12th International Conference “Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics” INSTR-2017 February, 27 – March, 3, 2017 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Organized by: Sponsored by: Novosibirsk, 2017 Contents Collider experiments in Budker Institute . 1 HEP activities at CERN . 1 Status and Future Perspectives of the ILC Project: Accelerator / Detector R&D . 1 Fermilab Program and Plans . 1 Status of the KLOE-2 experiment at Frascati . 1 Status from JINR . 1 Laser backscattering for beam energy calibration in collider experiments. Recent results. 1 Beam energy measurement system at BEPCII . 2 Luminosity measurements at LHCb . 2 Beam background detection at SuperKEKB/Belle II . 2 The KLOE-2 High Energy Taggers . 3 The LHCb upgrades overview . 3 Optimization of the beam crossing angle at the ILC for e+e- and gamma-gamma collisons ............................................. 3 BigData challenges and processing at present and future High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics [Pleaseinsertintopreamble]experiments . 4 Trigger systems of the LHC experiments . 4 Computing challenges of the CMS experiment . 4 The Belle II Software - From Detector Signals to Physics Results . 4 The Tracking and Calorimeter Systems of the Mu2e Experiment . 5 The MEGII detector . 5 The construction technique of high granularity and high transparency Drift Chambers for the MEG II upgrade . 5 Cylindrical drift chamber and tracking in COMET . 6 Central Drift Chamber for Belle-II . 6 iii NA62 Straw Tracker . 6 Status of the Precision Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer . 7 Design of the forward straw tube tracker for the PANDA experiment . 7 TPC status for MPD experiment at NICA project . 8 A TPC for the International Linear Collider . 8 MWPC prototyping and testing for STAR Inner TPC Upgrade . 8 Silicon Technologies for the CLIC Vertex Detector . 9 The Phase-1 Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector . 9 ATLAS Forward Proton detector [Pleaseinsertintopreamble] status and future plans . 10 Tracking Detector for Luminosity Measurement at PANDA . 10 On the Development of Large Area Silicon Tracking Systems for the NICA/MPD, NICA/BM@N and FAIR/CBM experiments . 11 Status of the Mu3e detector . 11 A new Scintillating Fibre Tracker for LHCb experiment . 12 Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope of TAIGA experiment. Status of work . 12 Developing of muon system for TAIGA experiment . 13 Recent progress in oxide scintillation crystals development by low-thermal gradient Chozchralski technique for particle experiments . 13 Numerical simulation of fast photo detectors based on microchannel plates . 14 Application of the Cluster Counting and Timing techniques to improve the performance of the high transparency Drift Chambers for modern High Energy Physics experiments ............................................. 14 Development of scintillator detector for detection of cosmic ray shower . 15 The 32-channel TDC based on Altera Cyclone III FPGA. 15 Hadron calorimeters for the experiment of tensor-polarized deuteron photodisintegration at the VEPP-3 storage ring. 16 Development of a silicon micro-strip detector with single photon sensitivity for fast dynamic diffraction experiments at a synchrotron radiation beam. 16 Proposal for VEPP-4M beam energy measurement using magnetic spectrometer with Compton calibration and photon detector . 17 Testing methods for 20-inches PMTs of the JUNO experiment . 17 First using of the particle identification system based on dense aerogel in data analysis of the e+e- -> K+K- process . 18 First results from the ATLAS-GaAsPix radiation monitoring system . 18 Z - chamber of the CMD-3 detector in the reconstruction of the track longitudinal coordinate . 18 TUNKA-GRANDE experiment . 19 Optimizing The Performance of V0+ Detector of the Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) for the Upgrade of the ALICE Detector . 19 Characterization of GaAs:Cr Timepix hybrid pixel detectors . 20 The Crystal Zero Degree Detector at BESIII . 20 Radiation damage in silicon photomultipliers exposed to neutron radiation . 21 Novel Fast Response and Radiation-resistant Scintillator Detector for Beam Loss Monitor 21 Antihydrogen experiments: addressing the challenges of ultra-low temperatures . 22 Measurement of the luminosity at the CMD-3 detector. 22 The array of scintillation detectors with natural boron for EAS neutrons investigations 22 The detector on the basis of drift chambers for inclined muon bundle investigations . 23 Study of proportional electroluminescence in two-phase argon . 23 The Mu2e crystal calorimeter . 24 Prototype of vacuum phototriode for SND detector . 24 The first results of the processing module prototype of the Liquid Xenon Calorimeter’s for timing measurements . 24 Development of high resolution GEM-based detector for the extracted electron beam facility at the VEPP-4M collider. 25 New method for determining avalanche breakdown voltage of silicon photomultipliers 26 Separation of e+e- to e+e- and e+e- to pi+pi- events based on the difference in the energy deposition profiles in SND detector calorimeter. 