![Arxiv:2108.04746V1 [Gr-Qc] 10 Aug 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Constraints on scalar field dark matter from twin co-located power-recycled Michelson interferometers Lorenzo Aiello,1, ∗ Jonathan W. Richardson,2 Sander M. Vermeulen,1 Hartmut Grote,1 Craig Hogan,3, 4 Ohkyung Kwon,3, 5 and Chris Stoughton4 1Gravity Exploration Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, United Kingdom 2California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 3University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 4Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 5Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (Dated: August 11, 2021) The origin and the physical properties of dark matter remain unknown to date and their discovery is one of the most challenging topics in contemporary physics. One possible, prominent option is scalar field dark matter. In particular, low-mass (sub-eV) scalar field dark matter may induce apparent oscillations of fundamental constants, resulting in corresponding oscillations of the size and the index of refraction of solids. Laser interferometers are highly sensitive to changes in the size and index of refraction of the main beamsplitter. Using the data of the Fermilab Holometer instrument, which consists of twin co-located 40-m arm length power-recycled interferometers built to test quantum gravity theories, we investigate the possible existence of scalar field dark matter candidates in the mass range between 4.1·10−9 eV and 10−7 eV. We set new upper limits for the coupling parameters of scalar field dark matter, improving on limits from previous direct searches by up to one order of magnitude. PACS numbers: 95.35.+d, 07.60.Ly, 42.55.-f I. INTRODUCTION II. THEORY Lasers are powerful tools for high-precision measure- In the basic scalar field DM scenario, models regarding ments. Experiments exploiting lasers are today ongoing weakly-coupled low-mass (mφ 1 eV) particles predict in a wide range of different fields in physics, including that such particles should manifest as a coherently oscil- gravitational waves detection [1], vacuum birefringence lating field, φ(t; ~r), of the form [9] research [2], searches for new particles [3] and searches φ(t; ~r) = φ cos(! t − ~k · ~r) (1) for signatures of quantisation of spacetime [4]. Thanks 0 φ φ 2 to the developing technology, precision interferometers mφc ~ with !φ = the angular Compton frequency, kφ = can reach excellent sensitivity to length variations at or ~ mφ~vobs the wave vector, mφ the mass of the field, ~vobs the beyond quantum limits nowadays, and they could also ~ be used in different contexts from the original ones they velocity relative to the observer. Assuming that the os- have been developed for. For example, some dark matter cillating DM field constitutes the local DM densitypρlocal, ~ 2ρlocal the amplitude of the field can be written as φ0 = (DM) candidates can couple to interferometric detectors, mφc that can be exploited then to detect DM candidates or, [11]. if no signal is detected, to set new constraints on the DM The velocity relative to the observer generates a parameters. Recent examples of this new type of DM Doppler-shift in the observed DM field frequency investigation involved the gravitational waves detectors: m ~v2 arXiv:2108.04746v1 [gr-qc] 10 Aug 2021 φ obs Advanced LIGO and Advanced VIRGO [5, 6] for dark !obs = !φ + (2) photon DM [7], and GEO 600 [8] for scalar field DM 2~ [9, 10]. with ~vobs being defined by part of a Maxwell-Boltzmann In this work, we performed a direct search for scalar distribution of velocities [12]. This Doppler-shift gen- field DM using the data of the Fermilab Holometer in- erates a spread in the observed frequency of the order ∆!obs ∼ 10−6 [13], that is further modulated by the mo- strument. Its exquisite sensitivity in the 1-25 MHz fre- !obs quency range allowed us to set new upper limits on the tion of the Earth with respect to the galactic DM halo. coupling parameters of scalar field DM in a different DM Besides the scalar field DM, other scalar models pre- mass range from the one already constrained by GEO dict some modifications in the expected field linewidth. 600 interferometer. Relaxion Halo DM [14] predicts that scalar particles may form gravitationally bounded objects and be captured in the gravitational potential of the Earth or Sun. This cap- ture results in a DM overdensity and in a field having a narrower linewidth [15] with respect to the basic scalar ∗ Correspondence email address: AielloL@cardiff.ac.uk model. 