"Irrigation in Local Adaptation and Resilience" 353 "Irrigation in Local Adaptation and Resilience" Proceedings of the Seventh International Seminar Held on 11-12 April 2017, Kathmandu, Nepal Edited by Naveen Mangal Joshi Sushil Subedee Deepak Raj Pandey Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust Baluwatar, GPO Box No. 1207, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel: 977-1-4434952 E-mail: [email protected] http:www.fmistnepal.wordpress.com November, 2017 Title : "Irrigation in Local Adaptation and Resilience" Edited by : Naveen Mangal Joshi Sushil Subedee Deepak Raj Pandey Published by : Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) Promotion Trust Baluwatar, GPO Box No. 1207 Kathmandu, Nepal, Phone: 977-1-4434952 Email: [email protected], http:www.fmistnepal.wordpress.com Copyright © : FMIS Promotion Trust, Nepal, 2017 Computer Layout and Design : Samundra Sigdel, FMIS Promotion Trust Cover Concept : Naveen M. Joshi Cover Paintings : Traditional Practice in Rice Planting in Kathmandu Valley Paintings Courtesy : Newa Art Gallery, Mangal Bazar, Lalitpur, Nepal Price : NRs. 600.00 Printed by : Ace Printing Press, 9851175808 ISBN : 978-9937-0-3175-2 Printed and Bound in Nepal All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution ii "Irrigation in Local Adaptation and Resilience" Table of Contents Editors' Note v Part I: Initiation and Honor Ceremony 1 Welcome Address & Theme of the Seminar And Papers 3 Honor Awards 6 1. Key Note Speech Papers 7 1.1 For a wealthy FMIS and AFMIS Upendra Gautam 9 1.2 Irrigation Systems: Sustainability And Resilience In Climate Change Scenario Md. Abdul Ghani 13 1.3 Remarks By Chief Guest Ramanand Prasad Yadav 27 1.4 Concluding Remarks and Vote of Thanks Naveen Mangal Joshi 29 Part II:Parallel Sessions 2. Climate Change and Irrigation Management 31 2.1 Impact of Climate Change on Small and Medium Irrigation Systems In Nepal Umesh Nath Parajuli 33 2.2 Climatic Trends with Reference to Small Irrigation Management in Nepal Keshav p. Sharma 50 2.3 Water Measurement and Implications on Water Availability and Water Distribution and Impact of Climate Change on Irrigation Management: examples of Sringeghat, Kapilbastu and Julfetar Irrigationn Systems, Nawalparasi Rajendra Bir Joshi 62 2.4 Perception on Climate Change and Reality in Small and Medium Irrigation Systems in Nepal Pravakar Pradhan 73 3. MUS :Challenges And Applications 87 3.1 Upscaling MUS at Global Levels Barbara van koppen 89 3.2 Economic Impact of the Multiple use Water System Approach in Far West Nepal Corey O’hara, Phd , Luke Colavito, Madan Pariyar, & Rabindra Karki 102 3.3 Institutionalisation of Multiple-use Water Systems (MUS) in Nepal Floriane Clement & Farah Ahmed 103 3.4 Local Financing for Functionality, Sustainability and Service Level Improvement – an Opportunity for MUS? Sanna-Leena Rautanen 113 4. Climate Change and Methods of Adaptation and Approaches for Increasing Resilience 127 4.1 Guidelines for Water Management of Highland Agriculture in Mae Sa Noi Village, Pongyang Sub-district, Maerim District, Chiang Mai Province Nathitakarn Pinthukas 129 4.2 Water Scantiness in Andhikhola River Basin: Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies Shubhechchha Sharm 136 4.3 Integrating Resilience Concept In The Face Of Changing Climate: Learning From Some NRM Projects In Nepal Ram Chandra Khanal 150 4.4 Barriers Affecting Human Living Under Consequence of Climate Change In Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand Juthathip Chalermphol, Nathitakarn Pinthukas, Ruj Sirisunyaluck 159 5. Water- Energy Beneft Sharing 165 5.1 Climate Resilience and Performance of Chapakot Irrigation System Khem Raj Sharma & Manju Adhikari 167 5.2 Integrating Irrigation Practices in Improved Watermill Areas for Sustainable Livelihood Mahendra Prasad Chudal 179 "Irrigation in Local Adaptation and Resilience" iii 5.3 Solar Pumped Drip Irrigation Robert Yoder 185 5.4 Addressing Local Water Conficts Through Multiple Use Water Systems (Mus): A Learning From Calcnr Program at Dhikurpokhari, Kaski, Nepal Madan Pariyar, Vijaya Sthapit and Rakesh Kothari 198 6. Past and Future Of Irrigation Systems In The Contest Of Climate Change 209 6.1 Multi Use Water Services: Economic Cost-Beneft Analysis Under Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) Schemes in Far West Nepal Pallab Raj Nepal & Sushil Subedi 211 6.2 Maktumba FMIS Resilience: The Last 25 Years and The Next“We Never Had It So Good, But Now Our Youth Is Leaving” Arend van riessen 225 6.3 Design Issues and Technologies of Hilly Irrigation Infrastructures in View of Climate Change: Case Study Study of Kalleritar Irrigation System Ashish Bhadra Khanal 237 