week, Monday through Fri­ M a i n e . _______ _ D a if B o o k Zone Appeals et OfamdathMu day, from • a. m. to * P-J"- Not Yet Ready students who are transferring to TWa Weak. Manehe»tmr— A City of ViUage Charm ; tboM mint or bolnf pro- the loieal school from out-of-town Police Radios Au». 19-4—“ TaU Cedara Joy- Boiurd Meets Tonight to r prliBU7 nomtiioaoii to- are aaked to report at the office to Must Stu^y Department land, Dougherty lot. VOL.LIX..NO. 277 (UlaanMed Advarttatag aa Paga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 23,1946 ^ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENfij i M rlck Btr«u(I»ii. Mok- receive their assignments for the Hit Retteries Oomlng Eventa, Consider Requests for laetlcm m oonaUbto and coming year. Details Further; Give Auff. 26-Sept » —K. of C. Car­ P. CUngr. atUl Moklnc nival at Main street grounds. Regulation Exceptions jMob m Miectnuta. Clancy According to the office of the Last Year’ s Figures. Sept. 4 — Reopening of public ^ oandldaU lu t y w at prlm- secretary of the state, incorport- Irving Strauss, the salesman school for 1940-O school year. A hearing of the Zoning BOkrd ^Ubm, Init waa a low acorer. tlon papers have been filed for who scid the radio system to the Until a sub-committee of the " ara RapubUcana. Clancy al- of Appeals, to act on five petittona Burton's, taUcorporated, which firm Manchester police department and board of police commissioners has for exception to zoning regulations baa .fflod' bla papers, will be the successor o f Rublnow s, n'a m being circulated. also to the West Hartford depart­ been able to make a proper atudy here will be held tonight at 8 local firm eold thl# week. The new State Guard o'clock in the Municipal building. company will eUrt business wim ment. as well as the receiving sets of the cost of gasoline, need for President Given Power to Call Out a win be a distribution of used oy the Wethersfield t police, Among the requests are, one con­ 15,000 paid In. out of a total auth­ new tires, the turning in of the cerning use of an undersized lot, commodities, consisting of orized capital of 160,000 at 150 has been contacted by the M ""' three cars now owned by the po­ I Tegctables, tomorrow. To be UuitHas 13 a proposed extension of business par. Incorporators werp Attorney Chester police commissioners and lice department and the cost of use, and provisions for Increases .... 1 t out are beets, carrots, celery, Jay E. Rublnow. John Gambosl and he Is coming to Manchester just maintaining the radio system, no sDbaga and string beans. Dlstrl- In tenancy accommodations. Ethel I. Crough. This morning the as soon as he comflletes his vaca­ ligures on the estimated cost ot Enlistment Rapers Are Warren I. Keith wishes to get Knudsen biipecU Aircraft Plants Utkm will be at Klttel's Market Rublnow store, stock of which Is tion In the Maine w\oods and tell. the police department for next I BtafMll street. permission to use all the premises German Air Raids being disposed of by the new own­ If he can. why so mUch.money is year can be arrived at to be pre- Forwarded; Expect^ *<> at 36 to 39 Main street for busi­ Chief Executive Says ers. was crowded with prospective needed to pay for charging car .dnted to the selectmen with the ness purposes. At present In this ■ Mrs. C. A. Goodrich, vice chair­ purchasers of merchandise. batteries that arc used in the two recommendation of a police appro­ Sign Up 28 Members. man of the Republican Town Com- structure are, only residential fa­ wav radio set of the different de­ priation for next year. cilities. It Is located In a B resi­ ^ mlttec, this morning emphatically Neal A. Cheney, clerk of the partments. Mr. Strau^ suggested denied that she Is conslderlnK Figures for the past year show­ Marcel Donze, enllatlng officer of dence zone. ' F yoB are attracted t« the ”eot- Are Being Kept Up In Argentina Board of Assessors, Is vacationing that tlie cars be equipped ed that the appropriation of $48,- tage” type of architecture, and placing her name In proposal for special generators which would the Legion's State Guard unit to­ C. Elmore Watkins wishes to I nomination for office. It had been from hla duties In fhe Assessors' OOO has been spent and there was erect s house on an undersized lot favor a large