HANDBOOK OF BASIC STATISTICS OF MAHi»iSHTRA STATE 1989 DIRECTORATE OF ICONOMICS AND STATISTICS GOVERNMEN' OF MAHARASHTRA iOMBAY With compliments from The Director of Economics and Statistics Government of Maharashtra, Bombay 3 ( 1 ? - H ub .Mr-.-'--) J National Instivu e of Educa Planning a»d Amia««aaoo f-*-5"'rr3S;. ......................... 3?^ <\%6% f rr ?t5«t ^ ^ T R rt 5r«TR ^ v « m 3 T ^ i(T Trrf55%cft5! Ht 3 tt|. T T H m m h ?rrrm%fj srrfni ^ q ^ q rt^ ? ? ^cFyssr 3 T R ? t ^ «fift^^iT({T mWK ^T tn 3^%iTT ^5^ 3H|. ^T^RHSS T m ^ trt^*^ 5^JTrr«T«P ?Tf3(iiri^tIt g ;^ R ftw n ?T^mcT wr^rrrsft %«Rnfr arr^jy 3 n |. r r ^ c m ^ TirsTT^ airfvTsp 5nmt aiTT^^ f ? r ^ ^ %% 3it|? t. smRcT F if^ tozn^ swc^ncT ^rmyqicT 3TT^ 3TT|. a f f ^ 3TR>t ^7^15^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ! ^ ^ gSITT»R|t^ yiPWcTi 3tt| . ^ gfvcnrr ?w r ^ w ?t ^rwTirt M%sr ^nrft, ? t^ NrrarwiRt qt% ^ fer^ cirm^ armrflr 3tt| . iT|rmsET5ZTT m ^ r jh r r m ^ g r q ^ ar^ft a m n 3TT|. ^T. f e ^T^rsPT, 3T^ ^ #5fT55^, \ \ ^%6%, RC 4451—la PREFACE The HanDbook of Basic Statistics of Maharashtra State for the year 1989 is the twenty-nineth in the series. Its object is to present up-to-Date statistical Data on various socio-economic aspects of Maharashtra State in a concise foim. For the purpose of comparison of the economy of the State with that of InDia, corresponDing Data for InDia have also been shown in the first opening table. Data on treaDs in some selecteD inDicators are presenteD at the end in a saries of tables to throw light on the growth of economy. In attempting to give up-to-Date information, provisional jBgures have sometimes been presenteD, which may be reyised when final figures become available. The co-operation extended by various Departments of the State Government, Central Government anD autonomous organisations in bringing out this publication is gratefully acknowledged. The HanDbook, it is hopeD, will be useful as a reaDy reference to information on Maharashtra. V. D. Mahajan, Director of Economics and Statistics, Bombay. Bombay : DateD 15th December 1989. ?rf^^^/ERRATA <J55 ?RRn ?cTW, 3fto5, «IT^ Serial Page Table Column, Line, Item For ReaD Ko. No. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 IV I-Table No. 3.2 8.2 2 4 •• 6, cotton 37.0 37.9 3 7 •• 5,1-7.1 1,55,549 1,15,549 4 11 1.1 3,1-19 ----- 42.0 5 16 2.3 4, M 2 212 213 6 31 2.15 5,1-1987 7,09,590 7,09,594 7 49 3.7 2 ,1-Urea 9,13,600 9,13,000 8 77 7.4 5,1-19 1,888 888 9 89 12.2 3, heaDing 1989 1988 10 89 12.2 4, heaDing 1988 1989 11 118 17.1 3,1-2 216 1,216 12 118 17.1 3,1-4, L-6 654 1,654 13 118 17.1 3 ,1-Total 1,19,1704 1,19,704 14 153 23.4(a) 4, L-9,1-total staff 75,363 75,863 15 156 23.6 4.11(a) 1,74,000 1,78,000 16 157 23.7 4,1-1 2,735 735 17 212 29.9 m s in arte TfW .s 213 29.9 11,1-3 Gen. InDex 16 165 HANTOBOOK OF BASIC STATISTICS OF MAHARASHTRA STATE 1589 3TiJ9FRf^T^/CONTENTS wi [Vol. XXIX pI m jlR^nw Prrface Maharashtra State at a glanee— ( I ] mwq" iTT%ft ., .. / 1 General information. (ll) <TRDI^ ggRr . 