NEW! PERCY FAITH • CHARITA BAUER'S GUIDING LIGHT • N. Y., N. J., Conn. Edition CARL BETZ 4N. Cosby aughter ithy 2.5 ,• T H E R E'S FI N E C OL D C R E A M I IN C A M AY 110 N.1:41 5 41r.P "There's no finer complexion care!" says Mrs. Julian A Frank, a radiant CaMay Bride. Cold cream Camay, the beauty secret of so many exquisite brides, can caress rOUR skin to new loveliness, too, and leave it softer, smoother. Just change to regular care ... Camay's Caressing Care. With its skin-pampering mildness, velvety lather, and exclusive fragrance, there's no finer soap in all the world! (Xo Rit&igeakt g6,019 ifoxipe t jou/ 1, Alakt, 6/k ea,i4 THE SOAP OF BEAU TIFUL W O MEN TOOTH PASTE DOESN'T DO IT... No tooth paste gives you the proven Listerine method of stopping bad breath with antiseptic germ-killing action! LISTERINE AMER! STOPS BAD BREATH TIMES BETTER INA ANY TOOTH PASTE Germs are the major cause of bad breath— and no tooth paste kills germs like Listerine . instantly, by millions The most common cause of bad breath is the fermentation of proteins which are always present in your mouth. Germs in your mouth attack proteins, cause them to ferment, and bad breath can result. The more you reduce germs in the mouth, the longer your breath stays sweeter. Listerine Antiseptic kills germs by millions! Listerine Antiseptic kills germs by millions on contact . instantly halts the fermentation which they cause. Fifteen minutes after gargling with Listerine, tests showed that germs on tooth, mouth and throat surfaces were reduced up to 96.7%; one hour afterward as much as 80%. That explains why in clinical tests Listerine averaged four times better in stopping bad breath than the tooth pastes it was tested against. Listerine Antiseptic acts on many surfaces You see, tooth paste depends largely on mechani- cal and masking methods of removing un- pleasant mouth odors. But Listerine acts anti- septically on many surfaces . the teeth, mouth, throat. It kills disease-producing germs as well as many types of odor-producing germs. No tooth paste offers proof like this of killing germs that cause bad breath. LIST E RIN E V ... the most widely used antiseptic in the world 1 rn I RA DIO JANUARY, 1956 1.V1 MIRROR VOL. 45, NO. 2 Age N.Y., N.J., Conn. Edition Ann Higginbotham, Editor Ann Mosher, Executive Editor Jack Zasorin, Art Director Teresa Buxton, Managing Editor Frances Maly, Associate Art Director room/ Ellen Taussig, Associate Editor Joan Clarke, Art Assistant Claire Safran, Assistant Editor Bud Goode, West Coast Editor • ,ABI;) CU k people on the air What's New from Coast to Coast by Jill Warren 4 Welcome to a Star (winners in our Win a Visit with a Star Contest) 7 The Fabulous Crosbys by Maxine Arnold 25 Great Day Coming (Ralph Paul) by Gregory Merwin 30 And So They Were Married (Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds) by Alice Francis 32 Heart of a Child (Pinky Lee) by Bud Goode 34 PERIODIC PAIN It's Fun to Be Famous (Gisele MacKenzie) by Elizabeth Ball 36 The Other Side of Godfrey by George Martinson 38 bringS lastet, and More I Who's Who on You'll Never Get Rich (Phil Silvers and his GI complete relief menstruar friends ) 52 Charita Bauer's Guiding Light by Philip Chapman 56 ac sullering—because it ts thee When A Girl Marries (Joan Davis's new career in the popular day- ways. It relleves cramps, eases time drama) 58 headache and chases "blues." So in Love (Carl Betz) by Helen Bolstad 60 Perfect Harmony (Percy Faith) by Martin Cohen 62 Peggy now takes MINI_ at the first twinge 0 menstrual pain or ---- features in full color distress. "VO W VJ 0 O S VI MAI 10 KNO W" Mother Burton's Gifts (Ethel Owen) by Gladys Hall 40 v204-psogd.„,,veteopiv.ir rAv Close as a Family Can Be (The Nelsons) by Fredda Balling 42 'i4e..74(;,k18;t4.I. kSen1 ploin voopper). They Count Their Blessings (Roy Rogers and Dale Evans) by Mary Temple 46 Happy Days Ahead (Terry O'Sullivan and Jan Miner) by Frances Kish 48 Peyyt3IFITA:101 your local station Capital Hillbilly (WMAL-TV) 8 A Guy and a Gag (WMCA) 12 He's One in a Million (WCBS, WERE) 14 MIDOL She's a Joy! (WICH) 18 your special services Steve Allen's Turntable 10 In formation Booth 11 Daytime Diary 16 New Designs for Living (needlework and transfer patterns) 19 Inside Radio (program listings) 20 TV Program Highlights 22 New Patterns for You (smart wardrobe suggestions) 23 Cover Portrait of Bob and Cathy Crosby by Marshutz from Sid Avery Studio All Drugstores have Midol buy your February copy early • on sale January 5 PUBLISHED MON THLY by Macfadden Publications. Inc., New Is advisable to keep a duplicate copy for your records. Oni York, N. Y. those manuscripts acco mpanied by sta mped, self-addressig EXECU TIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at return envelopes or with sufficient return postage vill Ii returned. 