II Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 44-HARDOI DISTRICT I \ I I I I I II I f i I , ' I I \ - i \ 315.42 \~L41l"AD : ~,~ ~WoNERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 " 1.', HARDPS ~ OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAl, INDIA r NEW DELHI. 2011 " (LIBRARY) 315.42 Class No~ __ 1951 HARDPS Book No. __ 21242 Accession No. ________ JLED CASTES IN UTTAR PRADESH (1) Throughout the State- (41} KanF ttl} Boria. (+I) Kilpariya (24~ Chama.r (45) Ka1'W&l ,,~41lK~ (<I'3} KlmrwM {exv!namg BenblUlSil (Z8J Dharuik (49} Kol (29) Dh,arkar {50} Korwa (SH Wtwgi (3D Dhusfa or Jhllsia (52} M&jhwar (321Dom HZ} Baumanus (33) DomM (54} Pankha (B) Bansphl>l" (34} Dasadh (55) Pa.ra.hiya (l4} BMWaJ" i561 Pasi 05) Bll1i6l" (5n Pdtari (l6~ B~wariya (31} Gtlal f5S) Rawat (m Balaar (3B) Habura (59) &ha.rya {Ii!) B:eri~ {39i Hari {60} SanllUrlriya wn Bllimtu ( {-to) Hela (70} Bhukaa {4H Ja~ava (Zn Bhuiya (4ZJ Kalabaz (.2) I'lk Bwulelkba1!.fi Divisioi'l. ~ t;.e ptlrU,~n &j Mir:n:&p'{Sr Di&Nrict, 8frutk oj Kaimur Ran,ge- G<md FOREWORD THE Uttar- Pradesh Government asked me in March, Ig52~ to supply them fcr the purposes of elections to: local bodies population stat.istics with separation tOr scn.eduled castes (i) mohaHafward-wis-e fur urban areas, and (ii) viUage-,"vise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for rorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaUer than a tehsil or urban tract and the reque~l from (he Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip rotting had he:m finimt'a and the T 2Dulation Offices doow. _./!u the ceams slips are mixed up fur the purposes of soIling in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population. by mohaUas/wards aped villages would have involved enormous laDour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afiesh. Fortunately" noweverJ a secondary census record~ viz. rue National CiuzeI1So' R~isteI~ in which each slip hAs_ been ropi"d~ was- availabl€'~ B)' singular foTesight it had been pIe· pared mohaUafward-wise fur urban areas and village-wise tor TuraT areas. The • _ .J • C • L Jr' • - --L:::. _.3: req-nn'~ ~~U¢l: n3.5=, merer{}.£e~ fJeen exnacted from uuS remI!.L 2. In the above circumstances ther~ is a slight difference in the f.gtueSc o! population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' R.egisteI~ This difference has been acceu mated: by an order passed hy me during the later count from fhe National Regiuer of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District" Raidas and Bhag;1{ as 'CJJMnars' • (ii) Co-un! Bhangi, KhakroDoc 5"<*eep-ers", Harij~ t¥fehwr->" Jamadar Achhnt as ·Balmikis~. The. fact l mat some members of the scheduled castes had re.tuu1-ed theiI ca-£.t~ by names \.vhich did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution of India. came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting. but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried ro rectify it by passing this 0:rdeF for me purp...