“We are not Republicans This issue of Southwest Kansas or Democrats or liberals the Catholic or conservati ves. Before hroughout this issue, you will fi nd everything else, we are Ta special focus on fi nances, espe- followers of Christ.” cially in regard to helping those most in need during this season of Thanks- -- Arch�ishop Jose Go�e� appreciates the giving. The Catholic fi ne work of CatholicNewspaper Chariti es ofof theSW Catholic Diocese of Dodgeatholic City www.dcdiocese.org/swkscatholic Vol. LI, No. 15 • Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016 Kansas, which provided many of the C arti cles included. Joy springs The Face from a grateful of God heart By CHARLENE SCoTT-MYERS Special to the Catholic Editor’s note: This is the fi rst of a two-part series on The Face of God. hen I was a small child, I was terrifi ed by the priest Padre WPio. My pious mother told me that this Italian holy man was able to bilocate, which meant that he could be in two places at one ti me. Mother said that he oft en visited people at night. I was petrifi ed, praying every evening that this giant fellow would not show up to visit me! He had a hairy face, with thick, menacing + Most Rev. John B. Brungardt dark eyebrows and a white Santa beard. Bishop of the Catholic Conti nued on Page 17 Diocese of Dodge City iving Thanks. Appreciati ng. ‘ G Being Grateful. Think of a per- Caring for Gods creation son you know that is oft en grate- ful, typically says “Thank you!”, or shows appreciati on for you or others. Maybe he is thankful for an Longti megreenspace advocate Alan Geier ON CAREAn excerpt FOR from OUR the Encyclical Lett er item given. Possibly she is grate- honored for years of championing parks COMMON HOME ful for a service performed. How LAuDATo SI’ about just appreciati ng your pres- Pope Francis ence or friendship? If we approach “And be thankful … with nature and the en- grati tude in your hearts to “ God … giving thanks to God” vironment without (Colossians 3:15-17). We are this openness to a Eucharisti c people, a people awe and wonder, if of thanksgiving. Archbishop we no longer speak Jackels describes his daily holy the language of fra- hour as simply refl ecti ng on his ternity and beauty grati tude to the Lord for the in our many blessings he received the relati onship with last day. the world, our at- Pope Francis writes about “the ti tude will be that spirit of grati tude. … The joy of of masters, con- men and women who love God att racts others to him. … Joy sumers, ruthless springs from a grateful heart. exploiters, unable Truly, we have received much, so Garden City City Manager Matt Allen, left , talks about the accomplishments of Alan Geier during to set limits on many graces, so many blessings, his years of working for the city during a dedicati on ceremony in Geier’s honor for a porti on their immediate needs. and we rejoice in this” (Men of of Finnup Park. The Alan Geier Champion Tree Woodland is located in the northwest porti on By contrast, if we feel Mercy, p. 118). of the park at Main and Maple Streets. Geier is a member of St. Dominic Parish. His sister is inti mately united with Someti mes it is hard to be Dominican Sister of Peace, Jolene Geier. Brad Nading/Telegram all that exists, then so- grateful, thus to fi nd joy, when briety and care will well we are suff ering. Trust in Jesus and Mary, who understand “In Genesis it says, ‘On the third day By SCOTT AUST up spontaneously. The suff ering. Let us open our hearts Garden City Telegram poverty and austerity God said, Let the earth put forth vegeta- to a deeper awareness of God’s Editor’s Note: The following is reprinted tion ... and trees of every kind ....’ I fell of Saint Francis were presence in our lives. Even in with permission from the Garden City Tele- no mere veneer of the hard ti mes, the Lord will in love with the hardwood forests in gram. asceti cism, but some- give peace in our hearts, thus northeast Ohio when I was attending ormer longti me Garden City parks super- thing much more radi- give us something for which to intendent Alan Geier knew something Brunnerdale Seminary High School. I F cal: a refusal to turn be grateful, thus give us joy. was odd on a recent Tuesday morning when tried to bring that beautiful detail of reality into an object Jesus loves us so much! Have a he pulled into Finnup Park and saw his blessed Thanksgiving Day! God`s creation to the short grass prairie daughter’s car. simply to be used and Conti nued on Page 18 controlled.” + Bishop John we call home.” -- Alan Geier Page 2 November 20, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic