I . Four Bundles from Heaven THE INGHAM ·CbUN Ninety.fia·at Yeo••- No. 3() s MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1951 3 Sections - 22 Puge11 State Reduces Ingham's Share .. Civil. Defense Crew Of TB Bond Aid ~ Will Start Typing Legielntora Trim Down Request fo1· $714,000 lo Promise of $300,000 Ingham's tuberculosis sana­ torium 'at Lansing will prob­ Blood Here Friday ably get only $300,000 from the special state hospital bond Auxiliary Is Lining Up Residents for issue. The board of control had asked for $314,000 to com­ plete the enlargement and re­ Blood Type Tests Friday and Saturday modeling of the' present hospi­ tal and another $400,000 for Civil defense blood-typing will start at the Legion Me­ a nurses )lome. · · morial building in Mason Friday. The crew will return to the Legion building SatLirday. A special Jcglslntlve committee hnd the tnsi( of dividing $3,000,­ On Monday blood-typing .will be done at Wyeth Incor­ IIJOO between counly tubct·culosls porated for Wyeth and county road. commission employees. hospltnls anti the Amcrlcnn Le- The unit will be back at the · gion hospital n t Ba ttl a Creel[, 'l'hc stale nld will come fi'Om a Legion Memorial building ~65,000,000 bond Issue FtpiJrovcd Monday, under the present by the votcr·s lnst November. Th~ schedule. Vacancy Causes pmpomtl covered $60,000,000 fot· The tests scheduler! Friday and construction and lmpl'Ovemcnt of Saturday nrc for the gcncml rub­ mental hospitrtls and ~5,000,000 Delay in Study Creston Twenty Grand No. 4 left the barns Inghnm rCounty News Photo lie, Only road commission and fot· constl'llctlon anti Improvement Coverts Sell of Harry and George Covert on Tuttle road of lubcreulosis m~nntorla. Wyeth employees arc schcclulcd for Out of tho TB money lhc Jegls­ at Leslie Monday for his old home town, the tests Monday. On Tuesday the Of Assessments lnlurc earmarked $2,000,000 for a Twenty Grand Comstock Park, and the fjlrm of Martin and tests will he for business men who Resig-nation of Lyle Howlett has new state snnatorium ln south­ John Buth. The six-year-old proved Holstein bull is the sire of Ingham Official r·csultcrl In a delayer! ol.al'i. for Ma­ western Michigan. County sana­ were unable to appeal' Ft·ldny and many of the Covert 65-head herd of registered Holsteins. The Saturday, and for others who were son's five-man tax valuation study tor·ia scrambled for the remaining committee. $3,000,000. The American Legion Coverts bought the bull when he was 18 months old from the Helps Overhaul unable to have their blood typed also cntet·ed the contest fat• its Buths. on the previous days. The hours Mayor C. I-I. 1-Tnll sairl he hopes on ali four days arc from 0:00 a. to have the vacancy filled within Battle Creek sanatorium. T.hc vet­ m. to 5:00 p. m. erans came out of the competition Included in the Leslie herd arc many daughters of Twenty Election Rules a wcclc. Howlett IHtrl been ap­ Grand, and as a result there arc few cows in the herd to pointed to rc[JJ'cscnt lhc city at with a promise of between .$150,- Mason men employed in Lansing lm·gc on the committee. He found 000 and $500,000, That was one which' the bull can be bred, George Covert explained. County Clerk C. Ross Hilliard is factories are being asl1cd to have himself unnble to rlcvolc sufficient reason why Ingham was given john Buth said .he will usc the bull at Comstock Park to serving on the slate committee their blood typed at the fuclurics. lime t.o the study of Hssesscd'vaiu- loss olhan lho .$714,000 requested. Cilat·gcd with overhauling the clec- Undm· civil defense rules, chil- ntions, Howlett informed the may. Ollter Counties Share start another generation sired by Twenty Grand. ' tion machinery. drcn and young people unricr 21 or. lnghnnt County News Photo I{ont, Strginaw, Marquette, Go- "We will be interested in a bull sired by Twenty Grand The committee was set up to wlll have their bloori typcrl only Councilman Allon .J. Stroud was - gcbic, Jacl1son, Calhoun and Gen­ No. 4 later," Covert said. Two sets of twin blessings were delivered at the Mason standardize rules and regulations when they Rl'C accompHnicrl by named to represent the city coun. esee were othm· counties which govel'ning the casting, counting their [IRI'Cnts or have the written cil on the committee. Howard General hospital last week. Mary Colleen, 6 lbs, 4 oz, and will get aiel from the state bond Twenty Grand is no ordinary bull, to say the least. His issue. ancestory goes back to Chief, a Canadian bull brought to ·this and tabulating of ballots. The com- consent of parents. Even wilh Scibc1·t. was chosen as the t·cpre­ Donald Eugene, G lbs, 9 o7., were born to Mr. and Mrs. Russell mittcc will also study proposals con.