6.4 Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Farmers Managed Irrigation System Through Adaptation Measures Shree Bhagavan Thakur and Batu Krishnaprety 247 7. National Policy, Institution and Intervention Strategy 259 7.1 Water, Food Security and Asian Transition: A New Perspective within The Face of Climate Change Puspa Raj Khanal 261 7.2 Impact of Earthquake on Water Resources in Selected Earthquake Hit Areas Somnath Poudel & Anju Air 273 7.3 An Appraisal of Environment Management Functions in the Nepal’s Municipality: An Illusion Narendra Raj Paudel & Srijana Pahari 286 8. Mapping Climate, Gender and Socio-ecological Challenges 295 8.1 Understanding Masculinity in Irrigation: Imperatives for gender transformative decentralized water governance Anjal Prakash 297 8.2 Achieving Gender Water Equity in the Face of Changing Climate Context: Lessons from Local Water Planning Practices in Nepal Pranita B Udas & Chanda G Gurung 299 8.3 Gender and Water Governance:Women’s Role In Irrigation Management and Development Dilli R Prasai 300 8.4 - Understanding the Irrigation Governance and Mechanisms of Water Resource Management for Improved Adaptive Capacity Krity Shrestha, Bimal Raj Regmi & Anjal Prakash 308 9. Farmer perception (CMIASP-AF) 311 Perception of Farmer 313 NewarKulo, Panchthar Sulitar IS, Chitwan Atrauliputtar IS, Tanahu Hadiya Dama Paini, Jhapa Chakhola IS, Kavre Part III Panel Discussion: 317 Panelist.1. Mr. Rajendra Adhikari, DG, DOI 319 Panelist.2. Dr. Sugden Fraser, Head, IWMI-Nepal 321 Panalist.3. Mr. Madhav Belbase, Joint Secretary, WECS 323 Panelist.4. Dr. Ram Chandra Khanal, CDKN 325 Panelist.5. Dr. Puspa Khanal, FAO, Regional Offce. 327 Panelist.6. Mr.Dipak Gyawali, Water Conservation Foundation 328 Annexes 331 iv "Irrigation in Local Adaptation and Resilience" Editors' Note The context, meaning and impact of announcements of the seminar. adaptation and resilience of irrigation in the local situation have substantial The water resources sector is one of the sustainability dimension. The adaptation hardest hit sectors due to climate changes. process and resilience, policy, institutions, The remarkable changes observed are technology and interaction with the variation in temperature, delays in environment and resources at the local level monsoon rain or amplifed intensity of do affect livelihood of a larger number of rain etc. resulting in fash-foods. They are agriculture based population. Urbanization, becoming a regular phenomenon and are migration pattern, food-water security considered as a result of climate change. nexus and political agricultural economy Irrigation systems are severely affected as a whole have infuence on irrigation by climatic factors such as (a) reduced adaptation and resilient response. Irrigation runoff in rivers, due to changing rainfall is found in all eco-geographic terrains patterns, (b) increased food fows due to where human civilization has fourished in more intense rainfall, (c) increased demand general. Without irrigation, enrichment of for water due to higher temperatures and civilization from agriculture is not possible. more erratic rainfall, and (d) changes in Without adaptation and resilience of the crop suitability. From this lense, FMIS are irrigation in the local context more so in the facing colossal task of maintaining and scenario of changing climate, a social and sustaining their systems. Therefore, a need economic order cannot be ensured. to make irrigation systems more resilient to climate uncertainty becomes major concern With the theme mentioned in the of water professionals. proceeding section, the Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust (FMIST) Over the period of time, FMIS have organized the Seventh International developed and internalized coping and Seminar on "Irrigation in Local Adaptation adaptation mechanisms as many of them and Resilience" in Kathmandu on 11-12 have visibly survived over decades or April 2017. Since 1997, FMIS Promotion even for century. However, the adaptive Trust is continuing its efforts to promote capacity of FMIS to cope with multifaceted and share knowledge and experiences on impacts of climate change is in decreasing FMIS through conferences, seminars and trend. Hence, in order to develop climate- public discourse on contemporary issues resilient irrigation sector, “the existing both at national and international level. arrangements for irrigation design and In the understanding of the editors, the management may need to be reconsidered”. impressive array of key note speakers, In this context, we are of the view that the paper presenters and participants was seminar
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