I L QTirn Reaper offers 0-G “Pennies From Eeamn” add cass city tnall dem students a serious lesson up to $2,500 for playground deliver for needy fkmiliem Page 4 Page 9 Page 3 fl CAFI-17IKTWrn’ RThJFKy “‘TY CHRONICLE Trip showcases future of sovbean motor oil By Jolene Schultz Int c r S TATE 2000 Per fo r- able,” Tomac said. “Just be- is the way it’s being used,” Staff Writer munce Challenge comes in. cause they’re made from ag- he said. “With the commu- Sic vt‘ To III itu , c om m u n i ca- riculture doesn’t mean they nity profit sharing model, it An idea that began months tion consultant with the don’t work.,’ lets the county get a little ago is quickly spreading United Soybean Board, said Tomac said that with in- profit back and it attracts jobs across the United States, and thc challenge will assist in creasing technology, effi- and people to the area,” Thumb area farmers are educating individuals on the ciency standards can be met. Jim LeCuteux, MSU playing a key role. c I fcc t I vc ness and e ffi c le n cy Ex- “And there’s no hazardous tension agricultural agent, On May 3,2 identical Ford of AMG 2000, a soybean/ waste .” said the purpose of the F-IS0 XLT pickup trucks, uunola-based crankcase oil According to Tomac, this InterSTATE 2000 Perfor- one using commercial oil used 21% a lubricant for ve- vegetable-based motor oil mance Challenge is to draw and the other using a biode- hicles. has been under development gradable crankcasc oil, left attention to the biodegrad- “We’re trying to get the for over 5 years. He said the able crankcase oil and to from Los Angcles, making rwssagr out to everyone that benefits to Michigan com- stops in states across the demonstrate its effectiveness produuth such as this, made munities will be substantial. by using a great variety of country in what is being troin a.criculturc but with in- “The most important thing called thc JnterSTATE 2000 Pcrfonnancc Challenge. The trip is scheduled to end May I I THE Twin Ford F-150 2 I with the trucks’ arrival in XLT pickup trucks taking Was hi ng ton, D .C. How now, brown cow? part in the InterSTATE The trucks stopped at 3 l‘humh locations Saturday 2000 cross-country drive, for brief programs; at the testing a vegetable-based Tu sc o I a County Courth o u sc engine oil, made 3 stops in in Caro. the county building the Thumb over the in Sanilac County, and just weekend, including the north of LJbly at the Thumb Tuscola County Court- Oilsecd Producers’ Coopcra- tive facility. house in Car0 (above). At The cooperative was left, county EDC Director formed about ;1 year ago by Jim McLoskey (center) 1x5 Saginaw Valley and presents a $15,000 check Thumb Area soybean pro- to help fund marketing1 ducers. Since last June, the Cooperative hired a general production efforts to manager, designed a process- TOPC Chairman John ing facility and signed an Knoerr (right) and Hu- agrecnient with an cstab- ron County Ag Agent Jim lished teed company to mar- LeCureux. Identical con- kct thc high-energy soybean mwl. They also entered into tributions were presented an agreement to license tcch- by officials in Huron and nology to ilianufacture in- Sanilac counties. dustrial oil products. Which is where the Campaign targets child safety DAIRY DELIGHT -Tim Bosley, an Owen-Gage second grade stu- Cops: buckle up orpay up dent, clearly enjoyed his visit to the Octagon Barn during tours con- ducted by the Friends of the Thumb Octagon Barn last week. See The Tuscola County law Amcrican children of all up. Wc should be using cv- A n ii ) u n cc iii c n t s a tic! eve ii t s tion will be taken. enforcement community has races,” Lau t ner said. cry mcms possible to protect planncd to help caring indi- story, related photo, page 8. (Photo by Rachel Hoard) a mcssagc for parents who “It has been the law in our childrcn.” viduals becoine aware of the “Our officcrs will also be don’t ensure their children Michigan forat least IS years Beginning this week, need to safeguard children,” stepping up entorcement of are in compliance with Lautner said. adult seat belt laws because Michigan scat belt laws: Among the planned activi- it’s a proven fact that most buckle up or pay up. ‘ I-lirscol~~C’oi~ity police ties is an event slated for May adults who don’t buckle up “Tuscola County police thernselvcs. don’t buckle up Forum will take teen 26 from 2 to 6 p.m. in the