26 The geometric alignment of the CMD-3 endcap electromagnetic calorimeter using events of two-quantum annihilation . 26 Simulation of the ASHIPH Cherenkov counters of the KEDR detector . 27 New empirical expression for APD gain versus voltage dependence . 27 GEM tracking system of the BM@N experiment . 27 Microchannel plates phototubes in high magnetic field . 28 Radiation Hardness tests with neutron flux on different Silicon photomultiplier devices 28 ATLAS jet and missing energy reconstruction, calibration and performance in LHC Run-2 28 Calibration of the KEDR detector Tagging System with two-photon lepton pair production ............................................. 29 Radiation hardness study of CsI(Tl) scintillation crystals for the Belle II calorimeter . 29 CaloCube: a highly segmented calorimeter for space based observation of high energy cosmic rays. 29 The low energy beam profile monitor for the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC . 29 A 64-channel integrated circuit for signal readout from coordinate detectors. 30 The Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment: laser calibration system . 30 Development of the new spectrometric channel for the SND electromagnetic calorimeter 31 The upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker detector . 31 Measurement of absolute photon detection efficiency of different silicon photomultipliers. 32 Status of the KEDR new drift chamber . 32 After-pulsing and cross-talk comparison for KETEK PM1125NS-SB0, Hamamatsu S10362- 11-100C and Hamamatsu S13360-3050CS at room temperature . 32 Energy Scale Calibration of KEDR Detector Tagging System . 33 Development of MCP based particle detector . 33 Study of cryogenic photomultiplier tubes for the future double-phase cryogenic avalanche detector. 33 Laser polarimeter at VEPP-4M . 34 Concept of data storage prototype for Super-C-Tau factory detector . 34 Multisector scintillation detector with fiber-optical light collection . 35 Design and fabrication of a data logger for atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity for gas-filled detector development . 35 Tracking chamber made of 15-mm mylar drift tubes . 36 JUNO PMT system . 36 Silicon micro-strip detector for imaging of fast processes at high intensity synchrotron radiation beam . 37 Developing of the segmented neutrino detector Baby-MIND . 37 Charged particle identification using the liquid Xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector 38 Development and production of high purity raw materials for scintillators for experiments in particle physics . 38 Laboratory tests of the response stability of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter photomultipliers 38 Energy and time reconstruction algorithm of Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter . 39 Status of the electromagnetic calorimeter trigger system at the Belle II . 39 Data acquisition for the PANDA luminosity detector with online track reconstruction . 39 Limits of a spatial resolution of the cascaded GEM based detectors . 40 Management system for the SND experiments . 40 Next generation FPGA application on the ATLAS calorimeter trigger board dedicated to jet identification . 41 Development of large scale focal plane detectors for MAGIX . 41 Development of the internal Gas-Jet-Target for MAGIX . 42 The Phase-2 ATLAS ITk Pixel Upgrade . 42 Central Tracking for experiment BM&N based on double side silicon detectors. 43 The electronic for TOF system of the CMD-3 detector . 43 Limits of Scintillation Materials For Future Experiments at High Luminosity LHC and FCC.......................................... 43 Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter . 44 The Phase II upgrade of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter . 44 The LHCb Calorimeter system: design, performance and upgrade . 45 Upgrade of the ATLAS hadronic Tile calorimeter for the High luminosity LHC . 45 Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC 45 The Upgrade of the ECL forward calorimeter of the BelleII experiment at SuperKEKB. 46 Gain stabilization of SiPMs . 46 Polycrystalline Scintillators for Large Area Detectors in HEP Experiments . 47 Highly Granular Calorimeters: Technologies and Results . 47 Silicon-tungsten calorimetry for future high energy e+e- collider . 48 Calibration of the LHCb calorimetric system . 48 Monitoring and Correcting for Response Changes in the CMS Lead-tungstate Electromag- netic Calorimeter in LHC Run2 . 49 Sensors for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter . 49 A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeter system . 49 Simulation of Secondary Emission Calorimeter for Future Colliders . 50 Neutrino detectors for oscillation experiments . 50 WA105 experiment at CERN: large demonstrator of Dual Phase Liquid Argon TPC detector for DUNE . 51 The Instrumentation of JUNO . 51 The Hyper-Kamiokande detector: R&D studies of a new generation of Photosensors . 52 The RED-100 experiment . ..
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