THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY^ 12,; 1878. .7-03. - Staffordshire. Stanley, Stanshope, Swinscoe, Throwley, Tittes- T the 'General Quarter Sessions of the Peace worth, Upper Hulme, Warslow, Waterfall, A of our Lady the Queen, holden at Stafford, Wetton, Woodcockhurst, and all other parishes, In and for the said county of Stafford, .upon townships, and places within the Leek Petty Monday in the first week after the twenty-eighth Sessional ^Division. And whereas the said Clerk flay of December, to wit, the, thirty-first day of of the Peace did duly comply with the said requi- December, in the forty-first year of the reign -of sition in every particular. • our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of Now, at the General Quarter Sessions of the Ood of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Peace of our Lady the Queen, holden in Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, and in the and .for the county of Stafford, at Stafford, on .-year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Monday, the 81st day of December, in the -seventy-seven, before Thomas Fletcher Twemlow, year of our Lord 1877, the Justices of the; Esquire, Chairman, the Right Honourable Arthur, Peace for the said county now here assembled" "Baron Wrotlesley, the Bight Honourable Thomas upon a °due consideration of the premises, and upon . <£eorge, Earl of Lichfield, the Right Honourable being satisfied that the said requisition has been Edward Richard, Baron Hatherton, the Honpur- duly complied with, and that all proper notices able and Reverend Arthur Chetwynd Talbot, have been given in the manner and to the persons Richard Dyott, William Thomas Locker, Robert as required .by the first-mentioned Act, or other- "William Hanbury, Esquires, and others their wise, dp entertain the said proposal, and under •fellows, Justices of our said Lady the Queen, and by virtue of the first-mentioned Act, and; of assigned to keep the peace in the county aforesaid, all other Acts enabling them in this behalf, do «.nd also hear and determine divers felonies, hereby provisionally order that the several parishes, trespasses, and other misdemeanours committed in townships, tithings, hamlets, and places herein- tthe same county. before mentioned shall constitute and become a highway district to be called " The Leek Highway Henry John Wentworth Hodgetts Foley, Esquire, District." Sheriff. And it is further provisionally brdered .that Leek Highway District. where a parish or township separately.maintaining PROVISIONAL ORDER. its own poor (hereinafter called a poor law parish; WHEREAS, Hyde Smith, Joshua Brough, John is divided into townships, tithings, hamlets, or Robinson, John Brough, Hugh Sleigh, Augustus places, each of which separately maintains its own Henry -Asgill Colvile, Dryden Henry Sneyd, highways, such townships, tithings, hamlets, and Samuel Franceys Gosling, Robert Heath, Robert places shall be combined with the poor law parish Heath the younger,'Philip Lancaster Brocklehurst, of which the same originally formed a part, and and Edward John Ridgway, Esquires, being that no separate waywardens be elected for such twelve -of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace townships, tithings, hamlets, and places so acting in and for the county of Stafford, all of absorbed, and that each of the several poor law \vhom are resident in the highway district herein- parishes following, namely, Alstonefield, Biddulph, after mentioned or act in the Petty Sessional Bloore with Swinscoe, Bradnop, Butterton, Division of Leek, in the said county, in which Caltou in Blore, Calton in Waterfall, Calton in such district or some part thereof is situate, did, Mayfield, Cheddleton with Basford, Endon, <on the 5th day of December, in the year of our Longsdon and Stanley, Fawfieldhead, Grindon,• Lord 1877, by writing tinker their hands, require Heathylee, Heaton, Hollinsclougli, Horton, Ham, the Clerk of the Peace for the said county to add Ipstones, Leek and Lowe (except so much thereof to or send with the notice required by Law to be as is within the limits of the "Leek Improvement /given of the holding of the then next General Act, 1855"), Leckfrith (except so much thereof Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the said as is within the limits of the *' Leek Improvement •county, a notice in the form marked"A" in the Act, 1855"% Longnor, Musden or Musden schedule to a certain Act made and passed in the Grange, Onecote, Quarnford, Rudyard, Rushton session of Parliament hoMen in the 25th and 26th James, Rushton Spencer, Sheen, Tittesworth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, (except so much thereof as is within the limits of- intituled " An Act for the. better management of the " Leek Improvement Act, 1855 "), Warslow, highways in England," or as near thereto as cir- and Elkstones, Waterfall, Wetton, and Wood- cumstances would admit, that at such Court of houses shall (after this Order is made final) become General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be a highway parish and be subject to the same, iholden in and for the said county of Stafford, a liabilities in respect of all the highways within it' proposal would be made to the Justices of the which were before maintained by such townships, Peace for the said county then and there assembled tithings, hamlets, and places so absorbed separately, to constitute the parishes, townships, tithings, as if all their several liabilities had attached to the hamlets, and places next hereinafter mentioned, whole poor law parish, and that a way warden or iandnow separately maintaining their own highways waywardens shall be elected for such poor law- Tespectively, a highway district to be called the parish as a whole. "Leek Highway District," that was to say, Alstone- And it is further provisionally ordered that the iield, Basford, Beresford, Biddulph, Blackwood, number of waywardens to be elected by the parish of Bradnop, Butterton, Calton, Cheddleton, Cloud- Biddulph shall be two, and by each other highway- ~wood, Crowborough, Ecton Quarter Wetton, Elk- parish, as afterwards defined, one. stone Upper Quarter, Elkstonc Lower Quarter, And it is further provisionally ordered that Endon, Fawfieldhead Upper Quarter, Fawfieldhead except where otherwise provided .the way warden Lower Quarter, Foxt, Gratton, Green Lane Leek- or waywardens .shall be annually elected for each frith, Grindon, Hazlewood, Heathylee, Heaton, poor law parish hereinbefore mentioned (and Hollinsclough, Horton, Horton Hay, Ham, herein referred to as and called highway pariah) Ipstones, Leek, Longnor, Longsdon, Lowe. Meer- by the inhabitants liable to contribute to the brqok, Morridge, Musden or Musden Grange, One- maintenance of the highways within such parish at •cote, Quarnford, Rownall, Rudyard, Rushton a vestry meeting, duly convened and held for tho •James, Rushton Harsh, Rushton Middle, Sheen purpose, on the 25th day of March, or within 14 Lower Quarter, Sheen Town Quarter, Sheen days next afterwards in every year. "Water Quarter, Sheen Upper Quarter, Shury, Aad it is further provisionally ordered, that tltQ C 2.
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