205 East 42nd Street, New York. N. Y. Editorial Branch FOREIG N editions handled through Macfachlen Publication O ffice: 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. Calif. Irving International Corp.. 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, S. Manheimer, President; Lee Andrews, Vice President; Meyer N. Y. Irving S. Mnnheimer. President; Douglas Lockhart D workin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Chicago. 221 North LaSalle Street, and San Francisco, Vice President. RE-ENTERED as Second Class Matter. June 28, 1954. at tin. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 53.00 one year, U. S. and Posses- Post O ffice at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3 sions and Canada. 55.60 per year for all other countries. 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P. 0. Dept., Ottawa, CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks notice essential. W hen pos- Ont., Canada. Copyright, 1055 by Meet-Fukien Publications, Inc. sible, please furnish stencil-impression address from a re- All rights reserved under International Copyright Conyentl Ii. cent issue. Address changes can be made only if you send us Ail rights reserved under Pan-A merican Copyright Conven- your old, as well as your new address. Write to TV Radio tion. Todos derechos reservados segun la Convencion Pan- Mirror, 201 Fast 42nd Street. New York 17, N. Y. A mericana de Propiedail Uttered:1 y Artistica. Title trademark M AN USCRIPTS: Ali manuscripts will be carefully considered. registered in U. S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A. liv Art but publisher cannot be responsible for loss or damage. It Color Printing Company. Me mber of the TRUE STORY Yeo men's Group The naked truth about the girl next door! She's the girl of many charms and one very important secret. She's the girl with a come-hither look and come- hither figure—a figure you think she was born with. (You're wrong!) She doesn't wake up with those smooth hips, flat tummy, trim waist. But she has them when she goes out. Her se- cret? Her Playtex Girdle, of super- slimming Fabricon! t, 6 SrIE P STRENGTH INTO SOFTNESS! New Fabricon gives Playtex Girdles "hold-in" power no other girdle can match—and in comfort! Fabricon is a new girdle material of downy-soft cotton and latex! A material so strong. yet so comfortable, you don't know you have it on! Air- conditioned, split-resistant Fabricon slims stunningly for the new narrow look. Has more stretch and "hold-in" power than any other girdle material! Only Playtex is made of Fabricon. There's a Playtex Girdle for your figure For wonderful control, Playtex Light-Weight $4.95 For more control, Playtex High Style Girdle $5.95 For most control. Playtex Magic-Controlle; S.95 Only a Playtex Girdle Playtex.. known everywhere as the girdle in the SUM tube. At department stores and better specialty shops everywhere. lets you look so slim and feel so free! PS. You'll love a Playtex, Brix . perfect fit in perfect comfort 014)3., by Internut.oncil LoteA Corp n.... PLAYTEX PARK... Dover Del * In Canada: Playtex Ltd.... PLAYTEX PARK... Arnprior, Ont. *U.S.A. end foreign patent, nencitni- By JILL WARREN -ma a Pet talk: Mishel Piastro's Amber attends all Symphonette CBS broadcasts ... J. Fred Muggs welcomes Lee Meriwether to NBC-TV's Today . Lassie confers with CBS-TV confrere, Pokey. W HAT'S NEW FROM THE NETWORKS continue to vie with each other in presenting television spectaculars, super-dupers, one-shot specials—or call them what you will The holiday season is no exception and there are many big shows on the schedule. NBC leads off their December do- ings on the fourth with a Sunday night spectacular co-starring those two talented Frenchmen, Maurice Chevalier and Marcel Marceau, the Parisian pantomime artist. Jeannie Carson is featured. A week later, December 11, on Hallmark Hall Of Fame, Maurice Evans will present "Dream Girl," starring Vivian Blaine. This will be adapted from the stage play which Betty Field did on Broadway and Betty Hutton did in the movies. The late James Dean had been signed for this date for "The Corn Is Green," but following his tragic death it was necessary to substitute "Dream Girl." "Corn Is Green" is now slated to be produced some time in January, with a male star still to be chosen. Check-up for Sid Caesar as Medic's Richard Boone gags up a backstage Producers' Showcase is offering a visit to Caesar's Hour.
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