. , . " .. -'1,., , • " Thursday, March 5, 1970 . Page Two THE JEWISH POST T_h_urs_'_d_a_ y_, _M_an:h__ 5-,._197_0~ ____________-:--_..,..- ____T_H-:--E_;r.,.-E_W_I_S_B __ P_O-'-S_T ___________ --:c.,.,.- . .,.-,-:---:-- ___.,....., _____P...=.age Three . ',' March is ORT Month SHMUEL' YOSEF AGNON , . PW. Men's Rescue' Dinner C.J.C.. Plans" Begio,,"" 'll#eet . ' , ORT is unique; .These three letters stand for . Jerusalem Prize in 1958. He was made an Honorary Citizen meeting. " . I and Possibilities ,I 'Organization for Rehabilitation through Training Shmuel Yose! Agnon, the Nobel Prize-winning of Jerusalem in 1962. Agnon's writings were set To Hear Joachim Prinz' . The Edmonton Jewish Community' 2. Fund Raisirig Priorities in 1970 f - but the organization is unique, and the type of Hebrew novelist, was buried on the Mount of in Eastern Europe and in Israel. His novel, "Only ·Council is making arrangements for 3, Re11ltionshipsbetween Jew ish I rehabilitation and training provided is unique. The 'Olives overlooking Jerusalem, the city where he the 'Other Days" is an Israeli story. "The Bridal the' meeting under the le;'dership of ,., Community' Councils . and Na­ The Organization no longer requires an introduc- spent most of his life. Mr. Agnon died at the Canopy" is a tale of the East European "shtetl." its president. Sam Friedman. Q.C., . tional Organizations tion. In particular Women's Canadian ORT, with age of 82 of a heart attack. The funeral proces­ "A visitor for a Night" is a transition story. assisted by Congress ~fficers iri Ed- 4. Servicing the Smaller Communi- a membership of over' 5,000 across Canada,. can siori was attended by President Zalman Shazar, Agnon also published an anthology of prayers monton, Hy Baltzan, national honor~ ties boast of serving the cause of the underprivileged Premier Golda Meir, members of the Cabinet and, for the High Holidays, titled "Days of Awe." ary vice-president, and Mickey Dlin, The plans for the meeting are be­ and unskilled for a quarter century this year. 'ORT leading figures in Israeli arts ,and letters. Wind Chaim Potok, a prize-Winning novelist who regional' vice-chairman.' '.' .'. ,. iing dj'veloped by Uriel Rosensweig, ,Vocational schools exist where the need is greatest and 'rain prevented a graveside eulogy. But Presi­ writes on American-Jewish themes, told the Jew­ I .Representatives from all Jewish' executive director of the Edmonton ~ in underprivileged countries, in immigrant com-' dent Shazar eulogized the writer. earlier at the ish Telegraphic Agency that "A great man was cOlnmunities in Alberta and Sas-' Jewish Community Council, and by ,munities, in refugee centres all over the globe. Jerusalem City Hall where his bier lay in state. just lost to the \vorld, there is always a big katchewan. are expected to attend' Harry Shatz,' executive' director of' For this rason, the World 'ORT Centre is located Mayor Teddy KollekofJerusalem alsoSPQke gaping void when a man of stature passes away'." the meeting, which will consider·. a ' the Calgary Jewish Community in Switzerland ,and co-operates closely with numer- as did Prof. Ephraim Urbach, the' noted' Talmudi­ Mr. Potok author of "The Chosen" and "The n~ber of important issues iriclud- CoUncil, in co-operation with Abe ous agencies in the free world. Vocational training cal scholar; Dr. Israel Cohen of the Israel Writers Promise" is editor of the ,Jewish Publication the' following:. .. .... ··1 Arnold, western executive' director in this age of technology provides the equipment Association, and the. Sephardic Chief Rabbi, Society in Philadelphia and has l'eviewed several 1. J ewish Education -' Realities. of Congress. to earn a living and support a family - thu~ Itzhak Nissim. Funer~l arrangements were made of Agnon's works for national publications. He liberating man from charity_ by a special Cabinet committee which rescinded said of the Hebrew author, "He carved a unique • .World ORT has just entered its 90th year and an ordet: that prohibited burials oil. the' Mount path in the world of contemporary lit,;rature. When unique voices are stilled, all of us are the ToVinHall·WUI. ,Discuss I according to the report.of Mrs, Joseph Y. Stotland, .of 'Olives since its' capture· from Jordan in the national president of Women's Canadian ORT who Six-Day War.,The committee acted in compliance losers. As a writer myself I feel particularly just retur.ned from Geneva where. she attended with a request in Mr. Agnon's will that he' be saddened by this news." . 'The Jewish' Condition' . World ORT executive meetings, the operational buried on the Mount of 'Olives .. Memorial meet- Theodore Schocken, president of the Schocken · budget this. year will exceed $19 million. ORT. ings for Mr. Agnon were planned by' the Jewish Books which has published Agnon's works silice . training is first rate .. 