March 2, 2018 | Volume XV, Issue 22 one the right to a job because Federal Appeals Court: You they are attracted to someone of the same sex is a form of sex dis- crimination, plain and simple. “We will continue pushing this Can’t Be Fired for Being Gay issue until every LGBT person in this country benefits from the pro- On Monday, February 26th, in a 1964 Civil the case before the Second Circuit. tection that our federal law pro- ten-to-three decision, the full Sec- The Second Circuit ruling is the vides by its plain terms against ond Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Rights Act latest in a trend of rulings clarifying discrimination because of a per- that discrimination on the basis that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act son’s sex, including their sexual of sexual orientation violates the covers covers adverse treatment that takes orientation.” Civil Rights Act of 1964, the fed- sexual an employee’s gender into account, In the opinion filed today, eral law that prohibits employers including firing men, but not women, Chief Judge Katzmann writes: from discriminating against em- orientation for the same thing: being romantical- “Although sexual orientation ployees on the basis of sex, race, ly attracted to men. discrimination is ‘assuredly not color, national origin, and religion. “Today’s opinion is a huge victory in the the principal evil that Congress The ruling comes in the case of the late fight for equality and fairness for all LGBT was concerned with when it en- Victory in Federal court – Rachel Tiven, Lambda Legal Donald Zarda, a New York skydiving instruc- workers,” said Lambda Legal’s Greg Nevins. acted Title VII,’ ‘statutory pro- head, outside the 2nd Circuit Court with Lambda’s Omar tor who was fired from his job because he was “Another federal court of appeals has recog- hibitions often go beyond the Gonzalez-Pagan, Greg Nevins, Don’s partner William, the gay. Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court nized that federal law protects LGBT people principal evil to cover reasonably estate’s lawyer Gregory Antollino, and Lambda’s Sharon brief in support of Zarda’s estate and argued from discrimination because denying some- comparable evils.’ In the context McGowan. —continued on page 4 BY Bill ReDmonD-PalmeR was gay but growing up in a strict I’ve known Bob Ford a long time, and while Catholic family I didn’t come out Bob Ford – I’d say he’s one of the most recognized Keeping until after college. people in the Baltimore LGBTQ community, How did you get interested in ‘Apathy is the Dems accountable but also someone very politics? to LGBTers! few people know much I’ve been interested about. It can’t be easy An interview with in politics since I was a to shine when your Democratic Party youth and was inspired Our Enemy’ husband is Steve by John F. and Robert F. Kennedy. LGBTQ candidate elected to any citywide of- Charing, someone insider Bob Ford Growing up in the Canton neigh- fice. most everyone in the borhood of Baltimore, I was familiar In addition, I wrote an article analyzing the community knows! I with many of the local politicians. I mayoral race between William Donald Schae- invited Mr. Ford to share his own story. received a scholarship from a local state sena- fer and Judge Billy Murphy as it pertained to Bill Redmond-Palmer: Have you tor, and that spurred my interest. Also, my aunt the gay and lesbian community. A portion of been in the Baltimore area all your was an activist during the “Save Fells Point” it was quoted in an editorial in the September life? effort and was involved in the Barbara Mikulski 8th, 1983 edition of the Baltimore Evening Sun Bob Ford: I was born in Sioux City, campaign for city council. that was titled, “Courting the ‘gay vote.’” Iowa, but my family moved to Baltimore When Steve was editor of the Gay Paper, You’re just finishing a term on the Dem- when I was an infant, so I’ve essentially I wrote several political analyses of the 1983 ocratic Central Committee (DCC) in How- lived in the Baltimore area all my life. I citywide elections. At the time there was the ard County. What are you are proud of hav- attended St. Casimir’s Grade School Baltimore Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club, ing accomplished? and Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. I which had hosted a forum for 22 Democratic Howard County is a very diverse and polit- then graduated from the University of candidates vying for city council. In my opin- ically active community. I’m proud of the diver- Maryland Baltimore County receiving a ion an organization like this is still needed in sity and quality of the Democratic candidates BA in political science. I always knew I Baltimore since there’s never been an openly —continued on page 10 Co-Publishers Jim Becker • Jim Williams [email protected] Executive