MEAT IN THE HUDD.LE CD Shopping Wednesday • Burger King and The Huddle will serve • Looking for a new CD? Check out our music ll1l'<H during Lent. reviews. FEBRUARY 17, News • 6 Scene· 10-11 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOl XXXII NO. 91 WWW. N D.EDU/-OBSERVER Carroll shares selected readings RCIA program By CHRIS lAWLER prepares for N,·ws Writer Displaying his hallmark of vivid and humorous Easter Vigil rPtelling of various personal exp(H'iencns, poet. musician and diarist .lim Carroll spoke Tuesday night at tlw Sophomore Literary Festival in By ERICA THESING Washington llall. Assisranr News Editor l>rPSSPd in blue jPans. a black shirt and black hoots. and slightly stooping over the podium. As Catholics around thn world cr~Inhratn Carroll rr~ad several selnctions from his 19R7 Ash Wndnnsday today, 40 people in the work. "h1rrP<I Entries." The short story "A Day Notre Damn community begin their final at tlw Haces" offprpd a unique perspectivn on a prnparations for initiation into the Catholic sPxually LransmittPd dis(~ase. Church. I lis nPxt taln was a humorous recounting of an Thn participants in this year's HCIA ( Hitn of Parly pPrformanrP wlwn~ lw kill(~d a cockroach Christian Initiation of Adults) program at with a ran of Haid. Tlw pPrformancr~ gmwratml Notre Dame arn split into two groups. Twelvn audietH'P and rrit.ir.al praise. much to tiHi amusn­ of the partidpants am calnchunwns. whri an• mPnl of Carroll, who said lw carne up with thn unbaptiznd peopln sonking nwmbnrship in idPa mf'rPIV to kill limP. tlw Chureh. Tlwy will t·eenivn tlw sacranwnts Carroll r'Pad a briPf ph~(~«' from an unt·plnased of Baptism, Eueharist and Confirmation at IIOVPI. IhPn shirtPd gPars and presented several of thn Easter Vigil in thn Basilica or thn Sacrod his works of poPtry. "Facts" was a humorous lie art. piPr.P marking a departure lh11n tlw dry wit and The remaining 2H arn candidates, baptiznd humor PxhibitPd in his prose works. Christians seeking full communion in tlw In "Eight Fragnwnts for Kurt Cobain" Carroll, Church. They will receive Eucharist and 11lso an arcomplislwd rnusir:ian, nmpalhiznd with Conlirmation at the Vigil. tlw pressurPs of famP and thn downward spiral of Each (~Utochumen and candidate has a drug LISP that Cobain endured. Ultimatnly. hn sponsor to help him or hnr through this jour­ qtwstioned Cohain's r.ommitmnnt to thn nnergy ney. The catechumen or candidate may and l'ullillnwnt or his art, and asked why such a snlect a sponsor, or rncnivn onn through violPnl final ad was rwcessary. Campus Ministry. "Train Surfing" was another work Carroll Freshman Jason Braun, sponsor of frnsh­ sPinrtPd for thn Pvnning. Based on Carroll's man catechumen Keith Anderson, hopns that ohsPrvations in llio dn .Janeiro, the poem offered receiving thn sacraments will bn very mean­ ingful for Anderson. Braun spok(~ especially a first-pnrson pnrspectivn of a youth who The Observer/Michelle Keefe "surfnd" atop a hullnt train in a drug-impaired Jim Carroll, author of "The Basketball Diaries," read selections of his about the sacrament of the Eucharist, whieh stale. poetry, short stories. and a piece from his unreleased novel Tuesday he called a gift. Carroll's works have appearnd in "Holling during the Sophomore Literary Festival in Washington Hall. The "I would hope he [Anderson! would gain a Stonp" and "l'ontry" magazinns, and in the film Festival continues through Friday with readings each night, including a love for the Church and tho Catholic faith "l'oPLry in Motion." In addition to throe music student reading Thursday. that will grow for thn rnst of his life," Braun albums with thn .Jim Carroll Band, Carroll said. "I also hopn he would truly rhnrish that rPIPasPd a spokPn-word rneording. "Praying Mantis," in The 32nd Annual Sophomore Literary continues gift he recoivns." I I)IJ I . Wednesday with author Raymond Feist. Thursday will Carroll. born and raisnd in Nnw York City, is best feature readings by Notre Dame students and the THE Pnocr:ss known as lhl' author of "Thn Basketball Diaries," a Festival concludes Friday with author and poet Annie On this Sunday. tiH~ first Sunday of Lent. dmmiriP of his limP as a high-school basketball star at Finch. All rnadings are in Washington llall, followed by thn catechumens and (~andidates will partir- Manhattan's Trinity lligh Sdwol. a reception in LaFortunn Ballroom. sec RCIA I page 4 Performa group meets with campus, reports findings -- --- . ---------------~ By COLLEEN McCARTHY Maintaining a student-centered tnaching space, improving rnsiderH~(~ Saint Mary's News Editor environment was key, according to hall space and improving dining Marrow. space. The first stnp of defining the future "When students suggested the nend l'orforma is currently in