~e & cv'''unttng from me National J Citizens R.eg_ister~ The- differe-nces in che tigrrres of rhe twO' counts have been de.arly ret Qut in tf....e tables that follow~ 3~ The ngu:res of total population of w£n-aUaslwards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens" Register. white the figures of total population of villages aTe those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Prima,.!' Census Ab.rtnu:t. + In the SftmmMl 4 UrlNHt PcpuJa#l}i't the cooe numher of each town has been given. T'he first dement of the code gives the code number of the district. the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the cooe number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). Toe key to the cooe numhers of tehsih will be found in the Suttmuuy (Jf Rural Prpula·ti~-1t. RAjESHWARf PRASAD, {.A.S., RAMpUR: Superintendent, Census OptratiVtIs," July 23-, 19-52. Uttar Pradesh_ LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF HARDOI DISTRICT A-Errata to population figure {Urban} P"ge 6-- "i"i:ii:,._ Far .16,4U 6,511 Rftff,& t6~t5 6,,395- lYm' 6S~}54 5-6_.:i77 12J.-53], Rp{~d. 651758 56,866 J22.624 44.215 Ft1-<J<$-- 317 265 is? 286 Z96 Rea'f-i 1,000 I,4lJ4 3,084 1,156 no 1.398 ...,._-""o~_ FOT 941 !-:t-L t,,§.:7:> .~26 R-e&--i- 74- 5-8 1-'12 73~ Y<:4' 9-Ji6 575 lS~I 259 1,165 R'i-"'7-~if t~A.'9 ~-?-{;}!-u- Z~71-9- 45t 2.r:n F(w W6 }OO 2% 44 Reaa, 240 :as 4# 92 ,... ;"".r:. _ii~-t_-l;~ _:r-r..i 2'16 l,,2Zt _Jt~tul e-D 44 IM Far 880 152: 1,Jrn ;1~2~ 1,235 Read 319 273 592 W9 .Jag Ji'Gr 1"!-35} }/;'":?3- ~.3:~ 206 ol 2.123 lJpad L.71 f_ l~28-t 2.992 25-8 261 2A73 F,n' Sf 51 HZ _l=~"}.. rnJ;.. rZ6- 00 ZOO F~A' 2~fH7 1,495 lSIZ },886 R"yt(i. 2,049 1,519- 3~568 1,942 F-£J'lt L409 JA98 2.607 R~ruf. r:!-~g5 1~261 Z,746 :3 F'l'l' [-6-,41-l 12,3JO ~~'iZ! 6 ..5H Hyqil ~6.8t5 l2,999 ~$ta 6,3.95 "~--~"~-~~----- ...,...._---~- ----------~~- ---------~---- (> Delete 7 I'm. '32I-~rurra, Khel'lHlna theenkiesagains± it '. 8" Do, ra~€\ :1(1. 7 36S-Nekpur Hatimpw' ---~.-~ - _, "----- List of Errata to District Population StatIstIcs of Hardo! DIstrfet -(conta,_) 67'--Bu l'nll wan. 156-Fatihnnpur. 195 -RU'>fI_rpUl', t7' 481-8h~hj_ahallpur 317-Lakllnaur . ."..---~----------:------' -.~-- ---------'-------- 3 List of Errata toDlstriet Popttlation Statistics of Hardoi Distriet-( cancU.} .~~~~~ ~~(rl----------- PligiJ F~rti{,lllill's 2 3 ,; 4 5 7 nO. --. 