2 A. Coupling to the SM the adiabatic limit and f0 is the frequency of the funda- mental longitudinal vibrational mode of the solid. The coupling of the coherently oscillating DM field φ The variation of the refractive index of the solid due with the Standard Model (SM) fields is parameterised by to the interaction with the DM field is given by [10] the addition of an interaction term in the SM Lagrangian [10, 16]. We will consider in this paper linear-in-φ inter- δn δα δm actions [8, 10] only ∼ −5 · 10−3 2 + e : (6) n α me µν lin φ Fµν F φ ¯ Lint = − me e e (3) Λγ 4 Λe A laser interferometer is extremely sensitive to differ- µν ential variations in the optical path length of its arms. where Fµν F is the electromagnetic field tensor, me the ¯ The laser beam is split in the two arms with a dedicated electron rest mass, e, e the SM electron field and its optics, the beamsplitter, having the front side reflecting Dirac conjugate. Λγ and Λe parameterise the coupling of (typically 50%) and the back side anti-reflective coated. the DM field with the photons and the electrons, respec- Therefore, a change in the size and in the refractive index tively. Some scalar field DM models motivated by string of the beamsplitter generates a difference in the optical theory, such as the Modulus and Dilaton fields, couple to path length of the arms L and L given by [8] the QCD sector of the SM as well [17, 18]. x y As a result of this linear interaction, the electron rest mass m and the fine structure constant α are altered as p 1 e δ(L − L ) ∼ 2 n − · δl + l · δn : (7) [9, 10, 16] x y 2 Since the DM field wavelength is much larger than the φ φ distance between the arm mirrors, i.e. λφ L in the me ! me 1 + ; α ! α 1 + : (4) Λf Λγ whole frequency range of interest, and because the end mirrors have roughly the same thickness, the effect is almost equal in both arms and so no dominant signal is B. DM field search with laser interferometers produced. Therefore, the effect on the beamsplitter is the dominant one. The variation of α and me results in a change of some Recent work [8] investigated the possible presence of properties of solids, like their size l and their refrac- scalar field DM in the f f0 regime, where f0 is the tive index n [10]. The response of a solid to perturba- frequency of the fundamental vibrational mode of the tions associated with a particular driving frequency f can beamsplitter. GEO 600 gravitational wave detector data be treated within the model of a strongly-underdamped have been analysed, and new constraints in the 50-5500 (ζ 1) driven harmonic oscillator. The steady-response Hz frequency region have been set. to size change is given at the first-order by: For our analysis, we use the data from the Fermilab −1 Holometer experiment, that had been constructed with δl δα δm f 2 e the main goal of look for a possible quantisation of space = − − · 1 − (5) l α me f0 time in the 1-25 MHz range [4]. For the Holometer f0;BS ≈ 200 kHz [10], so in this case f f0 holds and where the first term represents the body size change in the signal is expected to be of the form p 2~ ρlocal δ(Lx − Ly) ∼ cos(!obst) mφc 8 2 −1 3 2 −1 39 < 1 1 f 2 1 1 f 2 = −2 −3 · 4 n − · l · 1 − + 10 · n · l5 + 4 n − · l · 1 − + 5 · 10 · n · l5 : :Λγ 2 f0 Λe 2 f0 ; (8) 3 III. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS see Fig. 2 (bottom). Here it is assumed that a Relaxion Halo gravitationally bound to the Earth dominates the We performed the analysis on the entire Holometer local DM density, and leads to a local overdensity (that straight-arm configuration 704-hr dataset acquired be- depends on the field's mass) that can reach values of up ρlocal 19 tween July 2015 and February 2016 [19, 20]. We expect to ρ ∼10 for the mass range constrained by our the DM signal to be present in both intereferometers. We analysis [15]. The coupling between the DM scalar field analysed the cross spectral density (CSD) data and then and the SM field is as in the Dilaton/Modulus scenario, converted the CSD data into amplitude spectra to iden- but these couplings arise through mixing with the Higgs tify possible DM candidates or to set new constraints boson [31]. if no candidate is identified. During the data run, the The electron and photon coupling parameters, i.e. Λe CSD were averaged every 1.835 s, and each frame spans and Λγ respectively, have been constrained for each sce- 1400 fast Fourier transform (FFT) time intervals. The nario as a function of the field’s mass mφ, assuming for discrete Fourier transform (DFT) length is 217 and the each coupling parameter the other to be zero. The new sample rate 50 MHz, resulting in a FFT time interval of constraints obtained from our analysis, together with pre- 1.311 ms.
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