Liebenthal parish hosts Art and joy of giving thanks ‘Rosary Crusade for our country’ ur esteemed editor, himself a man of simmering joy, suggested O Bishop Emeritus something on the “art and joy of giving Ronald M. thanks” for this week’s column. Gilmore In humoring him, I would lay down a simple truth: without art, there is no Another joy, and there is no thanksgiving. No joy that will last, at any rate. Way The ‘art’ needed here is the art of getting first things first. It is the art of putting things in their proper place. It is the art of order. all these relationships straight. The ‘joy’ desired here is the tranquil- Take a single example. There are only ity that comes from order. It is calm. two forms of love, really. When the loved It is serenity. It is the rest that fills and person is absent, you yearn for his pres- completes us. ence. When the loved person is present, The ‘trick’ wanted here is getting them you simply rest in her nearness. Delight straight. We must get right with God, comes from that rest. A deep, fulfilling, get right with one another, get right joy is the result of that rest. with the world, even get right with our And the ‘thanksgiving?’ It wells up own wounded selves: all these must naturally from the joy. It bubbles over be put in order first. Joy comes after from the delight. It is the first word of IEBENTHAL -- The church bells rang as chael the Archangel, who prepared the something else: joy comes from getting every selfless love. Lpeople from surrounding towns gath- way for the appearance of the Blessed ered at the grotto beside St. Joseph’s Mother to the children in 1917. Our Lady Bishop Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh to present, “Wait- Church. urged the children to pray the rosary ev- Emmett McGinn signaled the start of ery day for peace in the world, and that ing & Watching; The Heart of Advent”, a two-day re- the hour of prayer with the tolling of the message continues to be encouraged treat, Nov. 25-26 in Hugoton. See Page 23 for more. bells--a gentle reminder to townsfolk to throughout the world today. gather for prayer for the country. Eighteen people representing five cit- St. Joseph Church joined with more ies attended the rally: Liebenthal--Louise than 200 groups in Kansas, as well as Dechant, Raymond Depperschmidt, approximately 15,000 across the coun- Emmett and Gerri McGinn, Norman Soukups celebrate 60 years wed try, at noon to pray the rosary, Angelus, and LouAnn Legleiter, Barbara Matal, ictor and Sharen Soukup celebrat- Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, peti- Judy Hoffman. From Hays--Mary Ann ed an early 60th wedding anniver- tions, and song. Randa and Norman Giebler. From La V sary on Oct. 1 with family witnessing This year commemorates the first Crosse--Alex and Twila Herrman, Elenora a marriage blessing by Father Charles apparitions to three shepherd children Moeder, Francis and Alverna Schaf- Seiwert at St. Mary Parish in Garden in Fatima by an angel in 1916. The angel fer. From Wichita--LaVern Meier. From City. On Oct. 16, they repeated vows appeared in the spring, autumn, and fall, Timken-- Carol Scheuerman, Julie Huber. at the Diocesan Matrimony Anniver- teaching the children special prayers and (Not pictured, Judy Hoffman.) sary Mass in Dodge City with Most encouraging them to pray the rosary The hour of prayer closed with singing Rev. John B. Brungardt. The couple daily. It is believed the angel was St. Mi- the National Anthem. was married at St. Wenceslaus Catho- lic Church in Wilson, Kansas on Nov. 29, 1956. They have six children: John Stadler, Derby; Kris, Steve, Dave and Joe, deceased; and John Soukup, Hol- comb. There are 16 grandchildren and 17 great grand-children. Help for farmers • Kansas Rural Family Helpline, toll farmers, agricultural lenders and USDA free, 866-327-6578: Provides confi- agencies resolve disputes in a confiden- dential, short-term emotional support, tial and non-adversarial setting outside advice, and qualified referrals directly to the traditional legal process. Sunday, Dec. 4 rural families struggling with an unmet • WORKs -- Work Opportunities for emotional, medical, financial, or legal Rural Kansans, toll free, 866-271-0853: need. Helps farmers, ranchers, and their fami- • Kansas Agriculture Mediation Ser- lies to make a transition from farming vices, toll-free, 800-321-3276: Helps and ranching to non-farm employment. Catholic Charities of SW Kansas in Dodge City needs items for their non-food pantry (toilet paper, toothpaste, sham- poo, dish soap, etc...).
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