Omaha Monitor February 10 1917

Omaha Monitor February 10 1917

.~ . .... .: .~' .': ' : .; :.,." .'.. ---HE····,\ONITO- ':-. .' -. ..''~..."l>"'~; ......, :..1'><:'::'::' . .~;. A Natio,rial Weekly Ne," /()...~~ cr Devoted to'the Interests of the Colored ~.~ .• e· :". • ••• ' 10- :., , ... A~f ~~¥ :' .•... '.' .. .' , J ,of Nebraska and the West .'. ::.,." ... '.~ . ~,l~;~V~ ~.': . JOHN· ALBERT WiLLlAMS, Editor 7 .......-.;.,~-~~...,..-.:.:,;.,.,;,.......;.....,.,... ........._--'-~--" '.. P .' . '.. :$~'~50 ~Ye'ar·.· 5C~C9PY. "( '",maha,Neb'raska, Feb. 10, 1917 . Vol. II. No. 33 (Whole No.. 85) .' '. '. ,.I '. ····:'!fblldaOlentalCivit .' . HEY, YOU ' f.ELFOWS;CUT, JT .qUT! . The JuStice of ······~,~:~Riglltsto:Be'G~arded· God hI History ;.~' ~ '" '.' " .' ...-, : '--.' . , ". .. '. ,'. .... '')lhe ·Shifting·6fpopqlati9i,. From •. 1 By the Very Rev, William R. Inge, ",' NOl:tJi' toSouthJ>re~ellts New D.D. .' :. 'p'~obl~iU&~ DE-an of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, . England. .~. "Behold the Lord stood upon a wall ."R()f"'Nasll;JSt~Jl1arh~s' Important riwde by a plumb-line with a plumb­ , ' . '... Task to b~As~timed.. by the Na­ line in his hand, "ti~nal: , :.'1"': '.. : . Association.' "And the Lord said unto me: 'Amos, . ". :'.' .:The'ileW,~yearp~e;;entsthe oppor- . ~;::.~ seest thou?' and 1 said, 'A plumb 'tt'init'y o{ageneration for ad"anc~ Ingthestatus9t colored people. Here-:' . "Then said the Lord: 'Behold, I wil1 '. ' . toforethe' dnlyplacewherethe Negl'o . set a plumb-line in the midst of My .' .;.. ,' .... was sure ofidiving,wasfn the South, people, Israel; I will not again pas' . '. b'" them am.' rnoTe..''' .·.whichn9t only pays .twelve or fifteen J . ,doUars~ ;for ,a mont~ in the" cott,on Amos, a keeper of sheep and ~ ·;pr.tCht 1>utthrows in·IYnchings, in-" dresser of vineyards, in the country sultsand disfranchi~eineJit. for.good about Tekoa, was the first of the li~- . ·nie:a~,ui·e.N~w,'how~~er, .a~aresult erary prophets and one of the prd- of,thest9Ppage of immIgration, over foundest moral revealersof any agJ. '...' . "hialf .~ '•. milliQnlaborers. have already He was not afraid of the face of li;'::~.. ;cofueNo:rth, finding ···employment . clay. He dared to say before anr I ". '.' .chieflyjn the steeLniills .and on the . , 0 d!!!!!!b' man, or any group of. men, what h:E! ~. p <'. .. .. ' ·.·railrQad gil1lgs. In·We:spring 6£1917 -:,,,,;, . actually thought. He understood th1e l·,/;I; \ ···wIlI:.conteagr~atIy·acceleratedex--,'- <,,::~'. movements going on around him as ..,.. "., odus.' ." ......•... " .' ," ,.' . '~ /:". '61e~rly as he understood the hbaits of i'.' : To ,see that this migration is not too 'ofJY'J__. his sheep. " .. <muchhin1p'er~db'y' .the pon~earid .... '. "He reM each wound, each weakn.e",s ", ,t" ':'.,,' .' ". t.·own.··.· ·.·:co·\1n.cBs. of ·so.uthern.. Cities', t.o· ...... t' ..' .. drive hometh(t gro\vlng convictioil in '~:!p . ~', . He st:'~' his finger on the: pla<:ej . the·.S!,u~h·'3~ has come And said: Thou' ailest . here; , and . when theyrriust'tnak~ ita,place where ~ \?~A.'Pj./ol- here." ·N.Tc.gro,···laborwahtsto. stay' and work.', ~Chapln. In·.. S't. L.aUII nO.pU'" . bl'.·ICo··'.' ...... .' .' .'