General Western Electric Company September 10, 1946 Radio Division Page 1 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Ccsnmercial Electron Tubes Spark gap modulator tube. Used in Navy radars which have now been superseded. Not stocked. 1B23 S Double-gap, gas filled tube for use in pulsed Raytheon systems employing a common antenna. Used in Navy radars (superseded) and IFF equipment. 1B29 S Spark gap modulator tube. Used in superseded N a v y r a d a r . IB42 U Spark gap modulator tube with a mercury sponge cathode. Used in high powered Navy radars. (S) Small value. (M) Medium value. (M.D.) Manufacture discontinued. (L) Large value. (») With modifications. Western Electric Conipany O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 2 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Commercial Electron Tubes Code Price BlfflfcSt Ra^efipyy Ppsppj-ptloq d; Matepjla; Ir W^ch Hspd C9mpetltj.oq IIGIB S Silicon crystal rec.tifier, used in radar receivers Sylvania IN21B and some test equipment. IN23A&B S Silicon crystal rectifier, used in radar receivers Sylvania IN23A(SB and some test equipment. IN25 S Silicon crystal rectifier, used in radar receivers Sylvania IN25 and some test equipment.. IN26 S Silicon crystal rectifier, used in radar receivers Sylvania IN26 and some test equipment. IN28 S Silicon crystal rectifier, used in radar receivers Sylvania IN28 and some test equipment. IN3I S Silicon crystal rectifier, used in radar receivers Sylvania IN31 and some test equipment. (S) Small Value. (M) Medium value. (M.D.) Manufacture discontinued, (L) Large value. (») With modifications. 1005 Va c u u m Tu b e s Western Electric Company O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 3 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Commercial Electron Tubes Code Price De?gy^ptj,on & Material Va^lcl^ Used Competltj.op Co^e 2A.21 S Ballast lamp for 2K45 and 2K50 oscillator tubes. See the general bulletin. 2C51/396A S Nine pin miniature double triode having separate indirectly heated cathodes. Amplifier, mixer, oscillator multivibrator and clamp circuits. Specially applicable at high frequencies. Designed f o r t h e B o s t o n - N e w Y o r k l i n k . 2J51 L Magnetron. Tunable, with self contained magnet, Raytheon 2J51 R a d a r a p p l i c a t i o n s . 2K22 M.p. Local oscillator for special communication gear. S & X b a n d s . 2K23 M.D, Klystron, Transmitting or local oscillator. Communication and other applications. S band. Never produced in quantities. Superseded by 2K54 and 2K55. 2K24' M Klystron. Local oscillator. (S) Small value. (M) Medium value. (M.D.) Bianufacture discontinued. (L) Large value. (♦) With modifications. Western Electric Company O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 4 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Commercial Electron Tubes Description & Material in Which Used Competition Local oscillator, U.K.P. X band. Supersedes Raytheon 7 2 3 A / B t u b e . 2K26 M.D. Local oscillator for special radar test gear. X band. Never produced in large quantities. 2K29 M Reflex local oscillator (Klystron). Radar Raytheon 2K29 receivers and test equipment. 2K45 L Thermal tuned reflex oscillator (Klystron). May be used with AFC in radar receivers. Same f r e q u e n c y c o v e r a g e i n X b a n d a s 2 K 2 5 . 2K48 L Velocity modulated oscillator, wide band. Search Raytheon 2K48 receivers and test equipment. X band. 2K49 M.D. Similar to 2K48. Originally intended to cover a p o r t i o n o f t h e s a m e b a n d . D i s c o n t i n u e d . (S) Small value. (M) Medium value. (M.D.) Manufacture discontinued. (L) Large value. («) With modifications. 1006 General Western Electric Company O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 5 of o6 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Coimnercial Electron Tubes Code Price SS^SL Description jfc Matgrji,aJ, In Uggfl g9wpe^j,tj,<?q Qs^s. 2K50 L Thermal tuned reflex oscillator (Klystron) AKJ Raytheon 2K50 i n r a d a r r e c e i v e r s . 2K54 M Transmitting Klystron for special communication gear, S band. Never produced in large quantities. 2K55 M,D, Transmitting Klystron for special communication g e a r . S b a n d . 