1 , , Fo~' .fI7'3, .. , ./f 31,451 SOjt82 ~a~t7) iJ2(t < , 1?t " <1354!?:. ~ J:". 1S,1~ ei~65r t9}3~T .. l(}f , , ~nsn 28~H1 6i'l6f5 18A4& Rectd . " 32~559 27~486 6Q}G45 HfB24 • > 1&r -H,633 J5tJ&1 76,939 n078 Rea(l 42,.197 3),797 "77t994 t1).248 ~> 1&t 28A4(} H.1bJ -57,103 Z:I63. ReM 27.88t 21,267 5fr~4& 7)19:) ·. For 80~i82 18J73 61,409 (i'11 __ p6S1 _-l.!- Read '. ~- 191397 61)54 Fgr- ·, J1~al .. For- .. ~.iQ 1t!1.{ ~ ~. '-=~~ ,_,;"..~._. :T }5i ., Far , , 61,514 18.448 43,066 /t; 1)4;; Ezilii ~-'Ll' ,--< aS14 4ZJ2! ., .. J)'~!\_ )"1 f>."1[( , . Fot ~tal-.)7- to f*Ufu: 5~~f VJ ~}J:;: R&J -n'f94 u~,'tO ~}146 , , Far , , llfiltl t!fr5S Wi 8!! ~ -1}- I}fl~' '. , Pot , . ,I l.-~I.J) f}%3- 44-r246- q laP, '77"; }1t¥tj ,~ :f4~J. ~~ [.~J1~ 6Jil 14 !49-HakimpHf • • For Bead- .. -;_- 'l'<.... - --....._ _____ -+'- __----....-----~--------_ ,~DIS;T:RlCT MAlmOl PQPU!ati~ s..-he-JuJed '_f Cbde n~ nan..e of To,v,n < Males Females Total ·,tMuslims. ' :Castes Other$ , ~ , ' and , .' . , t 2 ~ :4 ;,. t;. '1 ... _------_ . ----"-- 042-1-28 BILGRA._lI,f MUNICIPAL BOARD 5,116 4,446 9.562 4,332 723 4.507 ">1-42lJ ~,NOTIFIED AREA 4'J'J'T 3.6Yl 7$68 JJ)58 469 4,341 '42.-1-'292. ~WAN TOWN AREA. .. SS!U) S ..!ifl6 11.. 4.% 3,};16 t,JUS. 6,g£l " :.2-1-293 MADHOGANJ TOWN AREA 1,910 1.632 3.542 65iJ 278 2,6.£16 ~ :42-2-185 HARDOI MUNIClPAL BOARD 16,411 U,31~ 28,.'121 6~511 ·2_.JllS, :PMjS '.(2-3-l5Z s.4.NrilLA MU~'lClPAL BOARD fJ,044 8.,.150 17,394 lJiJ14 UJ93 7;181 ; '.~3--6J' BENISA...q roWN AREA: 1-.351- 1-,1-J4- 2~48S !J.2f) 239 1,7~ 42-4-432 PIHANl MUNl«;IPAL BOARD 5,557 4,971 10. ..528 5,56'11 . 828 4S31 . -42--4--5ll SII.~ MUNICIPAL OOAJID. 12,966 :1J.,531 2"'~ 8,,18'J- 1,"J61) 14,25fJ. zz·), ~z. l"A!.i EH~..s TO'WN ~..F.EA .. ~E3:t Z,'(!6 S• .J.~ Z,J6& \JV~i Z,Ul1 TOtal ~.f S!fi.!'n m.sJ1 43$3.1 9,4SS ~tS "- . ~ " ,J'Op~n acCOld:p:tg tu Primary Censqs Abstract 65_.%5 '5fi.. fRi 122.. 65Z Td•• am- fil\'~a."l."'~ng W' Tak~ D-H ...8SI' ~~ ofSche~d Castes according to Ta~D:-ill 9,2B ~$. "_"----- ---"_.--'- t ; mlftleT ':HA:Rl)()I Popql~·of'T"DS'b, ~ards 7 1 BaztU' 1S4} 164- 34. '9S U9 2 Chauraha T~ .4 38 162 ~ JJ :3 Hyderabad lSI.} 111 261 ",1 * ~lz1 4c ~et .:flJ 33~ 167 :1"4"3 7' ~ 5 Khat~ 281} ~ s.~ ~ Jt n. 6 Ra(t~ 64 61 131 ,25 "311 ~ 7 KhuTdpUTS J2(} 21t m 4S! 6 tw 8 Mandai 1M H~ 3t)? iff 274 '} Maf.!ianpura 7-2tl 6U ~ Ji-. 3J- .~ 18 M~tit ~ 8"'£(1 t.72tI 621 134 96-S 11 Qazipura 3!!) 2n ~H 4~ 1&2 -1'1 ~at~ 3%'1 300' - 6S1 t~ 4SS: 13- SuI-hart! &If 66-8- 1.~ :i5W 1~ S~ 14 Sored Bars 3:>1 :H,t 643 sn 1 lOt 5-,.11& 4 •.f.f6 fj~ 4,J&1 711 1r507 .U,~ 4M$ 9-,us' S~l (N0'l'IF1EU AREA) 1 ~ ~ 61.
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