tiH' for Saint Mary's came at a campus­ for a multi-purpose student centnr on process of conducting a sp;~cn utiliza­ wide meeting with the l'erforma campus, they were right on target. tion study at Saint Mary's. Consulting group. Thorn is a delinite need for that," she "You havP a lot of span~ on cam­ "This is a historic momnnt for the said. pus, but it is not being usml as ofli­ present and future of Saint Mary's Making the campus morn student­ dnntly as it could hn," said Marrow. College," said College president centernd also includes othnr facllitins, Students nwoting with l'nrforma Marilou Eldred. "We are dnlining the Marrow said. frnqucntly voicod a nnnd for improv­ future of facilities needed and eonlig­ "Thn ror~ommendation in that area ing n~sidntH'.n hall spar.«' and lTPating uring of current facilities." is morn far-reaching than just a stu­ a more indopnndnnl living Pnviron­ The meeting was thn culmination of dont cnnter," she said. "For oxamplo, mnnt, Marrow said. tlw first phase of the project, which Iloalth Serviens is in an aroa that is "It's not so much wn lward as WP includnd meetings with representa­ less than desirable in terms of b(~ing obsorwd studnnts nnnd a living sparl' tives from all major campus con­ student-cen tnred." that will lwlp tlw transition hntwPnn stituency groups. Pnrforma both created and priori­ colloge living and indPpPIHient liv­ Of(,(> total rncommendations made tized a list of needs for thn Collngo, fng," slw said. by l'nrforma, 21J are otw-pnrcent rne­ with improved comm u n i(~ation Otw option Marrow mentiotwd was ornrncndations, meaning thn cost is among campus constituencies and aparlnwnt or suite-styln aceommoda­ under $5,000. There arn 37 addition­ the outside community topping the tions. al recommendations. e'ach having list. "This is one of tlw most ser~n things costs over $5,000, said Carolyn In response to this, Performa rec­ in higher education right now," slw Marrow, Performa ropres1mtative. ommended holding a Collegn "media said. The Observer/Manuela Hernandez Carolyn Marrow, a representative for the Performa "Now that we have a fairly good day" in the fall to better acquaint Addressing the issun of dining Consulting group, presented the group's 66 recom­ idea of what the needs of the campus members of local electronic and print space includes current plans to rnno- mendations lor improvements at Saint Mary's during are, we can pursue the next phases," media about College events. Tuesday's campus-wide meeting. she said. Other priorities included examining see PERFORMA I page 6 - we w r page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Wednesday, February 17, 1999 •INSIDE COLUMN Give it up utside the Dome Compiled from U-Wire reports Well folks. it's here. Ash Wednesday. The brginning of the 40-day season of fish, sacri­ fice and self-righteousness we like to call Utah professor influential in reforming Miranda law Lent. SALT LAKE CITY irrelevant beeause Dickerson gave Remember when we Criminals will no longer be able to the confession voluntarily. were kids asking our claim protection on account of tech­ "The 4th Circuit said that we're not brothers and sisters and nicalities under the Miranda warn­ going to get into tflchnical rights schoolmates what we ing, due to the efforts of a Utah law about Miranda," he said. "The main were giving up for Lent? professor. issue is whether tho confession was Worrying about how to Paul Cassell has been advocating voluntary." decide? Discussing it end­ reform for the laws governing the Cassell won a case in thtl U.S. lessly as the inevitable Miranda warning. Monday, the 4th District Court in Salt Lake City on a Wednesday drew ever Circuit Court of Appeals handed similar argument on Dec. 31, 1997. closer? Wondering what Colleen Gaughen down the decision that defendants in top of that. Those new rules are that "It was the same issue, and the the cafeteria will serve Associate Viewpoint federal cases cannot suppress confes­ police have to give warning to sus­ court agreed with me," Cassell said. on Fridays? Editor sions. pects,'' he said. "Congress peeled "There are those who would argue Not much has "For the last seven years, I have back those additional safeguards and the other way and say the Miranda is changed. I have heard way too much talk been trying to raise the issue as a went back to the original voluntari­ a constitutional right, but the court around this overgrown parochial school lately neutral force on the court," Cassell ness approach. The criminal doesn't agreed with me." about "what we're going to give up for Lent." said. have to say anything." The circuit court decided the We still ask one another what the Great The Fifth Amendment of the U.S.
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