2K56 M Velocity modulated local oscillator and transmitting tube designed for the 4000 MC Radio Relay System (Boston - N. Y. link). High vacuum diode used as rectifier in high Raytheon 3B24 voltage circuits. Rugged, Previously coded L e w i s E l e c , 3 B 2 4 W 732A and 3B24, Continental CE-230 4 A S B a l l a s t l a m p . (S) Small value. (M) Medium value, (M.D.) Manufacture discontinued, (L) Large value, (*) With modifications. Western Electric Company O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 6 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Commercial Electron Tubes Code Number Competition Ballast lamp - see the general bulletin. N o t o u r c o d e n u m b e r . T h i s i s a M i l i t a r y S e r v i c e designation for a diode gas rectifier which we had coded 327A (M.D.) Transmitting UHP oscillators - magnetrons. All replaced by tunable magnetron 5J26 covering the same band. Tunable magnetron, replaces 700A, B, C & D for Navy radar applications. Further use restricted because of higher frequency radars. 4J45 Magnetrons, superseded the 720AY, BY, and CY, 4J46 Different codes are in adjacent frequency bands. 4J47 4J51 Magnetron, tunable type, replaced the 728AY/GY. (S) Small value. (M) Medium value, (M.D.) Manufacture discontinued, (L) Large value. (») With modifications. 1007 Va c u u m Tu b e s Western Electric Company O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 7 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Boll & Commercial Electron Tubes Description & Material in Which Used Competition Ballast lamp - see the general bulletin. Special purpose tetrode. Used in hard tube Raytheon 71 pulsers in airborne radar. Demand reduced by 715C. 5J21 M.D. High powered magnetrons for Navy radar, to Different codes are in adjacent frequency bands. 5J25 6AJ5 S Sharp cut-off miniature pentode. Operation at Tungsol 6A.J5 plate and screen voltages in the order of 28 R. C. A. 9000 Series volts in low power applications at high and Raytheon ultra high frequencies. Airborne conmiunication Sylvania receivers. 6AK5 S Sharp cut-off miniature pentode. Operation at Tungsol 6AK5 plate and screen voltages from 120 to iSO R. C. A. 6AG5 volts in low power applications at high and Hytron 6AK5 ultra high frequencies. Used in radio re- Nat'l Union ^5 c e i v e r s - r a d a r I F a m p l i fi e r s - M o b i l e r a d i o . S y l v a n i a 6 A K 5 Superseded the 73IA. S) Small value. (M) Medium value. (M,D.) Btenufacture discontinued. (L) Large value. *) With modifications. Western Electric Company O c t o b e r 1 4 . 1 9 4 6 Radio Division Page 8 of 86 Page Department 9715 Bell & Commercial Electron Tubes Code Price N u m b e r C a t e g o r y B e a m p o w e r t e t r o d e d e s i g n e d a s a p o w e r o u t p u t tube for sweep circuit amplifiers for cathode ray oscilloscopes. Used in radar indicators. 6AS6 S Miniature pentode. The usual control grid and the suppressor grid can be used as independent control elements. Suitable for use in gated amplifiers, gain control amplifiers, delay circuits and mixers. Used in radar receivers, test equipment, and similar applications. 6 B S C u r r e n t r e g u l a t o r - b a l l a s t . 7C22 M.D. Transmitting twin triode UHF oscillator. Made in small quantities only. ^S) Small value. (M) Medium value. (M.D.) Manufacture discontinued. (L) Large value. (») With modifications. 1008 General Western Electric Company October 14. 1946 Radio Division Page 9 of 86 Pages Department 9715 Bell & Commercial Electron Tubes Price Category Description & Material in Which Used Low power filamentary triode used in carrier and voice frequency equipment, (Merchandise control.) 101-F S Low pov/er filamentary triode used in carrier and voice frequency equipment, (Merchandise control.) 101-FA S Similar to 101-F, except for modifications designed to obtain higher gain, (Merchandise control.) 101-H M.D. Three element filament type tube. Used in submarine cable terminal equipment. Similar in characteristics to 101-D tube. 101-L S Low power filamentary triode used in voice and carrier frequency equipment, (Merchandise control.) (S) Small value, (M) Medium value. (M,D,) Manufacture discontinued, (L) Large value, (*) With modifications. Western Electric Company October 14, 1946 Radio Division Page 10 of 86 pages Department 9715 Bell & Ccfflmiercial Electron Tubes Code Price Category Description & Material in Which Used Competition Co^ 101-i5 S Low power filamentary triode used in voice frequency equipment where quick heating of the filament is required, (Merchandise control.) 102-D S Filamentary voltage amplifier triode used in Sylvania 102-^ voice and carrier frequency equipment, (Merchandise control.) 102-F S Filamentary voltage amplifier triode used in voice and carrier frequency equipment, (Merchandise control.) 102-H M.D, Three element filament type tube.
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