HeartStone: Sacred Heart & St John Stone, Ainsdale Living the Love of Christ: everyone welcome, everyone matters, everyone involved. Sunday 13th June: Celebrating Christ’s Sacred Heart Church & Spirituality Virtual Church & Community Service & Community Sat 5.30 Mass in Church: Gerry Lovelady (B) Archdiocesan Week of Prayer Pat Pixton (A) **SH for Synod 2020 with First Holy Communion: Bobby 6.30 Holy Communion outside SH SUN 10.30 Mass in Church: Thomas Wilde (RIP) SJS 10.30am Mass Zoomed from Joe Byrne (A) People of Parish church (link within) 12.00 Baptism: Emily Jones SJS Fr Tony goes south to family Mon 9.30am Morning Prayer in Church daily SJS NO Mass today Tue NO Mass today Teresa Slingo Requiem ext Wed 11-12.00 Private Prayer in church 10.45 SJS Gardens Development 12.00 Mass in church: People of Parish SJS 11-12 Place2Be SJS Hall 7.30 Sharing Scripture (John) 4.30-6 Impact Youth ext Thu No Mass Today 7.30pm John Sullivan’s Talk #3: 1-3pm Ainsdale Foodbank St Maximus the Confessor zoom Fri NO Mass Today Synod Prayer Vigil Sat Synod Saturday, 10.30–4pm via zoom Fr Tony’s 70th birthday Sunday 20th June – 12th Sunday Ordinary Time - Synod Sunday Sat 5.30 Mass IN CHURCH: SJS Private Intention (MC) 6.30 Holy Communion outside SH SUN 10.30 Mass: People of Parish: SJS 10.30am Mass Zoomed Barbara Heaton (ILM) from church 11.15 Socialising on lawn at SJS 3.00 Synod Mass in Cathedral WE JOIN IN PRAYER TOGETHER Support for anyone struggling: Sean T, the unemployed (Find signposts for help at: heartstonerc.co.uk/“Wellbeing& Support”) All who are sick: Monica, Pat Kelly, JT, James. Please advise us of those needing prayers, or who have recovered For all who have died, Andrew Maher, John Skehens, 127,840 UK from Covid. Gina Steed leads a prayer chain: people praying with candles. Intercession intentions welcome via parish office Anne O’Callaghan continues her ministry of praying for HeartStone and our Vision. Parish Prayer - for Mission in our Time and Place God of the Universe, we give you thanks for all that we share, for the faith and community that sustains us. God of our lives, you are challenging us to follow you into the future, inviting us to new ventures, new challenges, new ways to care, new ways to touch the hearts of all. When we are fearful of the unknown, give us courage. When we worry that we are not up to the task, remind us that you would not call us if you did not believe in us. When we get tired or disappointed with the way things are going, remind us that you can bring change and hope out of the most difficult situations. Bless to us, O Lord the doors we open, the thresholds we cross, the roads that lie before us. Go with us as we go, sharing the journey! We are living the Next Chapter of Christianity on Planet Earth: Week #41 Glorifying God by our Lives. LIVING THE WORD AND THE LITURGY #1 Pentecostal Time continues this week, to celebrate The Sacred Heart. We are using the Feast Day’s liturgy for our Sunday in these unusual times. The love of God poured out for us is how we celebrate – the same as we do for the Spirit poured out upon us. The Devotion is famous from St Margaret Mary Alacoque and her visions around 1675, but before that, prayer to the sacrificing human Christ Jesus was already central to faith. Even back to the founding Fathers of the Church, the heart of Jesus as the source from which we share in the saving love of God was preached to the world. And this is the core of the devotion: the knowledge that the Father’s love created and sustains us, but in the humanity of Jesus, God’s Son, is that love shown to be shared in. “Behold this heart…..” says Jesus. It is a matter of having the eyes to see, that is, the heart to feel….as in My Fair Lady : “…don’t talk of love, SHOW ME!” The Heart Shown on the Outside of Jesus Body is the vision of what comes forth from within, from the heart, le couer, the core, centre. This showing is trying to extend to more and more people the realization that God’s love is real, for them, can be contacted, and this a picture of what it is like. The picture of the heart has flames – the warmth and passion of love; but also a crown of thorns and a pierced wound – love able to suffer and sacrifice for those he loves; and rays of golden light radiating out from the wounded, warm heart – the glory and light that survives death and is shared out to those who will accept. The ministry of St Margaret Mary and her followers is to work to let more KNOW this, SHARE