'ORT graduates and instruc- Agency exec1,ltive, the Hebrew University, the 1931, told the JTA: "For me this is the passing tors' are in demand the world over -' as advisors Brit Ivrit 'Olamit and' other institutions. of a lifelong friend. Hemet my father before I to·the emerging African nations: in various Asian Agnon's works are taught in Hebrew schools was born 55 years ago and was a frequent visitor aid programs ; to trail). and rehabilitate Jewish all over the world and have been translated into to our hOITi;:) in Germany. He tried to teach me . to write Hebrew poetry. I was in Stockholm when · refugees who had to flee Poland and found a haven . 16 languages. He infus'ed his writing With the \ . in Scandinavian countries; to I'taff the ORT voca- wealth of Jewish scholarship he possessed and a he, got the «Nobel) Prize. It was a' wonderful tional schools in France where immigrants from remarkable knowledge of Jewish folk lore which occasion for him, his wife and children. He was North Africa get a new.lease on life; helping the stemmed from a 'traditional education in Eastern a modest man, a humble man. "The prize made destitute and unskilled find self-respect and' dignity Europe and his Hassidic background. Agnon's no change in him." ~. Schoeken said his com­ through ORTtraininginLatin,American coun- works are filled with words and images from the pany would publish a new collection of 21 Agnon tries ; providing new hope to the despairing tem- Bible, Talmud, Gaonic literature, medieval Hebrew short stories in May. nants of the Jewish people still eking out life of poet~~y, Hassidic tales and rabbinic responsa. He misery in ;North America. It is especially note- knew as well the classic Hebrew poets and the • worthy that the ORT VocationaL School network Hebrew writers of his own generation. Although Murder In the Air in Israel; which number.s some 'fifty schools with he. drew heavily on tradition, he was considered an enrolment of over 30,000, is the only one recog- a modern writer' and.an astute observer of the The recent attacks on civil aircraft and inno- .nized by the Ministryof Education. Apart from condition of modern man. cent passengers travelling on them are so brutal vocational high schools jn cities and towns, there Agnon used ,the initials S.Y. to sign his works. and cowardly that it is hard to 'find words to are also . 'ORTapprenticeship ,centres and factory His family name was Czaczkes~ He was born in describe the anger and horrOJ; felt in the civilized schools which serve the Ieadingindustrialconcerns, BucZ'aca, Austria-Hungary, in 1888 and" settled world. Israel's' leaders have at once called for re and ;'ORTcoui;ses are 'run ih co~operation with'ldb- in Palestine in 1909. Except for a sojourn in appropriate action to be taken;1:!ut thc:l has been . DAVID LEVIN, Q.C. biltzimand yeshivot. Women's. Canadian 'ORT Germany, during 1920-24 where he lectured on an unfortunate tendency on the part,of home gov- RABBI' DR. JOACIDM PRINZ' A meeting of the Western Region . plays an important role irithemainte:t?-ance orthis Hebrew literature, and a few brief visits abroad, ernments to shrink away from doing anything i . unique 'ORT vocational network and m partIcular. Agnon lived in Jerusalem. He was the reCipient positive in the matter. There is, in fact, plenty Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz will be UJA .campaign in his communitY,iE:<~c'uth,e and· the Regional Council supports the 'ORTVocationalHigh School in Jeru,-of the Bialik Prize for literature in 1934 and that can be done. the guest spe~ker at the Pioneer, He' was president of ~he American of. Jewish Congress _:will salem. .'. 1937, the Ussishkin Prize in 1950 and the Israel APPlropriate actio~ should be taken againsdt Women's 20th Annual Men's .Child 'Jewish Congress in 1965 .. He as- take place in Edmonton on Sunday, · .' In March, year-long efforts in fund raising and the air ines of countnel' which countenance an . Rt!scue Dinner, to be held at the sumed the chairmanship of the Am- March 15, it has been announced by · membership campaigns culminate in the obsery-. h h d d .encourage terrorism of .this kind and which har- Skyvlew Ballroom of the MarIbor- 'erican Jewish Congress Commissio;' Abe Steinberg, regional chairman. · arlCe of ''ORT Day .. Throllghout the North Ameri- ··Brot er 00 an bour the terrorists responsible for this despicable ough Hotel, March 25, at 6:30' p.m,. on Foreign Affairs, and later headed 'Monroe Abbey, Q.C., the national can, continent, Rabbis. include appeals. for 'ORT . sort of action. These are primarily Egypt, Syria, He will also address the .. Women's tbe Conference of Presidents of president of Congress; Sol' Kanee, I ::, ' support in their sermons; Mayors proclaim "ORT ·CO· •.'OPe .e.ra· .. · t.·OB:1 Jordan and Lebanon - even though the Amman Awards Luncheon to be held at, major Jewish organizations.
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