Editor Jim Becker [email protected] [email protected] Associate Editor & Director of Marketing & Production Mary Taylor [email protected] Arts and Entertainment Editor Frankie Kujawa [email protected] Leather Editor Rodney Burger [email protected] Contributing Writers for Baltimore OUTloud Ava Barron-Shasho • Janan Broadbent, Ph. D. Josh Buchbinder • Anthony Calo • Lee Carpenter Jeffrey Clagett • Wayne Curtis • Woody Derricks Chuck Duncan • John Redmond-Palmer • Dr. Eva Hersh Mark S. King • Brother Merrick Moses Frankie Kujawa • Sage Piper • David Placher Mark Segal • Gregg Shapiro • Bill Redmond-Palmer David Egan • Elyse Buchbinder • Dr. Loren Olson Alex “Bear” Conley • Brynn Deveraux Contributing Writers for OUT in the VALLEY Laura Anderson • Rev. Kelly Crenshaw Rev. Dr. Robert Apgar-Taylor • Brian George Hose Elizabeth Thompson Contributing Writers OUT in Asbury Park, NJ Rai Guerra-Nelson • Christy Girlington Graphics Ramon Montiel Web Editor Adam Romanic Computer Solutions for Less National Advertising Rep Rivendell Media 908-232-2021 Founders Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams Baltimore OUTloud PO Box 4887 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-802-1310 Baltimoreoutloud.com Additional Information Baltimore OUTloud is published every other Friday by Pride Media, Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Readers comments and unsolicited materials are welcomed and may be sent to: [email protected]. All materials appearing in this newspaper are the property of Pride Media, Ltd. and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in Baltimore OUTloud are solely those of the writers unless otherwise indicated and do not necessarily reflect the views of Pride Media, Ltd., and the staff. © 2018 – All rights reserved Chair of the Board of Trustees – Jim Becker President – Jim Williams Secretary and Treasurer – Mike Chase 2 t BalTimoRe oUTloUD MArCh 2, 2018 • BALTIMOREOUTLOUD.COM neWs // LOCAL today. The Rugby 101 for book includes stories of the transsexual Gay Men and transves- tite commu- Maybe you’ve seen them play, or at the nities in the ● Elder Law bars, on the apps and social media, or years follow- ● Estate Planning maybe you haven’t seen them before. Ei- ing World War ther way, the Baltimore Flamingos rugby II, trans rad- ● Family Law Team invites you to join the flock on Sun- icalism and ● Guardianship day, March 11th, from 1 to 3 pm, when they social change from 1966 with the publica- ● Mediation tion of The Transsexual Phenomenon, the era of identity politics from the mid-1970s ● Medicaid Planning & Qualification to 1990, and the shifts in attitudes in the ● Personal Injury 2000s. “This requisite addition to any queer book collection is essential to understand- ● Probate ing the past, present, and future of the ● Veteran's Benefits struggle for trans liberation,” says a blurb ● LGBTQIA Matters for the book. “This history includes infor- mative sidebars highlighting quotes from Call ERA Law Group Today major texts and speeches in transgender (410) 919-1790, or visit us at history and brief biographies of key play- ers, together with excerpts from transgen- 1997 Annapolis Exchange Pkwy, will host their rugby 101 event at 800 Ba- der memoirs and discussion of treatments Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401 yard Street, Baltimore. of transgenderism in popular culture.” For t The Baltimore Flamingos, the first in- more info, visit Bit.ly/2sUSeiP. Valerie E. Anias, Esq. ternational gay rugby team in Maryland, is looking for guys from all experience levels, [email protected] ranging from “I’ve never played a sport in my life,” to “I love sports, its about time I gave rugby a try,” to “Saturday’s a rugby Queer Brunch day!” Wear athletic clothes you don’t mind GET PREPPED ON PrEP: getting dirty and cleats or sneakers. Be at Towson U, sure to bring plenty of water to drink. The A TOWN HALL MEETING ON Flamingos will teach you the basics of the game, answer all your questions about the March 11th HIV PREVENTION & PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS team, and give a live rugby demonstration. Join us to learn about the latest exciting news on HIV Prevention & PrEP Afterwards they invite you to join them Join the Center for Student Diversity and for men who have sex with men and for transgender people. at their sponsor bar, the Baltimore Eagle the Office of Student Activities at Towson Tell us what you think and feel about HIV Prevention & PrEP. Night Club and Bar, to socialize, eat, and University for their Queer Brunch, on Sun- drink! day, March 11th at noon. Learn more at Baltimoreflamingos.org.t The event will be held in the Ches- DATE: March 28th apeake rooms of the University Union at Towson University (8000 York Road, Tow- TIME: 6:30 p.m.
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