> , '.. an<i.tC}be~igilent.lestthepiejudices,·· .,Butthe great thing, ift~~ aJi';,wlutlh .,', .. :, whichW:illinevitably':fol1owtheNegro he plurnb-Iiri,e .fig-· ·.·.... '.~.. ;mh1e;,Sn.':..:~.·1·': ..1:gthObts.··'.h.. :;iwf!1hi':cbh(t..·.hhee.•. ,fn:uon.w~.· Slaves Once Sold In Nebraska USe is the fact of ap.unes~apabi~)F+- \Ul. - N.·eWin.·anGrove Repo·l'! . el..t"XaOtrl.Oa.'nblem.'Pt·e,hiveausimv.;ev··.·•..elar·'swe···.o.·.f "~.·o,rf.,·~··.grl'~a,lir.· ~.:'.' " North~thisis ;L~~";.", "j;:. ······eiijoys·inihe thegteat . , ., nv ..t,ask .belore the Nati~iial· A&sociation .'. 'rhatsllwery wasactu311y prac;itedhy .1~vJTing:o~r.the f~l1o~ngdescribed caprice'abo?t· •. ' moi~I . r~tiJts...: Y9u' ..•• ····£0.1'·.·· th~Advanceinent ···of·. Colored' Inth~.·~tai;e bf:Neb~aska in its· early prop~rty, to It: .One .' ·Negro '. man' .cunnothoodwink theforceswhiili inl- '.. ,,'people:iri19i7< '. .., (raYI> will probably. be'news.toinost hamed, Here es;one Negro' wOInan, :filevent~.. 1 . ..... ·····Th~N~wO'p·'portumty··· Nebraskans; but isn~v€rtheles.s·ari.··amed 1\1arth '. Sla..v.~s~·and.·.Qe. long,".mg'· l;:By·. n'; ··'t,n,';ckery':,'; wrote 0.. e l , :.!'.... ". "".' '.:'.,,' ..•p'."·eT'r·"'·l·.hiI'.s·.~ 5·.···.'.·p{egr'.·,tsh.i·S~t· ,.n.,..·•.. ~.ww·.·.'iQ:tPh~,.'P.,.·,"tOht'tti.e.' ·.·.'..ns'lo·.·.iu.Y,•. ·t··~h.··.'.t,·.,.. hl'n:e.·•.•..:.tOhlde.·.fact; ~ IL Hll derson;a. 'l~cal ·attorn~y; to· chal'lesF.iIolly:.·;said levy being 'of o~r·.soupd pr~sent:.:a.aY t,eac1:le~, ~ ." . ,~n:the~CollI'Seof: his: studies a cOuPle.made,on. the 17th dayo! '~Qye!Jlberi~'icanprtl~gacy':oF)o\~'-'ITVlng'con1r,' :'.i'; .··:aaddle:,at Washlngtol'1,':' th£ipres~nt'o!;~ear$ ago, found \vha,the th~itght ~1,860"Icaus d a notice p,blished · possessi"n oithe.beatitUdes.": ~'J .indications'. that slav'eshad been .intheNebraa~ ~ityN~Ws.,aCcordiilg Therefha~~~·t1ie·cplun)l};.lin~~.drOppea' .' ·r to >law J.s~e1Execution)thatrwould as from'fue.)iarid :ofGod~;and' by it . •i . ~off.el'.theahov¢de$cfib~p~operltforever.vd~:utte~ted.: Th~r~ is no fa­ sareatPu~liclAuc~ionjii·fr~ht.()ft~e voritism,no w~~e~I~~g,n(r'capricioul­ f .~ Court House t~ Nebraska CIty m' SaId e:xcepti{)n~;If the)n~~'i~, tinplumb, if '.'1 C rt<ll c.' f """f-'b .'. "," "nth' ,subJectmlght.,be forthcommg, such. as 'smd"dayand at th~tImeandplace, laps~notkingbut'a .. b 'ldin f't' . v:l~di~; 4;':jliri:,~~nt~a~~!~fff~e~~t ;~~~,,~t~~~~~~ori~al~~oci~~r,etc.,b~t· ,'~pe~~i¢d i~':'said, ~o~i~e~ .:{ii!~t,.;'~fJ .. i~'~ci~o~tY~~th:'t,~;rin~r;f l~:s ~f" -' :o::en~::~s~~ ~:eH~:;:~,~" d~~·e~··.~:~~~~i~~;~i~:~d.~~~~e~~l11:~eg~ ....• ~:~:d:l;:.rJ~~s r~i;~h~¥if:r#;;~;::~, ·ff~~~\~#'G~:~·;'·%::·i~·:'\:.'·:W'll Y'(~'f;"" ..:'·.1"':;" he status which this' 'association ~ill u::' tt edin~~st~ga.·.,~~().'.·•.~fs..•.·.':t'h;~.n.. ~.:.k>.'.!din. at}.~l~N'.:·.'.····:·~.~·.~:'H.. :el'drCllt'.··hl.e.s.. :E.ln.... ~ ~f:.~?~l'l":i:~?gB··.~thB.!l·.}an. di1yi;:~m::a~ot~::u~:'~~sl ,,::::g · f' hAd rac,acase,'o" ,IS' In ',: 0·" .eu- ·'SO ..' e:(,same. W·:'H.l . lam . ,-,.pal:.·for .' " .. '. ::r' d btedl h :i···~··<:."l·' ~.'. ou y ave to Ig t.. n upon k .'O·"l~.,>~~~e..' ...;·t'···.. '..··.: .'.rfi-L. .~t:..'.·'.·.·.·k·.".. ;··'.·'.··f·:'··t....h··"'·d·':.1!l1'1~.