porch area this To Postpone Draft give the nercasary charging of the day sent the signed enlistment pa­ office. sn overdraft of $235.06. But at Spring street and Comstock house will appeal to you. It Is inex­ rumored that Mra Goodrich would batteries at all times, rrhis was Guillot Called Suicide be a candidate for the General against this there Is to be return­ pers of 13 members to the Adjutant road in a resilience AA zone. pensive to build because every Inch In London Suburbs St. Margaret's Circle. Daugh­ done by the police comhils.sioncrs, ed to the police department for General's office in Hartford for of space is put to practical use and Assembly. Spiking this report, she but the batteries freqi^iently go Miss Mary V. O’Connell desires As Ouster Is' Urged; stated “I would not run for public ters of Isabella, held a successful money spent for extra work, $2,- certification. It Is expected that it is designed as a square. several of the remaining 28 mem­ to alter a single house at 15 Hol­ Urosa-ventilation is provided in Office.” The rumor, she said, Is card party last night at the home dead. 1 381.06. which means that there is lister street to two family usage. Confidence Vote in Re­ of Mrs. Anton Kanak of 24 Pine The same condition, the police bers of the post who signed up for each rooai and the dining area is Without slightest fact. a net credit over the o\-erdrafts of It 1s a residence A zone. Halts Defense Plans conveniently located adjacent to the street. Bridge and setback were commiHsloners learned. 1 Is trou­ $2,146 and brings the net cost of the guard will appear at the Legion ^*#1 AM i Chain Official signed President Seen. bling other departments jso equip­ Otto Johnson desires to change kitchen. Note that in addition to a of Channel Also ; Miss Huldah A. Butler of Chest­ played. First honors in bridge were the department for the year to Home soon for this purpose. ped. Mr Strnu.ss, renre.sentlng Enlistments ^n the local State a two into a three tenement house hall closet and two large bedroom nut street and Mias Ruth Porter of won by Mrs. Carl Prless, second $45,854, or well under the gross Join in Battle o f Brit* ' Buenos Aires, Aug. 2 i.—(JP— by Mrs. Joseph Falkowskl. Mrs. one of the largest companjes in the Guard units here have "been slow at 51 Russell street, a B zone. closets, provision is made for the Reproved for Roosevelt Tells Report* Garden street are guests at Chal- appropriation. Miss Caroline Campbell wants storage of linens. Victor Oulllot, a member ot the fonte'^addon Hall during their Joseph Dlmlow won first prize in United .‘Jtatos guarantecil that all due to the large number of men of ain; Military Experts ^ ers He Is Personally setback and Mrs. Catherine Con­ would he os recommendeil hut for .Secretary William Allen and the Legion who are employed in to erect a garage at 38 Pearl Plan 6 Chamber of Deputies, died today Nazis Say Big Guns stay in Atlantic Oty. Commissioner W. P. Quish will street, to be less than three feet don, second. The door prize was over a montn the Manchester de­ the East Hartford and Hartford In­ With ftaafnwnt Say German Artillery Gift Pressure of what police said was a self-in­ And Absolutely Op­ partment has been trying to locate meet with Chief Gordon and pre­ dustrial plants, many of which are from the property line. It Is a B won by Miss Ro.se Rubitz. A so­ flicted bullet wound, complicating cial time followed during which him and .see that the g larantec pare the detailed reports of the now working on government or­ zone. Not Doing Much Harm ____ _ posed to Long Delay refreshments were served by the was carried through. He! is com­ budget within the next week. ders. Any persons Interested In any of Now is the time to complete your plans so that work can be an already critical Internal politi­ On the French Coast Chairman Johnston because ot the petitions may appear and be ' L ondon, a' ^ 2 3 .-(AP)- I Both Parties Seek Law In Compulsory Mili­ DEPOT SQ. MARKET hoste.ss who was assisted by Mrs. ing to Manchester within the next At the annual meeting and elec­ started and gel your house closed in before Fall rains start. cal situation created by the resig- i Free Delivery! Phone 1636 Ward Strange.
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