2 Comparison with InDia. 1 IWWW Climate 1.1. wfaKW DVfMW, 10 Maximum a«D minimum temporatur*, TTWT% arrfw srrfw TTSW. rainy Days anD annual rainfiaU at selected centres. 2 8nf«1 Area and Population 2.1. ?r *rHt 12 Male, female anD households in each district. 2.2. ^ frnr^ . 14 Rural anD urban population in each District. 2.3. airf^ 16 Area anD Density of each district. 2.4. Siwr 17 Porcentage of literacy in each district. 2.5. q r ^ 18 DecaDal variation in population since ^'SDrr. 1901. 2.6. si^rhzTT wl+yjsMf-TTDTSjqiui ^FTnrO' 19 Urban population by size-class of towns. 2.7. 20 Classification of inhabiteD villagei anffVT^. accorDing to population. 2.8. ^ 21 Cities/Urban Agglomerations (UAs) with population of 1,00,000 or above. 2.9. ^ ^ 23 Classification of workers anD non- workers. 2.10. ^ ^ VWF5TT 5fT^% SJTTOPT S^PRT- 24 Classification of pearsons not at work by type of activity. 2.11. ;;tt^ srrf^ ^ 26 Population of scheDuleD castes aaD *rt^ 5fNrH5qT. scheduled tribes anD neo-buDDhist. 2.12. sfqwHt 28 DisableD population in Maharashtra ?WTT. State by type of disability. r Paoe 2.13. < ^t^RreJfT . 29 Population accorDing to age grroups. 2.14. gqfnmx 30 Population by religion. 2.15. ?oo'i 31 Annual estimates of populatiion up i 2001. 2.16. W<!Traf<5r 32 Migrants by sex anD reeason fc 5^. Migration 2.17. c[#sqT Tiiuifi=5qr 33 Migrants by sex anD place) of lai crfer resiDence. 2.18. sr^ ^>5i'JITD ^ ?zmh^ 37 HouseholDs anD householD pjopulatio ?T®TT. by languages mainly spofcem. 3. Agriculture 3.1. vrfFpfNT . 38 LanD utilisation. 12. fviT^WR 3rrP>r 39 Districtwise break-up o f cultuirable arfl anD cultivateD area. 3.3. 5T^ Pr^TOT^VJ ^ arrfw cin% 41 Area anD outturn of principal <«ops. ^g?mpT. 3.4. STfiT ^ ^ c2Tt% 42 Area anD outturn of principail crops i ^3?TT^. each District. 3.5. s r ^ ftRihmr Pr^iir^ . 46 InDex numbers of proDuction o»f principj crops. 3.6. snftvr g a r w 48 Progress imDer soil conservation an snnff. lanD reclamation. 3.7. TRTPtI ^ .. .. 49 Distribution of chemical fertiliisers. 3.8. ?raHt . 50 Agricultural implements. 3.9. .. ..51 Agricultural pumps energised. 3.10. TrfRr'551^ !JP?iT 52 Number, area anD average; size c ^ ^ yXRrCt operational h o lD ii^ in MaUiarashtn 3.11. ■JcrsFq- 35 §Tr^?qr 53 Number of Irrigation projects (complete in State sector. 3.12. frrfw SSTfRTT W 5Trq^ 54 Irrigation potential createD ainD actui irrigateD area. 3.13. WRr?rT% iTT^ 55 Government hyDro projects commij 5 1 ^ , ^ sioneD. 4. q?ra5f#fr Animal Husbandry 4.1. q^sPT . 56 Livestock population. 4.2. q^«FT . 58 Livestock population in each Distric^ q«i5 P age 4.3. ?f#a] 60 Miscellaneous statistics relating to animal husbanDry. 