~ent of parents, youngsters un- scntaUvc of the manufnctul'ing In­ 'l'he recommendations of th2 country by Buth's Creston Farms ncar Grand Rapids. Chief for· dltrct·cnt forms of ballots. dct· live will not be typerl unless tercst;;, Norman Dart for the Edgar of Aurelius on July 15. Jane, 4 lbs, 8 oz, and ]ann, 4 leg isla live committee have been sired the first Twenty Grand and Hildegarde, a former holder Several bills calllng for ballot the nurse in chrtrgc so orders. Chamhcr of Commerce and Dean lbs, 8 ~ oz, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hill of Mason sent to the "little legislature," changes were introduced in I he leg- Members of the Legion Auxili- Taylor as city assessor. on ] uly 21. which is made up of heRds of leg­ of the state butterfat record. As a two-year-old Hildegarde islaturc at the last session. Some ary, led by President Gt·acc Ank- The Chamhc · of Commerce re· Neither set of twins will get all the attention at home. Islative llnttnce committees and tested 3.8, producing 752 pounds of butterfat. Chief is dead 1 other state officials. If those t·cc­ of them called for adoption of the ncy•. arc telephoning residents. to quested np[Jointmcnt of tJw com· The Hills have three other children, Mary, 7, Roger, 5, and now, but he left a basic breed line of Holsteins which is being so-called Massachusetts plan. Un- r·cmmd them of the bloocl-lypmg- mll.l.cc to . tucly a.sscsserl valuations. ornmcndations are appmvcd the used on Michigan farms. 1 Holly, 3. The Edgars have two others, Edward, 4, and Mar­ $3,000,000 will be turned over to dcr lhc plan no straight tickets can program, anri to urge them to have I Directors of 1he business orgnniza- garet Ann, 2Y:;. lhe state tuberculosis commission The Coverts milk 25 head now, but George Covert said bc voted. Party designations np- the tests made, lion Jahclcd Milson's assessment for distribution. he and his father will step up production to about 35 this faiL eachpear candidate'sonly in small name. type followil!g '.rn"'K"' IHsued J.nl<'r rolls as inequitable. · Ingham has already spent its The Buths feed m<!lre than a 100 head. They milk 40. $300,000 ancl more with it, Under the orig-inal [Jmgram, Councilmen at . their . special La Hilliardhave fl waslook inat Detroita visual Monday cduca- plans were made fOJ' issuance of mcetm!fo1 Monda.y ntg-ht d.Jscussed Last spring· the board of control Premium Lists Are Ready for t. f 1 1 . plastic identification tags at the asscsscr valuatwns and what they of the sanatorium took bids on a Wayne'1on ptogtam county or hasc cct developed on wmltcrs. a tl me th e t cs t s were. ma d c. Tl1a. 1 ·IS expcctcrl from lhc study.. commit- four-story addition and remodel­ .· · . not now possible, announced Leslie tee. Unrim· the council [llan the ing of the hospital. Bids so far County Fair Visitors May See setJes of pictures fot usc at tn- p M . f study eornmittcc will Sltbnllt rec 1 11 1 exceeded estimates that the P.on­ s.truction meetings held for elec-1 a ndlcr, Tahson. ci•Jv tlf~ c ctnsc ct~n;: ommcn;lations to the eoundl. - Exhih.itor$ at County Fair lton workers man cr. c lC en tca ton .tgs tract was .issued.,..far a twocslor·y . · . will be mailed out from Lansing At the meeting Monday night PJ·!ntcrs delivered 2,000 premi-' have n!J·eady. received the boolts, addition mstead of the fom, When What Happeiis.·in· Bomb 'Attack • At meetmgs of the lnstl~utc of later·. the councilmen also wenl into the tmt l1sts to the Ingham county ex- I she said; Judges, superintendents the pmmise of state aid appe<tretl local government held at Mtchlgan A Lansing testing tenm will do matter of city purchasing. The on the hm·izon, the board of con­ the extension office by August anrl assistant superintendents who Visitors at the county fair will clone· to rlcfcnd the area against Stat~ college. l~st week several the bloorl-typlng in Mason, Palmer new city chaJ·lcr sets up a pur­ PHI:e boolrs give complete infnJ'llJ>t- worked rlut•ing the fait• last ycat· trol of the sanator•ium revised the have the opportunity to sec what possible enemy attack. · . nuthorl,ltcs. declat:ed.
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