IN this love. It is the sharing in that love that is the point of the showing of it….not even just the adoring of it! Thus, St Paul’s prayer in the Scriptures today is for us also: o that we be given the power through His Spirit for our hidden self to grow strong o bold enough to approach God in complete confidence, through our faith in him o so that Christ may live in our hearts through faith o so that we are planted in love and built on love….knowing the love of Christ o to be filled with the utter fullness of God. In 1899 Pope Leo XIII urged the world to be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Next Chapter of Christian Mission on Planet Earth could do worse – this Era of Covid Christians could surely benefit from showing such love in the devotion, and in our devotedness to our HeartStone Vision: Living the Love of Christ: everyone welcome, everyone matters, everyone involved. ➢ LITURGY THIS WEEK: we offer a change of venue for this weekend only: ➢ Saturday Evening Covid Eucharist in Sacred Heart Church at 5.30pm ➢ Sunday Morning covid Eucharist in St John Stone Church, at 10.30am and this mass is shared with all who wish via a zoom link from church. Join with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83681509911?pwd=UEh2YmNyTGZtSm1HcThkRjRkRGp2UT09 Meeting ID: 836 8150 9911 Passcode: 865215 ➢ HOLY COMMUNION: offered with a short prayer at 6.30pm on Saturdays outside Sacred Heart ➢ HOME COMMUNIONS can be requested, if you are able to come to your front door. ➢ VIRTUAL LITURGY: Click for links to Masses in England & Wales Prayer&Resources from the Archdiocese of Liverpool CAFOD resources and locally also at Birkdale Catholics. OUR COVID CONTEXT: This Monday 14th we await the news! Will Step#4 go ahead on 21st? Will it be partial? When the government makes the announcement, we consult the Archbishop for our North West decisions, and Fr Tony will decide what changes. But be aware: all is conditional still……. Our Green Transitioning Time is served – hopefully – by the new look G7 having a fresh start, with the Queen and the leaders visiting the Eden Project, and the Christians making a vital input from Truro Cathedral on the Thursday night. The Church and State are both focused now on the lead up to Cop26 in Glasgow in November. A fresh start NATO has got to be a good digital advance as well in a post Brexit world. The Global increase of educating girls is another welcome fresh start. HEARTSTONE’S VISION FOR THE FUTURE: Our Vision Statement and Priorities of Mission are now accepted and at work among us, and on Friday the new Parish Vision Team met with Fr Tony, looking ahead with collaboration in the 5 Facets of a Fully Funtioning Parish. Our parish Prayer is once more the one used since Pentecost 2016 and can be found on the website and above. The Parish Open Forum on Thursday 24th June at 7.30pm in St John Stone’s Parish Centre Hall will enable us to discuss and devote ourselves to what emerges by then from the Covid context, the Archdiocesan Synod next weekend, and developments from our Fresh Start this Pentecost: • suggestions for the agenda welcome in writing to the parish office from now on • receiving updates is listed: eco life, time for youth, neighbouring, liturgy, looking towards September • we are planning this to be a hybrid event, enabling physical presence and virtual joining by zoom The Archdiocesan Synod 2020 continues now with the Week of Prayer before the Synod Assembly next Saturday. Attached are the prayers we will be praying each day from the 13th until the 20th of June. Please do join us in prayer each day when you’re able to, or join us on our Synod Youtube or Facebook page at 12 noon where the prayers will be shared each day from different places around the Archdiocese. See also the attachment with this newsletter or find it here. You can also open the prayers here: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/synod2020voting.appspot.com/o/60b647c304077-Synod+- +Week+of+Prayer.pdf?alt=media Father of love and compassion, with trust in your great mercy we place our Synod into your hands. Be with each member of our Synod and guide them with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Give us all the wisdom and the courage to respond in new ways to the challenges we face and to the needs of our brothers and sisters, so that we may become ever more closely the Church you are calling us to be.
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