·.t'·.. '..··:,·t'···' th···.".' ... ,,;•.··· .. ·· ',.... Th're~ H d'··'.·"d··\..··n··'i1i·:f(an'd·a :kind' heaven may not count it- th t . f th'e L ui vill', B _ ras a C >0, e '.' e;. :sutll 9J: un re,'·o'i{lrs, . ,. ' ree a~:nc:s: :'hich wil~ b: re:~:d court oftliat <:ity after'g()ing~()'Ver'tli~ 'l\'ij"Deing,tne highest bidder andr~hat but It IS bemg. counted.none the less. 8', recoms .'first·claimed he. could find' being the highest 8um bid for ;the Down among his nerve-cells and fibre. before .the full bench of. the Supreme ..'. ; , , the molecule' .:- "t . '. no mdlcatlons of anything' of the kind, sald. properly the same was sold to. s are ~OU!1,,:-"g 1, reg- Court by our natIonal preSIdent, Moor- but later wrote: him. WILLIAM P. BIRCHFIELO. Istenng. It and stonng It up to be field Storey, depends the status of the "S' I t 'tI t II 'Sh ":'1-1, used against him when the next temp- entire colored population in a dozen' . me,e my rep 'r o' your recen. e.- .... eClU. tat' " .\ .. ter, I fmd the return of the Ilheriff 10 "The .case IS entItled: fWilliam B. Ion comes. :)\- great CItIes. It we lose, the Negroes 'h 'Sl S IUd E' .,. H' Cha I.,. At" '" d . Bait' St Louis Louisville all t o. ave a e . n er xecutIon: all VB. res F. Holly, ,and this pparen success an a seemmg ~~ hlmtohre,S ·tl. 'd" 'thi 'f II 'S4eriff's Return~This writ came return is found in Execution Docket "efficiency" that brings coveted "re-' "'J'lOug e ou... an Wl n a ew h d N 6 8 0 d •, 1.""· .N Y rk mu'st 4A_ to an OV. 1 '. 1 6 ,an was served A, page 149. su ~ are poor substitutes for a. yeanJ probably m f1W o,.....~ . htl fashi ned' • cept the' status of the J~8 in the' W1n~th Y.:_, 0 •life. 'The world darkest ghettoes of Russia. COLORED SOLDIER WINS decorated with' the Iron Cross for I WI aaaaer Judgments may a~ .. IRON CROSS bravely under '-!lre. Welchin· led a prove the men who seem to hit the A Mor~ United Front. -_ charge against the enemy and, altho desired goal.." conchJdea Prof-.or Th~ last IOn ot William Lloyd Gar- ,·The Golden West; a Hungarian m,ag- wounded; plJshed on until his aim·was Rufaa JOIle8, "but the ~ph ia riIo., died last week; the present.gen- 1\7:ine, mak~ a .note of the f~t that accomplished. He is a West Indian dearly if it has WOJl by erati~n Imowa not the name of his Leon Welchin, a Colored soldier fight- 'who has lived in Austria for many the aacriftce of the of the '(Contlnuel on Pace 8) ing in the AWltrian annY.:· baa bee~ y rs. soul iUeJf.- - ',,- ••~.:~; ;'~~1: "~;'. ," " ...>. ,." .. :,"...: •.......' . ' .'. ',' ~lifJ!,~~':}'::~:" ri=!lR'a~~S! Ne~H:!lo~~~~~KEs SWA~~~:R rE-marked that out of over seventy­ BEST five thousands records he has .hearu, .his favorite is The Swaunee River and :. ;"" ·,j-Fh,,'- ".,~.:~ : ·m:::·,· ... '.' ,,". '. ' ' ',.Jl A Sun reporter visited Thomas Alva Iike heart songs. "~'~"" 111' , ,'!EI' '81 IEli i81 , =:!J Edisqn recently and asked for an in- Go to Gordon's Drug Store, 24th ~:"'e:,,,~:;:~'.~:f~·-:./~Hi ExptuIT:A'~I~N 1 POLICE OBJEC't TO SA~E 'OF tE'rvicw before his seventieth birth- ,OF' HA,YTI !lnd' Burdette Sts., for Brown Skin ~":'::~:::':.,';.

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