4.4. Collection anD Distribution of milk by dairies in Government anD Co­ operative sectors. •4.5 Milk proDucts anD milk chilling centres <ftW^RXiTV§. Fisheries 5 1 . WTSlt^ STPTTcT, 64 Quantity of fish brought for curing, ftr3T% snfJT TTI%. salt issued anD fish removed. 5.2. 65 Miscellaneous statistics relating to fisheries. 5.3 67 Varietywise marine fish proDuction. 5.4 r4'?^4r<£ (€nrft ^ 69 Disposition of fish catch (Marine anD InlanD). j» 6, ^ Forests 6.1. 70 Classification of forest area. 6.2. 71 ProDuction of major anD minor fores proDuct. 7. ^9^*1 snfif Industry and Mining 7.1. ^ VrWRTH ^nWrhsETT 72 Distribution of working factories accorD­ ing to working strength. 7.2. WHR9R ^ ^rnrmxrfr + w r "<I'55 tfr^r 73 Factories with average daily employment sjTRKy JTT% ^sfkNTT srg;^ classified accorDing to major groups o f industries. 7.3. 4)r«siM 3nk cifMtv? ^nprrrHt 75 Working factories anD averag# daily #®TT. employment in each district. 7.4. TT^RPS? ^3?TR^ 76 ProDuctive capital, output anD value ? cqT«fT 3ttPt aDDeD by manufacture in Maharashtra State. 7.5. =MS« nK**4|icnrt ^nnRftt 78 Average percentage of absffliteeism in the cotton textile inDustry. 7-6. aftsflPw . 79 InDustrial disputes. 7-7. q im ^ > r r ^ ?rT%it ^nrnr) 80 Working of cotton textile inDustry (mill sector). 7„8. 81 Mineral proDuction. 7-9. aih itfiiy 82 inDustrial proDuction. «J55 Page 8. Electricity 8.1. {ffJRTT, ^?TP!?T 3nf«r 83 InstalleD capacity, generation amD WFR. consumption of electricity. 3.2. yarsT iT T ^ w ^tef . 84Towns anD villages electrified. 9. #WT Joint Stock Campanies 9.1. ^<1 ^ '{W T>fl- 85 Number of joint stock companies as «»a ?TFrr. 31st March 1989. 10. Banks 10.1 . ^ ara^^qr fs^nwhh t 86 Number of places having banking offioMs f^r^rsrn: #FTT. anD number of banking offices in eacdi district. 11. ?T§5PU Co-operation 11. 1. ^ ?HRrr^r?t^ ?r«irr, 87 Societies, membership, working capitsal, ^wffg; fii^JTT T w anfn aDvances anD tumov«r. 'j»>T8W. 12. q f ? :^ gr lEsemsznr Transport and Communications 12.1. TSFczrNt 5$ift .» ..88 RoaD length. 12.2. ..89 RoaD length according to types of surface e 12.3. Operational statistics of Maharasbtira State RoaD Transport Corporation. <=IIT<'W 3TM'#^' JftSR STT^ i . 91 Motor vehicles in operation. Transport anD non transport vehicUes in Maharashtra State. 12.6 ®Tie|y|f4itt> 9i Professional anD non-professioaial driving licenses. 12.7. v5T^ . 94 Railway route length. 12.8. TT^TTnsj TTJirra^ ^Fnrf^ ^ 95 Number of post offices anD telt^raph ?TR ^■y?<fj5 qr'^ ?^qr. offices in Maharashtra State. 13. Shipping 13.1. »j9[f ^ r a 3T W ^ STfRKl ?iWT ^ 96 Number anD tonnage of vessels eaterced in Bombay Port. 13.2. ^ iJcfCHWi 3TTf^ ^ 97 Cargo hanDleD at the Docks anD bunDeirs ?TT?y. in Bombay Port. 13.3. ^T^RPS? TT5ZT* nW W^TTfT 98 Cargo (imports anD exports) hanDleD at (STFTTcf ^ ) TTT^.

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