agencies all agree it’s time ~i,goiu~io,srrll ugree it’s time for parking lot at Wal-Mart in kids,” Lautner said. “Recent for m-o tolerance for drivers Caro. studies have found that a with unbuckled children,’’ Zero tolerrrrice ,for drivers with buckled up driver is 3 times to into real-life more likely buckle up a ‘ER’ said First Lt. Doug Lautner, “Police officers from comniander of the Michigan iiit birckled children.” Tuscola County agencies child. State post will be on hand to answer Police in Caro. “Nothing can be more dev- By .Jolenc Schultz Mills’ father, Scott. now therapy, although the upcom- Lautncr along with Tuscola that childrcn must be buck- county police agencies arc questions about buckling up astating to a police officer Staff Writer runs ii support group for par- ing forum may change her led up. But becausc adults .j o i i n g w i t ti thousands of children and to assist people County Sheriff Tom Kern n than breaking the news to enis who have lost children. mind. “I’m thinking about other 1 a w c fo rcc mc n t age n - with proper installation of and local police chiefs gath- are breaking thc law, children n parents that their child has For 2 weeks in July, ‘Iht. fotuni in Texas isn’t the hecoming a doctor,” she ex- cius in all SO statcs for Op- child safety seats in their ve- ered at the Tuscola Technol- are being cripplcd and killed been killed or critically in- Lindsey Mills will he thc only medical experience plained. “I’ll be more defi- in car crashes evcry day. t‘ rat i on A B C M o bi 1 i zat i on . hicles,” Lautner explained. ogy Centcr in Caro last jured. In the past we have sh:idow of a cloclor. Mills can add to her list of nite after I go.” “It is a fact that 6 out of IO ‘I’hc effort includcs II rnedia Beginning Monday, May Wednesday to kick ofl‘a mo- found that strict enforcement In a hospital niorc than a credentials. While a f‘resh- Last July, Mills attended an bilimtion of forces to save children who dic in traffic canpiign to educate the pub- 24, he continued, the strict of traffic laws gcts out thc thousand miles away. this 17- ilim in high school, her ti- athletic training camp at children’s lives through Op- ci-asticsare not buckled up at lic about thc need to bucklc wave of the program will message of traffic safety. We year-old will watch open tlit‘r invitcd a doctor to his CMU in Mount Pleasant. eration ABC (America Buck- all,” Lautner addcd. “Of up children. begin. ”Drivers who do not must declare zero tolerance ,.* * heart surgery, cxperience the Iiome so Mills could have the She also works as a student les Up Children). those, it is estimated that onc- I he goal is to rcrtch as obcy the Michigan child pas- on this violation to save chil- 24-houi. work shift, and learn unique opportunity to learn athletic trainer for Cass City ”Trat‘t‘ic crashcs are the half would be alive today if riiany pcoplc as possible with scnger safety law will be dren and spare faniilies a life- what it takcs to help others. uhoiit the iiiedical field. High School, where she leading causc of’ death tor It niay seem like an episode “I asked him questions helps the sports teams. 1‘i.om thc television drama iihout school requirements “I enjoy working with ER. hut for Mills, it’s real - and atwul physical therapy,” people and making them feel Motorist and it’s alniost hcte. slic \aid better,” Mills said. Pointing Mills, ;I .junior at C’ass City A year later she had the to her heel, Mills added, “I High School,wits nominatcd chance to shadow a physical had injuries myself so I see injured by hcr World Stiidics teacher, therapist, She is now consid- what they can do.” Mills Swn Zawilinski. to attend ering a career in physical Please turn to hack page. in crash thc National Youth Leader- ship I-oi*urii. ‘I’lic. t’oi+uinon incdicinc, ;I A Huron County woman non- protit, educai ionnl nrga- Elkland board okays was injured in a one-vehicle nizntion, sclects high schc~ol roll-over accident about 4 juniors ;ind seniors after hike in plot charges miles northeast of Cass City nomination by ;I tcaclicr. last Wednesday morning. Fartiuipants niust also haw ;I According to Sanilac gradc point averagc of’“B+”. The Elkland Township tisement outlining cemetery County Shcri ff’s deputies, “1’111 looking i’orward to Board last week approved rules and regulations.
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